RICHARD PENN, Esq., after E. U. Eddis; M. Gauci, lithog. CHARLES RIVINGTON, Esq., after Jos. Slater, by F. C. Lewis. Presented by John Holmes, Esq. JOHN HOLMES, Esq., F.S.A., after H. B. Love; W. Sharp, lithog. Presented by John Holmes, Esq., of East Retford. JOHN IRELAND, Esq., after T. R. Smith, by T. Mills. Presented by the Engraver. ST. PETER'S, WESTMINSTER, by Dan. King. Presented by Edward Church, Esq. THE MARRIAGE FEAST, after Paul Veronese, by Nich. Cochin. THE FOLLOWING PORTRAITS AND OTHER PRINTS AFTER SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. SIR JOHN AUBREY. By Jones. J. BARETTI. Proof before letters. JOHN, DUKE OF BEDFORD. COUNT BELGIOSO. By Smith. Proof. ELIZABETH, COUNTESS OF BERKELEY. By M.Ardell. MISS BOOTHBY. By Park. Proof. LORD BRIDPORT. DUCHESS OF BUCCLEUGH AND DAUGHTER. By Watson. LADY ELIZABETH COMPTON. By Green. Proof. MISS CREWE AND BROTHER. By M'Ardell. Proof before letters. LADY Dawson. By M'Ardell. Proof before letters. DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. By Green. LADY G. FITZPATRICK. By Smith. DR. GOLDSMITH. By Marchi. LADY HAMILTON, AS BACCHANTE. By Smith. DR. JOHNSON, BLIND. By T. Watson. LADY C. JOHNSTON. By Corbutt. SIR WILLIAM JONES. By Cochran. Proof. MARQUIS OF LANSDOWN. ANTONY MALONE. By T. R. Smith. MR. MALONE. By Knight. THE MARLBOROUGH FAMILY. By Turner. Private plate. THE HON. MISS MONCKTON. By Jacobi. MRS. MUSTERS, W. L. By Smith. Do. Do. AS HEBE. By Hodges. Proof. THE HON. MRS. PARKER. By Watson. MARQUIS OF ROCKINGHAM. By Fisher. LADY SPENSER AND DAUGHTER. By Watson. MR. STANHOPE. By Park. Proof. LADY STRAFFORD. By M'Ardell. MARQUIS OF TAVISTOCK. By Watson. MARCHIONESS OF Do. By Fisher. COUNTESS OF WALDEGRAVE AND DAUGHTER. By Houston. PRINCE OF WALES. By Hodges. H. WOODWARD. By Watson.: SIR W. W. WYNNE. By Reynolds. Proof. BOY WITH Cabbage-NET. GIRL AND MUFF; OR, MISS PALMER. SHEPHERD BOY. By Spilsbury. Proof. SYLVIA. By Jones. Proof. THE BIRD. THE SMALL SET OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST. First impressions, before the letter-press at the back. By Albert Durer. Forty-three pieces. DEATH DESTROYING A YOUNG MAN: a Female flying in dismay, chiaroscuro of three blocks. Portraits of Emperors of Germany, &c. By Hans Burgmair. Seven pieces. Adam and Eve; the Holy Family in chiaro-scuro; the Temptation of St. Anthony; St. Christopher, in two states, &c. Wood engravings. By Lucas Cranach. Seven pieces. ST. JEROME, St. George, and various other Saints; Marcus Curtius leaping into the Gulph; the Judgment of Paris, &c. By Lucas Cranach. Ten pieces. THE CONVERSION OF SAUL; the Three Fates; the Sorceress, in chiaroscuro; Horses, &c. By Hans Baldung Grun. Ten pieces. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. DALILAH CUTTING OFF THE HAIR OF SAMPSON. David PRAYING (an etching); Solomon adoring the Idol, and a copy; and Esther before Ahasuerus. Four pieces. THE PASSION OF OUR Lord, in circles, with ornaments. The complete set. Nine pieces. CHRIST CROWNED WITH THORNS; the Ecce Homo, &c. Four pieces. JESUS CHRIST PRESENTED TO THE PEOPLE; large plate with several figures. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD; Ditto, with Angels, and two copies; the Holy Family, &c. Six pieces. THE TWELVE Apostles, small whole length figures. Twelve pieces. ST. LUKE, St. Peter, and St. Paul seated, in a landscape and copy, and the Conversion of Saul. Four pieces. ST. SEBASTIAN, St. Antony, and the Temptation of St. Antony. Four pieces. ST. DOMINIC, St. Francis, and St. George. Three pieces. THE MONK SERGIUS KILLED BY MAПОМЕТ. THE SEVEN CARDINAL VIRTUES. Seven pieces. VENUS AND CUPID IN THE CLOUDS; The Ensign; Warriors in a Wood, &c. Six pieces. A MAN WITH A BUNCH OF GRAPES; The Boy with a Horn; The Musicians, &c. Five pieces. A SUBJECT, representing three figures, two Females and a Man; one of the former carries a casket on her head, the other turns her face to salute the man who stands behind her. HEAD OF A WARRIOR; and various Ornaments, Coats of arms, &c. Eight pieces. THE ARMS OF THE CITY OF LEYDEN, in