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answers that have been given to the great ontological of Halle, proposes to give a complete physical history of problem "What am I?":

"In this search for information about myself from eminent thinkers of different types, I seem to have learnt one lesson, that all science and philosophy, and every form of human speech, is about objects capable of being perceived by the speaker and the hearer; and that when our thought pretends to deal with the Subject, it is really only dealing with an Object under a false name. only proposition about the subject, namely, 'I am,' cannot be used in the same sense by any two of us, and, therefore, it can never become science at all."


Prof. Campbell has succeeded in presenting to us a most vivid picture of Maxwell's character. The view which he gives will be fresh, and partly strange, to many even of those who knew Maxwell well. It is no reproach to him to say that, in our opinion, he has by no means exhausted the different aspects of his subject. So many sided was Maxwell's character, that it would have required the united efforts of several biographers to do it the fullest justice.

In the second part of the book will be found a good account by Mr. Garnett, of Maxwell's scientific work. Of this nothing further need be said, for an excellent summary has already been given in the pages of NATURE by Prof. Tait (vol. xxi. p. 317).

It may be questioned whether the literary merit of many of the pieces of occasional poetry in the third part will be sufficient to secure for them the interest of the general reader; but many will greet with pleasure the reappearance of old friends among the serio-comic verses. We are glad to find among them our favourite, "To the Committee of the Cayley Portrait Fund"; finer compliment to a mathematician surely never was penned. Among those hitherto unpublished may be mentioned the Paradoxical Ode to Hermann Stoffkraft, beginning as follows:

My soul's an amphicheiral knot,
Upon a liquid vortex wrought
By Intellect, in the Unseen residing.
And thine doth like a convict sit,
With marlinspike untwisting it,
Only to find its knottiness abiding;
Since all the tools for its untying
In four-dimensioned space are lying,
Wherein thy fancy intersperses
Long avenues of universes,

While Klein and Clifford fill the void

With one finite, unbounded homaloid,1

And think the Infinite is now at last destroyed.

We ought to mention in conclusion that the book is beautifully illustrated; there are vignettes of Maxwell and of his father and mother; some quaint and suggestive illustrations of scenes from his early life, after originals by Mrs. Blackburn; and a variety of diagrams, several of them beautifully coloured, reproduced from originals-by

Maxwell's own hand-in illustration of his researches on light and colour. G. C.

[blocks in formation]

his adopted country, may not be unacceptable. Of the octavo text, which is accompanied by folio atlases, in order to give the illustrations on a large scale, we have seen four volumes, numbered 1, 2, 3, and 5. The fourth volume, which we suppose will contain the birds, is not yet issued, and the atlases in some cases do not appear to be complete.

The first volume (issued in 1876) is devoted to the history of the discovery and general geographical features of the Argentine Republic; and the second, published in the same year, to its climate and geological conformation. The third volume, of which the text was issued in 1879, has been already noticed in our columns (NATURE, vol. xxiv. p. 209). It contains an account of the Mammalfauna both recent and extinct. We have now just recontaining a series of plates illustrating the whales of the ceived the first livraison of the folio atlas to this volume, Argentine coasts, a subject to which Dr. Burmeister has devoted special attention for many years. Of the fifth volume, devoted to the Lepidoptera of Buenos Ayres, we have already likewise spoken (see NATURE, vol. xx. p. 358).

author, who, for fifty years at least, has been a most It remains, therefore, for us only to wish the venerable energetic worker in many branches of zoology, health and strength to bring this important work to a conclusion. Nomenclator Zoologicus. An Alphabetical list of all Generic names that have been employed by Naturalists for Recent and Fossil Animals, from the earliest Times to the close of the Year 1879. In two parts. I. Supplemental List. By Samuel H. Scudder. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882.)


