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Abilfeda, 1036, Q. Abilfedæ Annales Moslemici Latinos ex Arabicis fecit Jo. Jacobus Reiske. Lipsia, 1778.

Abul-Pharagius, 363, Q. Historia Dynastiarum authore Gregorio Abul-Pharagii, res Orientalium a mundo creato, usque ad tempora auctoris describens, Arabice, Latineque versa ab Edwardo Pocockio; item ejusdem Pocockii supplementum historia Dynastiarum à Gregorio AbulPharagio ad nostra usque tempora. Oxoniæ, 1663. L.

625, Q. Gregorii Abul-Pharagii narratio de origine et moribus Arabum, Latine versa notisque illustrata studio Edwardi Pocockii. Oxoniæ, 1650.


Archenholtz, 1425, D. L'Anglais aux Indes, d'après Orme. Par J. W. Archenholtz, traduit de l'Anglais. 3 tom. A Lausanne, 1791.

Bandurus, 49, F. Imperium orientale sive antiquitates Constantinopolis, ex variis Scriptorum Græcorum operibus, adornatæ, opera Anselmi Banduri. Tomi II. Parisiis, 1711. L.

Bernier, 1055, O. 1. The History of the late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogul: together with the most considerable passages, for five years following, in that Empire. To which is added, a letter to the Lord Colbert, touching the extent of Indostan, &c. By Monsr. F. Bernier, M. D. &c. Englished out of French. With a Map. London, 1671. M.

1055, O. 2. A Continuation of the Memoirs of Monsieur Bernier, concerning the Empire of the Great Mogul, &c. London, 1672. M. Bizarus, 323, F. Rerum Persicarum historia, auctore Petro Bizaro, cum aliorum tractatibus de rebus Persicis. Francofurti, 1601.


Bongars, 322, F. Gesta Dei per Francos, sive orientalium expeditionum et regni Francorum Hierosolymitani historia, edente Jacobo Bongars. Tomi II. Hanoviæ, 1611. L.

Bosman, 347, O. An Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts. With plates. Translated from the Dutch of William Bosman. London, 1705. L. Brisson, 34, D. De regio Persarum principatu ex adversariis Barnabæ Brissonii. Heidelbergæ, 1595. L.

Brussius, 908, F. 2. Gulielmi Brussii de Tartaris diarium. Francofurti, 1598.

Burigny, 1018, D. Histoire des Revolutions de l'Empire de Constantinople, depuis la Fondation de cette ville, jusqu'a l'an 1453, que les Turcs s'en rendirent Maitres; par M. De Burigny. 3 tom. A Paris, 1750. M. Camerarius, 503, & 908, F. De Rebus Turcicis, commentarii duo accuratisimi Joachimi Camerarii. Francofurti, 1597.

Cardonne, 1543, D.

Histoire de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne, sous la Domination des Arabes; composée sur differens MSS. Arabes de la Bibliotheque du Roi. Par M. Cardonne. 3 tom. A Paris, 1765.

Courayer, 1081, O. Relation des Deux Rebellions arrivées a Constantinople en MDCCXXX. et XXXI. dans la Deposition d'Achmet III. et l'Elevation au Trone de Mahomet V. Composée sur des Memoires originaux reçus de Constantinople, par le R. P. Courayer. A la Haye, 1737. Cousin, 1932, D. Histoire de Constantinople, depuis le régne de l'ancien Justin, jusqu'a la fin de l'Empire. Traduite sur les originaux Grecs.

(Procope, Menandre, Nicetas, Ducas, &c.) Par M. Cousin. tom. X. A Paris, 1785. Cuspinianus, 806, D. Joannes Cuspinianus, de Turcarum origine, religione ac in Christianos tyrannide, deque viis eos profligandi. Lugduni Batavorum, 1654. L.

Dubois, 1172, O. Description of the Character, Manners, and Customs of the People of India; and of their Institutions, Religious and Civil. By the

Abbé J. A. Dubois. Translated from the French MS. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1818.

Elmacinus, 549, F. Historia Saracenica à Muhammedo per 49 imperatorum successionem deducta Arabice á Georgio Elmacino, et Latine reddita studio Thomæ Erpenii. Lugduni Batavorum, 1625. L.

Eutychius, 204, Q. Eutychii Alexandrini Annales, Arabice, cum Latina interpretatione Edwardi Pocockii. Oxoniæ, 1659. L.

