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sections, opened a bitch, and as she Reason shows itself in all occurlay in the most exquisite torture, of- rences of life; whereas the brute fered her one of her young puppies, makes no discovery of such a talent, which she immediately fell a licking; but what immediately regards his and for the time seemed insensible own preservation, or the continuance of her pain on the removal, she of his species. Animals in their gekept her eye fixed on it, and began neration are wiser than the sons of a wailing sort of cry, which seemed men; but their wisdom is confined rather to proceed from the loss of to a few particulars, and lies in a her young one, than the sense of her very narrow compass. Take a brute own torments." out of his instinct, and you find him


But notwithstanding this natural wholly deprived of in brutes is much more violent To use an instance that comes often and intense than in rational crea- under observation : tures, Providence has taken care With what caution does the hen that it should be no longer trouble- provide herself a nest in places unsome to the parent than it is useful frequented, and free from noise and to the young; for so soon as the disturbance! When she has laid wants of the latter cease, the mother her eggs in such a manner that she withdraws her fondness, and leaves can cover them, what care does she them to provide for themselves and take in turning them frequently, that what is a very remarkable circum- all parts may partake of the vital stance in this part of instinct, we find warmth! When she leaves them, to that the love of the parent may be provide for her necessary sustenance, lengthened out beyond its usual how punctually does she return betime, if the preservation of the spe- fore they have time to cool, and cies requires it; as we may see in become incapable of producing an birds that drive away their young as animal! In the summer you see her soon as they are able to get their giving herself greater freedoms, and livelihood, but continue to feed them quitting her care for above two hours if they are tied to the nest, or con- together; but in winter, when the fined within a cage, or by any other rigour of the season would chill the means appear to be out of a condi- principles of life, and destroy the tion of supplying their own neces- young one, she grows more assiduous in her attendance, and stays away


This natural love is not observed but half the time. When the birth in animals to ascend from the young approaches, with how much nicety to the parent, which is not at all ne- and attention does she help the chick cessary for the continuance of the to break its prison! Not to take nospecies nor indeed in reasonable tice of her covering it from the injucreatures does it rise in any propor-ries of the weather, providing it protion, as it spreads itself downwards; per nourishment, and teaching it to for in all family affection, we find help itself; nor to mention her forprotection granted, and favours be- saking the nest, if after the usual stowed, are greater motives to love time of reckoning, the young one and tenderness, than safety, benefits, does not make its appearance. A chyor life received. mical operation could not be followed One would wonder to hear scep- with greater art or diligence, than is tical men disputing for the reason of seen in the hatching of a chick; animals, and telling us it is only our though there are many other birds that pride and prejudices that will not show an infinitely greater sagacity low them the use of that faculty. in all the forementioned particulars.

But at the same time the hen, that of them, by wise and steady conduct, has all this seeming ingenuity (which attain distinction in the world, and is indeed absolutely necessary for pass their days with comfort and hothe propagation of the species,) con-nour; others of the same rank, by sidered in other respects, is without mean and vicious behaviour, forfeit the least glimmerings of thought or the advantages of their birth, involve common sense. She mistakes a themselves in much misery, and end piece of chalk for an egg, and sits in being a disgrace to their friends, upon it in the same manner: she is and a burden on society. Early, insensible of any increase or diminu- then, you may learn that it is not on tion in the number of those she lays: the external condition in which you she does not distinguish between her find yourselves placed, but on the own and those of another species; part which you are to act, that your and when the birth appears of never welfare or unhappiness, your honour so different a bird, will cherish it or infamy, depend. Now, when befor her own. In all these circum- ginning to act that part, what can be stances, which do not carry an im- of greater moment, than to regulate mediate regard to the subsistence of your plan of conduct with the most herself or her species, she is a very serious attention, before you have idiot. yet committed any fatal or irretrievThere is not, in my opinion, any able errors? If, instead of exerting thing more mysterious in nature, reflection for this valuable purpose, than this instinct in animals, which you deliver yourselves up, at so crithus rises above reason, and falls in-tical a time, to sloth and pleasure; finitely short of it. It cannot be ac- if you refuse to listen to any counselcounted for by any properties in lor but humour, or to attend to any matter, and at the same time works pursuit except that of amusement; after so odd a manner, that one can- if you allow yourselves to float loose not think it the faculty of an intel- and careless on the tide of life, ready lectual being. For my own part, I to receive any direction which the look upon it as upon the principle of current of fashion may chance to gravitation in bodies, which is not to give you; what can you expect to be explained by any known qualities follow from such beginnings? While inherent in the bodies themselves, so many around you are undergoing nor from any laws of mechanism, the sad consequences of a like indisbut, according to the best notions of cretion, for what reason shall not the greatest philosophers, is an im- these consequences extend to you? mediate impression from the first Shall you only attain success without Mover, and the divine energy acting that preparation, and escape dangers in the creatures. Spectator. without that precaution, which is required of others? Shall happiness $ 22. grow up to you of its own accord, The Necessity of forming and solicit your acceptance, when, religious Principles at an early to the rest of mankind, it is the fruit Age. of long cultivation, and the acquiAs soon as you are capable of re-sition of labour and care ?-Deceive flection, you must perceive that there not yourselves with such arrogant is a right and a wrong in human ac- hopes. Whatever be your rank, Protions. You see that those who are vidence will not, for your sake, reborn with the same advantages of verse its established order. By lisfortune, are not all equally prosper-tening to wise admonitions, and ous in the course of life. While some tempering the vivacity of youth with