EVERY working naturalist must be acquainted with Agassiz's "Nomenclator Zoologicus," published Solothurn in 1846, which is, in fact, a dictionary of generic terms used in zoology. Without its valuable aid it is almost a fruitless task to endeavour to ascertain where or by what author any particular generic term has been instituted, or whether a generic term has been already used in zoology or not. Agassiz's work, in the preparation of which he was assisted by some of the best zoologists of the day, though by no means perfect in its manner of execution or free from occasional errors answers very well for all practical purposes for genera established prior to the date of its preparation, and affords an excellent basis to work upon. It contains up wards of 32,000 entries of names of generic terms and o names of higher groups. In 1873 Graf A. v. Marschall, of Vienna, prepared and issued for the Imperial and Roya Zoological and Botanical Society of Austria, a supple mentary volume, on something of the same plan. But to Marschall's "Nomenclator" no general index was attached and, as those who have used the volume know full well it is neither so accurate nor so complete as the worl which it purports to supplement.

A new "Nomenclator Zoologicus," carrying the sub ject up to the present day, and correcting the errors and omissions of its two predecessors, has therefore long bee The question was who would undertake the ungratefu a work of paramount importance to working naturalists task, which was likely to confer neither fame nor fortun on the performer, and would be, above all others, lon and laborious. Mr. Samuel H. Scudder of Boston, well-known American entomologist, in response to ap peals from his friends, has consented to devote hi energies to the subject, and the first portion of his worl

is now before us.

The present part of the new Nomenclator is of a sup plemental character, as is explained by Mr. Scudder blished previous to 1880, not recorded, or erroneousl his preface, and contains "15,369 entries of genera esta given in the nomenclators of Agassiz and Marschall.

Nov. 9, 1882]

The second part, which will be of still greater consequence to naturalists will be a universal index to the first part and to the previous nomenclators and will contain altogether about 80,000 references. We shall thus shortly have, it is to be hoped, a most useful general work upon this important though technical subject brought up nearly to the present date.


[The Editor does not hold himself responsible for opinions expressed
by his correspondents. Neither can he undertake to return,
or to correspond with the writers of, rejected manuscripts.
No notice is taken of anonymous communications.
[The Editor urgently requests correspondents to keep their letters
as short as possible. The pressure on his space is so great
that it is impossible otherwise to ensure the appearance even
of communications containing interesting and novel facts.]
"Weather Forecasts"

HAD the Bishop of Carlisle, in his letter in NATURE (vol. xxvii. p. 4), instead of extracting from the Times a description of some results of the storm of October 24 last, quoted the statements as to the passage of this storm, issued in the reports of the Meteorological Office on October 24 and 25, his query concerning the failure of the weather forecasts would scarcely have needed reply.

A system of six pickets is established on our extreme western coasts, along a line which may be roughly regarded as describing the third of a circle, from Stornoway in the north-west, to Brest in the south-west. The enemy whose movements these outposts are to watch, pours in upon us a series of attacks in the form of cyclonic disturbances, by which the weather experienced in our islands is affected on 63 per cent. of our days. These circulations vary indefinitely in intensity. This element, and also their size, figure, direction, and velocity of propagation, are in great measure dependent on the distributions of atmospheric pressures and temperatures over a larger area than that occupied by our network of telegraphic stations. It will be enough to mention here that the velocity of advance of the cyclonic centres, as also of the front arcs of those exterior isobars which form closed curves, varies from zero to about 70 English miles per hour. In stormy periods like the present, the number and variability of the cyclonic circulations which attack us is extremely great, more than one per diem passing over some part of the British Isles. Now let it be remembered that our pickets sleep through the night, or that however wakeful they may be, they have, during the night hours, no means of communication with their commanding officers. How often a phalanx of the enemy will pass these outposts so as to occupy a position fairly within our area at 8 a.m., no instrumental indications having been given at 6 p.m. of the previous day-this, if treated as a question of probabilities, may be left to the Bishop of Carlisle. It is certainly, obvious that such an advance, instead of being "very strange, must at times occur, if there be no miraculous interference in behalf of the Meteorological Office. At 8 a.m. on October 24, the centre of the disturbance referred to lay over Dorset, and was then moving to north-east at the rate of thirty-five miles per hour. Supposing the direction and velocity to have been uniform, the position occupied by the centre at 6 p.m. on the 23rd would have been about 180 miles north of Cape Finisterre, and, supposing the extent of the storm to have been also uniform, our outposts at that hour could have received no instrumental indication of the storm's progress, of a character distinct enough to justify the Meteorological Office in the issue of warnings. As a matter of fact the 6 p.m. observations telegraphed to the Office on the 23rd did show, as I think, no indications whatever of the existence of the storm.