Fraser, 75, 0. The history of Nadir Shah, formerly called Thamas Kuli Khan, the present emperor of Persia; with a short history of the Moghol emperors. By James Fraser. Second edition. London, 1742. L. Gylius, 856, 891, 926, D. P. Gylii Constantinopoleos topographia. Lugduni Batavorum, 1632. L. Holwell, 722, O. 10. Interesting historical events, relative to the provinces of Bengal and the empire of Indostan, including seasonable hints to the Directors of the East India Company; with the mythology and cosmogony, fasts and festivals of the Gentoos, and a dissertation on the Metempsychosis, commonly called the Pythagorean doctrine. By J. Z. Holwell. With plates. London, 1767. L.

Herbelot, D' 67, F. Bibliotheque orientale, ou dictionnaire universel, contenant tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des peuples de l'Orient, leur histoire, religion, politique, sciences et arts. Par M. D. Herbelot. Paris, 1697. L.


Hottingerus, 390, Q. Historia Orientalis ex variis orientalium monumentis collecta. Authore Jo. Henr. Hottingeri. Tiguai, 1660. L.

Jones, 1267, O. Dissertations and Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the History, Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences and Literature of Asia. By Sir W. Jones, W. Chambers, Esq. W. Hastings, Esq. Gen. Carnac and others. Dublin, 1793.

Knolles, 400, F. The generall historie of the Turkes, from the first beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie; with the lives and conquests of their kings and emperours, until the yeare 1610. By Richard Knolles. Second edition. London, 1610. L.

Kracheninnikow, 2338, D.

Histoire et description du Kamtchatka, avec une Carte. Par M. Kracheninnikow. Traduit du Russe. A Amsterdam, 1770.

Laet, De, 933, D. Persia, seu regni Persici status. Auctore J. de Laet. Lugd.

Bat. 1633. L.

934, D. India Vera, sive de magni Mogolis imperio ex variis auctoribus, à J. de Laet. Lugduni Batavorum, 1631. L.

Leo, 353, D. Joannis Leonis Africani, totius Africæ descriptio, ex Italica Latine conversa, á Joanne Floriano. Antwerpiæ, 1556. L.

938, D. Africæ descriptio, per Leonem Africanum. Tomi II. Lug. Bat. 1622. L.

Leunclavius, 313, Q. Annales Sultanorum Othmanidarum, a Turcis sua lingua scripti, et ex versione Germanica latine redditi à Joanne Leunclavio. Francofurti, 1588. L.

Lonicerus, 514, O. Chronicon Turcicum, originem, res gestas, ritus, religionem, &c. Turcarum percensens. Collecta Philippo Lonicero. Francofurti, 1584. L.

Ludolfus, 1017, F. Jobi Ludolfi historia Æthiopica sive brevis et succincta

descriptio regni Habessinorum. Francofurti ad Mænum, 1581. Gift of Dr. George Logan.

Ludolfus, 453, F. Jobi Ludolfi historia Æthiopica, in qua de natura et indole regionis et incolarum, de regum successione, de statu ecclesiastico et rebus privatis agitur. Francofurti, 1681. Ejusdem commentariis ad historiam suam Æthiopiæ. Tomi II. Francofurti, 1691. L. Magaillans, 391, O. A new history of China, containing a description of the most considerable particulars of that Empire. Translated from the French of Gabriel Magaillans. London, 1688. L.

Mailla, De, 1033, Q. Histoire Générale de la Chine, et annales de cet Empire, traduites du Tong-Kien-Kang-Mou, par le feu J. A. M. de Moyriac de Mailla, publiées par M. l'Abbé Grossier et M. le Roux de Hautesrayes. Tom. 12. A Paris, 1777.

Maimbourg, 1047, D. Histoire des Croisades pour la Delivrance de la Terre Saint. Par le P. Louis Maimbourg, de la Compagnie de Jesus. 4 tom. A Paris, 1680.


648, Q. The history of the Crusades; or, the expedition of the Christian princes for the conquest of the Holy Land. Translated from

the French of M. Maimbourg. By John Nalson. London, 1685. Ľ. Marigny, 2547, O. The history of the Arabians under the Government of the Caliphs, with notes. By the Abbé de Marigny. 4 vols. London, 1758.

Martin, 354, D. Martini Martinii Historia Sinica a gentis origine ad Christi nativitatem. Amstelodami, 1695. L.

Meursius, 321, Q. Joannis Meursii, de rebus et antiquitatibus Cretæ, Cypri et Rhodi commentarius. Amstelodami, 1675. L.

