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journal undertook to vilify America. Next, out of
hatred to the radical emigrants, who flocked hither,
and some of whom made favorable report of the
land, they set themselves still more sternly to de-
fame it. The habit thus formed has gained strength
by indulgence till it now amounts, as is seen in
this review of Faux, to perfect insanity. Its sup-
posed writer is an aged man bowed with years
and with infirmities, and very shortly must appear
at a higher tribunal than that even of an indignant
nation, to give an account of the use he has made

of the talents put into his hands.
We despise
cant on all occasions; but we protest that we think
more solemnly than he appears to do of literary
responsibility. Wantonly to defame an individual,
or stimulate neighbors to a quarrel, would be thought
a crime of no ordinary baseness: what is it for one,
who controls a press at the very centre of intellec-
tual circulation--who utters his voice, and is heard
as rapidly as wheels can roll or winds blow, on
the Ganges, the Neva, the La Plate, and the Mis-
souri, to defame, not individuals, but countries;

sense of the jeopardy in which he will stand,
if his plan of warfare upon us be not ut-
terly changed. Moreover, if his inveteracy
of hatred be too obstinate or too violent to
be subdued or repressed, others, who will
have the power in their hands, may be in-
duced to compel him to decency.

Let it not be thought that we rate too
highly, the influence or importance of the
North American. That journal has, be-
cause it merits, a high reputation; its cir-
culation is limited, in comparison with that
of the London Quarterly, but it is by no
means small; and sentiments like those
which it has now advanced, especially if
they provoke new abuse, and be followed up
by continued and resolute defence, will go
the round of our newspapers, and visit eve-



THIS new world is usually regarded as the land of experiment and innovation. There is foundation for this remark, as to political institutions and many of the useful arts of life. Our country, however, has furnished one instance of adherence to the good old way, in which we can be blamed for want neither of closeness nor pertinacity. I refer to our courses of study, both elementary and more advanced. Most of our colleges have from time immemorial required for admission, an examination in Virgil's Works, Cicero's Orations, and in the Greek Testament. Some, of late years, have added Sallust and Collectanea Minora. Now, sir, the question arises, Will way, without dispute the best way? Were I not in a land of free institutions, and of bold and unrestrained habits of thinking, some apology perhaps might be necessary for attempting to disturb long established prejudices. As it is, I shall make no apology. Your readers are assured, that the opinions are the opinions of one, who is deeply convinced of the importance of the early impressions, and of the early habits, intellectual and moral, of the young; and who, in reference to the long contests waged in our schools with Latin and Greek, can look back, and, both as an instructer and pupil, say, Quorum pars magna fui.

and to exasperate into wrath and bitterness, not an ry corner of the land. They will go, too, this course admit of no reform? Is the old

individual, but a mighty empire, an empire peopled from his own native land, and in the language of a writer in this very number of the Quarterly Review, which, of all that history records, has employed the shortest time to rise to the greatest power and freedom.'

there be.

The article in the North American Review, must be regarded only as an open and manly avowal of a determination in the Editor of that work, to meet at once, and resist by all means which are both efficient and honourable, not only the Quarterly Review, but such other periodicals as may be disposed to follow its example, if any such This is precisely the course which the North American Review ought at this moment to take. This work is, beyond all question, at the head of the periodical literature in this country; whatever good may be derived from this supremacy, belongs of right to the work, but the Editor must remember that the responsibilities which attach to it, lie upon him. Among these responsibilities, who can regret that he includes that of protecting our national reputation? In this article, he may be considered as joining battle with one man; but this man, from his vast official influence, is a host, for he governs a host. Gifford's rancorous and inveterate hatred of this country, is as well known as his authority over the Quarterly Review, or the powerful and extended influence which that journal exerts. It is well that he is met, front to front, by the North American,-and if common fame tells truth, we may be glad that its Editor is aided in this good work, by one abundantly able to make the better and the stronger side appear so.