[ocr errors]


It is obvicus that the extreme velocity of the propagation of some of our severest storms is the element that especially renders it possible "that a storm of the first magnitude" may upon us unawares." As a matter of fact, the velocity of propaBut gation on October 24 was considerably above the average. if we refer to the charts for March 12 and 13, 1876, we find, at 8 a.m. on the former morning, a cyclone-centre occupying the precise position of that of the 24th ult., and that this disturbance moved to east-north-east with a mean velocity of 62.5 miles per hour.

There is a further risk, against which our system of telegraphy cannot protect us, viz., that of a storm centre being primarily

developed within our area of observation during the hours when
there is no telegraphic communication, and storms in their first stage
of development are often the most dangerously rapid and intense.
The telegraphic observations transmitted at 6 p.m. on October
23 and at 8 a.m. on October 24, afford no materials for deciding
whether this may not have been the case in the instance under
consideration, although this question can be decided from data
since received. On the whole, to the minds of many students of
the subject it will appear rather " strange" that the Office, with
the materials at its disposal, does not more often fail to furnish
satisfactory warnings of the more serious of our gales. It is easy
to say, in view of occasional failures, "the system itself must be
at fault" it is still easier to reply, "better it!" If the country
"" to do
cares enough for the welfare of "fishermen and others
so, let it provide the necessary funds for a system of night tele-
grams, and if possible for a series of oceanic stations. If it does
not, it must be content with things as they are.

I have been careful to speak of instrumental observations only. It is already well known that observations of the movements of the higher clouds commonly give indications of the position and advance of distant cyclonic systems. But it has hitherto been found impossible to train our observers in the difficult art of taking these observations. To the accomplishment of this task, which would greatly add to the utility of our weather forecasts, some of us are now devoting ourselves with every prospect of W. CLEMENT LEY


Ashby Parva, Lutterworth, November 3

P.S. Since the above was sent to press a storm-centre has crossed Scotland with a velocity of about 45 miles per hour. Indications of its progress were how ever afforded by cloud observations at a distance of more than 800 miles in advance of the centre, the velocity of propagation being supposed uniform.— W. C. L.

The Comet

YOUR engraver has missed what I thought the most important feature in the drawings which I made of the comet on the 21st inst., viz. the shadow beyond the end of the tail, of the length of 3 or 4 degrees, very obviously darker than the surrounding space, in which it was lost, without demarcation. This was expressed in my sketch by a shade of lampblack, very slight, to avoid exaggeration, and perhaps just sufficient to escape the engraver's notice. The comet, as seen this morning, is diminished much in size, and still more in brightness, and the present moonlight much impairs its beauty and distinctness. C. J. B. WILLIAMS.

Villa du Rocher, Cannes, France, October 30

NOTICING Major J. Herschel's remark in NATURE, vol. xxvií. p. 5, as to the difficulty he experienced in London of observing the comet, apparently owing to the moonlight, I may state that on the morning of the same Sur day to which he refers, I saw the comet very plainly when at Rothsay, Isle of Bute, Scotland. The time was between 5 and 6 a.m., and therefore before sunrise. The moon was brilliant, and the whole sky wonderfully clear, and but few stars noticeable, on account of the moonlight, nevertheless, the comet showed well, extending about 20° across the sky due south, magnetic; the nucleus was well defined, and about as bright as the stars then visible. spreading outwards to the extremity. observation recorded. Glasgow, November 3

The tail was straight, No glass was used in the W. J. MILLER

Ir might be interesting to some of the readers of your paper to know that this morning, at 5 a.m., Mr. Manning, the agent here for Messrs. F. and A. Swanzy, merchants, and myself, saw a very fine comet bearing south-east, and the tail of which was as long as my first finger, from tip to last joint; its head, bearing a little to the east, was pointing into the sea, and was about the height from the sea of my four fingers held at arm's length; it was very brilliant, and we seem to have seen it to great advantage. Unfortunately we had only a field glass to view it through, and being also without instruments, were unable to take its proper altitude or bearings. We were standing on the verandah of the house at the time, which is on the beach, and about forty feet above the level of the sea.

We should be glad to know if the comet has been seen further

north by anyone else. Quitta is situated 5° N. latitude, and 1°
E. longitude.

