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the quantity? 14. When there is free perspiration what difference may you expect to find in the urine? 15. How much may the specific gravity vary within the limits of health? 16. What may temporarily alter the chemical reaction? 17. To what may diminished transparency be due? 18. How may the quantity be affected by disease? 19. How may the color be affected? 20. What may occasion opacity? 21. What appearance has urine which contains blood? 22. What effect has the presence of bile? 23. Name some other possible changes in the character of the urine. 24. What is likely to be its character in hysteria? In convalescence? In the early stages of fever? 25. When is a lowered specific gravity most significant? 26. In what disease do you get at the same time an abundant flow of urine and high specific gravity? 27. What occasions this? 28. What characterizes polyuria? 29. What else is it sometimes called? 30. Name some drugs that affect the quality of the urine. 31. What do you call those medicines that increase the quantity of the urine? 32. Name some diuretics. 33. What is strangury? 34. Dysuria? 35. When may dark, smoky urine be looked for? 36. What effect upon the urine has turpentine taken internally? Santonin? Rhubarb? 37. Of what importance is the observation of the urine? 38. What should the nurse always be able to tell about it? 39. What is meant by micturition? 40. What kind of a specimen is best for examination? 41. How long can it be kept? 42. How is it best kept? 43. What care must you take in getting a specimen? 44. What may be necessary in order to get it pure? 45. How should it be labeled? 46. What should you observe in regard to the sediment? 47. What apparatus will be needed for testing urine? 48. How will you determine the chemical reaction? 49. What effect have acids upon litmus paper? Alkalies? 50. When is any substance said to be neutral in reaction? 51. Does acid urine ever become alkaline after it is passed? 52. Can the alkaline ever become acid? 53. How may the volatile be distinguished from the fixed alkalies? 54. How is urine affected by standing? 55. How should your urinometer be tested? 56. What is taken as the standard of specific gravity? 57. How do you measure the specific gravity of urine? 58. In what two ways may foreign matter be present in the urine? 59. What is the most common sedimentary substance? 60. How may the urates and phosphates be distinguished from each other? 61. What other sediment may there be? 62. How is mucus recognized? 63. In what form is pus deposited? 64. What does it resemble? 65. How may they be distinguished? 66. What is the char

acteristic of urine in Bright's disease? 67. Is albumen found as a precipitate or in solution? 68. When albumen is abundant in the urine, what else is likely to be present? 69. How are casts to be discovered? 70. How do you test urine for albumen? 71. If the urine is not of distinctly acid reaction, how can you make it so? 72. What may occur if the acid is added in excess? 73. What is the surest way to detect a small quantity of albumen? 74. If albumen is present, how will it appear? 75. Does anything else present a similar zone? 76. How are they to be distinguished? 77. What substances are precipitated by heat? 78. What are dissolved by it? 79. Which ones are precipitated by nitric acid? Which does this dissolve? 80. What kind of urine should you think it necessary to test for sugar? 81. If the urine is albuminous, what must you first do? 82. Describe the test for sugar by means of Fehling's solution. 83. What care does the solution require? 84. How will you know if it is spoiled? 85. Give Trommer's test for sugar. 86. Any other test with which you are familiar. 87. Can the exact quantity of sugar present be determined? 88. What is suppression of urine? 89. What is retention? 90. Which occurs most frequently? 91. Which is the more serious? 92. What may cause retention? 93. How may it be recognized? 94. How may it be relieved? 95. What may occasion incontinence? 96. In what class of subjects is it most common? 97. Does a constant passage of urine prove the bladder to be empty? 98. What may be the cause of it? 99. What special care is needed in cases of incontinence ? 100. When is catheterization called for? 101. Describe the process. 102. Is there any danger of inserting the instrument too far? 103. How do you know when it is in far enough? 104. What shall you do if the flow ceases before the bladder is emptied? 105. In what cases may force be used in introducing the catheter? 106. What care should you take in removing it? 107. How often should catheterization be repeated? 108. Can retention ever be relieved without it? 109. How is retention to be distinguished from suppression? 110. Why is suppression so dangerous? 111. What can be done to relieve it? 112. What is uræmia? 113. What is cystitis? 114. When the bladder is very much distended, what precaution should be taken? 115. What may result from too sudden collapse of its walls? 116. Is any exposure of the patient's person necessary in passing the catheter? 117. When should it be done by sight rather than by touch? 118. What additional care is necessary in these cases? 119. What kind of a catheter would you prefer to use? What size for

ordinary cases?

120. How do you clean it after use? 121. What is the usual treatment in case of cystitis? 122. How do you proceed to wash the bladder?

CHAPTER XIV.-1. What is the duty of the nurse in regard to contagion? 2. What is contagion? 3. How are infectious diseases supposed to be propagated? 4. What is the distinction between directly and indirectly infectious disease? Mention some of each class. 5. What is meant by the period of incubation? 6. Is it always of the same duration? 7. Is disease infectious during the period of incubation? 8. When is the risk of infection greatest in measles ? In scarlet fever? 9. How does the influence of typhus differ from that of the small-pox or scarlet fever poison? 10. When is a disease said to be epidemic? Endemic? 11. What are sporadic cases? 12. What are disinfectants? 13. How do they differ from antiseptics? 14. Are deodorants necessarily disinfectants ? 15. Are disinfectants always deodorizers ? 16. How may the latter be useful? 17. Have they any effect upon specific contagia? 18. What is the best disinfectant? 19. How does it act? 20. What else is fatal to septic germs? 21. What is the first thing to be done when a disease is pronounced infectious? 22. Why does such a case always need two nurses? 23. How can they avoid conveying the infection? 24. What kind of clothes should they wear? 25. How can the hair be protected? 26. How should the room be got ready for the patient? 27. After he is quarantined, how are you to provide against the spread of the disease? 28. Name in detail the precautions that you would take. 29. What will help to keep the air pure? 30. Is it possible to be too careful about disinfection? 31. May you not so create unnecessary alarm? 32. What mental condition predisposes to infection? 33. What may be said of insufficient precaution? 34. Why are contagious cases especially trying to the nurse? 35. What care must you take of yourself? 36. What will be the best disinfectant for yourself? 37. How can you best disinfect the air of the sick-room? 38. Will deodorizing it render it fit to breathe again? 39. In what cases is ventilation of the most vital importance? 40. When the infectious particles are thrown off by the skin, what may be done to prevent their dissemination? 41. In what diseases does this occur? 42. What is the use of burning pastilles? 43. How may charcoal and carbolic acid be used as deodorizers ? 44. Are these true disinfectants? 45. What disinfectant solutions may be similarly used? 46. Why may these be regarded as genuine disinfectants any more than those previously named?