We cannot but think this article will be useful. It must convince Mr Gifford that he is not to pursue his reckless course of calumny with impunity. It must also teach him that the resistance he will meet, will be such as he cannot despise nor pretend to despise. He will learn, not only from its tone of eloquent indignation, what feelings his boundless abuse excites here, and from its thorough exposition of his falsehoods, what measures of forbearance he may expect; but from the full and forcible array of facts, which the writer quotes, and shows himself prepared to quote, from standard English works, he may be brought to a

across the ocean. There will be nothing
libellous in them to prevent their republica-
tion, and the respectable journals of Eng-
land, who have already rebuked Gifford for
his disgusting intemperance of calumny, will
be glad to use the weapons we provide for
them, and to tell of the defence we make.
No doubt, he and his will think it most un-
mannerly and vulgar in us, to be angry and
resist; but there are others near him,
whose purposes will be as much advanced
by the exposure of his falsehoods, as his
would be by their establishment, and they
will be glad to aid in their exposure. No
doubt, too, his opinions touching our rude
treatment of him, will be adopted by some
among us. In this connexion, we must take
the liberty of citing one more passage from
the article in the North American Review.
And one word, before we proceed, to a certain
class of our own countrymen. When the outrage-
ous abuse of this country, originating in the rene-
gades and speculators, who infest us, has been
espoused and reasserted by the first literary journals
in England, by leading statesmen, and in the houses
of parliament; and when an American author
or an American journalist, with blood somewhat
stirred, yields to the impulse, not so much of patri-
otism as of human nature, and replies to the charge,
there are some few persons among us, who cry out,
'a truce to this literary warfare, enough of this
angry contention' and the like. Now we have in-
variably found that these persons, some of whom
speak with a very dignified aspect, and carry a
world of magnanimity in their tone, are annoyed
only by the American rejoinder. Not one of them
cries 'a truce,' when the poisoned dart is thrown;
but they are all wondrous pacific, when it is to be
met and warded off. These people are impatient,
not when the American character is attacked, but
when it is defended; and when the chafed lion
roars and menaces his hunters, they protest it is a
testy beast always picking a quarrel. No one will
think we make these remarks at random. We know

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the times, the occasions, and the men; and we
practise an undeserved forbearance, in not calling
them more distinctly into recollection.

We regret that the writer of this article
did not enlarge upon this subject; it would
be an easy and a useful work for him, to
show so distinctly the obligation which now
lies upon all American writers, to defend
the reputation of their country from such
attacks as those of the Quarterly Review,
that none should hereafter deny or doubt
it. We trust that this duty will be felt and
discharged; but the subject is too extensive
for us to enter upon at present.

Perhaps the propriety of commencing with Latin in preference to Greek, might well be questioned. This plan is confessedly against the order of derivation of the two languages, and the reason, which formerly led to its adoption, has now in a great meas

ure ceased to exist. I refer to the use of

the Latin language as the common medium of communication among literary men. Besides, there is in the formation of a large proportion of the words in Greek, a regularity and simplicity, and, so to speak, reasonableness, which must wonderfully assist the youthful memory in its acquisition. Neither, it is thought, is the construction of its sentences so difficult and involved as in Latin. I might also mention the increased interest, which is excited in the Greek language from the present state of modern Greece; but as in the introduction of my remarks I intimated, that I should give you the fruit of experience, I shall say nothing further of a plan, that I have never seen


On the subject of grammars, I shall say but little. Buttmann's Grammar is considered a valuable addition to the Greek grammars before in use. The view given of the formation of the Greek verb is philosophical and satisfactory, and the syntax more clear and full, than the systems found in our other Grammars. It is suggested, however, that a Latin or Greek Grammar, constructed on the plan of Wanostrocht's French Grammar, would be an improvement on those now in use.

