Selden (Mr.) anecdote of, 261, 262. Sieright's (Mr.) microscopes of glass, notice of, 368-on the pyro- Sirium, a new metal, observations on, 291-293. Slaves, treatment and manners of, at Batavia, 13-18. Sledge (Esquimaux) described, 82. Sleep, observations on the cause of, 238-254-phenomena of, Snow (coloured) notices of showers of, 189, 190-microscopical Soda, experiments on the carbonate of, 296-299. Somerset-House, proposal for removing the British Museum to, 111-124. Somnambulism, observations on, 258. Spade labour, beneficial effects of, 370. Specific gravity of gases, experiments on, 187. Specific heat of bodies, 380-383. Spirit-level (Russian) notice of, 370. Starch converted into gum, 181. Steam-plough, remarks on the practicability of, 54, 55. Steel (Indian) analysis of, 288-290. Stones (meteoric) conjectures on, 324-328. Storm, violent, in New England, described, 102-106. Strychnine, a new vegetable alkali, how obtained, 375-its com- pounds, 376-378. Subcarbonate of potash, experiment on, 387. Sugar, artificial application of, to brewing, 180. Sulphate of strontian, used as a flux, 183-of strychnine, 376. Sulphur and oxygen, account of a new acid of, 371-375. Sulphuret of antimony, how prepared, 386. Swayne (Rev. G.) on budding, and on the fig-tree, 168-170. Sweden, ancient hieroglyphics discovered in, 403. T. Tabasheer, observations on the vegetable substance so called, 363-365, notes. Tapir, discovered in Asia, 191. Tartaric acid, obtained from potato-apples, 179. Tea-shrub at Katmandu, 398. Temperature of mines, 401. Tennantite, analysis of, 100-102. Thenard (M.) new results of, on the combination of oxygen with Thermometers, new and delicate, account of, 183-185-and of new self-registering thermometers, 185, 186. 334. Toddalia, a substitute for Peruvian bark, 193, 194. Tourmaline, pyro-electricity of, 397. Tubes, experimental observations on the passage of gases through, LONDON: W. CLOWES, NORTHUMBERLAND-COURT. Page Errata in Quarterly Journal, No. XIV. 334, line 3, for Attabas, read Akkabas. 334, line 4, for Tafilett, read Tafilelt. 334, line 32, for this, Tew Woolo, read this Jew, Woolo.- N. B. This 335, line 30, for Malisimid, read Malisimiel. وانكارة read وانكاة line 10, for ,339 340, line 1, for Banbuyri, read Banbugr, and forw |