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din'ning (din'ing), incessant talking. "dire-struck," struck with terror. dirge (dûrj), funeral hymn. dis-cern (di-zûrn'), see, detect. dis'ci-pline (dis'i-plín), training; punishment.

dis-con'so-late (dis-kon'sô-lât), rowful, comfortless.


dis-cord ant (dis-kôr'dǎnt), not harmonious.

dis-coun'te-nance (dis-koun'tê-năns), not approve of; discourage. dis-course (dis-kōrs'), conversation. dis-cred'it (dis-krěd'it), disbelief. dis'em-bɔgue/ (dis'ĕm-bōg' ), discharge; flow out.

dis-guise (dis-giz'), change the appearance of.

dis-member (dis-měm'ber), disjoint. dis-perse' (dis-purs'), scatter.

dis pu-tation (dis'pu-ta' shun), dispute, a reasoning on opposite sides. dis-qual'i-fy (dis-kwŏl i-fi), render unfit.

dis-sev'er (di-sěv'er), part in two. dis'so-lution (dis'ô-lu' shun), separating into parts. dis'so-nant (dis’ô-nănt), harshly, discordant.


dis'taff (dis'tåf), a staff holding a bunch of flax, tow, or wool, from which thread is spun by hand. dis-tend'ed (dis-těnd'ěd), lengthened


dis-tort' ed


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dit'to (dit'o), exact copy. di-verge' (di-vûrj'), extend from a common point in different directions. di'vers (di' vērz), several, different. di-vert' (di-vûrt'), turn aside. di-vest' (di-věst'), deprive; strip. di-vine (di-vin'), godlike; foretell. di-vin'i-ty (di-vin'i-ti), deity, God. doc'ile (dos'il), easily managed. doc'trine (dok ́trin), principle of faith. doff (dof), put off (dress). dol'ing (dol'n'g), giving out scantily or grudgingly.

do-mes'tic (dô-měsʼtik), pertaining to

one's home.

dom'i-na' tion (dom'ĭ-na shun), exercise of power in ruling; authority. dor'mer-win' dow (dôr'mer), a vertical window in a sloping roof. "double-reefed trysail,' a sail reduced

in extent doubly to adapt it to the force of the wind.

doub'let (dub'lět), a close-fitting coat, formerly worn.

dow'er (dou'er), that with which one is gifted or endowed. dra'ma (drä'må), a picture of human life, especially for representation on the stage.

draught (draft), act of drinking. draw bridge', a bridge which may be raised or let down.

"drink the cup," a biblical expression meaning endure.

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eb'o-ny (ěb'un-i), a hard wood capable of a fine polish; black. ec'sta-sy (ěk'stå-si), a state of overmastering feeling; height.

ed'dy (ědi), move in a circle; whirling.

ed'i-fice (ĕd'i-fis), splendid building. ef-fect'ed (e-fěkt ́ěd), accomplished, p. 188.

ef' fi-cacious (ef'i-ka' shus), capable of producing a desired effect. ef'fi-ca-cy (ef i-kȧ-si), force. ef-fi'cient (e-fish'ent), active, helpful. ef-ful'gence (ĕ-ful'jĕns), great luster or brightness. eke (ek), also.

e-lec'tion (ê-lěk'shun), choice p. 353. el'e-vation (ěl'ê-va shun), height. elf'in (ěl'fin), relating to little elves or fairies.'

Elf land (elf'lănd), fairy land.
E-li'jah (ê-li'jà), II Kings, 2, 11.


speech. Ellwood, Thomas, a Quaker, who was a friend of Milton, and wrote a long poem on King David.

E-ly'sian Fields (ê-lizh ăn), the fabled dwelling place of happy souls after death.

e-man'ci-pation (ề-măn’si-pā/shăn), freedom.

em-bar'go (ěm-bär'go), restraint p. 284.

em’bas-sy (ěm’bả-sĩ), a solemn message.

em'ber (ĕm'ber), a lighted coal, smoldering amid ashes.

em-bla' zon (ĕm-bla'z'n), illuminate, make light and beautiful.

em'blem (ĕm'blěm), visible sign of an idea.

em-bos' omed (ěm-booz'umd), sheltered.

em-bra'sure (ĕm-brā'zhůr), a window having its sides slanted on the inside.

e-merge' (e-mûrj'), appear.

e-mer gen-cy (ê-mûr'jen-si), necessity. em'i-nence (ěm'i-něns), height. em'i-nent-ly (em'i-něnt-li), highly. em'u-la tion (ĕm'û-lā? shun),


desire to excel. en-chant'ress (en-chan'tres), a wicked fairy, who weaves spells over her victims. (ĕn-kō'mi-ŭm), high

en-co'mi-um praise.