It is allowed by instructers, that the best method, which can be adopted for the acquisition of the Grammar of a language, is

The necessity of remark upon the remaining Greek book, Collectanea Minora, is superseded by what has already been said on this subject in your review of Jacobs' Greek Reader. I have always considered the poetical parts of Minora, as injudiciously selected, constituting as it does, a part of the preparatory course of study. I agree with you also in the opinion, that the selections in Jacobs' Reader are wisely made-well suited by their arrangement, both to aid the feeble steps of the learner and to allure him to the fields of Grecian literature. Let me here, Mr Editor, express the satisfaction, which is felt in the view of every attempt to render our elementary course of study more thorough and adequate. A feeling of gratitude is also excited towards those, who, instead uf regaling themselves with the fruits of learning, are willing to labour for the benefit of others. This remark is equally true, whether our literary husbandmen be employed in rearing plants of native origin, or whether, selecting those of other lands, which are congenial to our climate and suited to our wants, they transplant them with due care and attention.

to direct the attention to the application of Thomson or Milton upon their learning with the translation 4. The associations, of its principles and rules, as they are ex- the primer or spelling book. A boy has unfavourable in a religious view, connectemplified in the text book. With this ob- much to learn, even of his native tongue, ed with its being used as a school book. ject in view, it has been thought desirable before he can read the works of a poet 5. It may be read at a later period with to confine the attention to particular parts with pleasure or advantage. It is true, more advantage, when a knowledge of the of Grammar in succession, during several that with the help of an ordo and notes language will enable the scholar to judge weeks or days. A text book, therefore, and a clavis and occasional assistance, a as to the accuracy of the translation in constructed with a view to aid this plan, scholar may work his way through Virgil, common use. On this subject, I shall not has been a desideratum. I am happy to and at the end, may find, that his knowl- enlarge. state, that in Greek this desideratum has edge of the Latin language has increasbeen furnished by the publication of Ja- ed. But some other book would have ancobs' Greek Reader. Of this excellent el-swered this purpose better, and sure the ementary work, I shall take occasion to re- Mantuan Bard should yield other fruit than mark hereafter. this. Besides, I have often heard the reLet me here, Mr Editor, remark briefly mark made, that the impressions and assoon the pronunciation of the Latin and ciations, which are made by the reading of Greek Languages. It is generally allow- Virgil in the manner which I have described, that our scholars are deficient in this ed, are such as to produce an indifference particular, and very much so, compared to his works ever after. It is as if the lawith the scholars of Europe. And what is bour and fatigue, attendant on the attempts worse, many feel and say, that it is a sub- of the young artist to give form and project of but little consequence. Here, it is portion to the rough material, should bebelieved, is the difficulty. Now to such come associated with the symmetry and persons I would repeat the old maxim, That beauty, which are found in the finished which is worth doing, is worth doing well. productions of his art. As to the Bucolics, I would remind them, that the habit of ac- commentators cannot agree respecting the curacy of careful and minute attention, meaning or design of many of them. The is an advantage to be aimed at in the Georgics are allowed to be difficult in constudy of the dead languages; and that this struction; and the Eneid, so far as art is habit may be much strengthened by ob- concerned, is considered the most highly serving the rules of pronunciation. Fur-wrought epic poem in existence. And is ther, we sometimes wish to give authority it in the study of these productions, that to a sentiment, or point to an expression, the scholar is to learn the rudiments of the by the quotation of a Latin or Greek sen- Latin Language? tence or phrase. How awkward to be ig- Experienced instructers will, I believe, norant of its correct pronunciation. Per-join with me in deciding also against the haps it may be said, that these advantages use of Cicero's orations, as a part of the will not compensate for the labour which preparatory course of study. But lest this must be undergone. I answer, that ac- article should be too long, I will concisely I will only add, that there is much room cording to the standard, which most of our and definitely state my objections to this for improvement in our preparatory course, Literary Institutions profess to follow, the book. 1. The construction of the senten- as to the study of Geography, Book-keeptask is by no means difficult. Auxiliary to ces is too involved and difficult for a learning, &c. But these are subjects of comthis subject, I would here suggest an im- er. This difficulty seems intimately con- mon remark. provement in the mode of printing ele- nected with the oratorical style of the mentary books in Latin and Greek. It is Latin Language. 2. The minds of the known by those who have attended to this young are not sufficiently matured to unsubject, that the correct pronunciation of derstand his reasoning. This arises, partly a Latin or Greek word, depends principal- from the subtilty of the argument itself, ly upon a knowledge of the quantity of and partly from the necessity of having the penult. If long, it bears the accent; at once in the mind a comprehensive view if short, the antepenult is accented. In of the whole subject, which youthful minds all cases, therefore, in which the rules of prosody do not determine the length of the penult, let the usual long or short mark be placed over the syllable. Thus our scholars before reading the poets, might with little difficulty acquire habits of correct pronunciation.