Quitta, West Coast Africa, September 25

Two Kinds of Stamens with Different Functions in the same Flower

IT may be worth mentioning that cases strongly analogous to those described in NATURE (vol. xxiv. p. 307, and vol. xxvi. p. 386, are also to be observed among the Monocotyledons in the family of Commelynaceæ, ani that these cases offer some graduations.

In Tradescantia virginica, L., the flowers, as is generally known, are turned upwards and quite regular, the leafy organs of each whorl (3 sepals, 3 petals, 3 outer, 3 inner stamens, 3 united carpels) being alike and equal in size. As Delpino has clearly shown (Ulteriori osservazioni, parte ii. fascic. 2, p. 297) these flowers are adapted to Apidæ, which in order to collect pollen take hold of the articulated hairs of the filaments. In some other species here to be considered the adaptation to pollencollecting bees has remained, but the flowers have turned laterally, and thus not only has their form become irregular (bi-laterally symmetrical or zygomorphous), but also the function of the stamens has gradually changed.

In Tinnantia undata, Schlecht. (Fig. 1), sepals and petals are still almost unaltered in form and size, only stamens and pistil have become markedly irregular. The broad roundi-h petals, which are light purple, spread in a perpendicular plane. The 3 upper stamens, with shorter filaments projecting from

[blocks in formation]

FIG. 1. FIG. 2. FIG. 1.-Front view of the flower of Tinnantia undata, Schlecht. FIG. 2.Front view of the androceum and gynæciun of Commelyna cælestis, Willd. s, s, s', sepals; p, p, p' petals; a, a, a', outer whorl of anthers; a, a, a', inner whorl of anthers, or ovary; gr, style (Gr.ffel"); st, stigma.

the middle of the flower, are highly conspicuous by a diverging tuft of bright yellow articulated hairs, which on the last third of the light-purple filaments surround the golden yellow anthers like a cone of golden rays. At the tips of these filaments golden yellow pollen-grains are presented by the whole front side of the three upper anthers.

The three lower stamens are much longer, directed obliquely downwards and forwards, with only their tips bending upwards, a little overtopped by the pistil, which has the same direction and incurvation. These parts, like the same parts in the described Melastomaceæ, will hardly be perceived by an advancing insect, "owing to their projection against the broad-petalled corolla of the same colour in the background," for not only the style and the filaments, but also the hairs on the base on the two lateral lower filaments are of the same purple colour as the petals, and even the bluish lower anthers with their yellowish pollen are but feebly conspicuous. Any one of the Apide or Syrphide of suitable size, however, when making for the upper yellow stamens in order to collect their pollen (I have only once observed the honey-bee doing so), will involuntarily repose on the projecting part, and at first bring the stigma and then the two lateral of the lower anthers into contact with the under-side of its abdomen, and thus regularly effect cross fertilisation.

Here, then, as in Heeria, &c., the anthers have differentiated into upper ones, which attract insects and afford food to them, and lower ones which attach their pollen to the visitors, and

cause it to be transported by them to the stigma of the next visited flowers. Also differentiation in the pollen of the two kinds of anthers in our Tinnantia has begun to take place, but contrary to Melastoma, the pollen-grains of the short stamens here are smaller than those of the longer ones. I measured numerous pollen-grains of two individuals in a moistened state (where they are of elliptical form), and found in the one stem the pollen- grains of the short stamens (in I-1000 m.m.) 62-75 long, 31-38 broad, those of the longer ones 68-94 long, 38-44 broad; in the other stem, those of the short stamens 53-69 long, 28-37 broad; those of the longer ones 59-78 long, 31-40 broad. Both kinds of pollen proved to be quite fertile.

Commelyna coelestis, Willd. (Fig. 2) possesses in general the same contrivances for cross-fertilisation, but has gone a step further in differentiation. Its upper sepal is plainly smaller, its lower petal plainly larger than the two other ones; its upper anthers (a, a' a) have differentiated in themselves; two small lateral portions of each of them (po) produce a little pollen and four cross-like diverging flaps (A), which are much larger, aitract insects by their bright yellow colour strikingly contrasting with the azure corolla, and perhaps at the same time serve as food to the visitors. The articulated hairs of the filaments thus having lost not only their original function (which they have in all stamens of Tradescantia) as supports for the feet of pollencollecting bees, but also their secondary function (which they have in the upper stamens of Tinnantia) of attracting insects, have disappeared altogether. The middlemost of the lower anthers, which in Tinnantia is nearly useless from its position behind the style here, has erected and become much larger than the two lateral ones, so as to be eminently useful.

