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inclined to men of nature seveare and most diligent in seinge statutes executed otherwise let them name anie to the contrarie.

2. The joyning of non Regentes in the election, the long continuance of Regencie abridged, we do not mislike and there those two first reasons are superfluous and touche us nothing at all.

3. It is altogether an untrewe pretence that the universitie wente aboute to chuse contentious mainteners of disorders or any insufficient, and when the election was free and general it was readelie ended with lesse contention and difficulty.

4. So that not the former reasons but the suppression of protestantes in Quene Maries time brought the choise to two. And yet by Quene Maries injunctions all other Doctors and Batchelors of Divinitye weare joyned with Mrs of Colleadges and the greater parte of the whole number must consent uppon two. And presidentes by a flatt statute had their Mrs places, as M2 DOCTOR PERNE can sufficiently testifie and yet these Injunctions weare taken away by this Quenes Maties visiters, and the olde custome and fredome of election restored.

5. In the governement of private colleadges Mrs be directed by private statutes and must not intermeddle with publique aucthoritie, and great reason it is that everie bodie should frelie chose their head and the numbre x

appeareth in our thirde article.

is brought to ш or v as

6. Other Doctors of Thuniversitie are not so to be discredited

or slightlie neglected.


2. IN OMNI JURAMENTO SEMPER EXCIPIENDA EST POTESTAS MAJORIS. And we do not mislike procurement of alteration of superstitious wicked ympietye defacinge Godes glorie onelie we shewe the Statutes wheareto they weare sworne, We referre the purposed seking to chaunge them contrarie to their former othe to your grave considerations sure we are they neither touche diriges, masses, nor trentalls, As for us we severeallie acknowledge the Quenes superiority and obeye her aucthoritie duetifully with all submission.

3. It is no slaunder to speak truthe and we stande to prove everie word in this Article.

4. To what purpose it is to appointe the houre and place when men are and maie be absent, everie colledge almost hath his certein president and in his absence the senior fellowe supplieth his place. Then if all the most aunciente in everie house be judged factiouse and yonge, it is no marvell if the rest be so termed, and though Magdalen Colledge peradventure have sente a yonge man oute, ought that to prejudice all other houses and the university. The rest we are readie to prove apparantlie


5. Their answere is from the matter. We knowe that Mrs of Colleadges maie put up whome they list, and that we saie is prejudiciall to the bodie which weare wonte to have their free choise, and Doctors which neither choose freelye nor be joyned with them in the pricking of the two. And if we shall be bound to chose uppon our othe by course and not for worthiness, we wishe to be disburdened of our othe. And we trust your honourable eares and our worthie Chanceller will heare and judge of our cause indifferentlie, and yet somewhat it is oute of course so importunately to deale for one to be twise vicechancellor together.

6. This article is true and everie parte to be proved: onlie we desier to be resolved in this question what factious Regents labored for unfitt and unmete men the yeare before the newe Statutes came in? The restrainte of contentious labour indeade weare to minister the Vicechancellor the olde auncient othe provided for this inconvenience, that he did neither NUTU, VERBO, SIGNIFICATIONE gape or seke for that office, and severlie to inhibit suinge for it, Thoughe commonlie if Mrs of Colleadges have not become Suters, The consente of the bodie went orderlie and quietlie with the beste.

7. This is collected as other thinges with a faire glose: for it was both longe and ernestlie sought for at my Lorde Northe his hande especially by DOCTOR PERNE and the gent were verie hardlie brought therto at Cambridge, and when staie was made for my Lord of Burghleies consente, my Lorde Northe

was mutche displeased that they should procure their repaire thither and then make delaies, whereuppon they agreed uppon the Sale and fullie concluded it, eche to other for assured confirmation subscribing their names. The Lorde North and gentlemen carrienge awaie their handes and they likewise retaining theirs for confirmation. Whereuppon the exclamation of the whole university was suche, that our Vicechancellor saide he would not deale in receavinge the monie, and so for shame it staieth.


1. If any officers be charged of corruption and bryberie let hym beare the blame and shame, we knowe none: and why maie not suche Masters of Colleges as maye commaunde all be taken with the same bayte. The rest of the articles are but bare woordes without truthe.