en-com'pass (en-kum'pås), surround. en-core' (än-kōr', änʼkör), again; the


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en-croach' (ĕn-krōch'), enter gradually into another's rights. En-cyclo-pae' di-a

Brit-an'ni-ca (ĕn

a dic

si’klô-pe/ di-abri-tăn’iki), tionary of the arts, sciences, and literature.

en-deavor (en-děv'er), effort. en-dow' (en-dou), enrich. en'er-vate (ĕn'ĕr-vāt), weaken. en-hance' (en-hans'), increase. en-join' (ĕn-join'), urge.

en-raptured (ĕn-răp'tùrd), delighted beyond measure.

en'sign (en'sin), banner; national flag. en-treat'y (ĕn-trēt'i), an earnest



en-vel'op (en-věl'up), wrap in. ep'au-let (ĕp'ô-lět), a shoulder ornament worn by military and naval officers, and indicating differences of rank.

ep'ic (ep'ik), an heroic poem. ep'i-cur-ism (ĕp'ĭ-kūr-iz'm), pleasures of the table.

ep'i-taph (ěp'i-tȧf), inscription on a tomb.

e-quip (e-kwip'), furnish or fit out. eq'ui-ty (ěk' wi-ti), fairness, im

partial justice.

e'ra (e'rå), a period of time. e-rad'i-cate (e-rǎd'ĭ-kāt), destroy utterly.

Erze roum (ĕrz'rōom), the principal city of Turkish Armenia.

Esk (ěsk), a river in Scotland flowing into the Solway Firth.

es-pouse' (ěs-pouz'), make one's own; marry.

es-say' (e-sa'), try, p. 224.

es sence (ès ens), substance. es-sen'tial (ĕ-sen ́shăl), indispensably

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Evan (è’văn). See p. 79.


E-van'ge-line (ê-văn' jê-lēn), the gentle Acadian maiden, and subject of the poem.

e-van' gel-ists (ê-văn' jěl-istz), writers of the gospels.

e-vince (e-vins'), show clearly. ewe' necked' (u' někt'), having a thin, hollow neck.

ex-cess s' (ěk-ses'), that which exceeds

the ordinary limit, extravagance. ex-clu'sive (ěks-kloo'siv), shutting out others.

ex'e-cra' tion (ěk'sè-krā' shŭn), a cursing.

ex'e-cution (ěk' sê-k, shun), ing to effect.

ex-ec'u-tive (ĕg-zěk'ü-tiv),




magistrate or officer who administers the government; the governing person.

ex-empt (ěg-zěmpt'), free. ex-er'tion (ĕg-zûr' shun), effort. ex-haust'ed (ěg-zôs'těd), tired out, wearied.

ex'it (ěk'sit), departure of a player from the stage after performing his part.

ex-panse' (ěks-păns'), extent, a continuous area.

ex'pe-di'tion (ěks' pê-dish, ŭn), excursion, voyage.

ex-pert' (eks-pûrt'), skillful.
ex-pire' (ěk-spir'), die.
ex-pli'cit (ěks-plis 'it),
stated, clear.


ex-pos 'tu-la' tion (ěks-pos 'tu-la shun), earnest reasoning or remonstrance. ex-press' (ěks-prěs'), exact, clear, p.. 102.

ex-te'ri-or (ěks-tē'ri-er), outside. ex-ter' mi-nate (ěks-tûr'mi-nāt), drive away, root out.

ex-ternal (ěks-tûr'năl), outside, foreign.

ex'tract (ěks'trăkt), a selection; short part of a book or writing. ex-trav'a-gance (ěks-trăv'ȧ-găns), want of moderation, lavishness. ex-trem'i-ty (ěks-trěm'i-ti), greatest peril.

ex tri-cate (ěks' tri-kāt), free. ex-ult' (ěg-zult'), be in high spirits; triumph.

fac'ile (fǎs'il), ready.

fac'ul-ty (fak'ul-ti), mental power. fain (făn), willingly.

fal'low (fǎl'ō), land plowed but not seeded.

Faneuil Hall (fǎn''), a building in Boston, Massachusetts, where Revolutionary orators

frequently ad

dressed public meetings.

fan-tas' tic (fǎn-tǎs'tik), grotesque; imaginary.

