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not be described.


in'de-pendent (in' dê-pěn dĕnt), free; self-reliant.

in dis-creet (in' dis-krēt), foolish. in'dis-pen' sa-ble (in 'dis-pěn så-b'l),

absolutely necessary. in-duced' (in-dust'), caused, lead into. in-dul 'gence (în-dul'jĕns), a favor granted. in-ev'i-ta-ble (în-ěv'ĭ-tå-b'l), certain, unavoidable.

in'ex-haust/ i-ble (in'ĕg-zos' ti-b'l), cannot be emptied; unfailing. in'fi-del (in'fi-děl), an unbeliever. in 'fi-nite (in 'fi-nit), immeasurable, perfect.

in-fraction (în-frǎk'shun), a breaking, especially of the law.

in-fuse' (in-fūz'), pour into, shed. in-gre'di-ent (în-grē di-ĕnt), a part of a mixture.


in-hale' (in-hal'), draw into the lungs. in-her'ent (in-her'ĕnt), inborn, natural. in 'no-vation (in'ô-va shun),, thing new or contrary to custom. in-nu'mer-a-ble (i-nu'mer-a-b'l), cannot be numbered.


in-scru'ta-ble (in-skroo'tȧ-b'l), able to be understood. in-sid'i-ous (în-sid'ĭ-us), sly, deceitful.

in'so-lence (în'sô-lĕns), impudence. in-spire' (in-spir'), to fill with hope. in'stance (in 'stans). See note, p. 101. in-still (in-stil'), bring to mind, p. 77.

in' su-lated (in sû-lāt'ěd), separated. in-su' per-a-ble (in-super-ȧ-b'l), cannot be overcome.


b'l), impassable.

(in'sŭr-mounꞌ tå

in-tact' (in-tăkt'), untouched; whole. in-teg'ri-ty (in-těg'ri-ti), honesty. in-tel'li-gence (in-těl'i-jěns), news, p. 135.

in'ter-course (in 'ter-kōrs), interchange of thought and feeling; trade. in-ter'mi-na-bly (in-tûr'mi-na-bli), endlessly.

in-ter'nal (in-tûr'năl), inland; inside. in'ter-pose (in-ter-poz), place be


in-ter' pret (in-tûr'prět), tell the meaning of.

in 'ter-rog' a-to-ry (în'tẽ-rŏg ȧ-tô-ri), a question.

in 'ter-val (in'tĕr-văl), a space of time between any two events.

in 'ter-view (în'tēr-vū), a meeting face to face.

in-tol'er-able (in-tŏl'er-å-b'l), not capable of being endured.

in tri-cate (în'tri-kât), entangled. in-trigue' (in-trēg'), a plot or conspiracy.

in-trud'er (in-trood'er), one who enters without invitation.

in 'un-date (în'un-dāt), cover with a flood.

in-ured' (in-urd'), accustomed. in-vade' (in-vād'), enter for conquest or plunder. in-va'ri-a-bly


(in-vā'ri-å-bli), con

in'ven-to-ry (in'ven-to-ri), catalogue or list of goods, furniture, etc., with cost attached.

\in-vig'or-ate (in-vig'ŏr-āt), refresh, give life to.

in-vin'ci-ble (in-vin' si-b'l), not able to be overcome or conquered. in-vi'o-late (în-vï'ô-lât), uninjured. in-vol' un-tar-i-ly (in-võl'un-tâ-ri-li), not under control of the will; unwillingly. i-ras'ci-ble (i-răs'i-b'l; ĭ-răs'), easily angered.

ire (ir), anger.

i'rised (i'rist), having beautiful colors, like the rainbow. irk'some (ûrk'sŭm), tedious, tiresome. ir-ra'tion-al (i-răsh' un-ǎl), without


Ish'ma-el (ish'mâ-ěl), Genesis 21.1421.

"Islands of the Blest," mythical islands supposed to be in the Western Ocean where the favorites of the gods were conveyed at death and dwelt in everlasting joy.

Is'ling-ton (iz'ling-tun), a district in the north of London.

Is'ra-el (iz'râ-ěl), the descendants of Israel, or Jacob.

"I wis" (I-wis'), surely, certainly.

jack' a-napes', a short form of "Jack of Apes,' an impertinent_fellow. Jacob's Ladder (jā'kŭb), Genesis 28, 12.

jaded (jad'ěd), tired by overwork. jargon (jär'gon), a confused, unintelligible language.

jer kin (jûr'kin), a jacket or short coat.

