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5935 Songs of the Free and Hymns of Christian Freedom. 16mo. pp. 227, sheep. Boston, 1836.

Jersey, to Montreal and Quebec. 16mo. signed "R. H. R." Plates. 8vo. pp. 184,
pp. 160, sheep. Cincinnati, 1823. 1 50 old calf. Philadelphia, 1810.
5918 Harrison. Log Cabin Song Book.
16mo. pp. 108, half cloth. Col., 1840.
5919 Jones (Chas. A.) The Outlaw, and
other Poems. 18mo. pp. 72. Cincinnati,


75 5920 Keese (John, Editor). The Poets of America. Illustrated by one of her Painters. 12mo. pp. 284, half bound.


New York, 1840.
5920 Another copy. Morocco.
5921 Kettell (Samuel). Specimens of
American Poetry, with Critical and Bio-
graphical Notices. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston,
3 50

5922 Key (Francis S.) Poems of the late Author of "The Star Spangled Banner." With an Introductory Letter by Chief Justice Taney. 12mo. pp. 203. New York, 1857. 175

5923 Lee (Arthur T.) Army Ballads, and other Poems. 16mo. pp. 160. n. p., 1.00


5924 Lincoln (A.) Poetical Tributes to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Portrait. 12mo. pp. 306. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 25 5925 Lord (W. W.) Andre. A Tragedy in Five Acts. 12mo. pp. 138. New York, 1856.

5936 Southern Passages and Pictures. A Collection of Poems. [By W. Gilmore Simms.] 12mo. pp. 225. New York, 1839.







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U. S.

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5937 Stanton (Henry T.) Jacob Brown and other Poems. 12mo. pp. 155. Cincin nati, 1875.

5938 Stanton (Henry T.) less Man and other Poems. Cincinnati, 1884.

5939 Street (Alfred B.) Frontenac; or, the Atotarno of the Iroquois. A Metrical Romance. 12mo. pp. 324. New York,


[blocks in formation]

5942 Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress. 100 With a Preface, Notes and Appendix. By 5926 Mead (Chas.) Mississippi Scenery. One of the Fancy. 18mo. pp. 120. New A Poem. 16mo. pp. 113, water stained. York, 1819. Philadelphia, 1819. 5943 Trumbull (John). The Poetical 5927 Miller (Joaquin). The Danites Works of. Containing M'Fingal, a Modern in the Sierras. 18mo. pp. 258. Chicago, Epic Poem, ctc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo., half bound, uncut. Hartford, 1820.

[blocks in formation]

5930 Nason (Elias). A Monogram on 5945 White (Richard Grant). National Hymns. How they are Written and how our National Song. 8vo. 69. Albany, pp. they are not Written. 8vo. 152. New 1 00 1869. York, 1861. 100


5931 Pike (G. D.) The Jubilee Singers and their Campaign for Twenty Thousand Dollars. 12mo. pp. 219. Boston, 1875. 1 25 COINS, CURRENCY, ETC. 5932 Saffell (W. T. R.) Hail Columbia, 5946 Breck (Samuel). Historical Sketch The Flag, and Yankee Doodle-Dandy. of the Continental Paper-Money. 8vo. pp. 16mo. pp. 123. Baltimore, 1864. 75 40, paper. Philadelphia, 1843.

5933 Seward (Miss). Monody on Major Andre. To which are added Letters Addressed to her, by Major Andre, in the year 1869. 4to. pp. 47, half bound. Lichfield, 1781.

5934 Sketches in Verse.

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

United States for 1880. 8vo. pp. 443, fects on Landowners, Farmers, Traders, Washington, 1881. and on all the Industrial Classes of the Community. With an Introduction by Wm. Cobbett. 16mo. pp. 200, boards. London, 1833. 1 50

1 00 5950 The same. For 1881, 1882, 1883 and 1884. Each. 100 5951 Carey (H. C.) Currency Inflation. How it has been Produced and how it may be profitably Reduced. 8vo. pp. 20. Philadelphia, 1874. 30 5952 Colonial, Continental, Confederate Currency. Their present Market Value. To which is added a complete Price List of U. S. Fractional Currency. Fac-similies. 8vo. pp. 35, New York. 50 5953 Currency (The) of the British Colonies. 8vo. pp. 247. London, 1848 2 25


5954 Coin Book (The). A History of Coinage. A Synopsis of the Mint Laws of the United States. Statistics of Coinage from 1792 to 1870. List of Current Gold and Silver Coin and their Custom-house Value. Gold and Silver Products of each State to 1870. Daily price of Gold from 1-62 to 1877, etc. With 32 plates of the Principal Coins. 8vo. pp. 145. Philadelphia, 1878.