"fatal sisters," this refers to the three Fates of Greek mythology, "spinners of the thread of life." The first, Clotho, spins the thread of life, the second, Lachesis, determines its length, and the third, Atropos, cuts it. The Greek Fates have their counterpart in the Norse Norns. Fa'ta Mor-ga'na (fä'tä môr-gä'nä), a mirage at sea. The spectator on shore sees images of men, houses, and ships, sometimes on the sea; SOcalled because formerly regarded as the work of a fairy of this name. Father of Waters, a fanciful name given by the Indians to the Mississippi River.


(fǎth'um), find the depth

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labor or exertion.

Fed'er-al (fěd'er-ăl), a friend of the Constitution of the United States at its adoption.

feign (fan), pretend.

feint (fant), pretense.

Fe-li’cian, Father (fe-lish’ăn), p. 201. fe-lic'i-ty (fè-lis'i-ti), happiness. fell (fěl), a rocky hill.

fel'loe (fěl'o), the outside rim of a wheel supported by the spokes. fel'on (fěl un), one guilty of a crime. Fen'wick (fen'wik), a Scotch family. Fer'oe (fer'ō), a group of islands in the North Sea between the Shetlands and Iceland.

fer vent-ly (für'věnt-li), earnestly. fes-toons (fes-toonz'), green vines or leaves hanging in a curve, garlands. fet'tered (fět'erd), bound. feu'dal (fu'dăl), the feudal ystem, by which the holding of land depended upon rendering military service to the king or feudal lord during the Middle Ages.

filch (filch), steal.

fil'ial (fil yǎl), dutiful as a child to his parent.

film (film), a thin, slight covering. fi-nance' (fi-năns'), public money. "finny herd," a school of fish.

fir ma-ment (fûr' má-měnt), heavens. "fishing smack," a small sloop-rigged vessel used for fishing along the


flag-bird, a poetic word for standard. flag'on (flag'un), a vessel with a narrow mouth for holding liquor. flail (flal), a wooden instrument for threshing out grain by hand. "flame pen'nons,' (flăm-pěn 'un),

swallow-tailed flags.

flank (flănk), the side of an animal, between the ribs and hip.

flaunt (flänt), display with pride or in a showy manner.

Flem'ish (flěm'ish), pertaining to Flanders, one of the provinces of Belgium. A favorite subject of Flemish painters was the family group around the fireside. Flim en (flim''n), P. 174. flounder-ing (floun'der-ing), tossing and tumbling. flur'ry (flur'ĭ), hurry.

flux (fluks), the setting in of the tide toward the shore.

fond'ling (fond'ling), caressing. Fon-taine' qui-bout (fon-tān'kē-boo), p.


Foolish Virgins, this refers to the parable of the Ten Virgins, Matthew 25; 1-13.

fools' cap (foolz'kǎp), long folio writing paper named from its watermark, the fool's cap and bells.

ford (ford), a place where water may be crossed on foot by wading. fore-bode (for-bōd'), foretell despondingly.

for feit (fôr fit), lose the right to a thing by some error or crime. for 'mi-da-ble (fôr'mi-dȧ-b'l), alarming, dangerous.

For'sters (fôr'sterz), a Scotch family. Fortunate Isles, imaginary isles where the souls of the good are made happy.

fos'ter (fos'ter), encourage; support. fouled (fould), entangled.

fowl'er (foul'er), one who hunts wild fowl.

frag'ile (frăj'il), frail, weak. Franks, a Germanic people on


Rhine river, who afterward founded the French monarchy.

fra-ter'nal (frå-tûr'năl), brotherly fraught (frôt), mixed.

frenzied (frenʼzid), furious, wild. fre-quent (frê-kwěnt'), visit often. fret work' (frět wûrk'), ornamental raised work, as carving.

frigate (frig'âte), formerly a warship. Frois' sart (froi'särt), a celebrated

French chronicler who wrote a history of the fourteenth century. fron tier (fron'ter), the boundary or limits of a country.

frugal (froo'gǎl), thrifty. fudge (fuj), nonsense.

"funeral pile," a pile of wood upon which the dead are burned. fu-ne' re-al (fù-nē'rê-ǎl), mournful. fur rows (fur'öz), wrinkles. fus’tian (fus’chăn). See note p. 108. fu-tu'ri-ty (fû-tūʼri-ti), time to come.

Ga'bri-el La-jeun-esse' (gā'bri-ěl läzhu-něs), p. 201.