Je-ru'sa-lem (jê-roo'sȧ-lěm), the capital of the Jewish people. Jes'u-it (jěz'u-it), one of a Roman Catholic religious order called "The Society of Jesus," founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1543.

Jo'ab (jo'ǎb), the "captain of the host" of the army during nearly the whole of David's reign.

joc'und (jok'und), merry, gay. Johns Hopkins University, a university in Baltimore, Maryland. Jor'ís (jôr'is), the Flemish word for George.

jour'nal-is tic (jûr'nǎl-istik), referring to journalism, newspaper, magazine articles.


Jove (jov), the short form for Jupiter. jo'vi-al (jó vi-ǎl), merry, jolly. Ju-gur'tha (joo-gûr'tha). See p. 334. jun'to (jun to), a secret council to talk over affairs of government. Ju'pi-ter (joo'pi-ter), in Roman mythology, the supreme god of heaven. In Greek mythology, known as Zeus. jus'ti-fi-ca' tion (jus ti-fi-kā shŭn), defense; support by proof.

Kaats' kill (kǎts'kil), a

group of mountains of the Appalachian system in New York state.

Ka'le-va la (kä'lā-vä lä). "The land of heroes," the title of the national epic of Finland.

keel (kel), the lowest timber of a vessel, to which the ribs are attached. keel'son (kel'sun), a beam laid on the middle of the floor timbers over the keel to strengthen it.

kelp (kelp), a large, coarse seaweed. ken (ken), knowledge.

khan (kän; kăn), an Asiatic prince; an Eastern inn. Kield'holm (kēld'hōm), kine (kin), cattle.



King Arthur, a mythical British_king, founder of the Knights of the Round Table, made famous in Tennyson's "Idylls of the King."


kins' man (kinz'măn), a relative. kir'tle (kûr't'l), a garment. "kith and kin," friends and relatives. knarred (närd), the poetic form of gnarled, knotted. Knicker-bock' er

Die' trich (nik, ĕrbok'er de'trik), p. 113. knoll (nōl), a little, round hill.

Koor' dis-tan (koor'di-stän), a_region of western Asia, mostly in Turkey, but partly in Persia.

Kur ro-glou (koor'ō-glou), p. 19.

Ky'rat (ke'rät), p. 19.

lack/lus' tre (lăk/ lüs’tẽr),



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La'tin (lăt'in) Latium, a country of Italy in which Rome was situated, hence Roman, the language of the ancient Romans.

lat'ticed window (lǎt'ist), crossed open work of wood or metal, forming a window.

lau're-ate (lô'rê-ât), the English court poet.

lau’rel (lô′rěl), an evergreen shrub having sweet-smelling leaves.


Lau'rens (lô'rens), the name of an old southern family. John Henry Laurens are famous statesmen of Revolutionary times. lav'ing (lav'ing), bathing. lav'ish (lăv'ish), extravagant. lay (la), song.

lea (lē), a grassy field.

league (leg), a measure of distance equal to about three miles. lea'guer (lē'ger), a camp.

Leb'a-non (lĕb'ȧ-non), a mountain range in Syria.

"Le Car'il-lon de Dunkerque" (lě kǎr'i-lon-dě-dŭn'kûrk), a popular song, the tune of which was played on the Dunkirk chimes.

ledg'er (lěj'er), the principal account book of a business firm.

lee (le), the calm, sheltered side. leg'a-cy (leg'a-si), a gift, by will, of money or property.

leg'end (lěj'ĕnd), a wonderful story of the past having no historical proof. leg'i-bly (lěj'ĭ-bli), plainly Len'tu-lus (lĕn'tû-lus), a Roman politician who lived in the first century, B. C.

lep'er (lěp'er), one afflicted with lep

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lev'ee (lěv'ê), a morning reception held by a person of rank. le-vi’a-than (lê-vi’ả-thăn), a large wa

ter animal described in the Book of Job, hence anything huge. lev'y (lěv'i), collect troops by authority.

lib'er-al (lib'er-ăl), wide, spacious. li-cen'tious (li-sen'shus), unrestrained, both morally and legally. lieu-tenant (lu-těn'ănt), an officer ranking just below a captain in the army and a commander in the navy. Lili-nau' (lili-nō'), p. 240.

