BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. THE Anniversary Meeting of this great Institution, which has now been established nearly half a century, was held on Wednesday, May 7th, in Exeter Hall. The spacious building was well filled, but the platform was not so crowded as we have seen it on former occasions. The Chair was taken at 11 o'clock, by the newly elected President, the Right Hon. Lord Ashley, M.P. After one of the Secretaries had read a portion of Scripture, the noble Chairman delivered an admirable speech, in which he made very appropriate reference to the late lamented President of the Institution, whose zeal and service, he said, he should endeavour to emulate. The Rev. G. Brown, Secretary, announced that the Bishops of Chester, Norwich, and Winchester, together with the Rev. J. J. Freeman, regretted their inability to be present that morning. An abstract of the Report was then read, which gave a comprehensive and gratifying view of the condition and operations of the Society, both at home and abroad. Allusion was made to the lamented deaths, within a very brief period of each other, of the President, the Clerical Secretary, and the Editorial Superintendent, whose places had been filled by Lord Ashley, the Rev. G. J. Collinson, and the Rev. T. M. Meller. The issues of the Society for the year, British and Foreign, were 1,137,617, making the total issues of the Society, from the commencement, 24,247,667 copies of the Word of God. The entire receipts of the year amounted to £103,330 28. 8d, being an increase of £11,695 10s. 1d. on those of the former year. The expenditure was £103,543 10s. 10d. The Marquis of Cholmondeley moved the adoption of the Report in a very few sentences, declaring his warm attachment to the great principles of the Bible Society, and expressing his decided conviction that there never was a period in the history of the world, or of the Church of God, when its efforts were more imperatively needed than at the present moment. Sir R. H. Inglis, in a brief address, seconded the motion. The next resolution was moved by the Bishop of Cashel, who urged, at some length, the importance and claims of the Society. The Rev. Dr. Duff seconded the motion with considerable energy, but was not distinctly heard by those on the platform. The third resolution was moved by the Earl of Harrowby, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Murray, the representative of the American Bible Society, in an appropriate and touching speech, and eloquently supported by the Rev. IIugh Stowell. The Lord Bishop of Bombay moved a vote of thanks to the Vice-Presidents of the Society for their continued patronage and support. This was seconded by the Rev. Thomas Jackson, late president of the Wesleyan Conference. A vote of thanks to the Treasurer and Committee was proposed by the Rev. R. Bickersteth, and seconded by the Hon. and Rev. B. Noel. The interesting proceedings of the day were closed with a cordial vote of thanks to the noble Chairman, the future President of the Society, which was warmly and eloquently acknowledged. BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY THE Annual Meeting of this important Society was held on Wednesday, April 30th, in Exeter Hall, on which occasion the spacious edifice was filled, and the platform well sustained. The Rev. W. F. Burchell opened the proceedings by announcing a hymn, which was sung, and engaging in prayer. George Goodman, Esq., Mayor of Leeds, was called to preside, and introduced the business of the morning by congratulating the Society on the success with which God had been graciously pleased to crown its operations, in various parts of the world, during the year. He then made a very touching allusion to the fearful pestilence with which God, in his mysterious providence, had visited the West Indies; and concluded his remarks with enforcing the necessity of fervent prayer, that the time may be hastened when "all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God." The Rev. F. Trestrail, one of the Secretaries, read the Report. S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P., the Treasurer, submitted the cash account, from which we foun 1 that the receipts, for the year, amounted to £19,064 188. 