I remember well, Mr. Editor, that when a boy, I went from the study of Biglow's Latin Primer to the reading of Virgil's Bucolics, and that, with hard study and much help, I learnt ten lines for my first exercise. As to beauties of thought or expression, Virgil was in my view on a level with the Primer. In some of our schools, this plan has been improved upon, and several elementary works are read before Virgil is attempted. Still, sir, it is my opinion, that Virgil is read too early in our course of classical study. In learning our children to read their native language, we do not put into their hands the works

find it difficult to acquire. 3. My third
objection to its being used as a part of
the preparatory course is, that if the stu-
dy of these orations were deferred to a
later period, when the mind could under-
stand and feel the force of the reasoning
which they exhibit, it would be of advan-
tage in other respects, than as affording a
knowledge of the language.

Sallust is the remaining Latin author.
Some difficult expressions are to be found
in his works, but I do not object to his
holding a place among the authors to be
studied preparatory to admission to Col-

The objection to the use of the New Testament as a text book in Greek, have been frequently stated. They may be summed up, as follows: 1. The Greek is not pure and classical. 2. In the Epistles particularly, the construction in many passages is difficult. 3. Our familiarity

As objections have been made to several books now in use, before concluding my remarks, I will propose substitutes. Instead of Virgil and Cicero's Orations, I would require Cesar's Commentaries and the five books of Livy now used in our Colleges, making Virgil and Cicero a part of the College course of study. I would omit the study of the Greek Testament and of Minora, and substitute Jacobs' Greek Reader, with the hope, that in a second edition of this work, when the long promised Greek and English Lexicon shall have been given us, the Clavis now found in Jacobs may be removed, and its place filled with more copious extracts from Greek authors. Till then, I would propose the reading of Xenophon's Anabasis or Cyropædia.

Perhaps the course of study here proposed by way of substitute, may not be the best that can be suggested. The object of of this communication will be answered, should the attention of literary men be directed to the subject. I am persuaded, Mr. Editor, that improvements in our Academical institutions, have not advanced with the progress of society in science and literature. B. C.




It is the spot I came to seek,

My fathers' ancient burial-place,

Ere from these vales, ashamed and weak,
Withdrew our wasted race.

It is the spot,-I know it well-
Of which our old traditions tell.

For here the upland bank sends out

A ridge toward the river side;

I know the shaggy hills about,

The meadow smooth and wide; The plains, that, toward the southern sky, Fenced east and west by mountains lie.

A white man, gazing on the scene,

Would say a lovely spot was here, And praise the lawns so fresh and green Between the hills so sheer.

I like it not-I would the plain
Lay in its tall old groves again.

The sheep are on the slopes around,
The cattle in the meadows feed,
And labourers turn the crumbling ground
Or drop the yellow seed,

And prancing steeds, in trappings gay,
Whirl the bright chariot o'er the way.

Methinks it were a nobler sight

To see these vales in woods arrayed, Their summits in the golden light,

Their trunks in grateful shade, And herds of deer, that bounding go O'er rills and prostrate trees below.

And then to mark the lord of all,

The forest hero, trained to wars, Quivered and plumed, and lithe and tall, And seamed with glorious scars, Walk forth, amid his reign, to dare The wolf, and grapple with the bear.

This bank, in which the dead were laid, Was sacred when its soil was ours; Hither the artless Indian maid

Brought wreaths of beads and flowers, And the gray chief and gifted seer Worshipped the God of thunders here.

But now the wheat is green and high On clods that hid the warrior's breast, And scattered in the furrows lie

The weapons of his rest, And there, in the loose sand, is thrown Of his large arm the mouldering bone.

Ah little thought the strong and brave

Who bore their lifeless chieftain forth, Or the young wife, that weeping gave Her first-born to the earth,

That the pale race, who waste us now,
Among their bones should guide the plough.

