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3. Man hat mir erzählt, es liegen... : liegen and the following coordinate verbs schreiben, sollen, stehen may all be, according to their form, pres. ind. or pres. subj. It is however the rule in the oratio obliqua to use the imperf. subj., when the pres. subj. would be indistinguishable by its form from the pres. indic. It seems best therefore to take liegen, &c. as here in the indic.; the speaker prefers to express in the direct form what he himself accepts as fact and is treating as such; the words Man hat mir erzählt serve simply to introduce what he wants to refer to, and to account for his being acquainted with it. This childish farce of the black and red books, das,, Buch des Lebens und des Todes," was a freak actually perpetrated by Böhmer (107, 12), after he had joined the Club. Note that müßten is conditional, 'would have to...,' nach ihres Herzens Meinung being equiv. to the protasis (or 'if' clause) of a conditional sentence (cf. Eve, 268),—wenn sie nach ihres Herzens Meinung handelten, or the like.-wohl, 48, 18, n.


28. mit Cüstine...war nicht zu spaßen: the construction is impersonal, with the use of the infin. remarked upon in 14, 18, n. Cf. Es ist nicht zu sagen (=läßt sich nicht sagen), it is not to be told, 'there is no saying.' So the literal meaning of the above is, there was no joking (i.e., it was not a thing to be attempted) with Custine. Here we may translate by the use of the passive, 'C. was not to be trifled with.' Cf. Ihm war das gar nicht einzureden, 'There was no persuading him of that,' 'He was not to be persuaded of it.'

29. vom (=von seinem, 8, 9, n., end) Plaße aus, from the place where he had been sitting or standing,—a common phrase with regard to public debate.

4. fchon, see 58, 5, n.

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12. mit...den gekrampften Händen (krampfen, to contract convulsively, fr. Krampf, cramp, spasm), 'with his hands convulsively clenched.'

19. ohnedies (5, 27, n.) refers to Guillemain's condition as above described; apart from his wild demeanour and the impression produced by it, they had 'anyhow,' 'in any case,' 'besides,' only half understood him, and were thus ready enough to believe the doctor's plausible explanation of the case.

23. mit guter Manier is a common conversational phrase meaning,

in such a way as to preserve the forms of courtesy, and avoid giving offence or incurring displeasure,--Wie kann ich diesem Vorschlag mit guter Manier ausweichen? Here we might say, 'with so happy an avoidance of offence.'—für ihn und Andere unschädlich gemacht, put him out of the way of doing harm to himself or others.

25. mit heiler (9, 23, n.) Haut, 'with a whole skin,' unhurt, scotfree.

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11. aufheben, lit., to 'lift up' and carry away; hence, En., eine Näuberbande, &c., aufheben, to come upon by surprise and carry away into custody, to arrest, &c.

18. rein menschlich.....sich angesprochen fühlte....., lit., felt himself spoken or appealed to in a simply human way by a sympathetic human soul, that is, found himself treated, not as a would-be artist or as a political partisan, but simply as a human being, with warm human feeling. Cf. Etw., ein Bild, die schöne Natur, &c., spricht En. an,' addresses itself or appeals to one's tastes and sympathies, touches, interests, pleases.

21. sich...vorgeträumt (cf. Em. vorlesen, vorsingen, &c., to read, sing to; vordichten, 65, 2, n.), realised to himself in dreams.

26. zu etw. kommen, to come by' a thing.

29. ließ es sich (dat.) nicht...merken, wie....., cf. 58, 31, n. At one period of the language sich (acc.) merken lassen was a current phrase for, to bring oneself into notice, to betray oneself. Subsequent to this came the phrase etw. merken lassen, used as now (58, 31), to manifest or betray something. sich merken lassen, used at first with other complements (a clause with daß, or a genit. case), came also to be coupled with a second accus., of the thing, sich nichts merken lassen (lit., not to let oneself be observed with regard to a thing, i.e., not to betray it by one's demeanour), &c. In modern usage the person is always put in the dat., and this dat. sich is felt to be in sense equivalent to an sich,- —or merken to be equiv. to anmerken; cf. Em. etw. anmerken, to observe a thing in a person. In older writers a good deal of fluctuation is found, which the above explanation will account for.

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6. verpönen (fr. Pön-Lat. poena, punishment-now hardly used exc. in law), to prohibit under penalty, to forbid, 'taboo.'

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to have

11. sich mit etw. (einem Gedanken, Plan, &c.) tragen or herumtragen, =damit umgehen, lit., to go about carrying it with one; habitually in one's mind, ponder over, purpose, plan, &c.

12. Schreckensherrschaft, the usual term for the 'Reign of Terror.' 13. Cayenne is an island at the mouth of the river of the same name, in French Guiana, on the north-east coast of South America. Its climate (cf. 1. 16 below) is noted as damp and unhealthy.

15. Noyalist: note that oy is not sounded as a diphthong like the Eng. oy; the belongs to the first syllable with its usual sound, ↳ to the second as a semiconsonant, Rō-ya-lift. So also Cayenne is pronounced kǎ-yénn (or kǎ-yén-ně).

