V. But ô thy side, thy deep-digg'd side! That hath a double Nilus going. Half so fruitfull, half so flowing. VI. No hair so small, but payes his river To this red sea of thy blood Somthing to the Generall floud. VII. But while I speak, whither are run I counted wrong. There is but one; VIII. Rain-swoln rivers may rise proud, Bent all to drown & overflow. IX. This thy blood's deluge, a dire chance Dear Lord to thee, to us is found A deluge least we should be drown'd. N'ere wast thou in a sense so sadly true, The WELL of living WATERS, Lord, till now. UPON THE CROWNE OF THORNS K TAKEN DOWNE From the head of our Bl. LORD, Now'st thou This, Souldier? 'Tis à much-chang'd plant which yet Thy selfe didst sett. O who so hard a Husbandman did ever find; A soile so kind? Is not the soile a kind one, which returnes UPON THE BODY OF OUR BL. LORD, NAKED AND BLOODY. They have left thee naked, Lord, that they had! This garment too I would they had deny'd. Thee with thy self they have too richly clad; Opening the purple wardrobe in thy side. O never could there be garment too good W ADORO TE Ith all the powres my poor Heart hath Your ports are all superfluous here, O let thy wretch find that releife Because than Though hidd as God, wounds writt thee man, At least the suffring side of thee; And that too was thy self which thee did cover, But here ev'n That's hid too which hides the other. Sweet, consider then, that I |