Anatomy, including Comparative-Anatomy and Comparative-Physiology, 123, 124, 418. Surgery, 124, 125. Veterinary-Surgery, 125, 126, 418. Diseases, 126-130, 418. The Materia-Medica and Pharmacy, 130, 131, 419. MUSIC, Pages 132, 133, 419. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSICAL-ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, 132. THE FINE-ARTS. Drawing, Painting, and the History of the Fine-Arts, Pages 134-141, 420. Publications of The Art-Union of London, 134, 135, 420. Engraving, 141. Sale-Catalogues of Pictures, Drawings, and Engravings, 141-143, 421. Sculpture, 144. Biography of the Fine-Arts, 144. ARCHITECTURE. General Works on Architecture, Pages 145-147, 422. MILITARY SCIENCE, HISTORY, AND BIOGRAPHY, NAVAL SCIENCE, HISTORY, AND BIOGRAPHY, THE MECHANICAL-ARTS AND MANUFACTURES, ENCYCLOPÆDIAS AND DICTIONARIES OF GENERAL SUBJECTS, Pages 161, 162. RECREATIVE-ARTS, 162, 163. GEOGRAPHY. Geography, Mathematical and Physical, Pages 164, 165, 424, 463. Voyages round the World and general Travels, Pages 169, 170. Voyages to Polynesia, Australia, New-Zealand, and the South-Seas, 170, 171, 425. Voyages to the Arctic-regions, and for the Discovery of a North-West Passage, 171, 172, 425. Travels in EUROPE, Pages 173-175. Northern Europe. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark: Russia and Hun gary: Prussia, Austria, and Germany, 173, 174. Great Britain, 174. Central and Southern Europe. Belgium and France: Spain: Italy and Switzerland: Greece, 174, 175. Voyages and Travels in ASIA, Pages, 175-179, 426. The Coasts and Islands of the Mediterranean-Sea: the Levant and Arabia, 177. Armenia, Circassia, Persia, and Tartary: Cabul, Afghanistan, and the The Eastern Seas and Islands, 178, 179. HISTORY. CHRONOLOGY: Historical Calendars and Almanacks, Pages 184, 185, 428. UNIVERSAL AND ANCIENT HISTORY AND MYTHOLOGY, 185, 186, 428. The History and Antiquities of GREECE, 187. The History and Antiquities of ROME, 188, 189, 464. MODERN HISTORY: The General History of Modern EUROPE, 190, 191, 429. THE HISTORY OF BRITAIN, Pages 192-259. GENERAL COLLECTIONS ILLUSTRATIVE OF BRITISH HISTORY, Pages 192-194. Bohn's Antiquarian Library, 192. Publications of The English Historical Society, 192, 193. Translations of The Monkish Historians of Great Britain, 194. HISTORIES OF PARTICULAR PERIODS AND SOVEREIGNS, 195-201, 430, 464. The British Period, 195. The Anglo-Saxon Period, 195, 196. The Anglo-Norman Period, 196, 197. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth centuries, 198. The Sixteenth century, 199. The Seventeenth century, 199, 200. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries, 200, 201. DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF BRITAIN, 202-205. Reports on the Public Records, 202. Original Letters: with Ministerial and Diplomatic Memoirs and Cor respondence, 203-205, 429, 430. Political, Parliamentary, and Legal History of England, 205-210, 431. Tracts on Parliamentary Reform, 207–209. Ecclesiastical History of England, 211–213. TOPOGRAPHY: HISTORICAL DESCRIPTIONS, AND ANTIQUITIES, OF ENGLAND, 214-251, 432-436, 464. General Topography and Antiquities of Great Britain, 214-220. The Camden Society Publications, 215-217, 432. The Camden Society of Cambridge, 217. The Surtees Society of Durham, 220. REPRINTED COLLECTIONS OF TRACTS: Historical, Biographical, Antiquarian, and Miscellaneous, 221-225. Richardson's Tracts, 221-224. Smeeton's Tracts, 224, 225. Topography of the Counties of Great Britain: Alphabetically arranged, 226-251, 432-436. The Cambridge Antiquarian Society Publications, 227. Documents printed for The Corporation of London, 234-242, 434, 435. The History and Antiquities of SCOTLAND, 252-259, 436. The History and Antiquities of IRELAND, 256-259, 437. HERALDRY AND GENEALOGICAL HISTORY: MODERN HISTORY, Pages 264-297, 438-443. THE HISTORY OF EUROPE, 264-266, 438, 439. Northern Europe: Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, 264. Prussia, Hungary, Austria, and Germany, 265, 266. Central and Southern Europe: Holland and the Netherlands, 267. graphy, 268-271, 438. The History of SWITZERLAND, 271. The History of SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, 272. The History of ITALY AND SICILY, 273-275, 439. THE OTTOMAN-EMPIRE, 276, 277, 439. The History and Antiquities of ASIA, 278-285, 439, 440, 465. General History of Asia, 278, 279. Publications of the Oriental Translation Fund, 278, 279. Arabia, and Persia: Bokhara, Cabul, and Afghanistan, 280. The Eastern-Seas and Islands, 285. The History and Antiquities of AFRICA, 286-289, 440. The History and Antiquities of AMERICA, 290-294,.442. North America: British America, 290-293. South America, Spanish America, and the West-India Islands, 293, 294. Polynesia: The Australian Colonies; and Van-Diemen's Island, 295-297, 443. ANTIQUITIES, Pages 298-301, 465. COINS AND MEDALS, Pages 301-303, 443. Catalogues of Sales of Antiquities, Coins and Medals, Curiosities, and Specimens of Natural-history, 303, 304, 443. BIOGRAPHY. General Biography and Collections of Lives, Pages 305, 444, 465. Royal, Noble, and Ecclesiastical Biography, 305, 306. Legal and Political Biography, 306. Biography of Literature, Science, and the Fine-Arts, 306, 307. Naval Biography, 307. BIOGRAPHY OF PARTICULAR PERSONS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGed, 308 317, 444, 445, 465. BIBLIOGRAPHY. General Treatises on Books and Libraries, with Bibliographical and descriptive Catalogues of Works on particular Subjects, Pages 318-320, 445. |