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HOMES (NATHANIEL). The Resurrection revealed, or the dawning of the day-star. First published in 1654; but now revised. 8° Lond.


HOOD (THOMAS). Tylney Hall; 3 Vol. 12° Lond. 1834.

HOOGHE (CORNELIS DE). Copye vande Belijdenisse ende Sententie Capitael van Cornelis de Hooghe. 4° 1608.

Hook (w. F.). An Epistle, congratulatory, commendatory, and admonitory to him, occasioned by his Sermon for the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. 8° Lond. 1830.

Lond. 1834.


The Church and the Establishment: two sermons. 120

Questions and Answers on Confirmation. 12° Lond.

HOOKER (W. J.). The Journal of Botany, being a second series of the Botanical Miscellany; Vol. 1. 8° Lond. 1834.

HOORN (N. VAN). Arrius Redivivus, ofte vierige Pijlen des Satans, uytgeblust door den Schilt des Geloofs. 4° Middelburgh, 1669.

HOPE (J.). Principles and Illustrations of morbid Anatomy; adapted to the elements of M. Andral. 8° Lond. 1834.

HOPE (JOHN). Letters on Credit. With a postscript, and an account of the Bank at Amsterdam. 8° Lond. 1784.

HOPER (JOHN), Bp. of Gloucester. A Declaratyon of the ten holy Commaundementes, collected out of the scrypture canonycall. 16° Lond. Rycharde Jugge, 1550. [Lit. Goth.]

HOPKINS (THOMAS). Great Britain, for the last forty years. 8" Lond.


HOPPUS (JOHN). The Difficulties of Infidelity. A sermon. S" Lond.



The Importance of Revelation. A lecture. 8° Lond.

HORE Otiosa; or, thoughts, maxims, and opinions. S° Lond. 1833. * HORE Solitariæ. Or essays upon the names and titles of Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. [By Ambrose Serle.] 2 Vol. 8° Lond. 1804. HORATIUS (Q.) Flaccus. Carmina. [Ex recensione Benedicti Philologi.] 8° Flor. Impensa Philippi bibliopola, 1503.

Poemata, annotationibus illustrata a Joanne Bond; et Parodiæ, in libros Odarum et Epodon, David. Hoppii. [2 Tom.] 8° Brunsuigæ, 1655.

Opera. Curante Joanne Petro Millero. 8°

Berol. 1761.

Opera. 12° Edinb. 1835.


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All the Odes and Epodes; translated into

English verse by Henry Rider. 8° Lond. 1638.

The Lyrick Poet, odes and satyres translated out of Horace into English verse, by John Smith. 8° Lond.


All Horace his Lyrics, or his four bookes of Odes, and his book of Epodes Englished. [By Barten Holyday.] 8" Lond. 1653.

The Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare.

In English verse, by William Oldisworth. 12° Lond. 1719.

With notes.

Works in English Prose, by C. Smart.

120 Edinb. 1832.

Traduction des Odes, avec des Observations critiques et Poésies lyriques; par M. de Reganhac; 2 Tom. 12" Par. 1781.

De Arte Poetica Liber, quem interpretatione atque notis criticis et æstheticis illustravit, lectionis varietate e duobus veterrimis, hactenus non adhibitis codd. Bibliothecæ Metropolitanæ Pragensis auxit et Germanorum versu reddidit S. C. Macháček. 8° Praga, 1833.

Specimens of a Version of Horace's first four books of Odes, attempted in octosyllabic verse, by Francis Wrangham, M.A. 8° 1820.

HORMAYR (JOSEPH), Freiherr voN.

Kleine historische Schriften und Ge

dächtnitsreden. 4° München, 1832.

HORN (WILHELM.). Reise durch Deutschland, Ungarn, Holland, Italien, Frankreich, Grossbritannien und Irland: in Rücksicht auf medicinische und naturwissenschaftliche Institute, Armenpflege U. S. W.; 4 Band. 8° Berlin, 1831-3.