Gal'i-lee (gal i-lē), a lake in the northern province of Palestine. gall (gôl), chafe, annoy.

gal-lant' (gă-lănt'), a man attentive to ladies. On P. 91. pronounced gal'lant on account of meter. gal liard (gal'yard). Note, p. 93. gal'li-gas/kins (găl'i-găsꞌ kinz), loose hose; leather leg guards.

gal'lows (gǎl'öz), guilty, ready to be executed.

Gam’bi-a (găm’bi-a), an English col ony in western Africa along the

river Gambia. "The chief of Gambia's golden shore" is a line in a school book, "The American Preceptor," which was used when Whittier was a boy.

gam’bol (găm böl), a sportive prank;

a frolic.

gam’brel-roofed (găm’brěl), a curved roof.

gap ing (gäp'ing), yawning.

gar'ru-lous (găr oo-lus), wordy; chattering.

Gas-per-eau' (gȧs-pĕr-ō'), a river in

King's county, Nova Scotia, flowing into the Basin of Minas.

Gates of Her'cu-les (hûr'kû-lēz), the Strait of Gibraltar.

gauge (gaj), estimate; a measure. gaug’er (gāj'er), an officer, whose business it is to find the contents of casks.

gaunt'let (gänt'lět), a long glove covering the wrist.

ge'ni-al (je'ni-ǎl; jen'yǎl), cheerful, kindly.

ge'nie (je'ni), a good or evil spirit. Pl. genii.

gen'ius (jēn'yŭs), one who has high mental powers.

Gen'tile (jen'til), one who is not a Jew.

ge'o-metric (je’ô-mět/ rik),

referring to the figures used in geometry, the branch of mathematics which treats of the measurement of lines, angles, surfaces, and solids. Georgius Secun'dus (jór'jus sěk-und' us), George the Second, king of Great Britain.

ger'mi-nate (jûr'mi-nāt), bud, sprout. ges'ture (jes túr), a movement of the

face, body, or limbs to express ideas. Ghent (gent), capital of province of east Flanders, Belgium. ghoul (gool), an oriental demon, supfeed posed to upon dead human bodies. On p. 56 pronounced gōl on account of rhyme. gi-gan tic (ji-găn-tik), large.

gill (gil), a deep narrow valley through which a river flows.

glade (glad), a cleared space in a forest.

glad i-a'tor (glăd' i-a'ter), in ancient

Rome a swordsman who fought in the arena with other men or animals.

glebe (gleb), turf, sod. gleed (gled), a burning coal. gloam'ing (glōm'ing), twilight. gloat (glot), stare or gaze earnestly often with a feeling of cruelty. Glynn (glin), a county in southeastern Georgia.

goad (god), a pointed instrument to urge on a beast.

gor'geous (gôr'jús), showy, magnifi

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grap'ple (gråp ''l), seize.

grave (grāv), cut letters or figures on a hard substance with a chisel. gray'ling (grāy'ling), a fish somewhat like a trout.

Great Harry, the name of a ship. gren'a-dier (gren'ȧ-dēr), in olden times a soldier armed with grenades, iron shells filled with powder and thrown among the enemy. The word is now applied to a member of the Grenadier Guards.

Greve (grāv), Note, p. 43. grew' some (groo'sum), frightful. groat (grot), an old English silver coin worth four pence.

groin (groin), bring together in a


guar'an-ty (găr'ăn-ti), security. guid (güd). Note, p. 98.

guin ea stamp (gin'i), the mark or impress upon a guinea-an old English coin worth about five dollars. guise (giz), shape; cloak. gun'da-low (gŭn'då-lō), another form for gondola (gòn’dô-lả).

gy'ra-to-ry (ji'rå-tô-ri), winding, whirling around a central point. Hab'er-sham (hăb'er-shăm), a county in northeast Georgia. The Chattahoochee rises in this county.

hab'it (hǎb'ĭt), a garment, p. 101; behavior, p. 148.

Ha'gar (ha'går). See Genesis 21, 14


hake-broil (hāk-broil), a seafish like the cod, cooked over a beach fire. Half-Moon, name of a boat on which Henry Hudson entered New York bay and explored the Hudson river. Hall, a county in northern Georgia intersected by the Chattahoochee river.

hal-loo' (hă-loo'), call.

hal'low (hǎl'o), consecrate, make holy. Hampton Falls (hămp'tun), a


in Rockingham county, New Hampshire, seven miles north of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

hap'less (hǎp'lès), unfortunate. Haps'burg (hăps'bûrg), a princely

German family to which Maria Louise, wife of Napoleon, belonged. ha-rangue' (hå-răng'), an address or speech to a crowd.

har' bin-ger (härʼbin-jẽr), a forerunner; usher in.

ha'rem (ha'rěm), a family of wives belonging to one man. har'py (här’pi),


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of the three daughters of Neptune and Terra, having a woman's face and body and sharp claws like a vulture; a buzzard. Has'selt (häs'ĕlt), a town in Belgium. haunch (hänch), the hip, part of body between the ribs and thigh.