The pollen-production of the upper anthers appears to be vanishing, not only from the diminution of the quantity of produced pollen, but also from the great variability of the size of the pollen grains. For whilst the pollen grains of the two lateral lower anthers only differ in length from 75 to 90, in breadth from 45 to 68, and those of the middle most lower anther in length from 56 to 82, in breadth from 37 to 56, those of the three upper anthers fluctuate from 50 to 87 length, and from 31 to 56 breadth.

In Commelyna communis, differentiation has gone still further; the upper sepal and the lower petal are relatively very small; the upper filaments, like the upper petals, are blue-coloured; the lower filaments, like the pistil and the lower petal, are colourless. The upper anthers, as far as I have seen (without microscope) produce no more pollen

The examination of other species and genera of Commelynacea probably would show a longer scale of gradations. Lippstadt, October 25 HERMANN MÜLLER

A Curious Halo

THERE appeared in NATURE, vol. xxvi. pp. 268, 293, two articles headed "A Curious Halo," which reminded me of an analogous and still more curious phenomenon occurring sometimes here in China, during the hot season. I beg to hand you a few lines on that subject, from the Monthly Bulletin of the Zi-ka-wei Observatory for August, 1877

"A phenomenon to which I wish to call the attention of meteorologists was observed many times during that month (August), as also in July. It does not seem to take place in Europe, and I am inclined to think that it cannot occur except with an atmosphere over-charged with aqueous vapour, as it is the case with us in July and August. In the evening, just after sunset, or in the morning even long before sunrise, no matter what the direction of the wind and the barometric pressure may be, provided the day or night were very warm, bands of a tint varying from the faintest to the deepest blue are seen to appear upon the whitish or roseate vault of heaven. They usually are first seen in the east at evening and in the west at morning time, seemingly radiating from a common centre diametrically opposite the sun's position. At other times they emerge from the very position of the sun, or from both points at once, the interval being either free from bands or completely encircled by them.

"Last year (1876), on the morning of September 4, I enjoyed a most interesting sight. It was about 5 a.m., the moon, then on her nineteenth day, was above the western horizon, and just being partially eclipsed; now from her bright disc, as from a radiating centre, shot out a number of those bands or blue beams; they traversed the whole expanse of the sky, and seemed to converge towards a point whose situation in the east

below the horizon corresponded with that of the moon in the west above the horizon.

"These bands or shoots are more or less numerous, bright, and persistent; some have been observed in the evening, fortyfive minutes after sunset, and in September, 1876, I saw them appear with the first break of day. They are evidently movable in the sky, and there is no doubt that they are due to cumuli floating about the horizon, below or above, through which the light of the sun is sifted and split; they are, in fact, nothing else than the shadows of the clouds in the faint white or rosy tint of the twilight. According as the clouds before the sun are more or less compact or loose, the bands may be blue, white, or red. More than once also have I seen the sky half white and half blue, the separation of the two colours being plainly perceivable, and Venus shining brilliantly in the blue sky close to that limit, whilst it would probably have been almost invisible through the milky sky hard by."

Any one who gazes for the first time at this beautiful phenomenon cannot help wondering and acknowledging it to Le greatly different from anything to be seen elsewhere. The cele brated Jesuit, Father Bouvet, an old missionary to China, witnessed the phenomenon when on his way from China to Europe as envoy of the great Emperor Kang-hi, in the year 1693; the relation of the voyage (du Halde, vol. i., 1755) gives the fol lowing account of his observations :

"25 Juillet, 1693.-Ce jour-là, environ un quart d'heure avant le lever du soleil, je vis dans le ciel un phénomène que je n'ai jamais vu et dont je n'ai point ouï parler en France, quoiqu'il soit fort ordinaire en O.ient, surtout à Siam et à la Chine; car je l'ai observe distinctement plus de vingt fois, tantôt le matin, tantôt le soir, dans chacun de ces deux Royaumes, sur mer et sur terre, et même à Péking.