5955 Comstock (J. L., M.D.) A History
of the Precious Metals from the Earliest
Periods to the Present Time. With Direc-
tions for testing their Purity. 16mo. pp.
222. Hartford, 1849.
5956 Dickeson (M. W.) The American
Numismatic Manual of the Currency or
Money of the Aborigines, and Colonial,
State, and United States Coins. With His-
torical and Descriptive Notices of each coin
or series. Illustrated by Twenty Plates of
Fac-similes. 4to. pp. 270. Philadelphia,
8 00
5957 Eckfeldt (J. R.) and Du Bois (W.
E) New Varieties of Gold and Silver,
Counterfeits, etc., with Mint Values. 6
plates. 8vo. pp. 73. N. Y., 1851.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

5965 Haseltine (J. W.) Description of the Paper Money issued by the Continental States the United Congress of the Several Colonies. Five plates of fac similes. 4to. pp. 30, paper. Philadelphia, 1872.

1 00

5966 Hickcox (John H.) A History of the Bills of Credit or Paper Money issued by New York, from 1709 to 1789. With a Description of the Bills, and Catalogue of the various Issues. 8vo. pp. 103, half call, uncut. 3.00 Albany, N. Y., 1866. 5967 Another copy. Imp. 8vo., sewed, uncut, large paper. 4.00

5968 Horton (S. Dana). Silver, an Issue of International Politics. 8vo. pp. 58. Cincinnati, 1886.


5969 Knox (J. J.) United States Notes; a History of the various issues of Paper Money by the Government of the United States. With an appendix containing the recent Decision of the Supreme Court, and the Dissenting Opinion upon the Legal Tender question. 8vo. pp. 247. New York, 1884.


5970 Laughlin (J. Laurence). The History of Bi-metalism in the United States. Charts and Tables. 8vo. pp. 258. New York, 1885.

2 25

5971 Mint. A Visit to the Cabinet of the United States Mint at Philadelphia. Plates. 12mo. pp. 92. Philadelphia, 1876.


5960 Gholson (W. Y.) Address on the
Subject of the Payment of the Bonds of the
United States in Coin. 8vo. pp. 32, paper. 5972 Mercer (Robert W.) Numismatic
Cincinnati, 1868.
25 Directory for 1884. Names and Addresses
of Collectors of Coins, etc. List of Numis-
matic Societies, etc. 8vo. pp. 65. Cincinnati,

5961 Gouge (Wm. M.)
The Curse of
Paper Money and Banking; or, a Short
History of Banking in the United States of
America, with an account of its ruinous ef-

5973 Moulton (E. W.)

1.00 References to

8vo. pp. 464, full bound. 5986 Another edition. 8vo. pp. 326. London,

the Coinage Legislation of the United English Money.
States. 8vo. pp. 25. Cincinnati, 1877. 25 London, 1761.
5974 Phillips (Henry, Jr.) Historical
Sketches of the Paper Currency of the 1765.
American Colonies, prior to the Adoption
of the Federal Constitution. 2 vols. 4to.,
boards, Roxbury, 1866.
8 00

5975 Prime (N. C.) Medals, and Seals, Ancient and Modern. Illustrated and De

scribed. With a Sketch of the History of Coins and Coinage Tables. Price List, etc. Illustrated. Square 8vo. pp. 292. New

6 00

York, 1861.
5976 Schuckers (J. W.) Brief Account
of the Finances and Paper Money of the
Revolutionary War. 8vo. pp. 128,
Philadelphia, 1874.


1 50

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5987 Abbott (Lieut. Joel).
General Naval Court Martial, on Allega
tions made against him by Capt. David Por-
ter. 8vo. pp. 237. Boston, 1822.


[blocks in formation]

5989 Andre (Major John). Proceedings of a Board of General Officers, held by Order of his Excellency, General Washington, respecting Major John Andre, September 29, 1780. 8vo. pp. 21, sewed, uncut. adelphia, 1780. Privately reprinted. New York, 1867.

5981 Trotter (Alexander). Observations on the Financial Position and Credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have contracted Public Debts; comprising an account of the manner in which the sums raised by each State have been applied, and a consideration of the probable effects of such application upon the general Wealth and Prosperity of the Country. 8vo. pp. 456. London, 1839.


5982 Another copy. Full calf, neat. 3 50 5983 Webster (Daniel). Speech on the Currency, at the Merchants Meeting, New York, Sept. 28, 1840. 8vo. pp. 24. New York, 1840.