They waste us-aye-like April snow
In the warm noon, we shrink away;
And fast they follow, as we go

Towards the setting day,-
Till they shall fill the land. and we
Are driven into the western sea.

But I behold a fearful sign,

To which the white men's eyes are blind; Their race may vanish hence, like mine, And leave no trace behind, Save ruins o'er the region spread, And the white stones above the dead.

Before these fields were shorn and tilled, Full to the brim our rivers flowed;

The melody of waters filled

The fresh and boundless wood;
And torrents dashed, and rivulets played,
And fountains spouted in the shade.

Those grateful sounds are heard no more,
The springs are silent in the sun,
The rivers, by the blackening shore,
With lessening current run;
The realm our tribes are crushed to get
May be a barren desert yet.


"Lady, I've looked upon thy face;
And beauty, kindness, virtue, grace,
Have all combined to make thee fair.
O! may thy fortunes be as bright,
As are those eyes, whose gentle light
Thy features now so softly wear.

Lady, I love thee, for thou art
The bride of him to whom my heart-"
She paused and turned aside-a tear
Flowed from her eye-"O! I am weak,
Forgive me, but I cannot speak

Of him who is to thee so dear;

To whom I owe my honour, life;
Who fought so nobly at the strife,

The mortal strife of Templestowe,
For a poor Jewish maiden, whom
All other men left to her doom,

As if she were of man the foe.


My blessing on him-fare thee well;
Long in my heart thy form shall dwell
Enshrined; and when I think of thee,
Joyful shall be the tears I shed,
That Heaven has poured upon thy head
Its richest gifts-Lady, thou'lt see

My face no more; I go away
To other lands-men shall not say,

That the poor Jewess lives a slave!
No, my despised, degraded race
In this fair land can have no place.

Yet though the darkly-rolling wave
Divide us, while we live on earth;
We meet again-my lowly birth,

The scorn which all have freely given As if it were my birth-right here, Are nought-my humble, fervent prayer The God of Israel shall hear ;-we meet in Heaven. H.

There shone no star on Como's lake,
No Summer's breeze its surface curled;
But stormy winds across it swept,
And wave on wave with fury hurled.

And loudly dashed the billows white
'Gainst Touro's massy walls of stone;
Yet lo! upon its balcony
At midnight stood a maid alone.

And down upon the roaring waves
She bent her dark Italian eye;
With close knit brow and anxious gaze,
Intent some object to descry.

There bloomed no rose upon her cheek,
Though youth was hers, and beauty too;
One gem gleamed o'er her forehead fair,
'Mid clustering curls half hid from view.

And sadly, when the storm was o'er,
And winds had howled their dying lay,
And midnight's hour had long since struck,
Despairing turned the maid away.

"He comes not! and he will not come!
The storm hath driven his bark aside;
Beloved! on earth we meet no more,
For oh! morn sees me Rodolph's bride!"

She weeps; but lo! a soft sweet note!
One note upon a flute is heard!
Half wild with eager joy she bends
To gaze once more upon the lake.


And through the deepened shades of night
Dancing upon the foam, a bark,

And one tall form she dimly sees,

With snowy plume and mantle dark.

"Be swift!"-'tis Carlo's well known voice?
With trembling haste the maiden ties
The knotted cords o'er balustrade,
And "Now I come!" she faintly cries.

Red, brief, and sudden came a flash
That moment from a casement low;
Down sunk the snow-white plume, and on
Drifted the boat, unsteered, and slow.

Full well she knew her sire's true aim,
His stern revenge, his watchful eye;
One shrill, long shriek rang through the air;
Ne'er in his ear that shriek shall die!

Then comes a brief, an awful pause,
And then a deep and sullen plash,
Twice 'gainst the castle's massy walls
With hoarser groan the billows dash.

Is it a whiter wreath of foam,
That on a wave's dark breast I see?
Is it a maiden's snowy robe?
'Tis gone!-'tis gone, whate'er it be!

To *****.

