250 847 Bessie and Raymond; or, Incidents connected with the Civil War in the United States. 12mo. pp. 411. Boston, 1866. 50 848 Bickham (W. D.) Rosecrans' Campaign with the Fourteenth Army Corps; or, the Army of the Cumberland. A Narrative of Personal Observations, with an Appendix of Official Reports of the Battle of Stone River. 12mo. pp. 465. Cincinnati, 1863. 831 Barker (J). The Rebellion; its the American Civil War. 8vo. pp. 511. Consequences, and the Congressional Com- London, 1870. mittee, denominated the Reconstruction Committee, with their Action. By Investigator (Jacob Barker). 8vo. pp. 242, half bound. New Orleans, 1866. 2 00 832 Barnard (J. G.) The C. S. A. and the Battle of Bull Run. With five maps. 8vo. pp. 136. New York, 1862. 2.00 833 Barnard (J. G.) and Barry (W. F.) Report of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Army of the Potomac, from its Organization to the Close of the Peninsula Campaign. Large folding maps. 8vo. pp. 230. New York, 1863. 2 50 834 Bartlett (John R.) The Literature of the Rebellion. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the U. S., American Slavery, etc. 8vo. pp. 477, boards, uncut. Boston, 1866. 5 00 835 Bartlett (Gen. Wm. Francis, of Mass.). Memoirs of, with Details of his Services during the War, with the 20th Mass., etc. 16mo. pp. 309. Boston, 1878. 1 50 2 75 2.00 849 Bill Arp, so called, a Side Show of the Southern Side of the War. Plates. 18mo. pp. 204. New York, 1866. 100 850 Bishop (A. W.) Loyalty on the Frontier; or, Sketches of Union Men of the South-west, with Incidents and Adventures in the Rebellion on the Border. 12mo. pp. 228. St. Louis, 1863. 2.00 851 Bledsoe (A. T.) Is Davis a Traitor; or, Was Secession a Constitutional Right previous to the War of 1861? 12mo. pp. 263. Baltimore, 1866. 1 00 836 Bates (Samuel P.) The Battle of 852 Boker (George H) Poems on the Chancellorsville. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. War. 16mo. pp. 202. Boston, 1864. 1 00 261. Meadville, 1882. 853 Bokum (Hermann). The Testimony of a Refugee from East Tennessee. 8vo. pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1863. 837 Another copy. Half morocco. 838 Bates (Samuel P.) Gettysburgh. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1875. 3 75 The Battle of 839 Battle-Fields of the South, from Bull Run to Fredericksburg; with Sketches of Confederate Commanders, and Gossip of the Camp. By an English Combatant. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1863. 3.00 840 Beall (John Y.) Trial of, as a Spy and Guerrillero, by Military Commission. 8vo. pp. 94. New York, 1865. Times. By a Citizen U. S. N. A. 12mo. 855 Book (The) for the Nation and the pp. 64, paper. Philadelphia, 1864. 856 Botts (John Minor). The Great Rebellion. 75 Its Secret History, Rise, Progress, and Disastrous Failure. 12mo. pp. 402. New York, 1866. 2.00 The 841 Beauregard (Gen. P. G. T.) Military Operations of, in the War be tween the States; including a brief Personal Sketch, and a Narrative of his Services in the War with Mexico, 184648. By Alfred Roman. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1884. 7. 00 859 Boynton (Charles B.) The History 844 Beecher (Henry W.) War and of the Navy during the Rebellion. IllusEmancipation. 8vo. pp. 31, paper. trated with portraits, plates, and maps, 2 delphia, 1861. vols. 8vo. New York, 1868. 860 Boynton (H. V.) Sherman's Historical Raid. The Memoirs in the Light of the Record. Based upon Compilations 846 Bernard (M.) Historical Account made from the Files at the War Office. of the Neutrality of Great Britain during 8vo. Cincinnati, 1875. 2.00 861 Brackett (Albert G.) History of the United States Cavalry, from the formation of the Federal Government to the 1st of June, 1863; with a List of all the Cavalry Regiments and of their Commanders in the Service since the breaking out of the Rebellion. 12mo. pp. 337. New York, 1865. 1 50 Secessia; Adventures within and Beyond the Union Lines, embracing many Facts, Incidents, and Romances of the War. 8vo. pp. 450. Hartford, 1865. 175 875 Brownlow (W. G.) Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Secession; with a Narrative of Personal Adventures among the Rebels. Portrait and illustra12mo. pp. 458. Phila., 1862. 