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5990 Arnold (Rev. S.) An Astonishing
Affair. Rev. Samuel Arnold Cast and
Tried for his Cruelty. By Philandros.
18mo. 168. Concord, 1830.

5991 Avery (Rev. Ephraim K.) Trial
for the Murder of Sarah M. Cornell. By
B. F. Hallett. pp. 191. + Supplementary
Edition by B. F. Hallett. pp. 40. + Argu-
ments of Counsel, Hon. J. Mason for the
Prisoner, Albert C. Greene for Prosecution,
and the Medical Testimony.
pp. 84+13.
+ A Vindication of the Result of the Trial.
Svo. Boston. 1833-4. The

[blocks in formation]

5984 Williams (C. P.) Review of the 5996 Beecher (H. W.) Trial. A Review Financial Situation of Our Country. 8vo. of the Evidence from the New York Times. pp. 46, paper. Albany, 1868. 30 8vo. pp. 34. New York, 1875. 5985 Wright (J.) The American Negotiator; or, The Various Currences of the British Colonies in America Reduced into

5997 Beecher-Tilton Case. History of, with all the Documents, and Letters, etc. 8vo. pp. paper. New York, 1874. 50

[merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors]

5998 Beecher (Lyman). Trial and Acquittal of, before the Presbytery of Cincin nati, on Charges preferred by Joshua L. Wilson, D. D. Imperial 8vo. pp. 108, paper. Cincinnati, 1835. 1 25

5999 Bible (The) in the Public Schools; Arguments in the Case of J. D. Minor et al., versus The Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati et al., in the Superior Court of Cincinnati, with the Opinions and Decision of the Court. 8vo. pp. 420. Cincinnati, 1770. 2 00

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[blocks in formation]

6011 Chase (Hon. Samuel). Report of the Trial of, one of the Associated Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, before the High Court of Impeachment, for High Crimes, and Misdemeanors. 8vo. pp. 336, boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1805.

2 25

6012 Chester (Chas. A.) Life and Adventures of, the Notorious Leader of the Philadelphia "Killers." 8vo. pp. 36, раper. Philadelphia, 1850.


6012 Child (David Lee). Trial for Libel on Hon. John Keyes. Reported by John W. Whitman. 8vo. pp. 119. Boston, 1829.

6001 The Same Case. Arguments against the Use of the Bible in the Public Schools, by J. B. Stallo, George Hoadly and Stanley Matthews. 8vo. pp. 177, paper. Cincinnati, 1870. 50 6002 Bingham (John A.) Argument in the Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassination of President Lincoln, etc. 8vo. pp. 122, paper. Washington, 1865. 50 6003 Black Rolf; or, the Red Witch of Wissahickon, Secret Crimes, and Hidden 6014 Church (The) Belfry Murder in Mysteries of Quakerdom. By H. S. War Boston. Little Mabel H. Young cruelly den. 8vo. pp. 96. Phila. [1856]. 50 butchered by the Sexton of the Warren 6004 Black Warrior. Case of the, and Avenue Baptist Church. pp. 31. other violations of the rights of American Heidenblut Murder. pp. 28. 8vo. PhilCitizens by Spanish Authorities. 8vo. pp. adelphia, 1875. 380. Washington, 1854. 1.00

[blocks in formation]



75 6015 Clem (Mrs. Nancy E.) Trial for the Murder of Jacob Young and Wife, and the Confession and Suicide of Silas W. Hartman, her Accomplice. 8vo. pp. 128, paper. Indianapolis, * 1869.


6016 Cramer (Jennie E.) Full and Complete Account of the Life and Death of. 8vo. pp. 48, paper. New York, 1881. 50

6017 Davis (Judge, of Maine). Arguments on his Removal. By Rufus Choate and others. 8vo. pp. 77, n. p., n. d. (1856). 40

6018 Dred Scott. Benton (Thomas H). Historical and Legal Examination of that part of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott Case, which declares the Unconstitutionality of the Missouri Compromise Act, and the Self-Extension of the Constitution to Territories, carrying Slavery along with it. 8vo. pp. 193. New York, 1858. 1 00

6019 Dred Scott. Report of the Decisions of the Supreme Court, and the Opinions of the Judges in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F. Sandford. 8vo. pp. 244, paper. New York, 1857.


6020 Fair (Laura D.) Official Report of

6032 Guiteau, the Assassin. Full Details of his Trial for the Murder of President Garfield. The Crime, its Causes, and Consequences. By G. R. Herbert. 12mo pp. 736. Cincinnati, 1881.

