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Crimea, notice of Greek antiquities in, 195.

Cruelty of the Chinese, 340-343.

Cucumber, immense, notice of, 399.

Cutlery, analysis of the stone used in setting, 399, 400.

Cyanogen and its compounds, observations on, 179, 180.


Davy (Sir Humphry) report of, on the state of the manuscripts
of papyrus, found at Herculaneum, 154-161.

Dreaming, remarks on, 255-257.


Earth, observations on the figure of, as deduced from the measure-
ments of arcs of the meridian, 299-312.

Earthquakes, notices of, 191, 396, 397.
Egypt, ancient town, discovered in, 196.

Eskimaux inhabiting the west coast of Greenland, account of, 72-
their first interviews with the English, 73-78-description and
representation of an Eskimaux knife, 79, 80-appearance and
dress of the Eskimaux, 81-description and representation of
their sledges, 82-canoes not known to them, 83, 84-their
habitations and amusements, 85-superstitions, 86-ignorance,
87, 88-similarity of the Eskimaux language with that of South
Greenland, 89, 90-vocabulary of Eskimaux and English words,
90, 91-identity between the Eskimaux and Greenlanders, 92.


Faraday, (M.) experimental observations of, on the passage of
gases through tubes, 106-110-on the analysis of wootz or
Indian steel, 288-290-and on the new metal, Sirium or Ves-
tium, 291-293.

Farrar (Professor), description of a violent and destructive storm
in New England, in September, 1815, 102-106.
Fasti Consulares, new fragment of, discovered, 195, 196.
Fever of Batavia, symptoms and treatment of, 2, 3.

Fig-trees, hints on the management of 169, 170.

Fisher (George, Esq.) observations of, on the figure of the earth,
as deduced from the measurements of arcs of the meridian,

and on pendulums, 299-312.

Fitz-William (the late Lord), anecdote of, 262.

Flour, directions for ascertaining the purity of, 370.

Fossil-Wood, notice of, 194.

Fruits, action of carbonic acid gas on, 385.


Gallic acid, experiments on, 178.
Garnet, analysis of the, 401.

Gas Illumination, facts relating to, 312-obtained from oil, 313,
314--advantages of oil-gas over that obtained from coal, 315,
316-notices of Mr. Accum's treatise on coal-gas, 317-and
of Mr. Peckston's treatise, 318.

Gases, experimental observations on the passage of, through
tubes, 106-110-on the specific gravity of, 187.

Gay Lussac and Welter (M.M.) on a new acid of sulphur and
oxygen, 371-375.

Gauge, pyrometrical, account of, 384.

Gems (vegetable) of Batavia, notice of, 285, 286.

Geography of Africa, Remarks on, 329-340.

Gillan's (Dr.) account of Batavia, its inhabitants, commerce, &c.

1-20, 273-288.

Glowing-Lamp, silver wire for, 183.

Gold (native) notice of, 399.

Gough (Mr.) anecdote of, 261.

Grass-Rope, notice of, from New Zealand, 170.

Gum, obtained from starch, 181.

Gunpowder, inflamed without a spark, 183.


Hall (Dr. Marshall) memoir of, on the combined agencies of
water and oxygen gas, in the oxidation of iron, 55-63-on
M. Gay Lussac's mode of producing cold, 383.

Herculaneum manuscripts, report on the present state of, 154-161.
Hieroglyphics, discovered in Sweden, notice of, 403.

Himálaya mountains, observations on the limit of constant conge-
lation in, 38-43.

Horticultural Society, sketch of the history of, 366-its regula-
tions, ib. 367-objects, 367, 368.

Hospitals at Batavia, notice of, 4.

Hunter (Dr. William) noble design of, how frustrated, 266.

Hygrometer, new, notice of, 395, 396.


Ignatius's (St.) Bean, analysis of, 379.

Incubus, remarks on, 257.

India, tiger and lion hunt in, described, 266-272.

Indian Steel, analysis of, 288-290.


Insects, remedy for preventing the ravages of, on plants, 176.
Institutions, (literary and scientific) vindication of, 219-221. In-
troductory discourse of Mr. Brande at the London Institution,


Iron, memoir on the oxidation of, by the combined agencies of
oxygen gas, and of water, 55-63-uses of the refuse oxide of,

182-decomposition of water by iron, ib.

Jackson, (J. G. Esq.) cursory observations of, on the geography of
Africa, and on the errors of European travellers, caused by

their ignorance of Arabic, 329-340.


2 E



Javanese, peculiar antiseptic powder used by, notice of, 274-276.
Javanese inhabitants of Batavia, manners and character of
12, 18.


Knife of the Eskimaux, described, 79.


Landriani (M.) on new and delicate thermometers, 183-185-
principle of his self-registering thermometers, 185, 186.

Letters, benefit of the revival of, 213.

Light, on the expansion of, by the evolution of oxygen, 384-

magnetism by, 398.

Lighthouse, new, notice of, 170.

Lime, notice of experiments on the oxymuriate of, 182-on the
separation of it from magnesia, 392.

Lion and Tiger hunt in Hindostan, described, 269-272.
Lithia, test for detecting, in minerals, 385-analyses of some mi-

nerals containing it, 400.

Lithographic stones, substitute for, 170.

Liter, analysis of, 387.