Montalbanus, 806, D. 2. De Turcarum moribus commentarius.

Joanne Baptistæ Montalbano. Lug. Bat., 1654. L.


Muller, 989, Q. A. Mulleri Disquisitio Geographica et Historica de Chataja. Berolini, 1671.

Murillo, 684, F. Historia de la Provincia de Philipinas segunda parte desde el año de 1616 hasta el de 1716, por el P. Pedro Murillo Velarde. Manilla, 1749.

Navarette, 1009, F. Tratados

historicos, politicos, eticos, y religiosos de la monarquia de China. Por Fernandez Navarette. En Madrid,


Orme, 1425, D. L'Anglais aux Indes, d'après Orme. Par J. W. Archenholtz, traduit de l'Anglais. 3 tom. A Lausanne, 1791.

Pauw, De, 1734, O. Recherches philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois (par Mr. de Pauw.) 2 tom. Berlin, 1773.

Phranza, 297, Q. 2. Georgii Phranza Chronicorum de ultimis orientalis imperii temporibus; de Sultanorum Osmanidarum origine, successione, rebus gestis usque ad Mahomet II. libri tres in Latinum conversi a Jacobo Pontano. Ingolstadii, 1604. L.

Palladius, 157, Q. Palladius de gentibus Indiæ et Bragmanibus Græcé et Latiné cum Ambrosii et Anonymi ejusdam de Bragmanibus libello, ex editione Edwardi Bissæi. Londini, 1668. L.

Rebeyro, 1470, D. Histoire de l'Isle de Ceylon, traduite du Portugais du Capitaine J. Rebeyro. Par M. l'Abbé Le Grand. Avec figures. A Amsterdam, 1701.

Richardson, 1309, O. A Dissertation on the Languages, Literature and Manners of the Eastern Nations. With Additions, Observations, &c. By John Richardson, Esq. F. S. A. Oxford, 1778.

Robertson, 1554, O. Recherches historiques sur la Connoissance que les Anciens avoient de l'Inde, &c. Traduit de l'Anglois de W. Robertson. Avec Cartes. A Paris, 1792.

Rycaut, 547, F. & 393, O. The present state of the Ottoman empire, its politie,

religion and military discipline, with a computation of their forces, both by land and sea; with cuts. By Pavl Rycavt. Third edition. London, 1670, 1675.


Sigonius, 545, F. Caroli Sigonii historia occidentalis imperii. Bononiæ, 1578. L.

Snelgrave, 732, O. A new account of some parts of Guinea, and the slavetrade; with a relation of the Author's being taken by the Pirates, and the dangers he underwent. By William Snelgrave. London, 1734. L. Souciet, 30, Q. Observations mathematiques, astronomiques, geographiques, chronologiques et physiques; tirées des anciens livres Chinois; ou faites nouvellement aux Indes et à la Chine. Par les Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus; redigées et publiées par le P. F. Souciet de la même compagnie. Tom. III. A Paris, 1729.

Teixeira, 2313, D. Relaciones de Pedro Teixeira del origen, descendencia y succesion de los Reyes de Persia y de Harmuz, y de un viage hecho por el mismo autor desde la India oriental hasta Italia por tierra. En Amberes, 1610.

Timour, 1007, Q. Institutes Political and Military, written originally in the Mogul Language, by the great Timour, improperly called Tamerlane. Translated by Major Davy. Oxford, 1783.

Turpin, 1378, D. Histoire Civile et Naturelle du Royaume de Siam, et des Revolutions qui ont bouleversé cet empire jusqu'en 1770; publiée par M. Turpin, sur des MSS. &c. 2 tom. A Paris, 1771.

Varenius, 936, & 937, D. Descriptio Regni Japoniæ, auctore Bernardo Varenio. Tomi II. Amstelodami, 1649. L.

434, O. Bernardi Varenii descriptio Regni Japoniæ et Siam. Cantabrigiæ, 1673. L.

Waln, 1070, Q. China, by Robert Waln, jr. Philadelphia, 1823.

Ward, 1184, O. A View of the History, Literature and Religion of the Hin

doos; including a minute Description of their Manners and Customs, and Translations from their Principal Works. By the Rev. W. Ward, Missionary at Serampore. 2 vols. London, 1817.

1992, O. Transactions in India from the Commencement of the French War in 1756, to the conclusion of the Peace in 1783. London, 1786.

2511, O. 4. General Remarks on the System of Government in India. London, 1773.

1175, Q. The History and Management of the East India Company. London, 1782.

