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The lectures provided by the Committee of Arrangements were delivered, and followed by animated discussions, and reports were made by gentlemen from various parts of the country of the state of education in their respective vicinities. In view of the high literary and educational character of the lectures, and the attendance generally, the Committee, in the Preface to the First Volume of Proceedings, written by Mr. George B. Emerson, justly remark,—


"Many a teacher, on the first morning of the convention, must have ascended the steps that lead to the Hall of Representatives, and looked out upon the unequalled prospect commanded by this chosen spot in the city of the pilgrims,' with a sense of loneliness, and of doubt and misgiving; but when he beheld the numbers that came flocking from near and distant parts, and saw the earnestness with which they were engaged in the good cause, and the ability evinced in conducting the business of the convention, every one must have gone home to his solitary duties, strengthened and cheered by the thought, that strong hands were in the work, and that he was no longer toiling alone.

The formation of the Institute, it is hoped, will do something toward elevating the standard and increasing the efficiency of popular instruction.

It will furnish the means, by the coöperation of its members, of obtaining an exact knowledge of the present condition of the schools, in all parts of the country. It will tend to render universal, so that it shall pervade every district and village, a strong conviction of the paramount national importance of preserving and extending the mass of popular instruction; thus securing the aid of multitudes of fellow laborers in every portion of the country. It will tend to raise the standard of the qualifications of instructors, so that the business of teaching shall not be the last resort of dullness and indolence, but shall be considered, as it was in the days of republican Greece, an occupation worthy of the highest talents and ambition. It will hardly fail to show that education is a science, to be advanced, like every other science, by experiment; whose principles are to be fixed, and its capacities determined, by experiment; which is to be entered upon by men of a philosophical mind, and pursued with a philosophical spirit. It will be likely to bring forward the modes and objects of instruction in foreign nations and ancient times, and their applicability to the state of things among ourselves. It cannot fail to enlist openly, on the side of popular education, the highest intellect and influence in the nation. If it accomplish these, or any of these objects, it will amply reward the labors of all who have acted in its formation. And that it will have this tendency, the feelings of the teachers who attended the convention, may be appealed to, in proof. Great numbers of these had come hundreds of miles, some more than five hundred, to be present on this occasion."

In 1831, the society was incorporated by an act of the legislature of Massachusetts, and in 1835, principally through the exertions of James G. Carter, then a member of the Senate, an appropriation of three hundred dollars a year, for five successive years, was made by the same legislature in aid of the objects of the Institute. This grant has been, from time to time, renewed, and has done much to secure the permanence and extend the usefulness of the association.

Year after year, for twenty-six years, the Institute has continued to hold an annual session in one of the principal cities or towns of New England, which has occupied three or four days, and which has been spent in lectures, reports, and discussions on topics of educational interest, in which men eminent in their respective professions, and principally teachers, have taken part. These meetings have been attended annually by hundreds of teachers, school officers, and promotors of educational improvement; and, in the evening sessions, by thousands of parents.

The following TABLE exhibits at a glance the time and place where each Annual Meeting has been held, and the number of lectures which have been delivered at each session, and the number of these which have been published in the annual volume.

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These successive annual meetings have "promoted the cause of popular education."-1. By bringing teachers in every class of schools, and from all parts of the country, together, to the number of several hundred every year, to spend three or four consecutive days in familiar conversation, or in listening to lectures and discussions on subjects connected with the advancement of their common profession. 2. By the publication of able addresses and papers on the organization and administration of public schools, their studies, and methods of instruction and discipline.

Out of these discussions and publications has resulted improvements in legislation respecting schools, and especially in their supervision, both state and town-wise; in a gradation of schools in cities and large villages; in the introduction of new studies and exercises, such as music, drawing, physiology, branches of natural sciences, and English composition; in improved methods of teaching and illustrating studies before pursued; and, above all, in the establishment of Public High Schools and Normal Schools.

The following Table of Contents and Index to the Proceedings and Lectures is the best evidence of the usefulness of the Institute.


The first or octavo series, from 1830 to 1839, were published by different houses; the last, or duodecimo series, from 1840 to 1855, are published by Ticknor, Field & Co., Boston.

