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Mort, sous Robespierre, &c. les Sentences, la date de l'execution, &c. A Londres, 1795.

2324, D. Anecdotes secretes sur le 18 Fructidor et nouveaux memoires des déportés a la Guiane ecrits par eux memes. A Londres, 1799

1904, O. 2. Tableau Historique de la Maison Lazare, depuis son ouverture, jusqu'au 9 Thermidor. Avec des Anecdotes precieuses, &c. A Paris, 1795.

1904, O. 3. Les Souvenirs d'un jeune Prisonnier, ou Memoires sur les Prisons de la Force et Duplessis, pour servir à l'Histoire de la Revolution. Α Paris, 1795.

2437, O. The Secret History of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1806.

2561, O. 2. Lettre à sa Majesté Charles X., Roi de France contre le couronnement de Bonaparte. Paris, 1827. Gift of John Penington, Esq.

2561, O. 8. Observations soumises au députés de la France, causes générales de la misére publique, &c. Paris, 1828. Gift of John Penington, Esq. 48, O. Almanach Royal, Année 1743. A Paris, 1743. 993, F. Las quatro partes enteras de la coronica de España que mando componer el Serenisimo Rey Don Alonso. Valladolid, 1604.


2023, D. 9. Los conspiradores revolutionarios del Dia ó el tumulto de Molay. Madrid, 1815.

2023, D. 10. Plan para formar la estadistica de la provincia de Sevilla. Sevilla, 1814.

948, F. Real Cedula se sirve dar nueva planta á su supremo consejo de la Guerra Consegeros natos. Madrid, 1773.

921, F. Pompa Funebre, que la Real Junta particular y consulado de comercio del principado de Cataluña el Señor Don Carlos Tercero, en 1789. Barcelona, 1789.

953, F. Tratado de accesion entre la Republica del Valais a la Capitulacion de los cinco regimentos Suizos. Madrid, 1805.

1803, 13. & 2254, O. 5. Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy, promulgated March 19, 1812. Philadelphia, 1814.

2564, O. 3. Tableau de l'Isle de Minorque ou description générale et particuliere de cette Isle. A Paris, 1781.

2325, O. Calendario de Madrid, para el año de 1797. Madrid.

898, D. Portugallia, sive de Regis Portugalliæ regnis et opibus commentarius. Lugduni Batavorum, 1641.


2227, O. 4. Who is the Legitimate King of Portugal? By a Portuguese. London, 1828.

904, D. Helvetiorum Respublica diversorum auctorum. Lugd. Bat., 1627. L. 906, D. De principatibus Italiæ diversorum auctorum. Lugd. Bat., 1631. L. 1817, O. 3. History of the Revolution in Geneva. Philadelphia, 1794.

1648, O.


Memoires pour servir à l'Histoire de Corse. Carte. A Londres,

1581, D. Journal Historique du Siege de la Ville et de la Citadelle de Turin, l'Année 1706. A Amsterdam, 1703.

1846, O. 9. The Battle of Lodi. Portrait. New York, 1804.

291, F. Illustres veteres scriptores qui rerum à Germanis per multas ætates gestarum historias vel annales posteris reliquerunt. Francofurti, 1583. L. 915, D. Respublica et status imperii Romano-Germanici. Tomi II. Bat., 1634.



917, D. Status particularis regiminis S. C. majestatis Ferdinandi II. Lugd. Bat., 1637. L.

1437, D. A Military History of Germany and of England; from 1631 to 1648. Being the Memoirs of an English Gentleman who served in the Armies of Gustavus Adolphus and Charles I. Edinburgh, 1766.

921, D. Respublica Hungariæ, et status regni. Lugd. Bat., 1634. L.

920, D. Respublica sive status Regni Poloniæ, Lituaniæ, Prussiæ, Livoniæ, &c. diversorum auctorum. Lugd. Bat., 1642. L.

923, D. Respublica Moscoviæ et Urbes. Lugd. Bat., 1630. L.

924, D. Russia, seu Muscovia, itemque Tartaria, a diversis auctoribus. Lugd. Bat., 1630. L.

2352, O. Secret Memoirs of the Court of St. Petersburg. Philadelphia, 1802.

