The following Catalogues will be sent post free to any address upon application. No. 210. A SELECTION OF VALUABLE BOOKS, Part I., A to H. No. 214. PRESENTATION COPIES and Books from the Libraries of Nos. I., II., III., IV. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, MANUSCRIPTS, and Privately Printed Books. HAVE a collection of no less than Fourteen Hundred Books I printed for private circulation, which I now offer for sale, en bloc. About nine hundred of these books are fully described in my Catalogue of Books printed for Private Circulation, with annotations upon them, and many extracts. To a prospective purchaser I will gladly send a copy of my Catalogue, indicating about nine hundred of the books which are now offered in this lot. The remaining five hundred books have not been catalogued by me, and are for the most part unknown to bibliographers, as they are not described in any books of reference. Although printed for private circulation only, and in very limited numbers, these books are by no means devoid of interest. The collection would be of great value to the Genealogist Family Historian, and Topographer. I offer the lot for the very moderate sum of Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds. CATALOGUE OF AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF BOOKS, ON VIEW AT 77, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C. 1 ABELARD AND HELOISE, Letters of, with a particular account of their lives, amours and misfortunes, extracted chiefly from Mons. Bayle, translated from the French by J. Hughes, plates, 12mo, calf, 28 6d 1719 2 ABELARD AND HELOISE, Letters of, with an account of their lives and misfortunes; also poems by Pope, Madan, Cawthorne, &c., front., sm. 8vo, calf, 2s 6d 1803 3 ABELARD AND HELOISE, Letters of, with a particular account of their lives, amours and misfortunes; also poems by Pope, Madan, &c., front., 1807-Hayley's (W.) Triumphs of Temper, a poem, plates by Stothard, Chichester, 1807-2 vols in 1, 12mo, half morocco, 3s 4 ADDISON's (J.) Dissertations upon Roman Poets also an Essay upon the Roman Elegiac Poets, by Major Pack, with an essay on Addison's writings, by R. Young, 12mo, calf, joints cracked, 2s 6d E. Curll, 1721 5 AEROCRAFT, the monthly review of the world's progress and practice in aerial navigation, illustrated, Nos. 1 to 4, 4 parts, 8vo, wrappers, 2s 6d 1909 6 AERONAUTICAL ANNUAL (The), edited by J. Means, 1895, 1896, 1897, illustrated, 3 vols, 8vo, wrappers, 5s 6d Boston (U.S.A.), 1895-97 7 AFRICA.-Lucca's (Gaudentio di) Adventures, giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the deserts of Africa, the origin and antiquity of the people, their religion, customs, polity and laws, 8vo, calf, 3s 1748 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 ALDEN's (H. M.) Magazine Writing and the New Literature, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, presentation copy to Lady Ritchie, with long autograph inscription signed by the Author, 48 6d 1908 ALLEN's (J.) The Younger Brother, his apologie; or, a father's free power disputed for the disposition of his lands, &c., sm. 4to, sewn, rare, 4s 6d Oxford, 1634 ALPINE.-Brockedon's (W.) Journals of Excursions in the Alps, the Pennine, Gravan, Cottian, Rhetian, Lepontian and Bernese, map, cr. 8vo, half calf, 3s 1833 ALPINE.-Harrison's (F.) My Alpine Jubilee, 1851-1907, portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, 28 6d 1908 ALPINE. Whymper's (Ed.) Guide to Chamonix and the Range of Mont Blanc, illustrated, cr. 8vo, wrappers, presentation copy, with Author's autograph inscription, 2s 6d AMARANTH (The), or Religious Poems, consisting of fables, visions, emblems, &c., fine copper-plate engravings by W. Hibbart after Carrache, I. Robins, Coypel, Zelman, and others, 8vo, old calf, joints cracked, 786d 1767 Contains Eulogius, or the Charitable Mason. AMERICA.-The History of the Bucaniers of America, THE FIFTH EDITION, 3 vols, sm. 8vo, original calf, £1 188 1774 20 AMERICA. - The Constitutions of the United States of America; also the Declaration of Independence, Acts for the Government of the Territories, &c., 12mo, sheep, AMERICA.-Trumbull's (John) Poetical joints cracked, 2s New York, 1813 Works, written before and during the Revolutionary War, portrait and vignette titles, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, bds., UNCUT, scarce, 78 6d Hartford, U.S.A., 1820 AMERICA, &c.—An Account of the most Remarkable Voyages, from the discovery of America by Columbus to the present time, front., death of Capt. Cook, and vignette title, 12mo, stamped leather, gilt edges, 28 6d AMERICA.-Crockett's (Col.) Exploits and Darton, 1831 Adventures in Texas: his many hairbreadth escapes, with a topographical, historical and political view of Texas, written by himself; the narrative brought down from the death of Col. Crockett to the battle of San Jacinto, by an eye-wit ness, 12mo, bds., 78 6d 22 23 24 25 1837 Preface by C. T. Beale and Alex. T. Dumas. 