HORNE (GEORGE), Bp. of Norwich. A Fast Sermon. 8° Orf. 1756.

Subscription to the 39 Articles. editor. 8 Oxf. 1834.

A Letter to Lord North, concerning
With a preface and notes by the

HORNE (THOMAS HARTWELL). An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Corrected and enlarged; 4 Vol. 8" Lond. 1834.

HORNES (Grave VAN). Missive ende de Documenten van den Grave van Hornes, waer in klaer wordt gedemonstreert hoe het sigh heeft toegedragen in het belegh van de Stadt Veurne. 4o Gravenhage, 1693. HOROLOGIUM. Gr. 8° 1535.

HORSLEY (SAMUEL), Bp. of St. David's. Proposals for publishing by Subscription, "Isaaci Newtoni Opera quæ extant omnia." 4° 1776. HORT (ROBERT). A Sermon on the Millennium. 8° Dublin; London repr. 1748.

Lond. repr. 1753.

With additions. 8°

HOSIUS (STANISLAUS). Confessio Catholicæ Fidei Christianæ ; vel potius explicatio quædam confessionis in synodo Petricoviensi a patribus provinciarum Gnesnensis et Leopoliensis in regno Poloniæ factæ, A.D. 1551. fol. Viennæ in Austr., 1560.

HOSPITAL. An Abstract or State of the Case before the general Court of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 4".

HOTTINGER (J. J.). Histoire des Suisses à l'époque de la Réformation. Continuation de J. de Muller, traduite par L. Vulliemin; 2 Tom. 8° Paris, Zurich, 1833.

HOUSE. The House of the Thief; or, the eighth commandment practically illustrated. 12° Lond. 1852.

HOUTUYN (ADRIANUS). Monarchia Hebræorum. 16o Lugd. Bat. 1685. How (JAMES). A Fast Sermon. 8° Lond. 1756.

HOWARD. [Lithographs of MSS., &c., relating to the Howard Family.] fol. Presented by — Howard, Esq., of Corby Castle.

HOWARD (HENRY), Earl of Surrey. Poems. With poems of Sir Thomas Wiat and others. 8° Lond. 1717. [With MS. notes by T. Park and J. Haslewood.]

HOWARD (JOHN). An Account of the Prisons and Houses of Correction in the Home Circuit. Taken from a publication by John Howard, Esq. 8° Lond. [1789.]

HOWARTH (HENRY). Practical Thoughts on the Observance of the Lord's Day. A Sermon. 8° Cambr. 1833.

The abiding Obligation of the Moral Laws of

Moses, stated in four Sermons. 8" Cambr. 1833.

A Visitation Sermon. 8° Bedford, 1834.

HOWELL (HENRY). A Bell and a Pomegranate for the City Zion; a poem; Pt. 1. 12° Lond. 1834.

HOWELL (JAMES). The pre-eminence and pedigree of Parliament. 4o

Lond. 1677.

HOWELS (WILLIAM). His Remains. Being Extracts from his Sermons, taked down when preached, by William Prior Moore. 12o Dubl. 1833.

Sermons, etc., etc. With a memoir by Charles

Bowdler; 2 Vol. 8° Lond. 1834.

HOWISON (JOHN). European Colonies, viewed in their social, moral, and physical condition; 2 Vol. 8° Lond. 1834.

HOWITT (MARY). The Seven Temptations. 8° Lond. 1834.

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HOWITT (WILLIAM). A popular History of Priestcraft in all ages and nations. 8° Lond. 1834.

A popular History of Priestcraft; abridged from his work. 8° Lond. [1834.]

HOWLETT (J.). Enquiry into the Influence which Enclosures have had upon the Population of this Kingdom. With an appendix. 8° Lond.


HOWSHIP (JOHN). Some Account of two Cases of Inflammatory Tumour, produced by the deposit of the Larva of a large Fly (Estrus Humanus) beneath the Cutis, in the Human Subject. 8° Lond. 1833. Presented by the Author.

