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to the inquirer a clear, concise, and simple exposition of the Catholic doctrines.

This method proved successful with the Ladies introduced into the "Tale:" and there is little doubt, that whoever peruses it with impartiality, and a desire to discover the truth, will not be altogether unsatisfied or disappointed. The admirers of "Father Clement" should deem it a conscientious duty to read "Father Rowland "




By education most have been misled."-Dryden.

On one of those beautiful evenings of autumn, for which the northern parts of America are distinguished, after the company had retired from a dinner, given in commemoration of his birth-day, by General Wolburn, Mrs. Wolburn had seated herself in a spacious portico, that overlooked the waters of the Potomac, and was admiring the loveliness of the scene. The deep, broad river stretched before her view, rolling its dusky waters to the distant sea. Thus, did it strike her, is the stream of time rapidly flowing away into the ocean of eternity, sweeping off, in its impetuous course, all human things. Beauty, fashion, genius, accomplishments, wealth, will be no more: religion alone is destined to survive the ruin. Vain, then, she was convinced, very vain all sublunary pleasures, all earthly advantages There is but one thing necessary; and that is the knowledge of truth. The sun had sunk

behind the brown tops of the mountains, the bosom of the river was still reflecting its last rays, the verge of the firmament was streaked with a variety of hues, and the twilight began to assume its peaceful reign. It was an hour peculiarly adapted to meditation, and most congenial to her mind, which loved to dwell, after the distractions of the day, on reflections of a soothing, and important nature. In silence and solitude, she could devote her attention to contemplations which elevate the affections to heavenly things, and fill the heart with devotion and rapture. Her two daughters, Louisa and Virginia, were pacing up and down the lawn, engaged in a serious conversation.

The General had ordered his horse, the same on which he rode to the field of battle, during the revolutionary war, and which he was accustomed, in his merry moods, to call "John Bull," probably from the circumstance of his having figured so nobly, charging against the English cavalry, on the plains of Trenton. The old gentleman was accustomed, every evening, to ride on "Bull," with his trusty servant Moses, around the limits of his farm: and often would he amuse himself in conversing with his "good man," as he styled Moses, about politics, and the times, not forgetting to joke with him occasionally on the subject of religion; for Moses, the reader must know, was a Roman Catholic, and seldom suffered a night to pass without reciting his beads, and praying for his "master."

"Well, Mosey," said the General, as he checked in the reins of Bull, "you don't forget your master at your prayers, I hope." "God knows, massa, I don't," replied Moses.

"Old men can't hope to live long, you know."


Yes, massa, we's all gwying fast-" "Whither?" returned the General.

"To eternity," answered Moses, as he cast up his eyes, and pointed, with a rude emphasis, to heaven.

"Mrs. Wolburn, you know, is a half Catholic, and frequently says she has reason to think

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Here, as they ascended a rising ground, the view of the river burst upon their eyes: and the moon, in full bulk, appeared like a globe of solid fire, pausing in solemn silence, over the half-conscious waves.

"What a magnificent prospect!" exclaimed the General.

"If dat's so grand, how much grander de Creator, massa," returned Moses.

"True," said the General, "but men are too apt to familiarize themselves with the wonders and beauties of creation, and to forget their author."


Ah, massa, if you had hearde Fader Rowland, de great preacher, talk about dat, last Sunday, at de Chapel, you know-He made us all cry. Misses was dere, she kin tell you all about it."

"I'll be bound for Susan," (this was the name of Mrs. Wolburn,) "did she kneel with the rest of you?"

"Dat she did, and cried wid de rest, too," replied Moses.

"I know now what has made her so pensive all day-"

"Miss Louisa was dere wid misses," continued Moses.

"Poor Lou," returned the General, "she has too much sensibility! Virginia is less susceptible."

"Where was Virginia, Moses?"

"You know, massa, miss Virginy won't go to our church: tother day, she called me a hard name, and said I made Gods outen pictures"

"Well, is'nt it true?" replied the General with a smile and a significant glance.

"Oh, massa, dere's God," said Moses, pointing to the firmament-up dere."

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"Did you explain the thing to Virginia?" "Me, massa; miss Virginy won't listen to Mosey, and won't go to hear Fader Rowland.' "Rowland is no favourite of her's, my good man," replied the General.

"No, massa; young misses talks too much about Dr. Dorson you know what he calls


"Idolators, I suppose."

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Papists, massa, besides," replied Moses with a strong emphasis

By this time, they reached the gate, which opened into a delightful avenue, winding with

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