5d., and the payments to £18,459 Os. Ed. A deficiency, however, still remained of £5751 11s. 4d. There had been raised for the Cholera Fund £2151 6s. 1d. In reference to this fund, Mr. Peto said, that nothing could have been more gratifying to the Committee than the willing and hearty response which had been made on behalf of the Jamaica churches, during the time of their afflictive visitation. Mr. Underhill then informed the Meeting, that Dr. Duff, and the Rev. J. J. Freeman, had been expected, to represent the Free Church and London Missionary Societies, on that occasion; but unavoidable circumstances had prevented their attendance. The Rev. W. Landells, in a forcible speech, moved the first resolution, which was efficiently seconded by the Rev. T. H. Davies. The next resolution was moved by the Rev. J. Makepeace, and seconded by the Rev. W. Brock. The Rev. T. Wheeler ably moved the third resolution, which was seconded by the Rev. J. Hinton, in a manner which produced a thrilling effect upon the audience. W. B. Gurney, Esq. made an earnest appeal for enlarged subscriptions. The doxology was then sung, and the benediction pronounced; after which the vast assembly dispersed. CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. THE Annual Meeting of this important and flourishing Society, which is now more than half a century old, was held in Exeter Hall, on Tuesday, May 6th, under the Presidency of the Earl of Chichester. Prayer having been offered, the Chairman briefly stated the purpose for which they had assembled. The Secretary then read the Report, which was of great length, and which gave a very gratifying account of the success which had attended the Society's labours in Africa, India, and other parts of the world. The financial statement showed a total income of £112,252, being an increase of £7979 over that of the former year. The total expenditure was £104,634. In addition to the ordinary income of the Society, we were very pleased to learn that £15,000 consols had been left by the late Miss Goodwin, of Blackheath, to be applied to the support of the widows and orphans of Mis sionaries. The Earl of Harrowby moved the first resolution, and showed the necessity of sustaining and extending the Society's operations, in times like the present, when the Roman Catholic Church was so active. The Bishop of Bombay seconded the resolution, and drew a contrast between the state of the Society on that auspicious day, and its position at its commencement. The Rev. Dr. Duff, at some length, and with much energy, expressed his deep regret that Popery and idolatry were supported in India, to a large extent, by the liberality of a spurious Protestantism. The Rev J. Close, M.A., the Rev. Hugh Stowell, and other gentlemen, subsequently addressed the meeting. The interesting proceedings of the day terminated by a vote of thanks to the noble Chairman, who duly acknowledged the compliment, and expressed the happiness it would afford him, by every means in his power, to help onward in its benevolent and glorious career that valuable Society, whose interests they had met to promote. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND MISSIONS. ON Monday, May 5th, the Anniversary Meeting of this useful Society was held in VOL. XXIX. Exeter Hall, when the Chair was taken by His Grace the Duke of Argyle. The proceedings of the day were commenced with singing and prayer. The noble Chairman then addressed the assembly in a comprehensive speech, showing the intellectual, and moral wants of the hea then world, more especially in India and North America. His Grace referred to the peculiar claims of the Society, and apologised for being compelled to leave the meeting at that early hour. The Chair was then occupied by Admiral Sir Charles Malcolm, who called upon the Secretary, the Rev. L. Macbeth, to read the Report, and Jewish Missions of the Scottish Church. which gave a review of the Home, Foreign, The sum collected for the whole was £27,470. In addition to this, £25,000 had been raised for endowing poor churches in destitute places. In the Society's schools in Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay, 2000 children were under instruction; and there were 700 girls in the schools connected with the "Ladies' Association for the Promotion of Female Education in India." In the Home Mission department there were upwards of 16,000 schools; and 124 places of worship were receiving pecuMissionaries were employed, expressly, for niary aid. With regard to the Jews, five their religious benefit. The Meeting was well addressed by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, Dr. Cumming, Sir J. Maxwell, and the Rev. Mr. Fisher. the day, some of the resolutions which had In consequence of the advanced hour of been prepared were dispensed with. The doxology was sung, and the benediction pronounced; after which the large audience separated. MISSIONS OF THE FREE CHURCH OF THE Annual Meeting of this important Association was held on Wednesday, May 15th, at Exeter Hall; The Right Hon. Fox Maule, M.P. in the chair. The spacious building was well filled, and on the platform were a large number of ministers and gentlemen, of tation from Scotland attended. various denominations. An influential depu The interesting proceedings of the evening were commenced with singing and prayer; after which the Right Hon. Chairman delivered a brief but comprehensive speech, congratulating the assembly upon the position and prospects of their Missions, both at home and abroad, which had been eminently blessed by the great Head of the Church. He expressed the unfeigned gratification it afforded him to know that, since 1843, they hal planted upwards of 700 churches, and 830 preaching stations; and had established more than 500 schools. 