And, certes, mirth it were to see Lo, here thou hast mine eclogues fair, I'll burn book, preface, notes, and all. Lo, yonder, Cloddipole, the blithesome swain, LOBBIN CLOUT. See this tobacco-pouch, that's lin'd with hair, Made of the skin of sleekest fallow-deer. This pouch, that's tied with tape of reddest hue, I'll wager, that the prize shall be my due. CUDDY. Begin thy carols then, thou vaunting slouch! Be thine the caken staff, or mine the pouch. LOBBIN CLOUT. My Blouzelinda is the blithest lass, Than primrose sweeter, or the clover-grass. Fair is the king-cup that in meadow blows, Fair is the daisy that beside her grows; Fair is the gilliflower, of gardens sweet, Fair is the marigold, for pottage meet: But Blouzelind's than gilliflower more fair, Than daisy, marigold, or king-cup rare. CUDDY. 30 40 My brown Buxoma is the featest maid, That e'er at wake delightsome gambol play'd. 50 Clean as young lambkins or the goose's down, And like the goldfinch in her Sunday gown. The witless lamb may sport upon the plain, The frisking kid delight the gaping swain, The wanton calf may skip with many a bound, And my cur Tray play deftest feats around; But neither lamb, nor kid, nor calf, nor Tray, Dance like Buxoma on the first of May. LOBBIN CLOUT. Sweet is my toil when Blouzelind is near; 20 With her no sultry summer's heat I know; Ver. 3. Welkin, the same as welken, an old Saxon word, signifying a cloud; by poetical license it is frequently taken for the element, or sky, as may appear by this verse in the Dream of Chaucer Ne in all the welkin was no cloud. -Sheen, or shine, an old word for shining, or bright. CUDDY. As with Buxoma once I work'd at hay, Ev'n noontide labor seem'd an holiday; And holidays, if haply she were gone, Ver. 5. Scant, used in the ancient British authors for Like worky-days I wish'd would soon be done. scarce. Ver. 6. Rear, an expression, in several counties of Engtand, for early in the morning. Ver. 7. To ween, derived from the Saxon, to think, or conceive. 60 Ver. 25. Erst; a contraction of ere this: it signifies sometime ago, or formerly. Ver. 56. Deft, an old word, signifying brisk, or nimble. YOUNG Colin Clout, a lad of peerless meed, As at hot-cockles once I laid me down, And felt the weighty hand of many a clown; 100 But chief of Marian. Marian lov'd the swain, Buxoma gave a gentle tap, and I Quick rose, and read soft mischief in her eye. The parson's maid, and neatest of the plain ; 10 Ver. 69. Eftsoons, from eft, an ancient British word, sig- But Marian now, devoid of country cares, nifying soon. So that eftsoons is a doubling of the word Nor yellow butter, nor sage-cheese, prepares, soon, which is, as it were, to say twice soon, or very soon. For yearning love the witless maid employs, Ver. 79. Queint has various significations in the an- And, "Love" say swains, "all busy heed destroys." cient English authors. I have used it in this place in the Colin makes mock at all her piteous smart; same sense as Chaucer hath done in his Miller's Tale. "As clerkes being full subtle and queint," (by which he means arck, or waggish); and not in that obscene sense wherein he useth it in the line immediately following. A lass that Cicely hight had won his heart, 20 Ver. 103-110 were not in the early editions.-M. Ver. 113. Marigold. Ver. 117. Rosemary. Ver. 85. Populus Alcidæ gratissima, vitis laccho, Phillis amat corylos. Illas dum Phillis amabit Nec myrtus vincet corylos nec laurea Phœbi, &c. Virg. Ver. 120. Et vitula tu dignus & hic. Virg. Die quibus in terris inscripti nomina regum Cicely, the western lass, that tends the kee, "Ah, Colin! canst thou leave thy sweetheart 100 30 And with another change thy state of life? 40 What I have done for thee, will Cicely do ? "Last Friday's eve, when as the Sun was set, I, near yon stile, three sallow gypsies met. WEDNESDAY; OR, THE DUMPS.* SPARABELLA. THE wailings of a maiden I recite, 50 Such strains ne'er warble in the linnet's throat, 60 Or does with gossips at a feast regale, 70 And heighten her conceits with sack and ale, * Dumps, or dumbs, made use of to express a fit of the sullens. Some have pretended that it is derived from Dumops, a king of Egypt, that built a pyramid, and died of melancholy. So mopes, after the same manner, is thought to have come from Merops, another Egyptian king, that died of the same distemper. But our English antiquaries have conjectured that dumps, which is a grievous heaviness of spirits, comes from the word dumpling, the heaviest kind of pudding that is eaten in this country, much used in Norfolk, and other counties of Bid me beware, and thrice their heads they shook: England. Ver. 5. Immemor herbarum quos est mirata juvencá Upon my hand they cast a poring look, They said, that many crosses I must prove; Some in my worldly gain, but most in love. Next morn I miss'd three hens and our old cock; And off the hedge two pinners and a smock; 80 I bore these losses with