"Ce phénomène n'est autre chose que certains demi-cercles d'ombre et de lumière que paraissent se terminer et s'unir dans deux points opposés du Ciel, savoir d'un côté dans le centre du Soleil, et de l'autre dans le point qui est diametralement opposé

à celui-là. Comme ces demi-cercles sont tous terminés en pointe, tant en Orient qu'en Occident, c'est-à-dire vers les points opposés de leur réunion et qu'ils vont en s'élargissant uniformé ment vers le milieu du Ciel à mesure qu'ils s'éloignent de l'horizon, ils ne ressemblent pas mal pour leur figure aux Maisons Célestes, de la manière dont on les trace sur les Globes, à cela près seulement que ces Zônes d'ombre et de lumière sont ordinairement fort inégales pour la largeur et qu'il arrive souvent qu'il y a de l'interruption entr'elles, surtout lorsque le phénomène n'est pas bien formé.

"Toutes les fois que je l'ai observé, et je l'ai vu quatre fois différentes dans ce voyage en moins de quinze jours, j'ai toujours remarqué que le temps était extrêmement chaud, le ciel chargé de vapeurs, avec une disposition au tonnerre et qu'un gros nuage epais entr'ouvert était vis-à-vis du Soleil. Ce phénomène semble pour la figure fort différent de ces longues traces d'ombre et de lumière qu'on voit souvent le soir et le matin dans le ciel aussi hien en Europe qu'ailleurs et auxquelles leur figure pyramidale a fait donner le nom de verges. Si l'on demande pour quelle raison ce phénomène paraît plutôt en Asie qu'en Europe et en été que dans les autres saisons, il me semble qu'on pourrait en attribuer la cause à la nature des terres de l'Asie, qui étant pour la plupart beaucoup plus chargées de nitre que celles d'Europe, remplissent l'atmosphère, surtout en été, et lorsque le soleil a plus de force pour les élever, d'exhalaisons nitreuses, lesquelles Ctant répandues également dans l'air, les rendent plus propres refléchir la lumière et par conséquent à former le météore.'

[ocr errors]

The phenomenon described by the old Jesuit astronomer is undoubtedly the same I have witnessed hundreds of times at Zi-ka-Wei. He evidently considers it as different from any hitherto observed atmospheric phenomenon; but his explanation > tainted with the false science of his time. It is quite certain hat the phenomenon is due to the atmospheric vapour, but I am rather at a loss to give a more satisfactory explanation. The dispersion of the direct rays of the sun into the minute drops esulting from a partial but wide-spreading condensation of the queous vapour in the upper strata of the air, might account for he milky or roseate appearance of the sky at morning and vening time. Besides, the interposition of a light cloud in the ay of the sun's rays does not impair the transparency of the rips, and the blue sky may be visible. Now, in the morning nd evening the rays of the sun are almost parallel with the orizon; they traverse the whole expanse of the sky, and their pparent convergence on the both sides is only due to the same

optical illusion which shows us the two rails of a railway track or the walls of a tunnel as converging.

Let this explanation be worth what it may, the fact in inself is interesting, and I would beg you, Sir, to notice it in Nature, dealing, however, with this long communication as you may deem proper. MARC DECHEVRENS Zi-ka-Wei Observatory, near Shanghai, (China), August 28

Habits of Scypho-Medusæ

THE Communications to NATURE of Mr. Archer (vol. xxiv. p. 307), and of Mr. Alexander Agassiz (vol. xxiv. p. 509), on the subject of Medusæ lying upon the bottom with their tentacles upward, lead me to forward some observations which I made on a similar habit of Medusa in the island of Simbo, one of the Solomon Islands. The Medusa in question frequents a