'O not the rose d'Amour for me,'
But let it ever bloom for thee;
For thee its brightest tints unveil,—
For thee unnumbered, sweets exhale.
"Twas nurtured in thy sunny clime,
Where glow the citron and the lime;
Where nymphs have hearts as warm, as true,
And where each swain is faithful too.
Then let me weave the roseate braid,
And with it quick thy temples shade;
"Twill lovelier seem, entwining there,
And blush to find itself less fair.


A FAREWELL TO A FAVOURITE SPOT. Ye fair domains which nature loves to kiss, Where my whole soul by magic spells was bound, Wrapped in a short reality of bliss,

While fancy flung her golden dreams around!

Flushed with the flowery pride of Summer sheen, Your laughing verdure cheered my frequent view;

Brown Autumn's breath now sears the withering


Tinged with each bright but melancholy hue. Joy of my life! I will not see thee droop;

Nor count thy charms, decaying leaf by leaf;Thy groves a desolate and dreary group,

Thrilled by the moanings of thy wintry grief. But back I haste to crowds and hurried life; Back to the town and all its tasteless joys; Where rude Ambition stalks, with ruthless strife, And silken Pleasure smileth and destroys.

There must I act the cringing courtier's part,
Through glittering halls with Fashion's fools to
There learn to simper, though the sickening heart
Lie cold and cheerless as a waste of snow.


[blocks in formation]


Know'st thou a calm sequestered vale,
Where (ere its flowers had faded)
Thou lovd'st to catch the whispering gale
From sultrier Summer shaded?
Hast thou forgot the pebbly brook,
Which poured its gurgling billow,
Where o'er our unmolested nook
Waved aye the graceful willow?

There by the rushy brink thy bard,*
Effused in listless pleasure,
O'er the cool green, was whylome heard,
In loose mellifluous measure,
Wooing the nymphs that laughed around,
To o'erleap yon rugged mountain;
And sport along the grassy ground,
Beside his sparkling fountain.

But now each fragrant flower is fled-
The smile of heaven is clouded-
The valley lies all waste and dead,
In wintry horrors shrouded;
That brook of streams has deeply drunk
From snow-crowned summits gushing,
And round the willow's shattered trunk
A torrent hoarse is rushing.

Alarm not then the poet's fire,

Nor break his gloomy slumbers;
That spot alone can song inspire,
Which waked forgotten numbers,
Sleeps still his frozen fancy there
Chained to an icy pillow,
While his harp, warped by keen despair,
Hangs on the rattling willow.
While frosted Winter's hoary brow
Is knit in speechless anguish,
All ice-bound on the leafless bough
Its chords neglected languish;
Or moved by breezes cold as death
Sigh forth Æolian sadness;

Or in the whirlwind's harrowing breath,
Howl wild, and shriek in madness.


[blocks in formation]

foreign countries, without permission of not parallel with the true bow, but in an
the censor. This decree is also to be ap- angle o about five degrees, and appeared
plicable to engravings of every kind on to cross the first at about two degrees from
Colors well defined. The
copper or stone; geographical works, mu- the horizon.
sic, and pictures included. The decree re. observer was so situated as to have a full
lates (says the Count) not merely to those view of both for some minutes. This is a
who publish on their own account, but also phenomenon which does not appear to be
to those who may execute works on account accounted for on any principles of optics
of foreigners, or may send persons into hitherto established, and may lead to in-
foreign countries to do such works. Such vestigation. I have been informed that
is Austrian despotism. Such are its efforts
to debase and enslave mankind. The New
Monthly Magazine has the honor of being
forbidden an entry into the states under
the Hapsburg yoke, a testimony of barba-
rian animosity of which it may well be


Great expectations have been excited with regard to a Poem called "Philippe Auguste," about to be published by M. Parseval Grandmaison, one of the members of the French Academy. The enlightened judges whom the author has consulted respecting his work, have been much struck with its poetical beauties, and predict that it will be singularly successful.


bows similar in appearance were seen in Roxbury, on the morning of the 18th inst. South Boston, July 28.