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47. How far-reaching is their effect? 48. Name some gaseous disinfectants. 49. Which are the most valuable? 50. Can a room be thoroughly disinfected while it is occupied? 51. What is the most powerful of the liquid disinfectants? 52. How may it be used?


Is it a good disinfectant for clothing? 54. What may be used for the

latter purpose? 55. What is "Condy's Fluid"? 56. What is copperas? 57. How do they affect each other? 58. What other disinfectants are incompatible with each other? 59. How far is chlorine soluble in water? 60. For what may the solution be used? 61. How is it affected by light? 62. How may sewer pipes be disinfected? 63. How may sputa-cups and other vessels be kept sweet? 64. What is a good disinfectant for this purpose? 65. How can you tell when the strength of Condy's fluid is exhausted? 66. Is isolation of the patient necessary with disease which is only indirectly transmissible? 67. Is it equally important to provide against infection? 68. In what particular is the greatest care essential? 69. How would you disinfect typhoid stools? 70. How dispose of them? 71. What else needs to be disinfected with equal care? 72. If these measures are rigidly taken, and the disease continues to spread, what is to be concluded ? 73. How should the body of a person who has died from an infectious disease be treated? 74. After a contagious case is terminated, what further is necessary? 75. Is disinfection as important if the case terminates favorably? 76. Is it the business of the nurse to attend to this? 77. If you have it to do, how will you proceed? 78. How will you prepare the room for fumigation? 79. What agent will you select? 80. How can you protect polished metal ? 81. Why is this necessary? 82. Describe the process of fumigation by means of sulphurous-acid gas. 83. By means of chlorine. 84. How much sulphur would you use for a room of ordinary size? 85. How can the efficiency of chlorine be increased? 86. Is this also true of sulphur? CHAPTER XV.—1. What are surgical cases? 2. Define a wound. 3. An incised wound. 4. In what proportion is an incised wound dangerous? 5. When is a wound described as lacerated? 6. Which is more painful, a laceration or an incision? 7. Which will bleed more freely? Why? 8. How may a contusion be defined? 9. What is a

contused wound? 10. By what is it usually made? 11. What is sloughing? 12. To what class do gun-shot wounds belong? 13. Why are they especially painful? 14. What is the character of all lacerations? 15. What is ecchymosis? 16. Do you get ecchymosis with a contused wound? 17. What is a punctured wound? 18. What

makes them dangerous? 19. What may render a comparatively slight wound serious? 20. Give examples of some of the ways in which poison may be introduced. 21. What makes a burn dangerous? 22. From how extensive a burn can you expect a patient to recover? 23. How may burns be classified? 24. Describe the action of a superficial burn. 25. What is likely to follow? 26. What takes place if the burn is a little deeper? 27. Do the blisters always appear at once? 28. What is a burn of the third degree? 29. How does it heal if at all? 30. What strong tendency has the cicatrix of a burn? 31. To what does this often lead? 32. How are severe burns likely to be complicated? 33. How early may perforation of the duodenum take place? 34. What other injuries are similar in effect to burns? 35. How many degrees of injury from cold can you describe? 36. In how many different ways may a wound of the soft tissues heal? 37. What is primary union? 38. What else is it called? 39. What wounds are most likely to heal by first intention? 40. What is primary adhesion ? 41. Describe the process of granulation. 42. What is secondary adhesion ? 43. How does healing take place under a scab ? 44. How soon does the cicatrix acquire the vitality of the older structure? 45. What classification will be ordinarily sufficient? 46. What is ulceration? 47. How can granulation be stimulated? 48. How checked, if excessive? 49. How is the healing of a granulating surface sometimes hastened? 50. Describe the process of skin grafting. What are the advantages of it? 51. What is sometimes used in the place of skin for deep ulcers? 52. What finally becomes of it? 53. What precautions are necessary in skin grafting? 54. How may the process of healing be hindered? 55. What is inflammation? How is it manifested? 57. When is inflammation most painful? 58. Is it more alarming when attacking a serous or a mucous membrane ? Why? 59. What is an abcess? 60. How is an abcess usually treated? 61. In opening an abcess, where should the incision be made? 62. Why should it not be left to open spontaneously? 63. What is the treatment after it is opened? 64. When is pus said to be pointing? 65. What is meant by burrowing? 66. Why are drainage-tubes used? 67. Of what are they made? 68. Describe healthy pus. 69. What is it sometimes called? 70. What accompanies the formation of pus? 71. How would you feed a patient with a large suppurating wound? 72. What is likely to be the effect of foreign matter left in a wound? 73. How else may a general inflammatory fever be occasioned? 74. What are the main points of the local hygiene of sur


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