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[blocks in formation]

its provisions, 18

failure of, 18


disqualified sitting in Assembly,

disqualified sitting in House of

Commons, 129

cannot be members of Senate, 145

Contracts with the government, Sena-
tors, how affected, 145

Copyright, 255

Corrupt Practices:

at provincial elections, 65

disqualify from sitting in House

of Commons, 130

disqualify from sitting in Provin-

cial Assemblies, 62
disqualify from voting, 127
Courts, power to establish, 243

Court for trial of Election Petitions,

Court of Appeal, power to establish,
242, 243

Court of Appeal, see Supreme Court,

Court of Exchequer, see Exchequer
Court, 216

Courts of Civil jurisdiction:

1. Provincial, 88

2. Dominion, 216

Courts of Criminal jurisdiction:

1. Provincial, 108

2. Dominion, 108

Crime, conviction of Senator, 148
Criminal Law:

Dominion powers, 242

powers of Congress, 9
Provincial powers, 242, 243

functions of Attorney-General, 245

punishments, 245
temperance laws, 244


Command-in-Chief of militia, 210
head of Executive, 164

may alter seat of government, 266
may veto Dominion Acts, 271
Senate, may add six members to,

refused to do so in 1873, 143

Currency, regulation of, 256

Customs of Parliament, 42

Customs, alteration of laws regarding,


Customs, Department of:

duties, 197

officers, 197

transfer to new department, 198

Departments of State:

in the Dominion, 193
Agriculture, 208
Customs, 197
Finance, 198

High Commissioner, 214
Indian Affairs, 213
Inland Revenue, 196
Interior, 195

Justice, 206

Marine and fisheries, 209

Militia and defence, 210

Post office, 205

Public Printing and Stationery,


Public works, 202

Railways and Canals, 204

Secretary of State, 193

in the provinces, 84

Denominational schools, 247

appeal to Governor in Council,
169, 187

Deposit by Candidates, 134

Developments of the Constitution,


Disallowance of Provincial Acts, 174,

Acts disallowed, 260

advice of ministers, 260

dispute with Manitoba, 262

railway Acts, 262

Disqualifications for sitting in Provin-
cial Assemblies, 61, 62

of legislative Councillors, 74

of Members of House of Commons,

of voters for House of Commons,


Disqualifications of voters for Provin-

cial Assemblies, 60

Dissolution of Parliament, advice of
ministers, 186

of Dominion Parliament, 121
by demise of Crown, 122
Governor-General, 121
lapse of time, 121

of provincial legislature, 49
Distribution of seats:

in the Dominion, 124

in the Provinces, 63

Divorce, 246

Divorce Bills, 161

Domicile, effect of, on debts, 248

Dominion Acts, affecting Constitution,
3, 41

Dominion Administration, see Admini-


Dominion Parliament:

dissolution, 121

functions of Governor-General,

Dominion Parliament:
Opening, 112

Commons, proceedings in, 112
election of Speaker, 112
oath of allegiance, 112
reading bill, pro forma, 114
roll of members, 112
Senate, proceedings in, 112
Speech of the Governor-General,

address in reply to, 115
consideration of, 115
Payment of members, 118
Privileges, 117

defined by Statute, 117

Prorogation, 120

effect of, 120

Quorum, 116

in House of Commons, 116

in Senate, 116

Summoning, 110

on advice of Privy Council, 111
powers of Governor-General, 111
proclamation, form of, 111

Duration of Parliament, 8

Education, 246

Dominion powers, 247

appeal to Governor-General, 247
Provincial Powers, 247

Election of legislative Councillors in
Prince Edward's Island, 74
Election Petitions, 137

in case of provincial elections, 65
in Dominion, how tried, 138
jurisdiction of Dominion, 245
Electoral Districts:

in the Dominion, 124

in the Provinces, 63

Electors of Provincial Assemblies, 55
British Columbia, 60
Manitoba, 59

New Brunswick, 58
Nova Scotia, 57

N. W. Territories, 60

Ontario, 56

Prince Edward's Island, 59
Quebec, 57

Enacting clauses in the provinces, 52
English Constitution, influence of, on
Canada, 3