1 25 876 Buchanan (James). The Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. A 8vo. pp. 296. New York, 1806. History of Four Years before the War. 1 50 862 Brearley (W. H.) Recollections of tions." the East Tennessee Campaign. Battle of Campbell Station, on November 16, 1863, and the Siege of Knoxville, November 17 -December 5, 1863. 8vo. pp. 48, paper. Detroit, 1871. 50 864 Brewer (Edward Hamilton). Life of. Lately a Soldier in the Army of the Potomac. By Jeremiah Taylor. 16mo. pp. 140. Boston, 1863. 75 865 Bristed (C. A.) Now is the Time to Settle it. Suggestions on the Present Crisis. 12mo. pp. 24, paper. N. Y., 1862. 35 866 Britton (Wiley). Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border. 1863. 12mo. pp. 458, Chicago, 1882. 2 00 867 Brockett (L. P.) The Camp, BattleField, and Hospital; or, Lights and Shadows of the Great Rebellion, Adventures of Spies and Scouts, etc. 8vo. pp. 512. Philadelphia, 1866. 2.00 A 868 Brockett (L. P.) and Vaughn (Mary C.) Woman's Work in the Civil War. Record of Heroism, Patriotism, and Patience. 16 steel portraits. 8vo. pp. 799. Philadelphia, 1867. 2. 00 869 Brockway (Capt. Chas. B.) A Sol8vo. pp. 15, paper, 20 dier's Sentiments. 1865, 870 Brown (C. D.) Battle Fields Revisited. Grant's Chattanooga Campaign. A Horseback Ride from Chattanooga to Atlanta. 16mo. pp. 128, paper. Kalamazoo. 25 871 Brown (Francis F., Editor). Bugle Echoes. A Collection of Famous Poems of the Civil War, Northern and Southern. 12mo. New York, 1886. 2.00 872 Brown (John). Report of the Select Committee appointed to Inquire into the Late Invasion and Seizure of the Public Property at Harper's Ferry. 8vo. pp. 255. Washington, 1860. 1 00 873 Browne (Dunn). Experiences in the Arcy. Portrait. 12mo. pp. 390. Boston, 1866. 1 50 874 Browne (Junius H.) Four Years in 877 Bullock (J. D.) The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe; or, How the Confederate Cruisers were equipped. 2 vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1883. 5 00 878 Burnham (Capt. G. P.) Memoirs of the United States Secret Service. 12mo. pp. 436. Boston, 1872. 150 879 Burnside (Ambrose E.) By Augustus Woodbury. Small 4to. pp. 97, paper. Providence, 1882. 75 880 Burnside (Ambrose E.) The Burnside Expedition. Small 4to. pp. 33, paper. Providence, 1882. 60 881 Butler (Benj. F.) Character and Results of the War. How to prosecute and how to end it. 8vo. pp. 32, paper. Philadelphia, 1863. 25 13 vols. 1.00 The 12mo. New York, 1883. Each, Campaigns of the Civil War. Outbreak of the Rebellion. pp. 220. 882 VOL. 1. NICOLAY (John G.) 883 VOL. 2. FORCE (Judge M. F.) From Fort Henry to Corinth. pp. 204. 884 VOL. 3. WEBB (Alex. S.) The Peninsula. McClellan's Campaign of 1862. pp. 219. 893. VOL. 12. HUMPHREYS (Andrew A.) The Campaigns of Grant in Virginia. pp. 451. 894 VOL. 13. PHISTERER (Fredk.) Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States. pp. 343. 895 Cannon (John). History of Grant's Campaign for the Capture of Richmond, 1864-1865. With an Outline of the previous Course of the American Civil War. pp. 470. London, 1869. 910 Connecticut. 2d R. V. H. A. Vaill (Theo. F.) History of the Second Connec ticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery. Originally the Nineteenth Connecticut Vols 12mo. pp. 366. Winsted, 1868. 2.50 12mo. 911 Conn. Annual Report of the Adju3 50 tant-General, April 1, 1863. 8vo. pp. 333, 896 Capen (Nahum). The Indissoluble paper. Hartford, 1863. Nature of the American Union. 8vo. pp. 36, paper. Boston, 1862. 1866. 1.00 912 Conn. Camp (H. W.) The Knightly 25 Soldier. A Biography of Major Henry 897 Carey (H. C.) The Resources of the Ward Camp, Tenth Connecticut Volunteers. Union. 8vo. pp. 26, paper. Philadelphia, By Rev. H. Clay Trumbull. Portrait and 25 illustrations. 12mo. pp. 385. Boston. 1 00 913 Conn. Catalogue of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Regiments of Conn. Volunteers, 1861. Hartford, 1861. 898 Carey (H. C.) Shall we have Peace? Peace Financial and Peace Political. 8vo. pp. 66, paper. Philadelphia, 1869. 35 899 Carpenter (F. B.) Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. 16mo. pp. 359. New York, 1866. 100 901 Champlin (John D.) Young Folks' History of the War for the Union. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 593. N. Y., 1881. 