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Mr Latymer firste I commaunde youe sub pæna excommunicationis that hensforthe ye touche no suche thynges in the pulpet as hath ben in contraversy betwyxte youe and other and whearuppon contention hath ryson Moreover I commaunde youe that ye be cyrcumspecte and discrete in your sermons and that ye speeke no such thynge which may be occasion off offence unto your audience in anywise.

Now unto you Masters Bayn*, Bryganden*, Grenewod*, and Mr Proctor, Under the same payne of excommunication I charge and commaunde youe that here in tyme to cum ye touche no suche matters as hathe been in controversy ne to invey or crye out in the pulpet as ye have don in tymys paste for this hath caused the sklaunderouse brute which runneth of us in every place to our shame and rebuke ye knowe and remembre certen articles which wer imputed unto Mr Latymer and that they wer sklaunderouse and suspitiousely spoken ye knowe what satisfaction he hath made in the same ye knowe what declaration he hath made concerning the said articles As I am enformed he hath declared them so playnly and so openly that now no manner of man beyng indifferente or yet well affecte towardes hym can be offended with him or yet thynke that he hathe not on this behalfe made due satisfaction In case that he hath not satisfied every man he is redy and shalbe at all tymes (that knowne) to satisfye them unto his power and lurnyng. This beyng true as it is in dede me thynke every man ought to be contented.

And agayne forasmuch as I appoynted youe a day if ye had any thynge to laye unto Mr Latymers charge ye shulde cum in before me and ye shulde be herde according unto equity and justice and than ye came not in now if ye wolde accuse him it might be thought to be don more of malice and of sum evyll passion than of cherite or any good zeele towardes the faithe of Christe, but muche the more it shulde be thought and judged to be mysdon if ye shulde persever in cryeng oute in the pulpet as ye have don to fore. In case that Mr Latymer shall hereafter offende youe or afferme any thing that is contrary unto the catholicke faithe, than come ye unto me and shew me of it and I shall * Bachelors of Divinity of St. John's.


so advertise the matter by due correction and justice that ye shalbe contented withall, this seemeth unto me a better waye that I shulde first examine the matter before that ye passe uppon the same, for in case he said amysse and will be reformed who shall better make amends than hymself? unto whom shall more credence be giffon of the audience? to hym or to youe? In case he wilbe reformed have ye not than won your Brother? In case hissilfe will revoke that thynge that hath been evyll spoken and declare his faithe unto his audience accordyng unto the truthe what can ye or ought ye desyre more? If ye be not thus satisfied and contented but styll invey and crye oute in the pulpet as ye have ben accustomed what shall men say uppon youe but that ye be malytyouse contencyouse and frowarde sekyng nothing the correction of your brother, but to satisfy your owne noughty affections? What peace and tranquillitie shall we truste off sythe ye shall so exasperate your brother by that ungoodly manner that he muste needes defende hymselfe and so retaliate his injury uppon youe If ye persevere as ye have begon how and by what meanes shall we brynge downe this sklaunderouse brute which is ryson upon us almoste in every place to our utter rebuke and shame? Lat us regarde our goode name. It is not a little to be estemed. If it shalbe famed that we be thus at contention still emongeste oursilfes what credence shalbe giffon unto our prechinges whan we shall cum abrode? O what prejudice shall this be to Goddes worde. What hindrance and what hurte? Every man shalbe brought unto such a doute and perplexite by this manner that thei shall not knowe whom to beleve.

Theis wordes or such other like I did speake.





To our trusty and well-beloved the Vice-chancelor Doctors and other Regentes and Non Regentes of our Universitie of Cambridge.

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Trusty and well-beloved we grete you well. And wher as in the matter of matrymonie between us and the Quene uppon consultation hadd with the gretest clerks of Cristendom as well withowte this our realme as within the same, thei have in a gret nombre affermed unto us in writing and therunto subscribed their names that Ducere uxorem fratris mortui sine liberis sit prohibitum jure divino et naturali. Which is the chief and principall point

in our cause. We therfore desirouse to knowe and understande your myndes and opynions in that bihalfe and nothing dowtinge but like as ye have all wayes founde us to you and that our university favourable benivolent and glad to extend our auctoritie for your wealth and benefite when ye have required the same ye will now likewise not omytt to doo any thing whereby ye shulde ministre unto us gratuite and pleasor specially in declaration of the truthe in a cause so nere touching us your prince and soveraine lorde, our soule, the wealth allso and benefite of this our realme, have sent hither pñtely for that our purpose our trusty and right welbiloved Clerkes and Counsaillors Maister Doctor Gardyner our secretary and Maister Fox who shall oon our bihaulf further open and declare unto you the circumstances of the premiss. Wherefore we will and require you not oonly to geve ferme credence unto them but also to advertise us by the same under the common seale of that our universitie of such opynyon in the proposition aforesaid as shalbe then concluded and by the consente of lerned men shalbe agreeduppon. In doyng whereof ye shall deserve our especyall thankes and geve us cause to encrease our favor towardes you as we shall not faile to do accordingly. Geven under our signet at Yorkes place the xvith daye of February.