Ha'ver-hill (hā'vĕr-il), city in Essex county, Massachusetts.

haz'ard (hăz'ård), chance; danger, risk. heath'er heth'er), a small, evergreen flowering shrub with rose-colored flowers native to Scotland and northern Europe.

heave (hev), force from the breast, as a sigh.

Heb'ri-des (hěb'ri-dēz), islands off the western coast of Scotland.

Hel'i-con (hěl'ĭ-kon), a famous mountain in Greece.

Hel-seg'gen (hěl-sĕg''n), p. 173. hel'ter-skel'ter (hel'ter-skěl'tēr), in

hurry and confusion. hen' pecked' (hěnꞌ pěkt'), governed by one's wife.

herald (her'ǎld), usher in; announce. herb'age (ûr' bâj; hûr'bâj), grass,


he-red'i-ta-ry (hê-rěd'ĭ-tâ-ri), passing from an ancestor to a descendant. Her'mes (hûr'mēz), an ancient Egyptian wiseman, "the scribe of the gods," who interpreted the truth of the gods to the people. In Greek mythology, the messenger of the gods.

her mit (hûr'mit), one who has retired from society and lives in solitude.

hern (hĕrn), short form for heron, a water bird.

Her-ve' Ri-el (hûr-vā' rē-ěl), p. 38. hi-la'ri-ous (hi-là'ri-us), noisy; merry. hilt (hilt), the handle of a sword. Hin do-stan (hin' doo-stän), the tral peninsula of Asia.

hoar'y (hor'i), gray with age. Ho'ey-holm (hō'a-hōm), p. 174. Hogue (hôg). See note, p. 43.


loud outcry with which thieves were anciently pursued. Hu'gue-not (hū'ge-not), a French Protestant of the sixteenth century. hur'ry-skur 'ry (hŭr'ri-skŭrʼri), confused bustle.

hus’band-man (hüz bănd-măn), a tiller of the soil, a farmer.

Hy dra (hi'dra), in classical mytholology, the water serpent with nine heads slain by Hercules: each head, on being cut off, became two.

Hy' me-ne al (hi'mê-ne ǎl), referring to marriage; from Hymen, the Greek god of marriage. hy-poth'e-sis (hi-poth'ê-sis), something not proved, but taken for granted for the purpose of argument. hys'sop (his'up), à fragrant plant whose leaves have a strong taste.

I'bra-him (e'brȧ-hēm), the Arabic for Abraham.

i-de'al (i-de'ǎl), an imaginary standard of perfection; faultless. i-den'ti-ty (i-děn'ti-ti), sameness, the being the same.

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"I dew vum,' a mild New England oath, "I do vow.'

i-dyl (i-dil), a short poem describing country life.

If-le'sen (ef-la'sen), p. 174. ig-no'ble (ig-no'b'l), not noble, low. ig no-min-y (ig'nô-min-1), dishonor. Il'lah (e'lä), the Arabic for "the God." "La illah illa Allah" means "Allah is the God."

ill-con-cert'ed (il-kon-sûr'těd), poorly planned and executed.

il-lim'it-a-ble (i-lim'it-à-b'l), vast, im

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hol'ster (hōl'ster), a horseman's case

hold (hold), a castle, stronghold. hol'las (hō'lōz), calls


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hos'pi-tal' i-ty

(hos'pi-tăl i-ti), the practice of entertaining friends and strangers with kindness.

hos'tage (hos'taj), a person who remains in the hands of another for the fulfilment of certain conditions; pledge.

hous'ings (houz'ingz), pl. trappings; a cover for a horse's saddle. hov'er (huv'er), hang fluttering in the air.

Hud-dup' (hu-dup'), a New England interjection addressed to a horse meaning "Get along.'

hue (hu), color; "hue and cry," a

il-lu'sion (i-lūʼzhŭn), an unreality.



(im-bib'), receive, absorb. (im-bu'), tinge deeply. (im'è-mori-ăl),

im'me-mo' ri-al


tending beyond reach of memory or record.

im-mor'tal (i-môr'tăl), lasting forever. im-mu'ta-ble (i-mu'tà-b'l), unchangeable.

im-pede' (im-pēd'), hinder.

im-ped 'i-ment


(im-pěd'i-měnt), hin

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