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gates are invariably closed by the city authorities whenever the sovereign has occasion to enter the city, and at no other time. The visit of the sovereign is, indeed, a rare occurrence, confined to a thanksgiving in St. Paul's for some important victory, or the opening of a public building like the New Royal Exchange. A herald sounds a trumpet before the gate-another herald knocks

THIS picturesque-looking gate occupies | absurd custom connected with Temple Bar the site of the ancient City boundary to the which may not be known generally. The west. It was built by Wren, in the year 1670. On the east side, in niches, are the statues of Queen Elizabeth and King James I., and on the west side those of Charles I. and Charles II. It derives its name from its contiguity to the Temple. On the tops of Temple Bar there used to be displayed the unsightly exhibition of traitors' heads. Walpole, in one of his letters, dated August 16th, 1746, says "I have been this morn- -a parley ensues-the gates are then ing at the Tower, and passed under the new thrown open, and the Lord Mayor for the heads at Temple Bar, where people make a time being makes over the sword of the trade of letting spying-glasses at a half- city to the sovereign, who graciously returns penny a look." There is an ancient and it. Stow describes a scene like this, when


Queen Elizabeth was on her way to St. | specimen of the class, who was afflicted Paul's to return thanks for the defeat of the with St. Vitus's dance. It was amusing to Armada. "Over the gate of Temple Bar see him start off all at once without were placed the waites of the citie: and at apparent object in view, and running impethe same bar the Lord Mayor and his bre- tuously for some time suddenly "pull up," thren the Aldermen, in scarlet, received as if to reflect upon his precipitate course, and welcomed her Majesty to her City and and convulsively twirling his fingers, and Chamber, delivering to her hands the sceptre making strange grimaces, as if repentant of [sword], which after certain speeches had, his folly, quietly retrace his steps. We her Highness redelivered to the Mayor, and now pass through a dark archway, the he again taking his horse, bare the same Temple Gate, which leads us to one of the before her." When Cromwell and the most interesting historic relics of the City. Parliament dined in the city in state, on the The Temple is of great antiquity, dating 17th of June, 1849, the same ceremony back as far as 1185. At the downfall of was observed; "the Mayor delivering up the Knights' Templars, in 1313, the Temthe sword to the speaker," says Whitelocke, ple was bestowed upon the Earl of Pemas he used to do to the king." Queen broke, at whose death the property passed Anne went through the same ceremony on to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, by her way to St. Paul's to return thanks for whom the Inner and Middle Temples were the Duke of Marlborough's victories, and leased to the students of law, in 1326. recently Queen Victoria, on her way to Spencer makes the following allusion to Cornhill to open the Royal Exchange. this locality:


Fleet-street and the Strand, be it remembered, are named from the fact, that in early times the former had a rivulet, now running under ground, and the latter was then the bank of the Thames.

Pleasant memories cluster around the precincts of Fleet-street and its numerous courts and alleys, for Johnson, Dryden, Cowper, Goldsmith, Richardson and Lamb have made these places classic ground. Booksellers' shops also there were formerly not a few in this vicinity.

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The Church of the Knights' Templars modelled in part after the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. As you enter the great circular tower, which is of Norman architecture, the attention is arrested by the monumental effigies, by some supposed to be representations of the ancient knights; this, however, is doubted by other antiquarians.


Crowded as this busy thoroughfare is, let us linger a moment to catch a glimpse The Choir, which has been recently reof the many phases of life that are pre-stored and beautified, presents a splendid sented to our view. We are now in the specimen of the architectural taste of the very heart of the mighty Babel: here are twelfth century. all the various members of society eagerly pressing their way in pursuit of their several occupations from the rich merchant to the "ticket porter," while the half famished beggar boy is contentedly feasting upon the meagre crust which the hand of charity has sparingly bestowed. We well remember, years ago, when "ticket porters" were in vogue in this neighborhood, a singular

The learned Selden is buried here, the white marble monument to his memory ing placed to the left of the altar, and immediately over his remains. In the burial ground to the east of the Choir, and outside of the building, repose the ashes of Oliver Goldsmith. His funeral took place on the evening of the 9th of April, 1774. The place is undistinguished; but a tablet re

ecntly erected on the north side of the Choir | Hooker, the author of the "Ecclesiastical commemmorates the circumstance. Polity," and Archbishop Usher, who preach

Many learned divines have been lecturers ed the funeral sermon of Selden. The orin Temple Church, among the number gan at this church was long celebrated as

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being the grandest in London. Shakespeare Night in connection with its performance in lays the scene of the first part of Henry VI., this fine old Hall. These gardens front the it may be remembered, in Temple Gardens. Thames, and are laid out with great taste, We first hear of Shakespeare's Twelfth and are ornamented with stately trees.

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""Cheerful Crown

The Hall of the Middle Temple is venerable Lamb; he says in "Elia," and magnificent; it has witnessed more Office Row, place of my kindly engenthan one royal banquet. Crown Office der." Row, Temple, was the birthplace of Charles

[Mem. of the Great Metropolis.


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