five circles; Children praying, in circles; Two scrolls, &c. Seven pieces. A FAMILY SURPRISED BY DEATH; and the Virgin and Child. Etching. Two pieces. VARIOUS. MAXIMILIAN TITAN, after Rigaud. By Drevet. Proof and letters. Evrard Titon DU TILLET. By Petit. DENIS THIERRY. By Duflos. Gaspar THAUMAS. By Van Scuppen. Before the Latin inscription. JACQUES JUBŒUF. By Morin. FRANÇOIS MICHEL LE TELLIER. By Edelinck. JEAN VANIN. By Edelinck. VONDEL. By Matham. VARIOUS Literary Characters. THE CRUCIFIXION. By J. U. Pilgrimstad. DEATH'S HEAD. By the same. PYRAMUS AND THISBE. By the same. ORPHEUS. By the same. SET of four emblematical subjects, in which is introduced the unicorn. By Jean Duvet. Two other prints of the same set undescribed, by Bartsch; one representing the seizure of the Unicorn, the other his being conveyed in triumphal procession to a city. Judith WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES, and The Saviour standing, by the Master of the Caduceus. THE GUARDIAN ANGEL; Woman and Child, the copy; Man bearing a Cradle, and copy; The Satyr. By the same. MARS AND VENUS. THE HOLY FAMILY; and a subject, emblematical of a Centaur pursued by two Cockatrices. By the same. CHRIST ON THE MOUNT, PRAYING; and Christ presented to the People. By Le Maître à l'Ecrevisse. THE VIRGIN, WITH THE INFANT JESUS CROWNED BY TWO ANGELS; and two others of the Virgin and Child. By the same. A CURIOUS undescribed copy of the Last Judgement. By the same. THE SONS OF A DECEASED KING determining the right of succession, by shooting at the body of their father. By the same. ST. SEBASTIAN, St. Christopher, and the Decollation of St. Catherine. By the same. SOCRATES AND XANTIPPE; and, The Cavalier on horseback, with a Lady behind him. By the same. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. By the Master of the Anchor. A FEMALE, supporting with one hand an escutcheon, on which are letters A. N., &c. By the same. SET of Scriptural subjects, small, &c. By S. de Lausne. VARIOUS mythological subjects. By the same. THE TWELVE MONTHS; Set of small figures in niches, &c. By the same. THE larger set of the Months. By the same. THE SACRIFICE OF ABRAHAM; The Marriage-feast at Cana. By the same. THE HOLY FAMILY, with the infant Christ treading on a Serpent. By the same. THE HOLY FAMILY, and the Virgin and Child, &c. By Coypel. VARIOUS Etchings of the French school. THE FIVE SAINTS; a female saint in the centre. ADAM AND EVE, with their infants, Cain and Abel. THE OLD WOMAN and the four Lovers. THE VIRGIN AND INFANT SAVIOUR, attended by St. Sebastian, &c. Two female figures, probably Tragedy and Comedy. THE ADORATION OF THE MAGL By Robetta. A LANDSCAPE, with two Bulls in the distance. THE YOUNG SHEPHERD, and a copy by A. Veneziano. ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON. By B. Matagna. THE SATYR PIPING, with a Woman and infant Satyr. By the same. A RIVER GODDESS, with a winged Boy. HERCULES CARRYING THE BULL, &c. By T. A. da Brescia. THE NATIVITY. By N. de Modena. A SMALL Print of two winged Boys supporting a Standard. By the same. A WHOLE-LENGTH figure of a Man. By the same. THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. By A. Mantegna. THE TRIUMPHS OF JULIUS CESAR. By the same. A FEMALE, sitting near a pedestal. By M. Fogolino. ANOTHER Print. By the same. A FIGURE of a Young Woman, nearly naked. A SMALL whole-length figure of a Female. TWO MEN; one of them standing with his legs crossed, and leaning on his left elbow. ST. KATHARINE OF SIENNA. THREE Duplicates of the same. ABRAHAM'S SACRIFICE. Two large Folios, and a Roll, containing Impressions, and Pieces of Impressions, from monumental Brass Plates. Bequeathed by the late Francis Douce, Esq. A FOLIO, containing the Works of Albert Durer. Four hundred and twenty-seven pieces. A FOLIO, containing the Triumphal Arch of the Emperor Maximilian, and Triumphal Chariot of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. Bequcathed by the late Joseph Nollekens, R.A., to Francis Douce, Esq., for his life, and then to the British Museum. |