* Or prutely; privately?


PLACET vobis ut VICECANCELLARIUS, Doctores SALCOT, WATSON, REPPS, THOMPSON de Collegio Michaelis, VENETUS, EDMONDES, DOWNES, WYGAN, CROME, BOSTON, et Magister MYDELTON, HEYNES, MYLSENTE, THAXTON, LATYMER, SYMON MATTHEW, LONGFORTHE, THYXTELL, NYCOLLS, HATTON, SKYP, GOODRYCK, HETHE, HADWAY, DEYE et BAYNE, una cum PROCURATORIBUS habeant plenam facultatem et authoritatem nomine totius universitatis rendendi literis Regiæ Majestatis in hac congregatione lectis ac nomine totius universitatis diffiniendi et determinandi questionem in ejusdem literis propositam. Ita quod quicquid duæ partes eorum presentium inter se decreverint respondendum dictis literis et diffinierint ac determinaverint super questione proposita in eisdem habeatur et reputetur pro responsione diffinitione et determinatione totius universitatis. Et quod liceat Vicecancellario procuratoribus et scrutatoribus literis super dictarum duarum partium responsione diffinitione et determinatione concipiendis Sigillum commune universitatis apponere, Sic quod publice disputetur et antea legantur coram universitate absque ulteriore gratia desuper obtinenda aut petenda.


HAUD quaquam vos fugit (opinor) clarissimi Viri ac senatores gravissimi ut nuper excellentissimi principis nostri literas acceperitis quibus cum super quadam questione inter illum ac illustrissimam reginam controversa nostram sententiam desideraret ; flagitaret impense. Nos (ut nos decuit) tanti principis petitioni haudquaquam inique morem gerere volentes tandem in illam omnium (præsertim seniorum) suffragiis convenimus sententiam ut selectis quibusdam sacræ theologiæ tum professoribus tum

bacalauriis ac aliis magistris tantam questionem examinandi determinandi ac diffiniendi nomine totius universitatis provincia delegareter. Illi (inter quos et ego minimus a vobis selectus) tantæ rei curam demandatam agentes omni consultatione deliberatione diligentia ac sacræ scripturæ locorum conferentia tum etiam interpretum denique publica disputatione præmissis tandem ad illius questionis determinationem ac diffinitionem devenerunt. Super qua ut nullus est nostrum (quibus ea provincia commissa est) qui aut ambigere aut refragari possit: ita et vobis omnibus (quod et gratia a vobis concessa postulat) eandem compertam esse volumus. Accipite igitur ac amplectimini quod vestra causa vestrisque nominibus a fratribus vestris per ingentes labores ac summam industriam exantlatum est.

Determinatio in his scriptis comprehensa sic habet.

Nos universitas studentium academiæ Cantabrigiensis Omnibus infra scripta lecturis auditurisve salutem. Cum occasione causæ matrimonialis inter invictissimum et potentissimum principem et Dominum nostrum Henricum Octavum Dei gratia Angliæ Franciæque Regem fidei defensorem ac Dominum Hiberniæ et illustrissimam Dominam Catherinam reginam controversæ de illa questione nostra rogaretur sententia, Videlicet an sit jure divino et naturali prohibitum ne frater ducat in uxorem relictam fratris mortui sine liberis, Nos de ea re deliberaturi more solito convenientes atque communicatis consiliis matura consultatione tractantes quo modo quo ordine ad Investigationem veritatis certius procederetur ac omnium tandem suffragiis selectis quibusdam ex doctissimis sacræ theologiæ professoribus bachalauriis ac aliis magistris ea cura demandata ut scrutatis diligentissime sacræ scripturæ locis, illisque collatis referrent ac renunciarent quid ipsi dictæ questioni respondendum putarent. QUONIAM auditis perpensis ac post publicam super dicta questione disputationem matura deliberatione discussis hiis quæ in questione prædicta alterutram partem statuere et convellere possint, illa nobis probabiliora validiora veriora etiam et certiora ac genuinum et syncerum sacræ scripturæ intellectum præ se ferentia, Interpretum etiam sententiis magis consona visa sunt quæ confirmant et probant jure divino et naturali prohibitum esse ne frater uxorem fratris mortui sine

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