lim'ner (lim'ner), a painter who illumines books or parchments. linchpin' (linch, pin'), the pin which goes through the end of the axle of a wheel and keeps it in place. lin'e-age (lin'ê-âj), family. lin en-drap'er (lin en-dră'per), who deals in linen.


list (list), will. pl. n. an enclosing for

a tournament.

list'less-ly (list'lěs-li), in an indifferent manner.

lit'er-a-ture (lĭt'ẽr-à-tûr), the written or printed literary productions of a country or period of time.

lithe (lith), easily bent, pliable. liv'er-y (liv'er-i), a uniform. loath (loth), unwilling.

lo'cal (lokal), belonging to a particular place.

Lo-chiel' (lök-el'). See note p. 78. Lo-dore' (lo-dōr'), a cataract in the Derwent river in England.

Lo-fo' den (lô-fō'děn), a group of islands off the coast of northern Norway.

log'i-cal (loj'ĭ-kǎl), according to rea


Lo'ker-en (lô’kĕr-ěn), a town in Belgium.

loon (loon), a northern web-footed water bird whose note sounds like a laugh.

loop'ing (loop'ing), fold. loose (100s), unbind.

Looz (looz), a town in Belgium. lore (lor), knowledge.

Loup-ga'roo (looga' roo), meaning a "Were-wolf," a person who, according to the superstition of the Middle Ages, became a wolf in order to devour children. Lu'ci-fer (lu'si-fer). See note p. 106. lu'mi-nous (lū'mi-nus), giving out


lure (lür), anything used as an enticement; entice.

lust'y (lus'ti), healthy, vigorous. lux-u ri-ant (luks-u'ri-ănt), very abundant.

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great of mind; heroic.

mag pie (măg'pi), a chattering bird belonging to the crow family. main (man), ocean, p. 48. Mai'note (mi'not), Maina was


gathering place for the Greek troops who, under the Greek general, Ypsilantí, fought for Greek independence. main top' (mān'top'), a platform at the head of the main-mast of a square-rigged vessel.

mal'ice (mal'is), wicked intention to injure others.

mal'le-a-ble (măl'ê-à-b'l), capable of being shaped by beating or by pressure.

mal'low (măl'ō), a weed.

Ma'lo (mä'lo), see p. 43. Mal'o-uins (mäl'o-wins), see p. 43. Mal'ta (môl'tå), a rocky fortified island belonging to Great Britain, and situated in the Mediterranean Sea south of Sicily.

man'a-cles (măn'ȧ-k'lz), chains for the hand or wrist.

man’date (măn’dắt), command. man'i-fest (măn'i-fěst), known. man'i-fes-ta/ tion (măn’i-fěs-tā shun), sign.

man i-fold (măn'ĭ-föld), many in number. ma-nœuvre

(ma-noo'ver), a skillful movement with a certain aim or plan.

man or (mặn’ẽr), a district over which a feudal lord ruled subject to the commands of his court-baron or lord. "mantling blush," color or glow of youth spreading over the face. man'u-al (măn'ů-ăl), made or performed by the hand.

Mar'a-thon (măr'à-thon), a plain in

Greece 18 miles northeast of Athens, the scene of a famous battle between the Greeks and the Persians. ma-raud'ers (ma-rôd'erz), rovers in search of plunder.

Mare Ten'e-bra' rum (mâr tĕn'ê-brä. rum), Latin words meaning "sea of darkness."

marge (märj), poetic form for margin or edge.

Mar'i-on (măr'ĭ-on), the name of an

old southern family, to which Francis Marion, a Revolutionary general, belonged.

Mar'mi-on (mär'mi-on). See p. 95. mar'quis (mär'kwis), a nobleman of England, France, and Germany next in rank below a duke. mar'shal (mär'shǎl), direct or lead; in the French army, the highest military officer.

mart (märt), short form for market. mar'tial (mär'shǎl), suited for war. marveled (mär'věld), to be astonished.

ma-ter'nal (må-tûr'năl), motherly.

math'e-mat/ i-cal (măth’ê-mặt i-kăl), precise.

mat'in (mătʼin), morning worship, prayers or songs.

Mat'ter-horn (mắt’ẽr-hôrn), a high mountain peak in the Swiss Alps. max'im (măk'sĭm), a true saying, proverb.