a proper mixture of serious thought, |namental or engaging endowments you may ensure cheerfulness for the you now possess, virtue is a necesrest of your life; but by delivering sary requisite, in order to their shinyourselves up at present to giddi- ing with proper lustre. Feeble are ness and levity, you lay the founda- the attractions of the fairest form, if tion of lasting heaviness of heart. it be suspected that nothing within Blair. corresponds to the pleasing appear

$23. The Acquisition of virtuous Dispositions and Habits a necessary Part of Education.


24. The Happiness and Dignity of Manhood depend upon the Conduct of the youthful Age.

ance without. Short are the triumphs of wit, when it is supposed to be the vehicle of malice. By whatever arts you may at first attract the attention, you can hold the esteem When you look forward to those and secure the hearts of others only plans of life, which either your cir- by amiable dispositions and the accumstances have suggested, or your complishments of the mind. These friends have proposed, you will not are the qualities whose influence hesitate to acknowledge, that in or- will last, when the lustre of all that der to pursue them with advantage, once sparkled and dazzled has passsome previous discipline is requisite. ed away. Be assured, that whatever is to be your profession, no education is more § necessary to your success, than the acquirement of virtuous dispositions and habits. This is the universal preparation for every character, and Let not the season of youth be every station in life. Bad as the barren of improvements, so essential world is, respect is always paid to to your felicity and honour. Your virtue. In the usual course of hu- character is now of your own formman affairs it will be found, that a ing; your fate is in some measure plain understanding, joined with ac- put into your own hands. Your naknowledged worth, contributes more ture is as yet pliant and soft. Habits to prosperity, than the brightest parts have not established their dominion. without probity or honour. Whether Prejudices have not pre-occupied science, or business, or public life, your understanding. The world has be your aim, virtue still enters, for a not had time to contract and debase principal share, into all those great your affections. All your powers are departments of society. It is con- more vigorous, disembarrassed and nected with eminence, in every libe- free, than they will be at any future ral art; with reputation, in every period. Whatever impulse you now branch of fair and useful business; give to your desires and passions, with distinction, in every public sta- the direction is likely to continue. tion. The vigour which it gives the It will form the channel in which mind, and the weight which it adds your life is to run; nay, it may deto character; the generous senti- termine an everlasting issue. Conments which it breathes; the un-sider then the employment of this daunted spirit which it inspires, the important period as the highest trust ardour of diligence which it quick- which shall ever be committed to ens, the freedom which it procures you; as, in a great measure, decisive from pernicious and dishonourable of your happiness, in time and in avocations, are the foundations of eternity. As in the succession of the all that is high in fame or great in seasons, each, by the invariable laws success among men. Whatever or- of nature, affects the productions of

what is next in course; so, in human ship which has ever been shown you life, every period of our age, accord-by others; himself your best and ing as it is well or ill spent, influ- your first friend; formerly, the supences the happiness of that which is porter of your infancy, and the guide to follow. Virtuous youth gradually of your childhood: now, the guarbrings forward accomplished and dian of your youth, and the hope of flourishing manhood; and such man- your coming years. View religious hood passes of itself, without uneasi- homage as a natural expression of ness, into respectable and tranquil gratitude to him for all his goodness. old age. But when nature is turned Consider it as the service of the God out of its regular course, disorder of your fathers; of him to whom your takes place in the moral, just as in parents devoted you; of him whom the vegetable world. If the spring in former ages your ancestors hoput forth no blossoms, in summer noured; and by whom they are now there will be no beauty, and in au- rewarded and blessed in heaven. tumn no fruit so, if youth be trifled Connected with so many tender senaway without improvement, man-sibilities of soul, let religion be with hood will be contemptible, and old you, not the cold and barren offspring age miserable. Blair. of speculation, but the warm and vigorous dictate of the heart.