23. Königthum Königschaft (itself a rare word), das König-sein, kingship (cf. Christenthum, Christianity); the royal dignity or office (Königswürde); and thus in a wider sense, as here, the monarchical principle or form of government; but not properly (though occasionally used in this sense) Königreich, kingdom, and thus not analogous with Kaiserthum, Herzogthum. Königthum is in Germ. quite a modern word, said to have been coined by Wieland during the French Revolution, to render the Fr. royauté.

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31. sich mit Imd. zanken or streiten, to quarrel with one.-bis aufs Blut, lit., up to the point of blood-shedding, is a common phrase to characterize deadly strife or crushing tyranny.

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6. [das Land] wo der Pfeffer wächst corresponds to the Eng. 'Jericho,' 'the antipodes,' &c., used in wishing a person there. Its usual application is here humorously reversed, in reference to the fact that the two persons in question were themselves in Cayenne, the 'land where the pepper grows.'

7. selbander, selbdritt, felbviert, &c., lit., oneself being the second, third, &c.; hence, I (you, they), with one, two, &c., others. Here selbander together. These forms are now chiefly provincial or quaint. Cf. the Gr. deútepos avtós, tpítos autós, &c., himself the second, i.e., he with another, &c.

9. solchergestalt, 31, 18, n.—sich auszudichten, 65, 2, n.

14. so manchmal: so (cf. so manche, 6, 26, n.) here serves rather to render more general and indefinite (cf. 78, 10, n.), than to,strengthen, the

idea of frequency expressed by manchmal. (Note that mancher does not in itself mean positively many, but may signify according to context, many, some, several, a good many, &c.; so manchmal=sometimes, pretty often, many a time, &c.) so manchmal might perhaps here be paraphrased (cf. 78, 10, n.; 99, 24, n.), wie es ja (24, 27, n.) manchmal vorkommt,-'as we know does oftentimes occur.'

15. ein Altliberaler (cf. Altkatholik, Old Catholic), an old liberal, a liberal of the old school.

16. verstimmen (ver, 4, 23, n.; stimmen, cf. 57, 25, n.), to spoil the tone or humour of, put out of tune or humour, to vex, depress, &c.

19. verneinend (23, 11, n.) gegen...auftrat : so oder so auftreten (12, 20, n.), to assume such and such a bearing or demeanour, to comport or behave oneself thus or thus.


abbrechen, sich etw., 39, 5 abenteuerlich, Abenteuer, 45, 19; auf

Ab., Liebesab., ausziehen, 39, 4 abfahren, mit langer Nase, 58, 10 abkriegen, etw., colloq., 82, 17 abläugnen, läugnen, 73, 26 ablegen, en. Eid, &c., 63, 23 abschneiden, Em. das Wort, 101, 19 abschüssig, abschießen, 43, 16 Abschweifung, digression, 101, 19 absehen, unabsehbar, 62, 1 Absolute accus., 6, 1 abstreiten, Em. etw., 60, 27 aburtheilen, tr. and intr., 92, 26 abwarten, etw.; abw., was..., 53, 2 Abwechslung, zur A., 32, 5 abwehren, 11, 15


Accent: einmal, 5, 15; ohnedies, &c., 5, 27; im Handumdrehen, 77, 16; kurzweg, 92, 26; Garaus, 93, 10; überselig, &c., 97, 23 Accus. after preps., indicating motion, lit. or fig., 5, 21; 33, 14; 45, 21; 85, 10: absol. acc., 6, 1: acc. and inf. constr., 24, 7 Achsel, auf zwei Achseln tragen, 6, 14 achten, für gut a., Gutachten, 67, 13 Act. verb w. subj. man rendered by pass., 11, 24: act. inf. Eng. pass. inf., 14, 18; idiom. use of do. as verb. subst. w. double function, 23, 19; w. lassen, 27, 11:


in plup. subj. of verbs of mood, 39,9 Abel, exclusiveness of the, 59, 6; Adelstand, Stand, 68, 19 Adj.: as subst., how to render,

5,3; uninflected, 35, 3: adjs. fr. advs., bisherig, &c., 57, 21 Adverbial genit., 8, 1; 10, 11; 13, 4; 36, 21; 82, 6: adv. phrase = protasis of cond. sent., III, IO ahnen, 24, 21

ähnlich: ähnlich sehen, w. dat., 29, 29 Akte, f., Akten, documents, 53, 18 all, def. art. after, 17, 4; 89, 10: allvermögend, 57, 7; allerdings, 40, 3; cf. 36, 21: allergnädigst, 50, 18; -höchst, 69, 16

Alliterative and rhyming combinations, 5, 1; 54, 29; 105, 30 als: ellipse of, after so..., 14, 2 also, so, never also,' 3, 8

alt: beim Alten, 102, 22; -befreundet, 65, 13; herkömmlich, 10, 24; ein Altliberaler, 116, 15 Amtmann=Rentamtmann, II, IO an and auf, 33,6; 12,7; 64,5 Anbeginn, von A., 74, 26 anbei, Anbei folgt..., 24, 30 anbeißen, fig.; anb.,...zu..., 109, II anbieten, etw.; sich erbieten, etw. zu thun, 23, 27; Em. etw. auf dem Präsentirteller anb., fig., 109, 12

*As far as space allowed, the index has been so constructed as not only to facilitate reference to the notes, but also to serve the student in some degree as a means of recapitulation and revision, after working through the book,

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