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Voyage en Persé, faite dans les Années 1807, 8, 9. en traversant la Natolie et la Mésopotamie, 8vo. 2 tomes, 17. 18. Richard, Nouveaux Elemens de Botanique, appliquée à la Médécine, 8vo. fig. 12s. Lassis, Recherches sur les véritables causes des maladies épidémiques Appelées Typhus; ou de la non-contagion des maladies typhoïdes, 8vo. 10s. Mémoires et Prix de l' Académie Royal de Chirurgie. "Nouvelle édition, avec notes: Première Livraison, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 45. ? Van Mons, Principes Elémentaires de Chimie Philosophique, avec des Applications générales de la doctrine des proportions déterminées, 12mo. 7s. 1 Accum's (Mr.) treatise on coal-gas, notice of, 317. Ægina Marbles, remarks on, 229-238. Africa, observations on the geography of, 329-340. Alcohol, on the formation of, in fruits, 385. Alkali, quantity of, yielded by potatoes, 183-account of a new vegetable one, called strychnine, 375, 379. Alloys of platinum, 387. America, notice of a scientific excursion in, 198. Antiquities, Greek, found in the Crimea, notice of, 195-at Arles, Asbestos, used in micrometers, 369. Atmosphere, resistance of, to falling bodies, 369. B. Bagnold's (Capt.) pocket blow-pipe, notice of, 186. Batavia, why peculiarly unhealthy to Europeans, 1, 2, 276- snow, 222-229. Bean of St. Ignatius, analysis of, 379. Bhote, productions of, 65-description of the Bhôtiya villages, 66 Bleeding, successfully employed in a singular case of cough, 43-48. Blow-pipe (pocket) notice of, 186. Bodies, on the specific heat of, 379-383. Bourgeois (Sir Francis) anecdote of, 262, 263. Brande (E. Esq.) on a singular case of cough cured by extensive Brande (W. T. Esq.) introductory discourse of, delivered at the Breguet (M.M.) notice of the new time-keeper of, 369. Brewster, (Dr.) observations of, on the physical and optical pro- perties of Tabasheer, 363-365, notes. Bridge (ancient) over the Rhine, notice of, 196. British Museum, proposal for removing to Somerset-House, 111- 124-observations on it, 259-266. Budding, or inoculation of trees, remarks on, 168. C. Calculi (animal) analyses of, 193. Carbonates of ammonia and soda, experiments on, 294-299-of strychnine, 377, 378. Carbonic acid gas, action of, on fruits, 385. Caseic acid and caseous oxide, experiments on, and properties of, Chinese settlers and merchants of Batavia, character of, 19, 20- Cinchona, substitute for, 193, 194. Cobalt, new process for separating, from nickel, 181. Cockerell (C. R. Esq.) observations of, on the Ægina Marbles, 229- 238. Colburn (Zerah) notice of, 198. Cold, on the artificial production of, 177-observations thereon 383. Collectors of libraries and museums, remarks on, 259-266. 38-43. Contagion, observations on the opinions of the ancients on, 124-133. Copper ore from Cornwall described, 95-100-analysis of it, 100- Cough, singular case of, cured by extensive bleeding, 43-48. |