2 00 902 Chattanooga. The Battles around. Map. 12mo. pp. 20. Chattanooga, n. d. 35 903 Chesney (Capt. C. C.) A Military View of recent Campaigns in Virginia and Maryland. Maps. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1863-5. 904 Chesney (Chas. C.) tary Biography. 12mo. York, 1874. 905 Chevalier (M. M.) 5 00 8vo. pp. 117. 150 914 Conn. Huntington (Rev. E. B.) Stamford (Conn.) Soldier's Monument. 8vo. Pp. 166. Stamford, 1869. 150 915 Cook (Joel). The Siege of Richmond: A Narrative of the Military Operations of Gen. McClellan during the months of May and June, 1862. 12mo. pp. 358. Philadelphia, 1862. 1 25 916 Cooke (John). Wearing of the Gray; being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of the War. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 601. New York, 1867. 250 917 Cory (Eugene A.) A Private's Recollections of Fredericksburg. Small 4to. PP. 28. Providence, 1884. 60 918 Cox (Jacob D.) The Second Battle Essays in Mili- of Bull Run, as connected with the Fitzpp. 398. New 16mo. pp. 124. Cin 2.00 France, Mexico, and the Confederate States. New York, 1863. 8vo. pp. 16. 25 906 Chittenden (L. E.) Report of the Debate and Proceedings of the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention for proposing Amendments to the Constitution, Feb., 1861. Svo. pp. 626. New York, 1864. 2 75 907 Coffin (Charles C.) Four Years of Fighting. A Volume of Personal Observation with the Army and Navy, from the first Battle of Bull Run to the Fall of Richmond. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 558. Boston, 1866. 2.00 908 Coffin (Charles C.) Following the Flag from August, 1861, to November, 1862, with the Army of the Potomac. 12mo. pp. 336. Boston, 1865. 125 acy, gathered" Behind the Scenes in Rich940 Downs (E. C.) Four Years a Scout mond." By Edward A. Pollard. Portrait. and Spy. "General Bunker," one of 8vo. pp. 536. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 00 Grant's most daring and successful scouts. 925 Davis (Jefferson) and Jackson Being a Narrative of Thrilling Adventure, ("Stonewall"). The Life and Public Serv- Narrow Escapes, and Incidents in the Exices of Each, with the Military Career and periences of Corporal C. L. Ruggles, during Death of the Latter. Illustrated. 12mo. four year's service as a Spy for the Federal pp. 300 Philadelphia, 1866. 75 Army. Illustrated. 8vo. pp. 404. Zanesville, Ohio, 1866. 926 Davis (Jefferson). The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. Numerous portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1881. 7 50 927 Day (S. P.) Down South; or, An Englishman's Experience at the Seat of the American War. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1862. 3.50 925 Dean (Henry Clay). Crimes of the Civil War, and Curse of the Funding System. 8vo. pp. 539. Balti., 1869. 1 50 1950 944 Duganne (A. J. H.) Camps and Prisons. Twenty Months in the Department of the Gulf. Illustrated. 12mo. pp. 424. New York, 1865. 3 50 929 Delaware. Report of the Committee of the General Assembly, with their Journal and the Testimony taken before them in regard to the Interference by 945 Duganne (A. J. H.) The Fighting United States Troops with the General Quakers. A True Story of the War for Election held in the State on November 4, our Union. 12mo. pp. 116. New York, 1862 8vo. pp. 368. Dover, 1863. 200 1866. 1.00 930 Denslow (V. B) Fremont and 946 Duke (Basil W.) History of MorMcClellan; their Political and Military gan's Cavalry. Portrait. 8vo. pp. 578. Careers Reviewed. 8vo. pp. 31. Yonkers, Cincinnati, 1867. 2.00 1862. 25 949 Early (Jubal A.) A Memoir of the last year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States of America. 8vo. pp. 112, paper. New Orleans, 1867. 1 00 950 Echoes from the South. Compris ing the most important Speeches, Procla mations, and Public Acts emanating from the South during the late War. 12mo. pp. 211. New York, 1866. 1 25 935 Dodge (Theo. A.) A Bird's Eye View of Our Civil War. Maps. 8vo. pp. 346. Boston, 1883. 3 00 936 Dodge (Theo. A.) The Campaign of Chancellorsville. 4 large maps. 8vo. pp. 261. Boston, 1881. 3 00 937 Dostie (A. P.) Life of; or, The Conflict in New Orleans. By Emily H. Reed. 12mo. pp. 375. N. Y., 1868. 125 938 Doubleday (Abner). Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-61. Illustrated. 12mo. pp. 184. New York, 100 939 Dougherty (Dan'l). The Peril of the Republic the Fault of the People. 954 Effect (The) of Secession upon the Svo pp. 28, paper. Philadelphia, 1863. 25 Commercial Relations between the North 951 Edmonds (S. Emma E.) Nurse and Spy in the Union Army. Comprising the Adventures and Experiences of a Woman in Hospitals, Camps, and Battle-fields. Illus. 8vo. pp. 384. Hartford, 1866. 1 50 1876. 952 Edwards (John E.) The Confederate Soldier; being a Memorial Sketch of George N. and Bustrod W. Harris, Privates in the Confederate Army. 12mo. pp. 189. New York, 1868. 75 953 Edwards (John N.) Shelby and his Men; or, the War in the West. Portrait. 8vo. pp. 551. Cincinnati, 1867. 1 50 957 Estvan (B.) War Pictures from the South. 12mo. pp. 352. N. Y., 1863. 1 50 958 Everett (Edward). Address at the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. Map of the Battle-field, etc. 50 8vo. pp. 88, paper. Boston, 1864. 959 Another edition. 8vo. pp. 48. New York, 1863. 40 960 Everett (Edward). The Great Issues now before the Country. An Oration delived in New York, July 4, 1861. 12mo. pp. 48, paper. New York, 1861. 35 961 Everett (Edward). Account of the Fund for the Relief of East Tennessee. 8vo. pp. 99. Boston, 1864. 40 962 Ewing (Maj.-Gen. Thos., Jr.) Speech before the Convention of Union Soldiers and Sailors, July 4, 1868. 8vo. pp. 20, n. p., n. d. paper. 25 963 Falling Flag (The). Evacuation of Richmond. Retreat and Surrender at Appomattox. By an Officer of the Rear-Guard. 12mo. pp. 67. New York, 1874. 50 964 Fallows (Samuel.). The Grand Army Manual and Soldiers' Citizen Handbook. Embracing the Aims, Organization, and History of the Grand Army of the Republic, Rules, Regulations, Services, etc. Illustrated. 16mo. pp. 402, paper. Chicago, 1883. 965 Farrer (C. C. S.) Causes and Consequences. Cairo, Ill., 1864. 60 The War. Its 966 Faulkner (T. C.) History of the Revolution in the Southern States. 8vo. pp. 95, paper. New York, 1861. 60 967 Fitch (John). Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. Comprising Biographies, Accounts of Expeditions, Skirmishes, and Battles. Also its Police Record. Together with Anecdotes, Incidents, etc. IIlustrated. Svo. pp. 716. Philadelphia, 1864 oners. 3.00 972 Fort Pillow Massacre. Report on, by the Joint Select Committee on the Conduct of the War, with the Report on the Returned Prisoners. Plates of Pris1 00 8vo. pp. 162. Wash., 1864. 973 Fort Sumter. The Trip of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C. Comprising the entire Programme of Exercises at the Re-raising of the Flag over the Ruins of Fort Sumter, April 14, 1865. 8vo. pp. 174. Brooklyn, 1865. 2.00 974 Fowler (William Chauncey). The Sectional Controversy; or, Passages in the Political History of the United States, including the Causes of the War between the Sections, with Certain Results. 269. New York, 1863. 8vo. pp. 1750 1 50 975 Franklin (Maj.-Gen. William B.) A Reply of, to the Report of Joint Committee of Congress on the Conduct of the War. Map. 8vo. pp. 31. New York, 1863. 1 00 976 Fremantle (Lieut.-Col.) Three Months in the Southern States, April-June, 1863. 12mo. pp. 309. N. Y., 1864. 977 Fremont (Jesse B.) The Story of the Guard. A Chronicle of the War. 12mo. pp. 227. Boston, 1863. 978 Another copy. Paper. 979 Fry (Jas. B.) Killed by a Brother Soldier. An Account of the Killing of New Gen. William Nelson. 8vo. pp. York, 1886. 100 50 25 980 Fry (Jas. B.) McDowell and Tyler in the Campaign of Bull Run, 1861. 12mo. pp. 63. New York, 1884. 44 75 981 Fry (Jas. B.) Operations of the Army under Buell, from June 10 to October 30, 1862, and the Buell Commission." Map. 12mo. pp. 201. N. Y., 1884. 1 25 982 Fullerton (Alex., Jr.) Coercion a 2 75 failure, necessarily and actual. 8vo. pp. 968 Flanders (Henry). Must the War 16, paper. Philadelphia, 1863. 25 25 983 Gardner (Daniel). Treatise on the Marching Across Law of the American Rebellion. 8vo. pp. 8vo. pp. 18. Cin-20, New York, 1862. paper. 984 Gardiner (Wm.) Incidents of 970 Foote (H. S.) The War of the Re- Cavalry Experiences during General Pope's bellion; or, Scylla and Charybdis. Con- Campaign. Sm. 4to. pp. 32. Providence, sisting of Observations upon the Causes, | 1883. 60 |