SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS CONTAINED IN THE PRESENT CATALOGUE. INTRODUCTORY PREFACE, Pages iii-ix. THEOLOGY. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, Pages 1, 389, 457. Greek Old and New Testaments, Page 1. English Bibles, New Testaments, and Parts of the Scriptures, 1, 2, 389. Scripture Literature, Concordances, and Dictionaries, 2, 3. Histories of the Bible, 389. Scripture Commentators and Interpretors, 3, 4, 390. The Divinity and History, Antiquities and Literature, of the Jews, 4, 5, 390. Liturgies, Church-Government, Rites and Ceremonies, 5-7, 391. The Works and Lives of the Fathers, 7, 8, 391, 457. Works by Divines of the Reformed Churches, 9-11. Publications of The Wodrow Society, 10, 11, 391, 457. Systematic Divinity, 11, 391. Defences of Natural and Revealed Religion: Sacred-History, and PolemicalDivinity, 11-14, 391–393. Episcopal-Charges, Homilies, Sermons, and other Discourses, 14-17, 393. Miscellaneous Divinity, Prayers, Religious pieces, and Theological Periodical Publications, 17—20, 393, 394. Ecclesiastical History, 20-24, 394, 395, 457. The History and Writings of Religious Societies, 24, 25, 395. JURISPRUDENCE. International Treaties, Page 26, 458. Ancient and Foreign Law, and general works, 26. The Ecclesiastical-Law of England, 26. The Statute and Common-Law of England: including Trials, Municipal Law, and Medical-Jurisprudence, 27, 28, 396. Government, Politics, Political-Economy, and Population, 28-30. Money and Finance, Trade and Commerce, Railway-Transactions, Colonisation and the Slave-Trade, 30-33, 397, 398, 458. Commercial Lists and Registers, 33, 34. The Poor-Laws, and Condition of the Poor: Prison-Discipline, 34, 35. PHILOSOPHY. Histories and general Treatises of Philosophy: Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Pages 36-38, 398. Treatises and Reports on Education, Ethnology, Society and Manners, 38-40, 399, 458, 459. The Occult-Sciences, 40. TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. British Societies, Pages 41-50, 400—402. Foreign Societies, 51-53, 403, 404. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS. British Journals, Pages 54-56, 404. Foreign Journals, 56-58, 405. MATHEMATICS. General works relating to Mathematical-science, Pages 59-61, 405, 459. Arithmetic, 61, 405. Logarithms, 61, 406. Algebra, 62, 406. The Calculus, 62. Geometry. 63, 406. Trigonometry and Surveying, 64, 406. The Calculation of Probabilities-Life-Assurance, 64. ASTRONOMY. General works, Pages 65, 407, 459. Systems of the World, Celestial-Mechanics, and Treatises on the Heavenly-bodies, 65-67. Astronomical Observations, 67, 68, 407. Catalogues of Stars, 68, 69. Astronomical Almanacks and Tables, 69, 408. PHYSICS. Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Pages 70-72, 408, 460. Mechanics, 72-74, 460. Hydraulics, 74. Pneumatics, 409. Acoustics, 74, 460. Aërostation, 74. Electricity, Galvanism, and Magnetism, 74-77, 409, 460. Optics, 77, 78, 409, 460. Light and Heat, 78, 409, 461. Meteorology, 78-80, 409, 410, 461. CHEMISTRY, Pages 81-86, 410, 411, 461. Publications of The Cavendish Society, 81, 410. Treatises on Mineral Waters, 86. NATURAL-HISTORY. Natural-history in general, Pages 87-89, 412. Publications of The Ray Society, 88, 412, 462. Geology: The Natural-history of the Earth: Systems and Manuals of Geology; including Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Rocks and Mountains, and Local Geology, 89-93, 412, 413. Organic-Remains, 93, 94, 413, 462. Fishes, Reptiles, and Amphibia, 109, 416, 462. Insects and Annulosa in general, 110, 111, 416. |