2 B He was persuaded, therefore, that all pre-made good by the members, had borrowed sent would esteem it a pleasure to assist them £100,000, to carry forward, on an enlarged in their onward course, by their contributions scale, the operations of the Society. and their prayers. The Secretary then read the Report, from which it appeared that the Missions contributed to the payment of 689 teachers, giving instruction to 73,571 children. They had promoted religion and education in the lowlands and highlands of Scotland at home, while they had not been unmindful of their duty to the heathen. They had extended, as far as their resources would allow, the circulation of the gospel in foreign climes, especially in our colonies, and in British India. The Treasurer's account showed that, during the year, the Association had received for Home Missions £7519 19s. 7d.; for Foreign Missions, £12,328 11s. 1d.; and for other purposes, £32,689 78. 3d.; while the expenditure had been £49,214 198; leaving a balance in the hand of the Treasurer of about £3340. The various resolutions were submitted to the Meeting, and the cause of the Association was ably advocated by the Revs. Dr. Cunningham, Dr. Duff, Missionary from Calcutta, Dr. Begg, J. Jaffray, M.A, Dr. J. Hamilton, Dr. Alder, W. Brock, S. Martin, J. Rattenbury, W. Chalmers, and C. Cowan, Esq. M.P. The spirit of the Meeting was remarkably well sustained, and a very liberal collection was made. A vote of thanks was presented to the Chairman, which was briefly acknowledged. The doxology was then sung, and the benediction pronounced, when the large assembly dispersed, feeling a deeper interest than ever in the important Missions of the Free Church of Scotland. WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. THE Anniversary Meeting of this influential Society was held on Monday, May 5th, in Exeter Hall. The spacious edifice was well filled, although we did not recognise so many ministers and gentlemen of other denominations, as in former years. The chair was occupied by Thomas Farmer, Esq., the munificent Treasurer. A hymn was sung, and the Rev. Dr. Newton engaged in prayer; after which the Chairman briefly and appropriately introduced the business of the morning. J. P. Plumtre, Esq., M.P., in proposing the first resolution, said he rejoiced, that, notwithstanding the difference of opinion which had arisen among some of its members, the Society had done all in its power to execute its high commission. Dr. Candlish, who represented the Free Church of Scotland, seconded the resolution, and expressed the gratification he felt in being allowed, somewhat unexpectedly, to take part in their interesting proceedings. Charles Cowan, Esq., M.P., seconded the resolution, and said he was pleased to see so large au audience, notwithstanding the extraordinary attraction there was to visit another part of the Metropolis. The Rev. Dr. Duff (Missionary from India), supported the resolution in a powerful and comprehensive speech, in which he referred to the Society's operations in that portion of the globe so dear to his heart. James Heald, Esq., M.P., moved the next resolution; which was seconded by the Rev. R. D. Griffith, and supported by the Rev. Dr. Applebe (from Ireland). J. R. Kaye, Esq., moved the next resolution; which was ably seconded by the Rev. A. Barrett. The Rev. Dr. Newton supported the resolution, and urged upon the meeting to contribute liberally, and with prayer, to the collection, which was then made. The Rev. E. Hoole announced some additional donations to the Society's funds. The meeting was subsequently addressed by the Revs. Dr. Alder, Dr. Rierson (of Canada), W. Lawry, Peter Jacobs, T. Jackson, and S. Bennett, Esq. Thanks were voted to the Chairman, who briefly responded; and the Rev. Dr. Beecham closed the engagements of the day by pronouncing the benediction. BRITISH MISSIONS. THE Annual Meeting of the three British Mission Societies was held at Exeter Hall, on Tuesday evening, May 13th, when the chair was taken by James Pilkington, Esq. M.P. The proceedings having been opened by singing and prayer, the Chairman rose and offered a few remarks, in reference to the important Associations whose anniversaries they had met to celebrate. The Report, which was elaborate, was read by the Secretaries, the Revs. Dr. Alder and J. Hoole; from which it appeared that the receipts during the year, from all sources, The Rev. Thomas James was called upon amounted to the sum of £104,661 14s. 4d., to read the Report, which was of a very gratiand the expenditure to £113,767 3s. 3d.fying and encouraging nature; and from which The Report congratulated the Society on a bequest of £2414 48. 9d. made by Mr. John Young, of the United States; and it announced that the Committee, in the confidence that whatever sums they raised would be we gathered the following particulars:- During the year, Congregational collections had produced £5275 178., which had been appropriated,-to the Home Missionary Society, £1971 158. 