40 fortunate Young Nobleman, returned from a Thirteen Years' Slavery in America, 12mo, old calf, 7s 6d 1743 The case of Jas. Annesley, who obtained the ANNESLEY TRIAL.-The Trial between 26 AMERICA.-Washington, Histoire de, et | 39 ANNESLEY CASE.-Memoirs of an Unde la foundation de la République des étatsunis par Cornelis de Wit, précedée d'une etude historique sur Washington par M. Guizot, post 8vo, calf, gilt back, gilt edges, presentation copy, with Author's autograph inscription signed, 78 6d Paris, 1855 27 AMERICA.-Douglass's (F.) My Bondage and my Freedom: I., Life as a Slave; II., Life as a Freeman, introduction by Dr. J. M'Cune Smith, FIRST EDITION, portrait and 2 plates, cr. 8vo, cloth, 38 6d New York, 1855 28 AMERICA. Report upon the Indian Tribes, by A. W. Whipple, T. Ewbank and Prof. Wm. W. Turner, tinted plates and illustrations, 4to, quarter morocco neat, 15s Washington, 1855 Indian traditions, superstitions, and pictographs, vocabularies of North American language, Indian residences, portraits and dress, condition of the Aborigines of New Mexico, upon its discovery by Spaniards, history of the Apache Nations and other tribes. 29 AMERICA.-Beauvallet's (Léon) Rachel and the New World: a trip to the United States and Cuba, translated from the French, FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo, cloth, 38 New York, 1856 30 AMERICA.-The Italian Bride, a play, in five acts, written for Miss Eliza Logan, and published for private distribution, 12mo, half morocco, with presentation inscription by Logan, 28 6d Savannah, 1856 31 AMERICA.-A Metrical Description of a Fancy Ball, given at Washington, 9th April, 1858, dedicated to Mrs. Senator Gwin, notes, and a key to the names of the guests, 4to, cloth, 3s 6d Washington, 1858 32 AMERICA.-Portraits of Geo. Washington, J. Madison, John Adams, R. Fulton, W. H. Prescott, W. C. Bryant, D. Boone, E. K. Kane, A. Lincoln, W. H. Seward, U. S. Grant, and others, from original portraits by A. Chappel, 17 portraits, 4to, cloth, 3s New York, 1861 33 AMERICA.-Bates's (H. W.) The Naturalist on the Amazons, map and illustrations, cr. 8vo, cloth, 4s 6d 1864 34 ANECDOTES, &c.-The Parlour Portfolio, or Post-chaise companion: a selection of amusing articles and anecdotes that have appeared in the daily and periodical journals from 1700 to the present time, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, 4s 6d 35 ANGLING.-[Diaper's (John)] Nereides, or sea-eclogues, 8vo, original calf, FINE 1712 COPY, RARE, 158 O'Gorman's (Mr.) The Practice of Angling, particularly as regards Ireland, cr. 8vo, cloth, nice copy, 38 Dublin, 1855 36 ANGLING. 1820 37 ANGLING.-Dennys's (John) Secrets of Angling, 1613, with introduction by T. Westwood, sm. 4to, roxburghe, 2s 6d 1883 38 ANGLING.-Seven INDIA PROOF Illustrations to Isaac Walton's Compleat Angler, in exact copy of those in the FIRST EDITION, 1653, roy. 8vo, wrappers, 23 1886 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 1883 1893 1898 Living English Poets, 1893, front., cr. 8vo, parchment, 3s ANTHOLOGY.-Meynell's (Alice) The Flower of the Mind: a choice among the best poems, cr. 8vo, parchment, UNCUT, with silk ties, 3s 6d ANTIQUITIES, &c.-Catalogue of the Antiquities and Works of Art exhibited at Ironmongers' Hall, 1861, plates (two illuminated), numerous facsimiles and woodcuts, 2 vols, 4to, half morocco neat, 88 6d 1869 ANTIQUITIES.-Stephens's (G.) Thunor the Thunderer, carved on a Scandinavian Font of about the year 1000, illustrated, folio, half calf neat, 3s 1878 Stephens's (G.) Macbeth, Earl Siward and Dundee, a contribution to Scottish history, from the Rune-Finds of Scandinavia, two illustrations, folio, half calf neat, 38 1876 ANTIQUITIES.-The Forman Collection, Catalogue of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman Antiquities, and Objects of Art of the Renaissance, &c. (first portion), plates, folio, wrappers, 3s Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, 1899 48 ARCANDAM.-The most Excellent, Profitable, and Pleasant Booke of the famous Doctor and Expert Astrologian, Arcandam, or Alcandrin, to find the fatall destiny, constellation, complexion and naturall inclination of every man and childe by his birthe, with an addition of physiognomy, newly turned out of French into our vulgar tongue, by William Warde, woodcuts, black letter, 12mo, russia gilt, RARE, part of one leaf supplied in facsimile, £1 108 Felix Kyngston, 1637 ARCHEOLOGY, Handbook of, EgyptianGreek-Etruscan - Roman, by H. M. Westropp, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, back 1867 faded, 3s ARCHITECTURAL (The) Magazine and Journal of Improvement in Architecture, Building and Furnishing, and in the arts and trades connected therewith, edited by J. C. Loudon, numerous illustrations, Vols. I. to V. (all published), 5 vols, 8vo, calf, gilt backs, fine set, 10s 6d 1834-38 Contains contributions by J. Ruskin, well known architects, interesting notices of public buildings, &c., in London. The object of the magazine is to render architecture familiar to the general reader. 50 |