796, Q. La Legende des Flamens Haynuyers Arthesiens et Bourguignons, ou autrement leur Cronique abrégée, en laquelle sont contenues plusieurs Hystoires de France Angleterre et Allemaigne. Avecqs les genealogies et descentes des Roys de Naples et Sicille qui y ont regné en quatre Nations jusques a present, Ascavoir, Normans, Allemans, François, Arragonnoys, &c. &c. A Paris, 1522. M.

912, D. Respublica Hollandiæ et Urbes. Lugd. Bat., 1630. L.

2185, D. Status Reipublicæ fœderati Belgii, disputationes in Academia Groninga. Groningæ, 1651.

661, D. Commentariolus de statu confœderatarum provinciarum Belgii. Hage Comitum, 1659. L.

180, F. Belgicarum rerum annales, sive historiæ a diversis auctoribus conscriptæ. Francofurti, 1580.

914, D.

dami, 1635. 939, D.


Respublica Lutzenburgensis Hannoniæ et Namurensis. Amstelo

Historia Daniæ et Norwegia insulisque adjacentibus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1629. L.

874 & 922, D.

Suecia, sive de Suecorum regis dominiis et opibus commenLug. Bat. 1631.


tarius politicus. 2560, O. 13. Tableau moral et politique de la Grece, 1824. A Paris, 1825. Gift of John Penington, Esq.


Aikin, 1667, O. England delineated; or a Geographical description of every county in England and Wales, &c. By John Aikin. London, 1795. 1190, O. Annals of the Reign of King George the Third, from its commencement in 1760 to his death in 1820. By John Aikin, M. D. 2 vols. London, 1820.

1128, O. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. By Lucy Aiken. 2 vols. Boston, 1822.

Anderson, 1151, Q.

Collections relating to the

history of Mary, Queen of Scotland. By James Anderson. 2 vols. Edinburg, 1825. Anvers, D', 44, O. Remarks on the History of England, from the minutes of Humphrey Oldcastle, (Caleb D'Anvers.) Second edition. London, 1747. 80 & 1596, O. A Dissertation upon Parties, in several Letters. Caleb D'Anvers. Esq. London, 1735.

Asgill, 2027 & 2086, O. 1.


The title of the house of Hanover to the succession is of divine right. By Mr. Asgill. London, 1710.

2101, O. 5. Mr. Asgill's Congratulatory Letter to Bishop Burnett on

his preface,

London, 1713.

Asserius, 172, O. Asserii Annales rerum gestarum Alfredi Magni. Oxoniæ,

1722. L.

Aston, 317, F. 5. Tony Aston's petition and speech, with his deportment before the House of Commons. London, 1735. L.

Austine, 834, Q. 3. Allegiance not impeached; viz. by the Parliament's taking
up of arms. By Robert Austine, D. D. London, 1644. M.
Bacon, 689, D. Francisci Baconis de Verulamio, Historia regni Henrici VII.
Anglorum regis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1647. L.

820, F. The Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh. By
Lord Bacon. London, about 1625. M.

Barnes, 732, F. History of Edward III. King of England, together with that of his most renowned son, Edward, Prince of Wales and Aquitain, sirnamed the Black Prince. By Joshua Barnes. Cambridge, 1688. M. Baring, 1801 & 2526, O. 3. An Inquiry into the causes and consequences of the Orders in Council. By Alexander Baring, Esq. New York, 1808. Barruel, 1215, O. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du Jacobinisme. Par M. Quatrieme partie. A Londres, 1798.

l'Abbé Barruel.

2196, O. Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism. A translation from the French of the Abbé Barruel. Hartford, 1799. 1902, O. 4. Lettres d'un Voyageur à l'Abbé Barruel, ou Nouveaux Documens pour ses Memoires, Nouvelles Decouvertes faites en Allemagne, Anecdotes, &c. Chronique de la Secte, &c. A Londres, 1800. Bates, 949, O. Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia: or, a short Historical Account of the rise and progress of the late troubles in England, from the Latin of Dr. George Bates, Physician to Charles I. and Charles II. Motus Compositi; or, the history of the composing of the affairs of England by the restauration of K. Charles II. and the punishment of the regicides, &c. From the Latin of Th. Skinner, M. D. With a preface and several original papers. London, 1685. M. Baxter, 337, O. Glossarium antiquitatum Britanniæ, sive Syllabus etymologicus earundem temporibus Romanorum, quibus accedit Edwardi Luidii, de fluviorum, montium, urbium, &c. in Britannia nominibus. Auctore Gulielmo Baxter. Londini, 1719. L.