1d; to the Irish Evangelical So ciety, £1542 3s. 10d.; and to the Colonial 28th, when the Chair was occupied by S. M. Society, £1761 18s. Id. Peto, Esq., M.P. In ordinary subscriptions and special donations, the Home Missionary Society had received £3781 48. 7d. Contributions of the same description had been made to the Irish Evangelical Society, of £2408 7s. 5d.; and the Colonial Society had obtained £1084 1s. 5d. Legacies had amounted to £2715 2s. 4d. for the Home Missionary Society; to £10 for the Irish Evangelical Society; and to £180 for the Colonial Society. In England, the agencies sustained had been 47 Missionaries, and 5 students; grantees 66; and unpaid assistants, as regular pulpit supplies, 140. The gospel had been statedly preached at 427 stations, among 40,318 hearers, and 12,908 Sunday-scholars. In Ireland many changes, both of stations and labourers, had been rendered necessary by times and circumstances. The Society had, however, retained connexion with 18 principal towns and congregations, to which were attached as many more subordinate spheres of Missionary labour. The Colonial Society sustained, at its various stations, 34 Ministers, besides 9 candidates for the ministry in the course of preparation. The number of members in the churches connected with which the agents labour exceeded 4000, and the Missionaries preached the gospel to 25,000 people, besides many thousand children, gathered in their Sabbath-schools. The Rev. J. A. James, in moving the adoption of the Report, which, he remarked, had been listened to with unusual attention and interest, took occasion to refer more particularly to the Colonial Society, the importance and value of which, he considered, it was impossible to overrate. The Rev. J. L. Poore seconded the resolution, and urged the necessity for enlarged subscriptions. A liberal collection was then made, a hymn being sung in the meantime. The next resolution was moved by the Rev. Dr. Brown, seconded by J. Buchanan, Esq, and supported by the Rev. B. H. Cooper. The third resolution was moved by the Rev. R. Fletcher, and seconded by the Rev. J. D. Smith. Alderman Kershaw nominated the Committee for the ensuing year, and moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman, which was seconded by the Rev. J. Viney. The Chairman briefly replied, after which the doxology was sung, and the Meeting separated. BAPTIST HOME MISSION. THE Annual Meeting of this Society was held at Finsbury Chapel, on Monday, April After the usual devotional exercises, the Chairman introduced the business of the evening with some excellent remarks on the importance of the Society whose interests they had assembled to advance. The Secretary, the Rev. S. J. Davis, then read the Report, which set forth the claims, the difficulties, and the cheering results which had attended the Society's operations, and concluded with a powerful appeal to its friends for redoubled exertions on its behalf. The Treasurer submitted his accounts, which showed that the receipts for the year amounted to £3895 98. 4d., and the expenditure to £3910 28., leaving a balance against the Society, with the debt remaining last year, of £446 188. 2d. The Meeting was ably addressed by the Revs. J. Carrick, T. Swan, W. Walters, Dr. Massie, S. Nicholson, and J. Rothery. Thanks were then presented to the officers of the Society, with the request that they continue their services during the ensuing year; after which the interesting proceedings were closed with singing and prayer. BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL AMONG THE JEWS. THE Annual Meeting of this Society was held on Friday evening, April 25th, at Freemason's Hall, when J. D. Paul, Esq., the Treasurer, was called to the chair. The platform was occupied by a large number of ministers and gentlemen belonging to various denominations. The body of the hall and the end gallery were completely filled with a highly respectable audience. The Rev. E. Mannering engaged in prayer, after which the Chairman opened the business of the evening with an excellent speech, in which he exhibited, in strong terms, the increasing importance of the Society, the interests of which they had met to promote. Mr. G. Yonge, the Secretary, read the Report, which took a gratifying survey of the several stations occupied by the Missionaries in Palestine, on the Northern coast of Africa, at Frankfort, in Bavaria, at Rotterdam, in France, and in Southern Russia; while the Society's operations, in this country, presented a most cheering and encouraging aspect. The income of the Society, during the year, was £4338 28. 9d, and the expenditure £4049 78. 