6033 Harrington (Kate). The Sad, Sorrowful Life of. Love and Death in a Barn. 8vo. pp. 30. Philadelphia, 1876.






[blocks in formation]

her Trial for the Murder of Alex. P. Crit-
tenden. 8vo. pp. 342, paper. San Fran-
cisco, 1871.
6021 Farmer (Daniel D.) Trial for the
Murder of Widow Anna Ayer. 8vo. pp.
72. Concord, 1821.
6022 Ferris (Capt. David). Court of
Inquiry to Investigate Charges against.
8vo. pp. 88, paper. New York, 1808. 75.
6034 Hayden (Rev. H. H.) Arrest and
6023 Fisk (Col. James J.) Life of, by Trial of, for Mary Stannard's Murder.
his Mistress, Josie Mansfield, and Sketches 8vo. pp. 47, paper. New Haven, 1879. 30
of his Assassin, Edward S. Stokes. 8vo. 6035 Hicks (Albert W.) Life, Trial,
pp. 65, n. p., n. d.
50 Confession, and Execution of. 8vo. pp. 84,
6024 Forest (Edwin). Report of the paper. New York, 1860.
Forest Divorce Case, with all the Suppressed 6036 Howard (Brig.-Gen. Oliver O.) Pro-
Testimony. 8vo. pp. 187, paper. New ceedings, Findings, and Opinion of the
York, n. d.
50 Court of Inquiry in the Case of.
Washington, 1874.
6025 Foster. Some of the Papers laid 1009, sheep.
before the Governor [John A. Dix, of 6037 Hughes (Dr. John W.)
New York,] in Support of the Petition for Execution, for the Murder of
the Commutation of the Sentence of Wil-zen Parsons. 8vo. pp. 58.
liam Foster, [who murdered Avery D. 1866.
Putnam, with a car-hook in a street-car in
New York City] to Imprisonment for Life.
8vo. pp. 78, paper. New York, 1873. 60
6026 Frazier (Judge Thomas N.) Pro-
ceedings of the High Court of Impeach-
ment, begun at Nashville Tenn., May 11,
1867; with the Evidence, and Argument of
Counsel. 8vo. pp. 132+207, law sheep.
Nashville, 1867.
2 00

[blocks in formation]

6028 Gardnier (Geo. A.) Trial for False Swearing. Argument of Philip R. Fendall. 8vo. pp. 180. Wash'ton, 1853. 1 00

6029 Giddings (Daniel). Trial, for Shooting Benjamin Wiltshire. The Complete Record, by the Official Stenographer, N. F. Dean. 8vo. pp. 436, paper. Hillsboro, O., 75


6030 Goodwin (Robert W.) Report of the Several Trials of, for Manslaughter. 8vo. pp. 58, boards. New York, 1821. 1 00

of J


8vo. pp.


2 50


Trial and
Miss Tam-








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6039 Hunter (John W.) Record of his Examination before K. G. White, U. S. Commissioner, in relation to the Forged Checks upon the U. S. Assistant Treasurer at New York. 8vo. pp. 264, paper. New York, 1864.


6040 Huston. The Trial of the Rev. L. D. Huston, for the alleged Seduction of Mary Driscoll, Virginia Hopkins, etc. Containing all the suppressed testimony. 8vo. PP. 64, paper. Baltimore, 1872.


6041 Hyde (Fanny). Trial for the Mur der of Geo. W. Watson. 8vo. pp. 161, paper. New York, 1872.


6042 Irving (Ellen), the Female Victimizer, who Cruelly Murdered Sixteen Persons in Cold Blood. 8vo. pp. 50. Baltimore, 1856.


6043 James (Frank). Closing Speech for the State made by Wm. H. Wallace in the Trial of Frank James for Murder. 8vo. pp. 64, paper. Kansas City, 1884.


6044 Johnson (Andrew). Trial of, before the Senate on Impeachment, by the House of Representatives for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, 3 vols. 8vo. Wash5 00 ington, 1868. 6031 Goss-Udderzook Tragedy (The). 6045 Johnson (Andrew). Trial. Argu Smo. pp. 39. Being a History of a Strange Case of Dement of Geo. S. Boutwell. ception and Murder. Including the Great Washington, 1868. Life Insurance Case, and the Trial of Wm. E. Udderzook for the Murder of W. S. 8vo. pp. 60, paper. Baltimore, 53

Goss. 1873.


6046 Jones (Arthur T.) A Horse Story, by an Old Gray Horse. Narrative of the Case of the Impeachment of John Orser, High Sheriff of the City and County of

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