In the human ear the fibres of the circular tympanum radiate from its centre to its circumference, and are of equal length; but Sir Edward Home has found that in the

Elephant, where the tympanum is oval, they are of different lengths, like the radii that the human ear is adapted for sounds by from the focus of an ellipse. He considers the equality of the radii, and he is of opinon that the long fibres in the tympanum of the Elephant enable it to hear very minute sounds, which it is known to do. A pianoforte having been sent on purpose to Exeter Change (a repository for wild beasts), the higher notes hardly attracted the EleThe next publication of the Great Un-phant's notice, but the lower ones roused known is said to be founded on the adven- his attention. The effect of the higher tures of certain adherents of the Pretender, notes of the instrument upon the great about fifteen years after the rebellion. Lion in Exeter Change, was only to excite his attention, which was very great. He remained silent and motionless. But no sooner were the flat notes sounded, than he sprang up, attempted to break loose, lashed his tail, and seemed so furious and enraged, as to frighten the female spectators. This was attended with the deepest yells, which ceased with the music. Sir E. Home has found this inequality of the fibres in neat cattle, the Horse, the Deer, the Hare, and the Cat.



A few years ago, Mr Warburton, of London, sent to the late Dr Marcet of Geneva, a certain quantity of a particular fluid arising from the rectification of the acetic acid of wood. Messrs Macaire and Marcet, jr, members of the Society of Physics and Natural History at Geneva, having examined this fluid, read in the meeting of the Society, held on the 16th of last October, a memoir on the subject. These two chemists have given to the fluid in question the name of Pyroxylic Spirit, which recalls Dr T. L. Thienemann, who spent the its origin. Their observations lead them winter of 1820 and 1821 in Iceland, made to conclude, first, that there exist at least numerous observations on the polar lights. two vegetable fluids, simple, and distinct He states the following as some of the genfrom alcohol, but possessing like that liquid, eral results of his observations: 1. The the property of forming with acids, partic-polar lights are situated in the lightest and ular etherial spirits; secondly, that these highest clouds of our atmosphere. 2. They two fluids, which they distinguish by the are not confined to the winter season or to names, Pyroacetic spirit and Pyroxylic spir- the night, but are present in favourable it, are different from each other both in their circumstances, at all times, but are only properties and in their composition. distinctly visible during the absence of the solar rays. 3. The polar lights have no PECULIARITY IN THE APPEARANCE OF THE determinate connexion with the earth. 4. He never heard any noise proceed from them. 5. Their common form, in Iceland, is the arched, and in a direction from N. E. and W. S. W. 6. Their motions are various, but always within the limits of clouds containing them.


The following notice of a peculiarity in the appearance of the Rainbow, was published in the Boston Centinel.

A rainbow was seen at South Boston, yesterday morning, six o'clock, a little to the south of west, which appeared to militate in its principles with the commonly received theory. The true bow was a well defined arch, the chord of which was one eighth of a great circle, and had nothing peculiar attached to it. The false bow was

[blocks in formation]

CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. HAVE just received from France and Germany, seventeen cases of BOOKS, most of them very valuable and rare, and the price low. Among them are the following Waltoni (Briani) Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, (Hebr. Samar. Græc. Syriac. Chald. Æthiop. Persic. et Vulg. Lat.) Lond. 1657. 6 vols. fol. Well bound and in excellent order. [This is the most valuable of the Polyglotts, and has never yet been superseded.]

Castelli (Edmundi) Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Ethiopicum, Arabicum et Persicum. Cui accessit Grammatica Linguarum earundem. Lond. 1669. 2 vols. fol. [This Lexicon should accompany the Polyglott.] Price of the Polyglott Bible and Lexicon, $85,00.

Kennicott (Benj.) Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum variis Lectionibus. Oxon. 1776-80. 2 tom. fol. in boards. $42,00.

[blocks in formation]

ised Western Flora of Mr Nuttall, will
form as complete an account of the plants
of the United States as our present knowl-
edge will afford.