3d., leaving a balance of £288 15s. 6d., which it was intended, principally, to apply to the distribution of the Scriptures and tracts, among the Jewish visitors, at the Exhibition. The meeting was effectively addressed by the Revs. R. W. Dibdin, J. Aldis, R. H. Her schell, J. Weir, T. P. Palmer, A. Booth, Dr. Schulhof, and G. Paul, Esq. Thanks were voted to the Chairman, after which the doxology was sung, and the Rev. Dr. Henderson closed the meeting by pronouncing the benediction. LONDON SOCIETY FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE JEWS. THIS Society held its Forty-third Anniversary Meeting in the large room, Exeter Hall, which was, as usual, filled to overflowing. Many of the children under the care of the Institution were stationed on the platform, before the hour of commencing, and sang several hymns, to the gratification of the audience. Lord Ashley, M.P., was called to preside, and set an admirable example to the succeeding speakers, by the comprehensiveness and brevity of his remarks. The Rev. Dr. Marsh then delivered an interesting address to the children, at the close of which they sang "Hosanna to the Prince of Grace." The Report was then read by the Secretary, the Rev. W. Ayerst, which gave a very pleasing account of the Society's operations in this country and abroad. The income for the year was £30,503 68., and the expenditure £29,378 4s. 5d. The Report made mention of the very handsome legacy of Miss Cook, who, in addition to her former liberal donations, had recently bequeathed £24,300 to the Society. The claims of the Jew were powerfully urged upon the followers of Jesus by Sir R. Inglis, M.P., J. P. Plumptre, Esq., M.P., Rev. T. Nolan, J. Payne, Esq., Rev. Hugh Stowell, Rev. E. Tottenham, Admiral Vernon Harcourt, Rev. E. C. Ewald, Rev. W. Cadman, and Rev. J. Cohen. BAPTIST IRISH SOCIETY. THIS interesting Society held its Anniversary Meeting on Tuesday evening, April 29th, at Finsbury Chapel. The Chair was occupied by J. L. Philips, Esq. A hymn was sung, and the Divine blessing implored; after which the Chairman opened the proceedings by showing, in a forcible manner, the claims of neglected Catholic Ireland upon Protestant England. The Rev. W. Groser, who had recently undertaken the office of Secretary, at the urgent request of the Committee, read the Report, which gave a sketch of the position of the Society, lamenting the unavoidable necessity there was, on account of the state of the funds, for contracting the sphere of its operations-especially, in discontinuing the system of readers. The Secretary then announced that the Rev. J. Sherman, who had kindly promised to be with them on that occasion, had met with an accident, which would prevent his fulfilling his engagement. Joseph Tritton, Esq., the Treasurer, presented the financial statement, from which it appeared that the amount received during the year, from all sources, was £2297 158. 8d., which sum the outlay had exceeded by about £200 leaving a heavy balance against the Society, with the deficiency of former years, of £1828 48. Id. W. H. Bond, Esq., Dr. Massie, Rev. W. Brock, the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, Rev. W. Groser, and Mr. Bayley, moved and seconded the various resolutions. Thanks were voted to the Chairman, who, with his accustomed liberality expressed his willingness to be one of ten to contribute £100 each, towards the liquidation of the debt. The doxology was then sung, and the assembly dispersed. IRISH SOCIETY OF LONDON. THE Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Irish Society of London, for promoting the education and religious instruction of the native Irish, through the medium of their own language, was held on Thursday, May 8th, at the Hanover-square Rooms. As usual, the attendance was large, and highly respectable. The Chair was taken at Twelve o'clock by the Marquis of Blandford, the President of the Society. The Rev. Mr. Smalley opened the proceedings with prayer, after which the Chairman briefly called the attention of the meeting to some encouraging circumstances in the progress and results of the working of the Society. The Rev. J. E. White, one of the Secretaries, then read the Report, from which it appeared that the receipts during the year had been £7153 6s. 7d., exceeding those of the previous year by £96 16s. 9d. The sum of £4855 5s. 2d. had been collected by the Irish Society of Dublin, and £1803 58. by the Ladies' Auxiliary, making a total of £13,811 16s. 9d. The Report also stated that, in order to unite the Society in London with the Society in Dublin, and the more efficiently to promote the great work of evangelizing the population of the Irish-speaking districts, negotiations were opened between the two sister Societies; the result of which had been the unanimous adoption of a plan, proposed by the Lord Bishop of Cashel, viz.: that there should be a division of labour-the elementary, or teaching department, to be conducted as heretofore, by the Committee in Dublin, and the Missionary department to be managed by the Committee in London-the London Committee agreeing to give one half |