CONTENTS.-VOL. I, for 1830. Introductory Discourse, by President Wayland. Lecture 1. Physical Education, by John C. Warren, M. D. Lecture II. The Development of the Intellectual Faculties, and on Teaching Geography, by James G. Carter. Lecture III. The Infant School System, by William Russell. Lecture IV. The Spelling of Words, and a Rational Method of Teaching their Meaning, by Gideon F. Thayer. Lecture V. Lyceums and Socie ties for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, by Nehemiah Cleaveland. Lecture VI. Practical Method of Teaching Rhetoric. by Samuel P. Newman. Lecture VII. Geometry and Algebra, by F. J. Grund. Lecture VIII. The Monitorial System of Instruction, by Henry K. Oliver. Lecture IX. Vocal Music, by William C. Woodbridge. Lecture X. Linear Drawing, by Walter R. Johnson. Lecture XI. Arithmetic, by Warren Colburn. Lecture XII. Classical Learning, by Cornelius C. Felton. Lecture XIII. The Construction and Furnishing of SchoolRooms and School Apparatus, by William J. Adams.

VOL. II, for 1831. Introductory Lecture, by James Walker. Lecture I. Education of Females, by George B. Emerson. Lecture II. Moral Education, by Jacob Abbott. Lecture III. Usefulness of Lyceums, by S. C. Phillips. Lecture IV. Education of the Five Senses, by William H. Brooks. Lecture V. The Means which may be employed to stimulate the Student without the aid of Emulation, by John L. Parkhurst. Lecture VI. Grammar, by Goold Brown. Lecture VII. Influence of Academies and High Schools on Common Schools, by William C. Forcler. Lecture VIII. Natural History as a Brauch of Common Education, by Cle ment Durgin. Prize Essay on School-Houses, by W. A. Alcott.

VOL. III, for 1832.-Introductory Discourse, by Francis C. Gray. Lecture 1. The best Methods of Teaching the Living Languages, by George Ticknor. Lecture 11. Some of the Diseases of a Literary Life, by G. Hayward, M. D. Lecture III. The Utility of Visible Illus trations, by Walter R. Johnson. Lecture IV. The Moral Influences of Physical Science, by John Pierpont. Lecture V. Prize Essay, on the Teaching of Penmanship, by B. B. Foster. Lecture VI. Nature and Means of Early Education, as deduced from Experience, by A. B. Alcott. Lecture VII. On Teaching Grammar and Composition, by Asa Rand.

VOL. IV, for 1833.-Introductory Lecture, by William Sullivan. Lecture I. On the Impor tance of a Knowledge of the Principles of Physiology to Parents and Teachers, by Edward Reynolds, M. D. Lecture II. The Classification of Schools, by Samuel M. Burnside. Lecture III. Primary Education, by Gardner B. Perry Lecture IV. Emulation in Schools by Leonard Withington. Lecture V. The best Method of Teaching the Ancient Languages, by Alpheus S. Packard. Lecture VI. Jacotot's Method of Instruction, by George W. Greene. Lecture VII. The best Method of Teaching Geography, by W. C. Woodbridge. Lecture VIII. Necessity of Educating Teachers, by Samuel R. Hall. Lecture IX. The Adaptation of Intellectual Philosophy to Instruction, by Abijah R. Baker. Lecture X. The best Mode of Teaching Natural Philosophy, by Benjamin Hale.

VOL. V. 1834.-Introductory Lecture, by Caleb Cushing. Lecture I. The best Mode of Fix ing the Attention of the Young, by Warren Burton. Lecture II. The Improvement which may be made in the Condition of Common Schools, by Stephen Farley. Lecture III. Duties of Parents in regard to the Schools where their Children are Instructed, by Jacob Abbott. Lecture IV. Maternal Instruction and Management of Infant Schools, by M. M. Carll, Lecture V. Teaching the Elements of Mathematics, by Thomas Sherwin. Lecture VI The Dangerous Tendency to Innovations and Extremes in Education, by Hubbard Winslow. Lecture VII. Union of Manual with Mental Labor, in a System of Education, by Beriah Green. Lecture VIII. The History and Uses of Chemistry, by C. T. Jackson. Lecture IX. Natural History as a Study in Common Schools, by A. A. Gould, M. D. Lecture X. Science of Government as a Branch of Popular Education, by Joseph Story.