Liverpool, (Earl of) letter to, on removing the British Museum to
Somerset House, 111-124.

London Institution, liberal design of, 207-view of the advantages
resulting from it, 208.


Magnesia, on the separation of, from lime, 392, 393.

Magnetism by light, 398-encouraged in Prussia, and exploded

in Austria, 402.

Malays of Batavia-character of, 18, 19.

Manuscripts of Herculaneum-memoir on the present state

of, 154-161.

Meat, preserved by the pyroligneous acid, 391.

Mechanical Science, communications and intelligence relative
to, 168-171.

Medals, (Roman) discovered at Namur notice of, 303.
Meteorological Diary, for December, 1818, and January and
February, 1819, 199-for March, April, and May, 1819, 404.

Meteoric Stones, in China-notice of, 393-395.

Meteors, notices of, 187, 190, 395-outline of a new theory
of, 319-329.

Micrometers, asbestos used in, 369.

Microscopes, single, of glass-notice of, 368, 369.
Minerva, remarks on the sculptures of the temple of, at

Athens, 22-30.

Mines,, observations on the temperature of, 401.

Montague House, present state of, 117, 118.

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Moscow, history of the plague at, in 1771, 134-152.
Muriate of strychnine, 376.


New England, violent storm in, described, 102-106.

Nickel, process for separating, from cobalt, 181.

Nitrate of strychnine, 376, 397.

Nitric Acid, observations on the composition of, 171-176.
Nubia, notice of M. Belzoni's operations and discoveries in,


Oil, obtained from pumpkins, 370.

Oil-Gas, account of, 313, 314-its advantages over that obtained
from coal, 315, 316.

Oxygen and sulphur, account of a new acid of, 371-375-results
of the combination of oxygen with water, 379-on the evolu-
of light, by the expansion of oxygen, 384.

Oxygen gas, memoir on the combined agencies of, and of water,
in the oxidation of iron, 55-63.

Oxymuriate of lime, experiments on, 182.


Palm-wine, chemical experiments on, 388.
Paper, new substance for, 371.

Paris, population of, 197.

Park (Dr.), observations of, on the cause of sleep, 238-254-on
dreaming, 255-on incubus, 257-on somnambulism, 258.

Peck, (Mr.) observations of, on the sea-serpent, 68-72.

Peckston's, (Mr.) treatise on gas, notice of, 318.

Pendulums, remarks on, 308-312.

Philip, (Dr. W.) facts relative to the attack of, on the Royal
Society, 161-165-his reply to some observations thereon,

Phillips, (R. Esq.) experiments of, on the carbonates of ammonia
and soda, 294-299.

Phillips', (William, Esq.) description of an ore of copper from
Cornwall, 95-100-analysis of it, 100-102-communication of,
on nitric acid, 171-176.

Phosphate of strychnine, 376.

Plague of Athens, as described by Thucydides, 125, 126-opinion
of various ancient writers relative to its contagion, 126-133-
history of the plague that raged at Moscow in 1771, 134-152.
Plants, remedy for preventing injury to, from insects, 170-No-
tices of various useful ones in the East Indics, 398, 399、

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Population of Paris, 197-general population and territory of

certain countries, 197, 198.

Portuguese inhabitants of Batavia, character of, 12.
Potash, (subcarbonate of) experiment on, 387.
Potato, note on the quantity of alkali yielded by, 183.
Potato-apples, contain tartaric acid, 179.

Premium for flax offered by the Prince Regent, 170-for memoir
on the progress of experimental physiology, 192-notices of va-
rious premiums offered in France, 198, 371,391, 401, 402.
Prerost, (M.) suggestion of, for demonstrating the resistance of
the atmosphere to falling bodies, 369.
Printing, beneficial effects of the invention of, 213.
Projects, (useful) observations on, 48-55.
Protoxide of copper, analysis of, 181, 182.
Publications, (new) select list of, 201, 405.
Pumpkins, oil obtained from, 370.
Purity of flour, directions for ascertaining, 370.
Pyro-electricity of the tourmaline, 397.

Pyroligneous acid, antiseptic properties of, 391.
Pyromucous acid, preparation and analysis of, 179.


Quincy, (M. Quatremère de) letters of, on the Elgin Marbles,
and the sculptures of the temple of Minerva, at Athens,



Rain, (coloured) notice of showers of, 189.

Rainbow, theory of, 168.

Reynolds (Dr. W. G.) outline of a new theory of meteors,

Rhinoceros, skin of, musket-shot proof, 196.

Royal Institution, proceedings of, 355-report of the visiters,ib.,
356-list of books presented to the Institution, 356-360-and
of members newly elected, 361, 362.

Royal Society, facts relative to Dr. Wilson Philip's attack on,
161-165-his reply to some observations thereon, 349-354-list
of papers read to the Society, 166, 167, 362-365.
Rupert's drops, new method of exhibiting the force of, 371.


Sabine's (Capt.) account of the Eskimaux who inhabit the west
coast of Greenland, 72-92-his observations on the actual re-
sults of the late voyage to the North Pole, 93, 94.

Sciences, intimate connexion of with the useful arts, illustrated,

Sculptures of the temple of Minerva at Athens, remarks on, 22-
30-and on those of the Ægina marbles, 229-238.

Sea-serpent, observations on, 68-72.

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