McGreg'or (măk-grěg'er), a Scotch nobleman who tried to establish a colony in Porto Rico.

mea ger (me'ger), scanty, poor. Mecheln (měk'lin), a town in Belgium.

Med'ford (měd'fĕrd), a small town near Boston, Massachusetts. me-di-æ val (mē'di-e văl; měd'ĭ), belonging to the Middle Ages, eighth to fifteenth centuries, A. Ď. med'i-tate (měd'i-tāt), muse


or pon

me' di-um (mē'di-ům), substance. meet (mēt), fit.

mel'an-cho-ly (měl'ăn-kõl-i), gloomy. Mel'i-ta (měl'i-tä), an island, where

the apostle Paul, a prisoner on the way to Rome, was shipwrecked, modern Malta.

mel'low (měl'o), softened by years; tender. me-men' to

(mê-měn'tō), a hint


relic to awaken memory. Mem'phre-ma' gog (měm frê-mā, gog), a lake on the border of Vermont and Canada.

men'ace (men'âs), threaten, danger. men'di-cant (men'di-kănt), practicing beggary.

Mer'sey (mûr'zi), a river in England, on which Liverpool is situated. met' a-morphose (mět'ȧ-môr, föz), change into a different form. mete (mēt), measure; limit. me-thinks (mê-thinks'), it seems to


mewl'ing (mül'ing). See p. 101. mick'le (mik''), much, great. Mi'das (mi'das), a king, in fable, whose touch turned things to gold. mien (men), outward appearance or look.

mi-li'tia (mi-lish'ȧ), the whole mili

tary force of a nation; citizens enrolled and trained for the protection of a state.

Mil'ler, Joa-quin' (mil'er wä-ken'), p. 388. Mil-ti'a-des

(mil-ti'ȧ-dez), commander of the Athenian army who conquered the Persians at Marathon. mi-mo'sa (mi-mo'sȧ), plants with pods including the sensitive plants. Mi'nas, Basin of (mi-nas), a bay in the northwestern part of the Bay of Fundy.

min'i-a-ture (min'ĭ-å-tûr), done on very small scale.


min'ion (min yun), a flattering servant or dependent.

mi-rac'u-lous (mi-răk'û-lus), wonderful. mi-rage' (mê-räzh'), an illusion of the eye by which objects like ships at sea are seen inverted or oases appear to travelers in the desert. mis-cal'cu-la' tion (mis-kǎl'ku-lā

shun), a wrong judgment. mis sal (mis'al), a mass-book. mit'i-gate (mit'i-gāt), make less severe or painful.

mit'i-ga' tion (mit'ĭ-ga shun), relief; lessening.

moc'ca-sin (mŏk'å-sin), a shoe made of soft leather worn by the American Indian.

mock'er-y (mŏk'ĕr-i), imitating reality, but not real; sham.

mode (mod), manner of doing or being; custom.

Mohawk (mōʼhôk), a tribe of Indians.

mold'er (mōl'der), turn into dust by natural decay.

mo'ment (mō'měnt), importance; consequence, p. 350.


(mon'ô-di), a


poem or song for one voice. mon'o-graph (mon'ô-graf), a


written on one particular subject or on some branch of it.

mo-nop’o-ly (mo-nop′ô-li), possession of the whole of anything.

mon'o-tone (mon'ô-tōn), a single unvaried tone or sound.

mo-not'o-ny (mô-nõt'ô-ni), a tiresome

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where a vessel is anchored. moor'land (moor'lănd), a waste land covered with patches of heather, a low shrub. mor'al-er (mor'ǎl-er). See p. 108. Mo-ra’vi-an (mô-ra’vi-ăn), one of a sect called United Brethren, organized in Moravia in the fifteenth century.

Mos'koe (mos'kō), p. 174. Probably Poe had in mind the Mos' kenaso island.

Mos lem (moz'lěm; mos). See p. 84. mo'tive (mō'tiv), the reason for actions.

motley-braid'ed (mot' li-brād'ěd), interlaced with many colors. moul'der-ing (mol'der-ing), crumbling. mul'ti-tu di-nous (multi-tu di-nus),

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mus'ter (mus'ter), the gathering of troops or ships for war. mu-ta'tion (mú-tā'shŭn), change. mu'ti-ny (mūʼti-ni), a revolt against one's superior officers or any rightful authority, especially applied to sailors or soldiers.

mu'tu-al (mū'tû-ǎl), having something in common.