Vol. VI, for 1835-Introductory Lecture, by W. H. Furness. Lecture 1. The Study of the Classics, by A. Croshy. Lecture II. Education for an Agricultural People, by Samuel Nott, Jr. Lecture III. Political Influence of Schoolmasters, by E. Washburn, Lecture IV. State and Prospects of the German Population of this Country, by H. Bokum. Lecture V. Religious Education, by R. Park. Lecture VI. Importance of an Acquaintance with the Philosophy of the Mind to an Instructor, by J. Gregg. Lecture VII. Ends of School Discipline, by Henry L. McKean. Lecture VIII. Importance and Means of Cultivating the Social Affections among Pupils, by J. Blanchard. Lecture IX. Meaning and Objects of Education, by T. B. Fox. Lecture X. Management of a Common School, by T. Dwight, Jr. Lecture XI. Moral and Spiritual Culture in Early Education, by R. C. Waterston. Lecture XII. Moral Uses of the Study of Natural History, by W. Channing, M. D. Lecture XIII. Schools of the Arts, by W. Johnson. VOL. VII., for 1836.-Lecture 1. Education of the Blind, by Samuel G. Howe, M. D. Lecture II. Thorough Teaching, by William H. Brooks. Lecture III. Physiology, or "The House I live in," by William A. Alcott. Lecture IV. Incitements to Moral and Intellectual Well-Doing, by J. H. Belcher. Lecture V. Duties of Female Teachers of Common Schools, by Daniel Kimball. Lecture VI. Methods of Teaching Elocution in Schools, by T. D. P. Stone. Lecture VII. Influence of Intellectual Action on Civilization, by H. R. Cleaveland. Lecture VIII. School Discipline, by S. R. Hall.

VOL. VIII., for 1837.-Introductory Discourse, by Rev. Elipha White. Lecture 1. Study of the Classics, by John Mulligan. Lecture II. Moral Education, by Joshua Bates. Lecture III. Study of Natural History, by John Lewis Russell. Lecture IV. Comparative Merits of Private and Public Schools, by Theodore Edson. Lecture V. Elocution, by David Fosdick, Jr. Lec.


ture VI. Relation between the Board of Trustees and the Faculty of a University, &c., by Jas. per Adams. Lecture VII. School Reform, or Teachers' Seminaries, by Charles Brooks. Leeture VIII. Teaching of Composition in Schools, by R. G. Parker. Lecture IX. Eviis of the Present System of Primary Instruction, by Thomas H. Palmer. Lecture X. Reading and Declamation, by William Russell.

VOL. IX, for 1838.-Lecture I. Literary Responsibility of Teachers, by Charles White. Lecture II. The Head and the Heart; or, The Relative Importance of Intellectual and Moral Culture, by Elisha Bartlett. Lecture III. Vocal Music in Common Schools, by Joseph Harring ton, Jr. Lecture IV. Model Schools, by Thomas D. James. Lecture V. Observations on the School System of Connecticut, by Denison Olmsted. Lecture VI. Teaching of English Grammar, by R. G. Parker. Lecture VII. Mutual Duties of Parents and Teachers, by David P. Page. Lecture VIII. Man, the Subject of Education, by Samuel G. Goodrich.

VOL. X, for 1839 -Introductory Discourse, The Education of a Free People, by Robert Rantoul, Jr. Lecture 1. Physiology of the Skin, by John G. Metcalf, M. D Lecture II. Mind and its Developments, by Emerson Davis. Lecture III. A Classic Taste in our Common Schools, by Luther B. Lincoln. Lecture IV. Natural Theology as a Study in Schools, by Henry A. Miles. Lecture V. Division of Labor in Instruction, by Thomas Cushing, Jr. Lecture VI. The Claims of our Age and Country upon Teachers, by David Mack. Lecture VII. Progress of Moral Science, and its Application to the Business of Practical Life, by Alexander H. Everett. Lecture VIII. The Comparative Results of Education, by T. P. Rodman, Lecture IX. Physical Education, by Abel L. Pierson, M. D.

VOL. II, NEW SERIES, for 1840.-Lecture I. Intellectual Education in Harmony with Moral and Physical, by Joshua Bates. Lecture II. Results to be aimed at in School Instruction and Disciplne, by T. Cushing, Jr. Lecture III. Duty of Visiting Schools, by Thomas A. Greene. Lecture IV. Objects and Means of School Instruction, by A. B. Muzzey. Lecture V. Courtesy, and its Connection with School Instruction, by G. F. Thayer. Lecture VI. On the Brain and the Stomach, by Usher Parsons, M. D. Lecture VII. Common Complaints made against Teachers, by Jacob Abbott.

VOL. XII, for 1841.-Lecture I. Best Method of Preparing and Using Spelling-Books, by Hor. ace Mann. Lecture II. Best Method of Exercising the Different Faculties of the Mind, by Wm. B. Foule. Lecture III. Education of the Laboring Classes, by T. Parker. Lecture IV. Impor tance of the Natural Sciences in our System of Popular Education, by A. Gray. Lecture V. Moral Culture Essential to Intellectual Education, by E. W. Robinson. Lecture VI. Simplicity of Character, as Affected by the Common Systems of Education, by J. S. Dwight. Lecture VII. Use of the Globes in Teaching Geography and Astronomy, by A. Fleming. Lecture VIII. Elementary Principles of Constitutional Law, as a Branch of Education in Common Schools, by Edward A. Lawrence.

