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counted a disadvantage. For we have here many colloquial expressions and some probably provincial usages, of which we should not have had any illustration in the more completed work. The notes it is hoped will be found sufficient for the explanation of all that is peculiar in the language. The narrative is plain enough in itself, though Bacon's History of Henry VII. (Pitt Press Series), especially the early portion, may be read with profit in conjunction with the history and notes of the present volume.

Feb. 1883.

The history of King Richard the thirde (unfinished) writen by Master Thomas More than one of the undersheriffis of London: about the yeare of our Lorde. 1513. VVhich worke hath bene before this tyme printed, in Hardynges Cronicle, and in Hallys Cronicle: but very muche corrupte in many places, sometyme hauyng lesse, and sometime hauing more, and altered in wordes and whole sentences: muche varying fro the co

pie of his own hand, by which
thys is printed.




YNG Edwarde of that name the fowrth, after that hee hadde lyued fiftie and three yeares, seuen monethes, and sixe dayes, and thereof reygned

two and twentye yeres, one moneth, and eighte dayes, dyed at Westmynster the nynth daye of Aprill, the 5 yere of oure redempcion a thowsande foure houndred foure score and three, leauinge muche fayre yssue, that is to witte, Edwarde the Prynce, a thirtene yeare of age: Richarde duke of Yorke, two yeare younger: Elizabeth, whose fortune and grace was after to bee Quene, wife unto kinge Henrie 10 the seuenth, and mother unto the eighth: Cecily not so fortunate as fayré: Brigette, whiche representynge the vertue of her whose name she bare, professed and obserued a religious life in Dertforde, an house of close Nunnes: Anne, that was after honourablye maryed unto Thomas, 15 than Lorde Hawarde, and after Earle of Surrey. And Katheryne whiche longe tyme tossed in either fortune, sommetime in wealth, ofte in aduersitye, at the laste, if this bee the laste, for yet she lyueth, is by the benignitye of her Nephewe, Kinge Henrye the eighte, in verye prosperous estate, 20 and woorthye her birth and vertue.

This noble Prince deceased at his palice of Westminster, and with greate funerall honoure and heauynesse of his people from thence conueyde, was entered at Windesor.




A Kinge of suche gouernaunce and behauioure in time of peace (for in war eche parte muste needes bee others eneThe loue of the mye) that there was neuer anye Prince of this lande, attaynynge the Crowne by battayle, so 5 heartely beloued with the substaunce of the people; nor he hymselfe so speciallye in anye parte of his life, as at the time of his death. Whiche fauour and affeccion yet after his decease, by the crueltie, mischiefe, and trouble of the tempestious worlde that folowed, highelye towarde hym 10 more increased. At suche time as he died, the displeasure of those that bare him grudge, for kinge Henries sake the sixte, whome he deposed, was well asswaged, and in effecte quenched, in that that manye of them were dead in more then twentie yeares of his raigne, a great parte of a longe 15 lyfe. And many of them in the meane season growen into his fauoure, of whiche he was neuer straunge. He was a goodly parsonage, and very Princely to behold, of hearte couragious, politique in counsaile, in aduersitie nothynge abashed, in prosperitie 20 rather joyfull then prowde, in peace juste and mercifull, in warre sharpe and fyerce, in the fielde bolde and hardye, and nathelesse no farther then wysedome woulde aduenWhose warres who so well consyder, hee shall no lesse commende hys wysedome where hee voyded, than 25 hys mannehoode where he vainquisshed. He was of visage louelye, of bodye myghtie, stronge, and cleane made: howe bee it in his latter dayes, wyth ouer liberall dyet, sommewhat corpulente and boorelye, and nathelesse not vncomelye; hee was of youthe greatlye geuen to fleshlye wantonnesse, from 30 whiche healthe of bodye, in greate prosperitye and fortune, wythoute a specyall grace hardelye refrayneth. Thys faute not greatlye gryeued the people: for neyther could any one mans pleasure stretch and extende to the dyspleasure of

Descripcion of Edwarde the fourth.


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