a Christian mind, Virg. And no mishaps could feel, while thou wert kind. But since, alas! I grew my Colin's scorn, I've known no pleasure, night, or noon, or morn. Ver. 21. Kce, a west-country word for kine, or cows. Ver. 11. An opera written by this author, called The World in the Sun, or the Kingdom of Birds; he is also famous for his song on the Newmarket horse-race, and several others that are sung by the British swains. Ver. 9. Yet suffer me, thou bard of wond'rous meed, "Sooner shall cats disport in waters clear, And speckled mack'rel graze the meadows fair; Sooner shall screech-owls bask in sunny day, 20 And the slow ass on trees, like squirrels, play; 70 Sooner shall snails on insect pinions rove; Than I forget my shepherd's wonted love. Now the Sun drove adown the western road, Across the meadows stretch'd the lengthen'd shade; "Come Night, as dark as pitch, surround my head, "My plaint, ye lasses, with this burthen aid, 'Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid.' 80 "Ah! didst thou know what proffers I withstood, When late I met the squire in yonder wood! To me he sped, regardless of his game, While all my cheek was glowing red with shame; My lip he kiss'd, and prais'd my healthful look, Then from his purse of silk a guinea took, 30 Into my hand he forc'd the tempting gold, While I with modest struggling broke his hold. He swore that Dick, in livery strip'd with lace, Should wed me soon, to keep me from disgrace; But I nor footman priz'd, nor golden fee; For what is lace or gold, compar'd to thee? "My plaint, ye lasses, with this burthen aid, "Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid.' "Now plain I ken whence Love his rise begun "My plaint, ye lasses, with this burthen aid, • 'Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid.' "Shall heavy Clumsilis with me compare? View this, ye lovers, and like me despair. Her blubber'd lip by smutty pipes is worn, And in her breath tobacco whiffs are borne! The cleanly cheese-press she could never turn, Her awkward fist did ne'er employ the churn; If e'er she brew'd, the drink would straight go sour, Before it ever felt the thunder's power; No huswifery the dowdy creature knew; To sum up all, her tongue confess'd the shrew. "My plaint, ye lasses, with this burthen aid, 'Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid.' Sure he was born some bloody butcher's son, 90 "My plaint, ye lasses, with this burthen aid, 100 50 A sudden death shall rid me of my woe. "I've often seen my visage in yon lake, "My plaint, ye lasses, with this burthen aid, 'Tis hard so true a damsel dies a maid.' Ver. 17. Meed, an old word for fame, or renown. Ver. 18. -Hanc sine tempora circum Inter victrices hederam tibi serpere lauros. "Ye lasses, cease your burthen, cease to moan. And, by my case forewarn'd, go mind your own." Ver. 67. Ante leves ergo pascentur in æthere cervi, Ver. 33. Shent, an old word, signifying hurt, or harmed. Danis kiende. Islandis kunna. Belgis kennen. This word is of general use, but not very common, though not unknown to the vulgar. Ken, for prospicere, is well known, and used to discover by the eye. Ray, F. R. S. The Sun was set; the night came on apace, And falling dews bewet around the place; The bat takes airy rounds on leathern wings, And the hoarse owl his woful dirges sings; The prudent maiden deems it now too late, And, till to-morrow comes, defers her fate. THURSDAY; OR, THE SPELL. HOBNELIA. HOBNELIA, seated in a dreary vale, "I rue the day, a rueful day, I trow, With my sharp heel I three times mark the ground, And turn me thrice around, around, around.' "Last May-day fair I search'd to find a snail, That might my secret lover's name reveal. 120 Upon a gooseberry-bush a snail I found, (For always snails near sweetest fruit abound). I seiz'd the vermin, whom I quickly sped, And on the earth the milk-white embers spread. Slow crawl'd the snail; and, if I right can spell, In the soft ashes mark'd a curious L. Oh, may this wondrous omen lucky prove! For L is found in Lubberkin and Love. 50 With my sharp heel I three times mark the And turn me thrice around, around, around.' 10 As blaz'd the nut, so may thy passion grow; With my sharp heel I three times mark the ground, And turn me thrice around, around, around.' "When first the year I heard the cuckoo sing, 20 With my sharp heel I three times mark the And turn me thrice around, around, around.' 30 With my sharp heel I three times mark the ground, 68 And turn me thrice around, around, around.' 4 80 With my sharp heel I three times mark the And turn me thrice around, around, around.' With my sharp heel I three times mark the And turn me thrice around, around, around.' 40 Than what the paring makes upon the green. And turn me thrice around, around, around.' Ver. 8. Dight, or bedight, from the Saxon word dightan, which signifies to set in order. Ver. 21. Doff and don, contracted from the words do off and do on 90 |