su all mangrove swamp, which lies inclosed in the low point that forms the south shore of the anchorage. Numbers of these animals of a large and dirty-white colour were lying lazily on the mud at the bottom of the water, which varied in depth from one to three feet, with their umbrellas lowermost, and a magnificent mass of arborescent tentacles well displayed. When one of them was disturbed and turned over with a stick, it immediately began to contract the umbrella, until, after swim-/ ming a short distance, it resumed its former position on the bottom, of tentacles upward. The dark mud which formed the bottom of the swamp was composed of decayed vegetable matter-low confervoid growths, and a few infusoria and living diatoms. But I invariably observed, after raising several of these Medusa from the bottom, that a layer of white sand covered over the place where each had lain, its light colour forming a marked contrast with the dark mud around. The form of these patches of sand corresponded with the outline of the animal; but when the Medusa lay in its usual_position, the sometimes fine, at other times coarse, and was derived from the umbrella completely concealed them from view. The sand was coral and trachytic rocks in the vicinity, with occasionally fragments of shells intermingled. The sand did not adhere to the surface of the umbrella.

The Medusa measured generally some eight or nine inches across the umbrella, and appeared to belong to the Rhizostomidæ. H. B. GUPPY H.M.S. Lark, St. Christoval, Solomon Islands, June 29

Prof. Owen on Primitive Man

IN the first number of Longman's Magazine Prof. Owen criticises an article of mine on Primitive Man, in the Fortnightly Review. In doing so, he quotes some words from my article, which are there given as a quotation from Prof. Schaafhausen. He proceeds to make them the text of his paper, as though the opinions expressed in them were my own. On the question at issue the Neanderthal skull-I am not competent to form any personal opinion; I merely abstracted the opinions of Rolleston and Schaafhausen. Prof. Owen would hardly have spoken in the same lofty magisterial tone had he attributed those opinions to their real authors, whose reputation can take care of itself. The respect I feel for Prof. Owen's work makes me deeply regret the necessity for this explanation; but I cannot allow him to quote as mine words which I placed between inverted commas, attributing them at the same time to their real author. GRANT ALLEN

Magnetic Arrangement of Clouds

THERE is a curious arrangement of clouds which, though seen myself for the first time this year, may doubtless have been observed by others, though I have never seen it referred to anywhere. Light clouds of the cirrus formation apparently at great elevations range themselves round two poles-one about in the direction of the magnetic north pole, and the other in that of the south. The space between the two poles is filled more or less completely by wispy cirri. The exact point where the various threads or wisps should form themselves into a pole I have never been able to clearly see, owing to the dense stratum of vapour which even on the clearest day accumulates at the horizon. On Sunday, October 29, the arrangement above noticed was remarkably distinct in the afternoon. C. H. ROMANES


The Umdhlebi Tree of Zululand

THE word "umdhlebi" does not, I think, appear in Döhne's "Zulu-Kaffir Dictionary." I presume it to be a derivative from the root hlaba, which Döhne interprets as denoting, among other things, the giving of pain. Some native tales of the tree will be found in part iv. of Bishop Callaway's “Religious System of the Amazulu," in which it is asserted that "there are several kinds, not one kind only of umhlebe; some are small." I should be disposed to think the kernel of fact will be found to lie in native observation of the deleterious properties and weird aspects of certain Euphorbiaceæ. H. M. C. Charlton, November 4

The Weather

THE past month has probably been one of the wettest on record. I have registered here 5.14 inches of rain during the month; only on seven days out of the thirty-one has the gauge shown less than o'I; and on three days out of the seven rain has been recorded. J. M. FOUNTAIN

Hillingdon, Uxbridge, November 2


FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF CURRENTS AND POTENTIALS IN ABSOLUTE MEASURE THI HERE are several methods by which galvanometers may be graduated so as to measure currents and potentials in absolute measure, but they all involve, directly or indirectly, a comparison of the indications of the instrument to be graduated with those of a standard instrument, of which the constants are fully known for the place at which the comparison is made. There are various forms of such standard instruments, as, for example, the tangent galvanometer which Joule made, consisting of a single coil of large radius, and a small needle hung at its centre, or the Helmholtz modification of the same instrument with two large equal coils placed side by side at a distance apart equal to the radius of either; or some form of "dynamometer," or instrument in which the needle of the galvanometer is replaced by a movable coil, in which the whole or a known portion of the current in the fixed coil flows. The measurement consists essentially in determining the couple which must be exerted by the earth's magnetic force on the needle or suspended coil, in order to equilibrate that exerted by the current. But the former depends on the value, usually denoted by H, of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic force, and it is necessary therefore, except when some such method as that of Kohlrausch, described below, is used, to know the value of that quantity in absolute units.