25. Piety to God the Foundation of good Morals.


§ 26. Religion never to be treated with Levity.

What I shall first recommend is piety to God. With this I begin, Impress your minds with reverence both as the foundation of good mo- for all that is sacred. Let no wanrals, and as a disposition particularly tonness of youthful spirits, no comgraceful and becoming in youth. To pliance with the intemperate mirth be void of it, argues a cold heart, of others, ever betray you into prodestitute of some of the best affec- fane sallies. Besides the guilt which tions which belong to that age. is thereby incurred, nothing gives a Youth is the season of warm and ge- more odious appearance of petulance nerous emotions. The heart should and presumption to youth, than the then spontaneously rise into the ad-affectation of treating religion with miration of what is great; glow with levity. Instead of being an evidence the love of what is fair and excellent; of superior understanding, it discoand melt at the discovery of tender-vers a pert and shallow mind; which, ness and goodness. Where can any vain of the first smatterings of knowobject be found, so proper to kindle ledge, presumes to make light of those affections, as the Father of the what the rest of mankind revere. At universe, and the Author of all feli- the same time, you are not to imacity? Unmoved by veneration, can gine, that when exhorted to be reliyou contemplate that grandeur and gious, you are called upon to bemajesty which his works every where come more formal and solemn in display? Untouched by gratitude, your manners than others of the same can you view that profusion of good, years; or to erect yourselves into suwhich, in this pleasing season of life, percilious reprovers of those around his beneficent hand pours around you. The spirit of true religion you? Happy in the love and affec- breathes gentleness and affability. It tion of those with whom you are con- gives a native unaffected ease to the nected, look up to the Supreme Be- behaviour. It is social, kind, and ing, as the inspirer of all the friend-cheerful; far removed from that

gloomy and illiberal superstition | forward to be restrained, they plunge, which clouds the brows, sharpens with precipitant indiscretion, into the temper, dejects the spirit, and the midst of all the dangers with teaches men to fit themselves for which life abounds.

another world, by neglecting the concerns of this. Let your religion, on


the contrary, connect preparation for $28. Sincerity and Truth recomheaven with an honourable discharge


$27. Modesty and Docility to be joined to Piety.


of the duties of active life. Of such It is necessary to recommend to religion discover, on every proper you sincerity and truth. This is the occasion, that you are not ashamed; basis of every virtue. That darkness but avoid making any unnecessary of character, where we can see no ostentation of it before the world. heart; those foldings of art, through which no native affection is allowed to penetrate, present an object, unamiable in every season of life, but particularly odious in youth. If, at an age when the heart is warm, when To piety join modesty and docili- the emotions are strong, and when ty, reverence of your parents, and nature is expected to show herself submission to those who are your free and open, you can already smile superiors in knowledge, in station, and deceive, what are we to look for, and in years. Dependence and obe- when you shall be longer hackneyed dience belong to youth. Modesty is in the ways of men; when interest one of its chief ornaments; and has shall have completed the obduration ever been esteemed a presage of ris- of your heart, and experience shall ing merit. When entering on the have improved you in all the arts of career of life, it is your part, not to guile? Dissimulation in youth is the assume the reins as yet into your forerunner of perfidy in old age. Its hands; but to commit yourselves to first appearance is the fatal omen of the guidance of the more experienc-growing depravity and future shame. ed, and to become wise by the wis- It degrades parts and learning; obdom of those who have gone before scures the lustre of every accomyou. Of all the follies incident to plishment; and sinks you into conyouth, there are none which either tempt with God and man. As you deform its present appearance, or value, therefore, the approbation of blast the prospect of its future prospe- Heaven, or the esteem of the world, rity, more than self-conceit, presump-cultivate the love of truth. In all tion, and obstinacy. By checking your proceedings, be direct and conits natural progress in improvement, sistent. Ingenuity and candour posthey fix it in long immaturity; and sess the most powerful charm; they frequently produce mischiefs which bespeak universal favour, and carry can never be repaired. Yet these an apology for almost every failing. are vices too commonly found among The path of truth is a plain and safe the young. Big with enterprise, and path; that of falsehood is a perplexelated by hope, they resolve to trust ing maze. After the first departure for success to none but themselves. from sincerity, it is not in your powFull of their own abilities, they de- er to stop. One artifice unavoidably ride the admonitions which are given leads on to another; till, as the intrithem by their friends, as the timo-cacy of the labyrinth increases, you rous suggestions of age. Too wise to are left entangled in your own snare. learn, too impatient to deliberate, too Deceit discovers a little mind, which

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