HÜBLER (DAN. GOTTH. JOS.). Synchronistische Tabellen der Volkergeschichte hauptsächlich nach Herrn Hofrath Gatterer's Versuch einer allgemeinen Weltgeschichte. 3 Lieferung. fol. Freyberg, 1799. HUDDART (JOSEPII). Memoir of the late Capt. Joseph Huddart. 4° Lond.


HUDDESFORD (G.). A Defence of the Rector and Fellows of Exeter College, from the accusations of Dr. Huddesford. 8° Lond. 1754. [With MS. notes.]

HUE AND CRY. A Hue and Cry after part of a Pack of Hounds, which broke out of their kennel in Westminster. With modern characters, by another hand. 8° Lond. 1739.

HUEBERUS (FORTUNATUS). Menologium S. Francisci. fol. Monach.


HUERNIUS (JOANNES). De Historie, Natuere ende Beduidenisse der Comeet, die geopenbaert is int jaer 1577. 4° Cölln.

HUET (P. D.), Eréque d'Avranches. Iter Suecicum. 4° 1662. HUGENIUS (CHRISTIANUS). Christiani Hugenii aliorumque seculi XVII. virorum celebrium Exercitationes Mathematicæ et Philosophicæ. Ex MSS. in Bibliotheca Academiæ Lugduno-Batavæ servatis edidit Petrus Joannes Uylenbrock; 2 Fascic. 4° Haga Com. 1833. Presented by the Curators of the University of Leyden.

HUGHES (HENRY). Lectures on the Gospel. 12° Lond. 1834.

The Annual Pastoral Letter, addressed to the in

habitants of Great-Linford, Bucks. 8° Lond. 1834.

HULDENREICH (CHRISTIAN). S. Joannis Truner oder Valet Zeche eines busfertigen Teutschen Trunckenboldes. 8° Hildesheim, 1603.

HULEWICZ (ALEX. GABR. DE). Institutiones Linguæ Græcæ. 4° Lugd. Bat. 1746.

HULL (WILLIAM). Ecclesiastical Establishments not inconsistent with Christianity with a view to some objections of the Dissenters. 8° Lond. 1834.


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HULL (WILLIAM), Jun. The History of the Glove Trade. 16° Lond. 1834.

HUMBLE (W.). Bible Questions; Pt. 11.

12° Lond. 1834.

HUME (DAVID). A Letter to Adam Smith, LL.D., on the Life, Death, and Philosophy of his friend, David Hume, Esq. [By George Horne, Bishop of Norwich.] 8° Oxf. 1777.

8° Lond.

History of England, by Hume and Smollett, with a continuation by the Rev. T. S. Hughes, B.D.; Vol. 1-x. 1834.

HUME (J. D.). The Laws of the Customs. With notes and index. S° Lond. 1833.

HUNDRED-FOLD. The Promise of the Hundred-Fold, Matth. Ch. xix, ver. 29, explained; translated from the Bibliothèque Raisonnée. 8° Lond. 1749.

HUNT (LEIGH). The Indicator and the Companion; 2 Vol. 12° Lond.


HUNT (THOMAS). A Defence of the Charter, and municipal rights of the city of London. 4° Lond.

HUNTER (JOSEPH). The Attorney-General versus Shore. An historical Defence of the Trustees of Lady Hewley's Foundations, and of the claims upon them by the Presbyterian Ministry of England. 8° Lond.


An Introduction to the Valor Ecclesiasticus of King Henry VIII. 8° Lond. 1834. Presented by the Commissioners of the Public Records.

HÜPEDEN (L. PH.). Zweiter Jahres-Bericht über das Lyceum der Stadt Celle. Præmittitur: De usu atque natura infinitivi historici apud Latinos commentatio grammatica. Scripsit H. L. O. Mueller. 4° Celle,

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