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Then, diaper'd with golden twine,
Aloft a mantle green she had,
Wherein were wrought, with rarest skill,

Fair cities, castles, rivers, woods,
And here and there emboss'd a hill,
With fountains, and the Nymphs of floods.

A massy collar, set with stones,
Did over all itself extend,
Whereon, in sparkling diamonds,

Saint George, her patron, did depend.

A crown imperial on her head;

One hand a bright drawn sword did hold;

The other (most that made her dread)
Three sceptres of the finest gold.

While proudly under foot she trod
Rich trophies and victorious spoils,
Atchieved by her might abroad,
There chariots were, that once she wan
From Cæsar, ere she was betray'd,
With standards, got from Pagans whan
She lent the Holy land her aid.

Here saw I many a shiver'd lance,
Swords, battle-axes, cannons, slings;

With th' arms of Portugal and France,
And crownets of her petty kings:
High-feather'd helmets for the tilt,
Bows, steely targets cleft in twain;
Coats, cornets, armours richly gilt,
With tatter'd ensigns out of Spain.

About her now, on every tree

Whereon full oft she cast her eye, Hung silver shields, by three and three, With pencil limned curiously; Wherein were drawn, with skilful touch, Impresas, and devices rare,

Of all her gallant knights, and such

As actors in her conquests were.

[blocks in formation]

Great Edward Third you might see there, With that victorious prince, his son; Next valiant John of Lancaster,

That Spain with English over-run: And those brave spirits marshalled, The first that of the garter were ; All soldiers, none to carpet bred, Whose names to tell I must forbear.

Fourth Henry's sunbeams on the cloud,
Fifth Henry's beacon flaming bright;

York's lock, that did the falcon shroud,
Was here, so were his roses white:
The marshal Mowbray, Norfolk's duke,
Yet living in great Howard's blood,
With valiant Bedford, symbols took,
As pleas'd them, to adorn the wood.

By whom, the Beauchamps, worn away,
And noblest Talbot, scourge of France,
With Nevilles, whom could nought dismay,
Left reliques of their puissance;
The loyal Vere, and Clifford stout,

Great Strongbow's heir, with Bourchier, Gray, Brave Falconbridge, and Montacute, Couragious Ormond, Lisle, and Say.

With other, numberless, beside,

That to have seen each one's devise,

How lively limn'd, how well applied,
You were the while in Paradise:
Another side she did ordain

To some late dead, some living yet,
Who serv'd Eliza in her reign,

And worthily had honour'd it. *

* "Charles, earl of Nottingham, lord admiral: Thomas "earl of Suffolk, and lord chamberlain: George, carl of

[blocks in formation]

Where turning first I spied above
Her own dear Phenix hovering;
Whereat, methought, in melting love
Apace with tears mine eyes did spring.
But, fool, while I aloft did look

For her that was to heaven flown,
This goodly place my sight forsook,
And on the sudden all was gone.

With grief awak'd, I gaz'd around,

And, casting up to heaven mine eye, "Oh God!" I said, " where may be found "These patrons now of chivalry?.

"But Virtue present and secure

"We hate; when from our knowledge hid, " By all the means we her allure

"To take her dwelling where she did."




"Cumberland: Lord Willoughby: Sir Philip Sidney: Sir "John Norris: &c."



ABAID, (n.) abode, delay. Sc.

Abate, (n.) blow?-Sibb. Gloss. event, adventure.
Abid, (v. n.) abided, or abode.
Aboun, (prep.) above.

Abulyeit, (p.) dressed. (Fr.habillé.) The final e was

in old English written eit.

Ac, (c.) but.

Acton, (n.) a strong quilted leathern covering for the body. (Old Fr. auqueton.)

Afeir, (n) propriety? II. 35. note 3.-Sibb. Gloss.

appearance, show.

to Affair, (v.) to belong.

Affayted, (p.) adorned. (Old Fr.)

Affect, (n.) affection.

Aforrow, (adv) before.

Again, (prep.) towards, against.

Aglet, (n.) the tag to a lace. (Fr. aiguillette.)

Agood, (adv.) in earnest II. 182. note 2. Turbervile.

Alane, (a.) alone. Sc. Sometimes used substantively,

as your alane, their alane.

Aleyed, (v.) alledged.

Algarde wine, wine of Algarva, in Spain.

Algate, (adv.) always.

All-by-dene, (adv.) presently, altogether? 1. 274.

Alosed? (p.) praised? I. 419. note 5.

Als, (adv. or c.) also, as.

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