VOL. XIII, for 1842.-Lecture 1. Moral Education, by George B. Emerson. Lecture II. Universal Language, by Samuel G. Howe. Lecture III. The Girard College, by E. C. Wines. Lecture IV. School Room, as an aid to Self-Education, by A. B. Muzzey. Lecture V. Moral Responsibility of Teachers, by William H. Wood. Lecture VI. The Teacher's Daily Prepara


VOL. XIV, for 1843.-Lecture I. The Bible in Common Schools, by Heman Humphrey, D. D. Lecture II. The Classification of Knowledge, by Solomon Adams. Lecture III. Moral Dignity of the Teacher's Office, by Prof. I. H. Agnew. Lecture IV. A few of the "Hows" of Schoolkeeping, by Roger S. Howard. Lecture V. Advancement in the Means and Methods of Public Instruction, by David P. Page. Lecture VI. Reading, by C. Pierce. Lecture VII. Some of the Duties of the Faithful Teacher, by Alfred Greenleaf. Lecture VIII. Some of the Defects of our Systems of Education, by R. B. Hubbard. Lecture IX. Importance of our Common Schools, by S. J. May.

VOL. XV, for 1844.-Lecture I. The Religious Element in Education, by Calvin E. Stowe. Lecture II. Female Education, by William Russell. Lecture III. Some of the Obstacles to the Greater Success of Common Schools, by Charles Northend. Lecture IV. Some of the Dangers of Teachers, by Daniel P. Galloup. Lecture V. Natural History as a Regular Classic in our Seminaries, by Charles Brooks. Lecture VI. Classical Instruction, by A. H. Weld. Lecture VII. School Discipline, by Joseph Hale. Lecture VIII. Methods of Teaching to Read, by Sam uel S. Greene. Lecture IX. The Duty of the American Teacher, by John N. Bellows. Lec ture X. The Necessity of Education in a Republican Form of Government, by Horace Mann. VOL. XVI, for 1845.-Lecture I. Dignity of the Teacher's Office, by Joel Hawes, D. D. Ad. dress. The Formation and Excellence of the Female Character, by Joel Hawes, D. D. Lecture II. The Duties of Examining Committees, by Prof. E. D. Sanborn. Lecture III. The Perfect Teacher, by Denison Olmstead, L. L. D. Lecture IV. Physiology, by Edward Jarvis, M. D. Lecture V. Intellectual Arithmic, by F. A. Adams. Lecture VI. County Teachers' Institutes, by Salem Town. Lecture VII. Geography, by William B. Forcle. Lecture VIII. Vocal Mu sic in Common Schools, by A. N. Johnson, Lecture IX. History, by George S. Hillard. VOL. XVII, for 1846.-Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Annual Report. Lecture I. Home Preparation for School, by Jason Whtiman. Lecture II. The Influence of Moral upon Intellectual Improvement, by H. B. Hooker. Lecture III. The Essentials of a Common School Education, and the conditions most favorable to their Attainment, by Rufus Putnam. Lecture IV. The Education of the Faculties, and the Proper Employment of Young Children, by Samuel J. May. Lecture V. The Obligation of Towns to Elevate the Character of our Com mon Schools, by Luther B. Lincoln. Lecture VI. Importance of Cultivating Taste in Early Life, by Ariel Parish. Lecture VII. On Phonotypy and Phonography, or Speech-Writing and Speech-Printing, by Stephen P. Andrews. Lecture VIII. On the Study of the English Language, by D. Huntington.

VOL. XVIII, for 1847.-Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Lecture 1. On the Study of Language, by Hubbard Winslow. Lecture II. On the Appropriateness of Studies to the State of Mental Development, by Thomas P. Rodman.

VOL. XIX., for 1848. Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Lecture 1. Failures in teaching, by John Kingsbury. Lecture 11. Co-operation of Parents and Teachers, by Jacob Batchelder. Lecture II. Qualifications of the Teacher, by Rev. Nathan Munroe. Lecture IV. School Government, by J. D. Philbrick. Lecture V. The Improvement of Common Schools, by Wm. D. Swan.