Beckett, 859, Q. La Vie de S. Thomas à Beckett, Archevesque de Cantorbie, contenante une belle et memorable Histoire du Roy, et du Royaume d'Angleterre. Avec les Constitutions Royalles, qui ont causé son exil, et son Martyre. Ensemble les Miracles advenus par son intercession en l'Abbaye de Domp-Martin pres de Hesdin en Artois. Par F. Charles du Canda, Prieur du dit Domp-Martin. A St. Omer, 1615.

Beddoes, 1816, O. 3. Defence of the Bill of Rights. By Thomas Beddoes, M. D. London, 1795.

Belsham, 1324, O. Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain of the house of Brunswic-Lunenburg. By W. Belsham. Dublin, 1796.

1323, O. Memoirs of the Reign of George III. to the session of Parliament ending A. D. 1793. By W. Belsham. 2 vols. Dublin, 1796. 1811, O. 1. An Examination of Mr. Burke's Appeal, his Letter, &c. By W. Belsham. London, 1792.

1809, O. 6. On the Necessity of a Reform in Parliament. By W. Belsham. London, 1793.

Bicheno, 1879, O. 2. Signs of the Times. By James Bicheno. 2 parts. Lon

don, 1794.

1879, O. 3.

A Word in Season. By James Bicheno. London, 1795. 1879, O. 4. The Progress and Issue of the Troubles in Europe, &c. By James Bicheno. London, 1797.

Bingley, 912, Q. 2. On the Discontents in Ireland, with Anecdotes, a Plan, &c.

By William Bingley. London, 1799.

Blount, 531, O. Fragmenta Antiquitatis; or ancient tenures of land, and jocular

customs of some mannors. By Thomas Blount. London, 1679. L. Boëthius, 542, F. Historia Scotorum a prima gentis origine, cum aliarum et rerum et gentium illustratione, ab Hectore Boëthio. Parisiis, 1574. L.

Bolingbroke, 1611, O. A Letter to Sir William Windham. Some Reflections on the present state of the Nation. A Letter to M. Pope. By the late Rt. Hon. Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. London, 1753. Borlase, 614, O. The reduction of Ireland to the crown of England; with the governours since the conquest by king Henry II. in the year 1172; a brief account of the rebellion in the year 1641; and the Universitie of Dublin and the Colledge of Physicians. By Edward Borlase. London, 1675. L.

Boswell, 751, O. 2. A Letter to the people of Scotland, on the present state of the nation. By James Boswell, Esq. Edinburgh, 1783.

Brady, 427, F. An introduction to the old English history, and the history of the lives and reigns of Edward I. II. and III. and of Richard II. By Robert Brady. 2 vols. London, 1684. Savoy, 1700. L.

1004, F. A complete history of England to the reign of Richard II. By Robert Brady. 2 vols. London, 1685, 1700.

428, F. An historical treatise of English cities and boroughs, with an account of their constitutions, and a brief view of the burgh-laws of Scotland, &c. By Robert Brady. Second edition. London, 1732. L. Bristed, 1185, O. The Resources of the British Empire, with a view of the probable result of the present contest between Britain and France. By John Bristed. New York, 1811.

Brougham, 1801, O. 5. Speech on the Orders in Council, April 1, 1808. By Henry Brougham.

Philadelphia, 1808.

1803, O. 9. Speech on Commerce, June 16, 1812. By Henry Brougham. Philadelphia, 1812.

1843, O. 10. Speech in the House of Commons, February 7, 1828, on the present state of the Law. By Henry Brougham. Philadelphia, 1828.

Buchanan, 602 & 928, O. Rerum Scoticarum Historia, auctore Georgio Buchanano, Scoto, ad Jacobum VI. Scotorum Regem. Accessit de Jure Regni apud Scotos Dialogus, eodem G. Buchanano auctore. Ultrajecti, 1668. Francofurti, 1594. M.

834, Q. 4 & 527, O. De Jure Regni apud Scotos; or, a dialogue concern-
ing the priviledge of government in the kingdom of Scotland: betwixt
George Buchanan and Thomas Maitland. By the said George Buc-
hanan. Francfort, 1689. Pictavi, 1580. M.