Evidence of a member's return, 136
Exchequer Court, 216

appeals from, 217, 218

concurrent jurisdiction of, 217
enforcement of process of, 219
exclusive jurisdiction of, 217
Executive, see Administration.
Executive Councils, 84

Executive power, sphere of, 4

Excise, alteration of laws regarding,

Expenses of Dominion elections, 125
Expropriation Act, 204

Federation, proposals for, 21
Finance, Department of :

accounts, 202
audit office, 198

Auditor-General, 199

duties of, 201

consolidated fund, 199, 202

payment of moneys, 200

certificate of Auditor-General,


exceptional cases, 201
revenue, sources of, 199

Treasury Board, 199, 201
First reading, in Commons, 154
Fisheries are "property," 248
Fisheries, 241

extent of Dominion powers, 241

of appointment of Senators, 146
of Commission of the Governor-

General, 163, 337

of Commission of Lieutenant-
Governor, 80

of disallowance of provincial bills,

of Instructions to Governor-Gene-
ral, 163

of proclamation dissolving a pro-
vincial legislature, 51

of Letters Patent creating office of
Governor-General, 331

of proclamation of returning offi-
cer, 133

of proclamation proroguing a pro-
vincial legislature, 50

of proclamation summoning Do-
minion Parliament, 111
of report on provincial bills, 176
of return to writ of election, 135
of Speaker's warrant for an elec-
tion, 132

of summoning provincial legisla-
ture, 45

of writ for election of members of
House of Commons, 131

Franchise, uniformity in, 7
Freedom of speech, 69

Geological Survey, 195

Governors, list of, 275

a Corporation sole, 164
appointed by Commission, 164
Commission issued to, 163
dissolution of Parliament, 121

Instructions issued to, 163

Letters Patent creating the office,

changes introduced in 1867, 163
powers conferred by, 163

office of, created by Letters Pa-
tent, 162

position of, 9

Powers as regards the Dominion

1. appoints Senators, 164

may recommend six additional
members, 164

2. appoints the Speaker of the
Senate, 164

3. summons House of Commons,

4. recommends money grants, 164
5. prorogues and dissolves the
legislature, 165

6. assents to bills, 165

assent not conclusive, 166
may reserve bills, 165, 166
may veto bills, 165

not bound to follow advice of

Ministers, 166

ought to be satisfied bill is
legal, 166

receives report from Minister

of justice, 166

royal assent, how given, 167
As regards Party Government:
consulting Home Government,

in Imperial matters to follow his
own judgment, 167

in local matters, advice of Minis-
ters to be followed, 167
law officers, consultation of, 168
prerogative matters, 168

As regards the Dominion Executive:
appoints Ministers, 168

army and navy, relations to,

may remove Ministers, 168
represents the Crown, 168
As regards the Judicature:
appoints judges, 170

[blocks in formation]

corrupt practices, 130

election to Provincial legisla-

ture, 128

holding offices under Crown,


revising officers, 130

sheriffs and other officers, 130
distribution of seats, 124
Election Petitions, 137

Courts for trial of, 138

Corrupt practices, 138
government orders, 151
internal arrangements, 140
method of election, 130

form of writ, 130
nomination, 134
return to writ, 135
notices of motion, 151
number, 123

officers of the House:
Clerks, 140

Sergeant-at-arms, 139
Speaker, 138

order of business, 150
petitions, 151

for money, 151

as to taxes, 152

powers of Dominion, 231
private bills, 152

public bills, 152

qualifications of Electors, 124

age, 125

citizenship, 125

property qualification, 125

annuity, 125

fishermen, 126

Indians, 126

Occupancy, 125

ownership, 125

residence, 125

sons, 125

revision of voters' lists, 127

qualifications of Members:

age, 128

citizenship, 128

questions, 151

resignation of Members, 140

acceptance of office, 141

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