VOL. XX., for 1849. Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Lecture I. The Defect of the Principle of Religious Authority in Modern Education, by John H. Hopkins, D.D. Lecture 11. The Education demanded by the peculiar character of our Civil Institutions, by Benjamin Larabee, D. D. Lecture III. Earnestness, by Roger S. Howard. Lecture IV. The Essentials of Education, by Thomas H. Palmer. Lecture V. The Claims of Natural History, as a branch of Common School Education, by William O. Ayers. Lecture VI. Education the Condition of National Greatness, by Prof. E. D. Sanborn. Lecture VII. The Duties of Legislatures in relation to the Public Schools in the United States, by Rev. Charles Brooks. Lecture VII. Practical Education, by W. C. Goldthwait.

VOL. XXI, for 1850. Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Annual Report. Lecture 1. God's Plan for Educating Man, by C. C. Chase. Lecture II. Political Economy, as a Study for Common Schools, by Amasa Walker. Lecture III The Importance of Early Training, by Solomon Jenner. Lecture IV. Characteristics of the True Teacher, by John D. Phil brick. Lecture V. Influence of the Social Relations in the West upon Professional Usefulness and Success, by Edward Wyman.. Appendix. Instruction in History, by Elizabeth P. Peabody. General Index, from 1830 to 1850. List of Members, Past and Present.

VOL. XXII., for 1851. Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Annual Report. Lecture I. Teachers' Morals and Manners, by Henry K. Oliver. Lecture II. The Supervision of Schools, by D. B. Hagar. Lecture III. The Teacher in the Nineteenth Century, by Thomas Cushing, Jr. Lecture IV. Importance of Moral and Religious Education in a Republic, by William D. Northend. Lecture V. The Manifestations of Education in Different Ages, by Samuel W. Bates. Lecture VI. On the Present Condition and Wants of Common Schools, by Rev. L. W. Leonard. Lecture VII. Methods of Teaching Spelling, by Christopher A. Green. Lecture VIII. Physical Education, by Rev. Darwin H. Ranney.

VOL. XIII, for 1852. Proceedings. List of Officers. Annual Report. Lecture I. The Incentives to Mental Culture among Teachers, by James D. Butler. Lecture II. Dr. Thomas Arnold, by Joshua Bates, Jr. Lecture III Self Reliance, by William H. Wells. Lecture IV. The School System of the State of New York, by Joseph McKeen. Lecture V. Essential Elements in American Educatian, by Charles H. Wheeler. Lecture VI. Drawing, a Means of Education, by William J. Whitaker.

VOL. XXIV., for 1853. Journal of Proceedings. H. Allen. Lecture I. Reading, by F. T. Russell. ples of Pestalozzi, by Hermann Kruisi.

List of Officers. Prize Essay, by E. A.
Lecture II. Life and Educational Princi-

VOL. XXV., for 1854. Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Annual Report of Direc tors. Lecture I. Introductory. Progress of Education for the last twenty-five years, by Francis Wayland Lecture II The Prominence which should be given to Facts in Education, by Worthington Hooker. Lecture III. The Claims of Classical Culture upon the attention of American Teachers and American Schools. by Elbridge Smith. Lecture IV. Education an Artistic Work, by E. B. Huntington. Lecture V. The Right Use of the Passions and Emotions in the Work of Intellectual Culture and Development, by Edward Beecher.

VOL. XXVI., for 1855. Journal of Proceedings. List of Officers. Annual Report of Directors. Lecture I. Claims of Teaching to the Rank of a Distinct Profession, by B. F. Tweed. Lecture II. Geometry the Foundation of Learning, by Thomas Hill. Lecture III. The Moral Office of the Teacher, by G. Reynolds. Lecture IV. Strength and Beauty in the Education of our Daughters, by Edward P. Weston. Lecture V. Unconscious Tuition, by F. D. Huntington.

The foregoing Table of CONTENTS of the twenty-six volumes of Proceedings and Lectures, published annually from 1830 to 1855, gives the leading subjects of two hundred and eleven lectures, by upwards of one hundred and seventy different lecturers, representing almost every profession, and every grade and department of schools and education, and many of them among the most prominent teachers, educators, and scholars of the country. This Table includes only the subject of the lectures printed by the Institute, but does not include the resolutions and topics discussed at the annual meetings, and in nearly one hundred lectures delivered but not printed.

To exhibit the wide range of topics presented, and in most instances discussed with considerable fullness and thoroughness, at the twenty-six annual meetings, embracing over one hundred and twenty-eight days, and as many evenings, as well as the names of the lecturers, including the subjects of the lectures, whether they are published in the annual volume or not, together with the principal subjects brought forward by resolutions or otherwise, the following INDEX is presented. [See Page 241.]

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