191, O. An Impartial account of the affairs of Scotland, from the
death of King James V. to the tragical exit of the Earl of Murray,
Regent of Scotland. By George Buchanan. London, 1705. L.
1. An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs.
New York, 1791. London, 1791.

Burke, 1811, 1814, & 1825, O.
By Edmund Burke.
1279, & 1840, O. 1. Reflections on the Revolution in France, and
on the proceedings of certain societies relative to that event, &c.
By the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. Philadelphia, 1792. New York,

1840, O. 2. A Letter to a member of the National Assembly, in answer to some objections to his book on French Affairs. By Edmund Burke. New York, 1791.

1813, 1850, 5. & 2549, O. 2. A Letter on the Attacks made upon him and his pension by the Duke of Bedford, &c. By E. Burke. London, 1796.

1822, 1850, 6. & 2532, O. 4. Two Letters on the Regicide Peace. By E. Burke. London, 1796. Philadelphia, 1797.

1812, 10, & 1820, O. 2. A Letter to the Duke of Portland, &c.
the Articles of Impeachment against Fox. By Edmund Burke.
don, 1797.



Burn, 1810, O. 5. Reply to Dr. Priestley's Appeal, &c. By the Rev. Edward Burn. Birmingham, 1792.

Burnet, 245, & 1707, D. Bishop Burnet's History of his own Time; containing an account of the affairs of England and Scotland, both in Church and State, from the beginning of the troubles which preceded the restoration of Charles II. to the year 1689. 6 vols. London, 1725. L.

718, O. Historical and Critical remarks on Bishop Burnet's history of his own time. By B. Higgons. London, 1725. L.

Burnett, 2107, O. 1. A Letter on the necessity of Impeaching the late Ministry By Thomas Burnett, Esq. London, 1714.

2107, O. 2. An Answer to a Letter. By Thomas Burnett. London, 1714.

Callender, 1812, O. 2. Political Progress of Great Britain, &c. By J. T. Callender. Philadelphia, 1795.

Camden, 238, F. Anglica, Normanica, Hibernica, Cambrica a veteribus scripta, cum operibus aliorum de iis regionibus ex bibliotheca Gulielmi Camden. Francofurti, 1603. L.

621, Q. Britannia; sive florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotia
et Hiberniæ Geographica descriptio. Authore Gulielmo Camden. Lon-
dini, 1600. L.

339, F. Britannia, sive regnorum Angliæ, Scotia, Hibernicæ et in-
sularum adjacentium ex intima antiquitate, chorographica descriptio;
chartis chorographicis illustrata, auctore Gul. Camden.
1607. L.


478, D. Gulielmi Camdeni Britannia in Epitomen contracta et tabulis Geographicis illustrata à Regnero Vitellio. Amstelodami, 1617. L. 58, F. Britannia; or, a chorographical description of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent Islands. By William Camden. Translated by Edmund Gibson. 2 vols. London, 1722. L.

651, F. Britannia; or, a geographical description of the flourishing Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Islands adjacent; from the earliest antiquity. By William Camden. Translated and enlarged. By Richard Gough. Second edition. 4 vols. London, 1806.

639, Q. Remaines concerning Britain, written by William Camden. Sixth edition. London, 1657. L.

516, O. Annales rerum Anglicanarum et Hibernicarum Regnante Elizabetha. Auctore. Gul. Camden. Lugduni Batavorum, 1625. L. -413, Q. Gulielmi Camdeni et illustrium virorum ad G. Camdenum epistolæ; cui accedunt annalium regni Regis Jacobi I. apparatus, et commentarius de antiquitate, dignitate et officio Comitis Marescalli Angliæ. Londini, 1691. L.

Campbell, 1498, O. A Political Survey of Britain: being a series of reflections on the situation, Land, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies and Commerce of this Island, &c. &c. By John Campbell, LL. D. 4 vols. Dublin, 1775.

Capel, 652, Q. Letters written by Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in the year 1675; with an historical account of his life. London, 1770. L.

Carpenter, 1805, O. 1. A Letter to Mr. Foley, relating to the Riots in Birmingham. By Benj. Carpenter. London, 1792.

Cary, 537, O. An essay on the state of England, in relation to its trade, its poor, and its taxes, for carrying on the present war against France. By John Cary. Bristol, 1695. L.

Chalmers, 2162, O. An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain.

By George Chalmers. London, 1794.

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