2. Fewe great colledges but are furnished with dyverse hable to be readers, we disallowe not of theire worthynes, but it was carefully provided for before that every house might reasonably be considered, and yet in youre maner of putting upp two howe can every house be remembered (which youe pretend) when most masters are comonly absent, and presidents by your interpretations shutt owt, and three compacting together maie so frame theire choise that whom they will is sure to speede: so houses shalbe well remembered.

3. Whether sholde the bodye affected have recourse for healpe but to the heade and yeat is it no headles body, and if any one parte of dutye as Orator do open the wholl bodies griefes the rest cannot justly (unlesse they be rotten members) myslyke thereof. Yf the university in chosing hym dyd theire conscience they dyd but theire dutie, yf they followed affection, they weare to blame : And as he refused not the whole consent of all men chosing hym, so he observed the olde custome of visiting Regents which doth not concurr with your manner of choyse. The rest is as untrue as manye vayne woordes are to no purpose.

4. The lyke Statute is for the election of Beadles and yet by expresse wordes they have the namyng of them, and they maye

more properly include CANCELLARIUM under the name of OFFICIARIUS then the Orator, so that we knowe the Statute and what wee dyd.

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5. It is an uncharitable surmyse to chardge the publique officers of the university of Perjury in pronouncing truly voyces comytted to them without proffe but as for the inconveniences of open scrutenes they have theire severall place afterwarde.

6. It is a common sayeng and true HONOS ET GRATIA NON AMBIENTIBUS PLERUMQUE OPPORTUNIORA, true vertue and pietye brede dutifull and hartie reverence but disorderly seeking therefore by oppression, the universitie did never more reverence godly vertuouse learned men, but IMPOTENTES DOMINOS ET SUSPECTOS DE RELIGIONE, or vayne tytles withowt any substaunce of learning, yt dothe bothe quickly judge and accordingly esteem them.


1. We reporte us to some of them wheather they have not byn earnest meanes in bothe houses of removing Doctor PEARNE, BAKER, PORY, out of the head; but the often inculcating of corruption and brybery in moste articles dothe either savor of the lyke usage practised in such Officers abrode or some smacke accustomed at home: let suche persons be named not concealed. To rune over the wholl Statute drawen owt at lardge into Englishe weare unnecessary, but we are ready to prove all the poyntes of oure Articles true.

2. Truthe is no slaunders, howe reasonable the latter poynt is let wise men judge.

3. The ende is true and maketh youe judge the other indyfferent.

Nothing doth brydle affections more or causithe more circumspection in giving sentence, then to remember he maie be cauled to accompte and true justice is the staye of quyetnes eche wheare, but when men seeke to doe whatt they lyst they will commonlye frustrate the redresse of theire Injuries which is with us appellation, what delegates chosen by the universitie hathe not done uprightly but where nothing but stomake is, there all thinges

are done of stomake, the procters had aucthoritye before by Statute to name delegates to the bodye.



1. We find falte with the breaches of those private Statutes and in those cases wheare the Master hathe no negative voice yt is untrue that the Statute alledged Anno xxxiii Henrici Octavi Cap. xxvii dothe aucthorize the Master's negative voyce, for bothe the intente of the wholl statute and the expresse wordes doe tende to take awaye a negative voyce from som one or, moe being the less nomber (which shold assent) notwithstanding any private Statute or othe to the contrarye. So that yf before by custome or pryvate statutes the election of all or the greater nomber of the corporation weare good and lawfull withowt the consent of the master or head still the same custome and private Statute doth remayne in his full force any thing in this Statute notwithstanding to the contrary. We maie dutifully reverence and yet sue dutifully for the auncient dignitie of the university, whearof they are but members with us, manye wordes proceding of choloricke heate shewe more affection then equity of cause.

2. Oure article is true howsoever he or any man aunswere for hym.

3. Youe knowe well enoughe every Colledge hathe particuler visitors to whome only complainte maie be made and in suche forme and order as statutes prescribe upon othe and present expulsions without the warrant of the Prince or complaynt made to her owne person, otherwayes to many examples of inconveniences of this negative voyce might be uttered with truthe and no slaunder.

4. Yf it be reasonable IN ELECTIONIBUS and necessarye howe will theire interpretations hearein agree to their othe at home and what force have private Statutes which in the Masters absence comytt their aucthoritie to the presidentes and company. And in most Colledges the daie of election is named and the tyme prefixed, So that heare their interpretation must either fault in

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