Mys'tic (mis'tik), a river in Massachusetts.

na'iad (na'yǎd; ni'ǎd), a water nymph, fabled to preside over some lake, river, brook, or fountain. nec’ro-man’cer (něk/rồ-măn’sẽr), one who foretells future events by pretending to communicate with the dead.

nec'tar (něk'tår), in Greek mythology, the divine wine of the gods served in golden drinking-cups by Hebe, the goddess of Youth. ne-pen’the (ne-pěn’thế), a drug sup

posed, by the ancient Greeks, to have the power of causing forgetfulness of sorrow.

Neth'er-by (neth'er-bi), the name of a Scotch family or clan. niche (nich), hollow, generally with

in the thickness of a wall, for a statue or other erect ornament.

night-tide, night-time.

Nil'us (nil'us), the Latin word for Nile.

"Nine," referring to the nine Muses of Greek mythology, goddesses of Song, Dance, Music, and Poetry, companions of Apollo, who, in their light-flowing draperies, danced and sang on Olympus.

nine-pins (nin'pinz), a game played with ninepins or pieces of wood set on end at which a wooden ball is bowled to knock them down. Nin'e-veh (nin'ê-vě), the famous capital of the Assyrian empire, which was entirely destroyed in the fall of the empire.

Nor'man-dy (nôr'măn-di), an ancient province of France occupied by the Northmen or Normans during their invasion.

Norn-Mother (nôrn), in Norse mythology, the Norns corresponded to the Fates in Greek myths.

no'ta-ry (no'tȧ-ri), a public officer who examines legal papers to make certain that they are genuine or true and sets the seal of his office upon the same.

Nu bi-an ge-og'ra-pher (nū'bi-ăn jêog'rȧ-fer), Poe, in all probability, refers to the African geographer, Ptolemy. 150 A. D.

nul'li-fi-cation (nŭl'i-fi-kā shun), an act giving the State the right to cancel a law of Congress. Nu-mid’ian li’on (nu-mid’i-ăn), the fierce animals which attacked the gladiators in the arena were brought from Numidia, a country in northern Africa. (nür'tûrd), nourished,

nur' tured trained. nymph (nimf), a goddess presiding over mountains, forests, meadows, or waters.

o-bei'sance (ô-bā'săns; ô-bē'), a sign of respect; a bow.

ob'li-ga-to-ry (ob'li-gå-to-ri; ob-lig'å-to-ri), required, binding in law or conscience.

ob-lique'ly (ŏb-lēkʼlĭ), in a slanting


ob-liv'i-on (ŏb-liv'ĭ-ŭn), a forgetting or being forgotten.

ob’lo-quy (ob′lô-kwi), slander, reproach.

ob-se' qui-ous (ŏb-se 'kwi-us), promptly obedient to the will of others; cringing.

ob'sta-cle (ob'stå-k'l), a hindrance. oc-cult' (ŏ-kult'), secret.

ode (ōd), a short poem, which might be sung.

o'dor-ous (ō'der-us), fragrant. of-fence' less (o-fens'les), harmless. off'ing (of'ing), that part of the sea where there is deep water and no need of a pilot.,

O-lym'pus (ỗ-lim'pus), a mountain in Thessaly, fabled as the home of the gods.

om'i-nous (om'i-nus), foreboding evil. om-nip'o-tent (ŏm-nip'ô-těnt), all powerful.

Op'e-lousas (op'ê-loo' sås), an early settlement in south central Louisiana.

op-po'nent (ŏ-pō'něnt), foe.

op-posed' (ŏ-pozd'), enemy, p. 101. op-pres'sive (o-pres' iv), heavy, burdensome.

o-rac'u-lar (ô-rǎk'ü-lår), like oracles or answers of the gods to questions about future events.

orb (ôrb), a poetical word for sun, moon, or star.

Or'e-gon (or'ê-gon), a name by which the Columbia river was first known.

Or'mus (ôr'mus), an ancient Persian city, noted for its wealth. O-thel'lo (ô-thěl'o), a Moorish general in the service of the Venetians. Ot'ter-holm (ŏt'er-hōm), p. 174. o'ver-ture (ō'ver-tûr), an offer p. 325. O-wy' hee (ô-wi'hê), a river in northern Nevada.

pae'an (pē ́ăn), a song of triumph. pag'cant (paj'ĕnt; pā ́jĕnt), spectacular exhibition or display.

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