The value of H may be determined in various ways, and I shall here content myself with describing one or two of the most convenient in practice. The easiest method is by finding (1) the angle through which the needle of a magnetometer is deflected by a magnet placed in a given position at a given distance, (2) the period of vibration of the magnet when suspended horizontally in the earth's field, so as to be free to turn round a vertical axis. The first operation gives an equation involving the ratio of the magnetic monient of the magnet to the horizontal component H of the terrestrial magnetic force, the second an equation involving the product of the same two quantities. I shall describe this method somewhat in detail.

A very convenient form of magnetometer is that devised by Mr. J. T. Bottomley, and made by hanging within a closed chamber, by a silk fibre from 6 to 10 cms. long, one of the little mirrors with attached_magnets used in Thomson's reflecting galvanometers. The fibre is carefully attached to the back of the mirror, so that the magnets hang horizontally and the front of the mirror is vertical. The closed chamber for the fibre and mirror is very readily made by cutting a narrow groove to within a short distance of each end, along a

piece of mahogany about 10 cms. long. This groove is widened at one end to a circular space a little greater in diameter than the diameter of the mirror. The piece of wood is then fixed with that end down in a horizontal basepiece of wood furnished with three levelling screws. The groove is thus placed vertical; and the fibre carrying the mirror is suspended within it by passing the free end of the fibre through a small hole at the upper end of the groove, adjusting the length so that the mirror hangs within the circular space at the bottom, and fixing the fibre at the top with wax. When this has been done, the chamber is closed by covering the face of the piece of wood with a strip of glass, which may be either kept in its place by cement, or by proper fastenings which hold it tightly against the wood. By making the distance between the back and front of the circular space small, and its diameter very little greater than that of the mirror, the instrument can be made very nearly "dead beat," that is to say, the needle when deflected through any angle comes to rest at once, almost without oscillation about its position of equilibrium. A magnetometer can be thus constructed at a trifling cost, and it is much more nished with long magnets frequently used for the deteraccurate and convenient than the magnetometers furmination of H; and as the poles of the needle may always in practice be taken at the centre of the mirror, the calculations of results are much simplified.

The instrument is set up with its glass front in the magnetic meridian, and levelled so that the mirror hangs freely inside its chamber. The foot of one of the levelling screws should rest in a small conical hollow cut in the table or platform, of another in a V-groove the axis of which is in line with the hollow, and the third on the plane surface of the table or platform. When thus set up the instrument is perfectly steady, and if disturbed can in an instant be replaced in exactly the same position. A beam of light passing through a slit, in which a thin vertical cross-wire is fixed, from a lamp placed in front of the magnetometer is reflected, as in Thomson's reflecting galvanometer, from the mirror to a scale attached to a lamp-stand, and facing the mirror. The lamp and scale are moved nearer to or farther from the mirror, until the position at which the image of the cross-wire of the slit is most distinct is obtained. It is convenient to make the horizontal distance of the mirror from the scale for this position if possible one metre. The lamp-stand should also have three levelling screws, for which the arrangement of conical hollow V groove and plane should be adopted. The scale should be straight, and placed with its length in the magnetic north and south line, and the lamp should be so placed that the incident and reflected rays of light are in an east and west vertica! plane, and that the spot of light falls near the middle of the scale. To avoid errors due to variations of length in the scale, it should be glued to the wooden backing which carries it, not simply fastened with drawing pins as is often the case.

The magnetometer having been thus set up, four or five magnets, each about 10 cms. long and I cm. thick, and tempered glass-hard, are made from steel wire. This is best done as follows. From ten to twenty pieces of steel wire, each perfectly straight and having its ends carefully filed so that they are at right angles to its length are prepared. These are tied tightly into a bundle with a binding of iron wire and heated to redness in a bright fire. The bundle is then quickly removed from the fire and plunged with its length vertical into cold water. The wires are thus tempered glass-hard without being seriously warped. They are then magnetised to saturation in helix by a strong current of electricity. A horizonta magnetic east and west line passing through the mirror i now laid down on a convenient platform (made of woo put together without iron and extending on both side of the magnetometer) by drawing a line through that

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