Buxtorf's (the elder) Hebrew Bible, with a Rabbinical Commentary, including his This work will be completed in 8 or 10 Tiberias sive Commentarius Masorethicus. numbers, each containing about 150 pages, Basil, 1620. 2 vols. fol. in boards. $30,00. and accompanied with one or more plates. Critici Sacri sive Annotata Doctissimo- A number will be published, as nearly rum Virorum in Vet. et Nov. Testamentum. as circumstances will permit, every two Quibus accedunt Tractatus varii Theologi- months. Price $1,25, payable on delivery. co-philologici. Amstel. 1698. 8 vols. in 9. The first and second numbers of this valhandsomely bound in vellum. $45,00. [This uable work are already published, and may edition contains more than the London edi- be seen at CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co's. tion of 1660.]

Calvini (Johannis) Opera. Amstel. 1667 -71. 9 vols. in 5. in vellum.

Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. Irenop. 1656 and 1692. 10 vols. in 7. fol. in boards,


1 tom.

IN the year 1821, with a description of
Gibraltar, accompanied with several en-
gravings. By an American.

Socini (Fausti) Opera. 2 tom. "The design which has been kept in view Crellii (Joannis) Opera. 4 tom. in 2. in preparing this Journal for the press, is to Slichtingii de Bukowiec (Jona) Commen-give a faithful picture of objects which came taria Posthuma in plerosque N. T. Libros. under the author's observation, and to bring them up in such a manner that they may strike the reader's mind as they at first struck his own; for this reason the descriptions have been made diffuse, in order to embrace such circumstances as he deemed necessary to his plan. It may be considered a fault to enlarge so much on trifles; but

Wolzogenii (J. L.) Opera. 2 vols. in 1.
Przipcovii (Samuelis) Cogitationes Sacræ,

etc. 1 tom.

Clerici (Joannis) Commentarius in Vet. et Nov. Testam. Amstel. et Francof. 1710-31. 7 vols. in 3.

Hammond's (Henry) Paraphrase and Annotations on the New Testament. Lond.

1671. fol.

Lampe (Fr. Adolphi) Commentarius Analytico-exegeticus Evangelii secundum Joannem. Amstel. 1723. 3 tom. 4to. neatly bound in vellum. $7,87.

Wolfii (J. Christ.) Curæ Philologicæ et Criticæ in N. T. Hamb. 1737-41. 5 vols. 4to. $7,25.

[ocr errors]

In Psalmos.



Rosenmuelleri (E. F. C.) Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Lips. 8vo. viz. In Pentateuchum. Vol. I. (Gen.) 1821. Vol. II. (Exod.) 1822. Vol. I. (Ps. i.-xx.) 1821. Vol. II. (Ps. xxi.—liv.) 1822. In Jesaiam. 3 vols. 1810-20. In Ezechiel. 2 vols. 1808-10. In Prophetas Minores. 4 vols. 1812-16. [These are the latest editions of this valuable commentary.]

Schulzi (J. C. F.) Scholia in Vetus Testamentum. Continuata (inde a vol. iv.) a G.

perhaps it may be received in palliation, if
not in excuse, that they are always the
very same trifles which have served to fas-
ten in his mind the more important subjects
with which they were connected, and are
still strongly and agreeably associated in


For sale by CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co.


PRIVATE Correspondence of William
Cowper, Esq. with several of his most inti-
mate friends. Now first published from
the Originals in the possession of his kins-
man, John Johnson, LL. D.
Rector of
Yaxham with Welborne in Norfolk.

Memoirs of John Aiken, M. D. By Lu-
cy Aiken.

Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History,
with Notes, &c. By John Ware, M. D.
Heeren's Politics of Ancient Greece.
By George Bancroft.




lately published, A Practical Treatise up-
on the Authority and Duty of Justices of
the Peace in Criminal Prosecutions. By
Daniel Davis, Solicitor General of Massa-
chusetts. Also,

American Law, with occasional Notes and
A General Abridgment and Digest of
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CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. have received a choice assortment of Drawing Materials, consisting of

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Drawing Pencils, best quality, manufactured by Dobbs;

Colours for Maps, and Plans; Drawing Chalks, all varieties, put up neatly in Boxes;

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CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. have just opened several cases, containing an extensive assortment of English Writing Paper, which they offer to the trade, and the public, on the most liberal terms.

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