723, O. 4. Ninth Report from the Committee appointed to take into consideration, the state of the administration of justice in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar and Orissa. London, 1783. L.

1991, O. An Authentic Copy of the correspondence between the Country powers, and the honourable the East India Company's servants, with the Minutes of the Supreme Council at Calcutta. 6 vols. London, 1797.

935, D. Regni Chinensis descriptio, ex variis auctoribus. Lugd. Bat. 1539. L. 1136, Q. Memoires concernant l'Histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c. des Chinois, par les Missionaires de Pekin. Tom. 15. A Paris, 1780.

1915, D. The Chinese Traveller, containing a Geographical, Commercial and political history of China, with a life of Confucius. 2 vols. London, 1775. 1916, D. Miscellaneous pieces relating to the Chinese. 2 vols. London,


932, D. Arabia seu Arabum vicinarumq. gentium orientalium leges et historia. Ex variis auctoribus. Amstelodami, 1635. L.

927, D. Turcici imperii status, a diversis auctoribus. Lugd. Bat. 1530. L. 2560, O. 5. Observations sur la derniere Campagne de Turquie. Paris, 1829. Gift of John Penington, Esq.

2233, O. I. An account of Odessa. Translated from the French, with some reflections, by an American. Newport, 1819.

46, D. The present state of the island of Ceylone. Dublin, 1725. L.

2508, O. Asiatick Researches or Transactions of the Society for inquiring into the history, antiquities, arts, sciences and literature of Asia. London, 1807.

AMERICAN HISTORY.-POLITICS, TOPOGRAPHY, AND ANTIQUITIES. Acosta, 2473, 0. Historia natural y moral de las Indias, compuesta por el Padre Josef de Acosta. Sevilla, 1590.

638, Q. The natvrall and morall historie of the East and West Indies. Translated into English from the Spanish of Joseph Acosta. London, 1604. L.

Adams, 1838, O. 4. Observations on the Commerce of the American States, &c. Also an Essay on Canon and Feudal Law. By John Adams, Esq. With his political Character; by an American. Philadelphia, 1783.

2413, O. Letters of John Adams to Dr. Calkoen on American affairs.
London, 1786.
1844, D. 5. Twenty-six Letters on Subjects respecting the Revolution
of America. Written in 1780 by John Adams, New York, 1789.
2214, O. 1. Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams and the late
Wm. Cunningham, Esq. Boston, 1823.

Addison, 1843, D. 2. Rise and Progress of Revolution, a Charge. By Judge
Addison, December, 1800. Philadelphia, 1801.

2549, O. Observations on the speech of Albert Gallatin on the Foreign intercourse bill by Alexander Addison. Washington, Pa. 1798. Aitken, 1435, D. Aitken's General American Register, for 1773. Philadelphia,


Allen, 2513, O. 7. A summary of the Olive Branch, containing an account of Governor Chittenden's instructions to Gen. Ira Allen in 1795, with Gen. Allen's letter on a ship canal of commerce. Philadelphia, 1807. Alsedo, 2478, O. Compendio Historico de la provincia de Guayaquil. Por D. Dionisio de Alsedo y Herrera. Madrid, 1741.

Ames, 1812, 9. & 1829, O. 3. A Speech on the British Treaty, April 28, 1796. By Fisher Ames. Philadelphia, 1796.

Arate, C' 685, F.

Historia del descubrimiento y conquista de las Provincias del Peru, la qual escribio Augustin de C'Arate. En Sevilla, 1577. Arispe, 2233, O. 13. Memorial of the State of the provinces of Cohauila in Mexico, and of Leon, New Santander and Texas, presented by Don Miguel Ramos de Arispe, translated from the Spanish. Philadelphia, 1814.

Barcia, 976, F. Historiadores primitivos de las Indias occidentales, que junto, traduxo en parte y saco á luz, ilustrados con eruditas notas, y copiosos Indices, el D. Andres Gonzalez Barcia. Tom. 3. Madrid, 1749. Barlow, 1824, O. 5. Joel Barlow's Letter to his fellow-citizens. Paris, 1799. Belknap, 1855, O. 9. A Discourse on the Discovery of America by Columbus, October 23, 1792. By Jeremy Belknap. With four Dissertations, &c. Boston, 1792.

Benaduci, 1183, Q. & 2472, O. Idea de una nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional. Por El. Cav. Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci. En Madrid, 1746.

Benzoni, 2569, O. & 960, D. Nove novi orbis historiæ, id est, rerum ab His

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