MESSRS. CASSELL, PETTER PETTER & GALPIN'S & GALPIN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. THE NEW WEEKLY PAPER. Every Friday, price 2d. No. I. ready April 10th, FANCIERS' GAZETTE. Edited by LEWIS WRIGHT. A Journal for the Gentleman of Leisure, for the Professional Man, and for the Man of Business seeking Recreative Pursuits; and for all Persons who Exhibit or take interest in the Breeding and Management of Dogs, Poultry, Pigeons, Birds, Rabbits, Cats, and Pet Stock of any kind. *.* Full Prospectuses free on application. Terms for Advertisements in THE FANCIERS' GAZETTE can be obtained on application to the Manager, Advertising Department, La Belle Sauvage-yard, Ludgate-hill. PIGEONS.-New High-Class Serial Work on Pigeons, uniform with The Illustrated Book of Poultry.' In Monthly Parts, price One Shilling. The ILLUSTRATED BOOK of PIGEONS. By Robert Fulton, assisted by the most Eminent Fanciers. Edited and Arranged by LEWIS WRIGHT, Author of 'The Illustrated Book of Poultry,' "The Practical Poultry Keeper,' 'The Brahma Fowl,' &c. Containing Standards for Judging, and Illustrated with Lifelike Coloured Plates, painted by Mr. J. W. LUDLOW expressly for this Work, and with numerous Engravings on Wood. The ILLUSTRATED BOOK of POULTRY. By L. Wright. Being a Com plete and Practical Treatise on the Breeding, Rearing, and Management of every known variety of Poultry. With Practical Schedules for Judging, constructed from Actual Analysis of the best Modern Decisions. Illustrated with Fifty Coloured Portraits of Prize Birds, Painted from Life, and numerous Wood Engravings. "Never before has so extensive an amount of information, coupled with such accuracy, been brought together." The NEW VOL. of CASSELL'S MAGAZINE. Containing F. W. Robinson's New Story, SECOND-COUSIN SARAH, complete; ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN'S New Story, The COLLEGE LIFE of THE LONDON INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1874. Now in preparation, CASSELL'S SIXPENNY GUIDE to the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION of 1874. Containing a Description of the most Noteworthy Objects to be seen, and will indicate the most convenient method of examining them. Terms for Advertisements on application to the Manager of the Advertising Department, La Belle Sauvage-yard, Ludgate-hill, E.C. Now ready, PART I., price 6d. of the Serial Edition of ESOP'S FABLES. With nearly 150 Engravings by Ernest Griset. completed in 12 Monthly Parts. To be "' Æsop's Fables' have never been better illustrated than by Ernest Griset."-Daily News. "The illustrations are something quite out of the common; their great excellence consists in this, that they shadow forth the spirit of Esop."-Guardian. THE Now ready, Complete in Two Vols. price 68. each; or the Two Vols. bound in One, price 108. ed. CASSELL'S RECREATOR: A GUIDE AND KEY TO IN-DOOR AND OUT-DOOR WITH ABOUT ONE THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS AND DIAGRAMS. "The most comprehensive and popular work hitherto published on games and amusements of all kinds, in-door and out-of-doors. It is a very treasure to all who are anxious to spend their leisure time in the pleasantest way."-Standard. "The very largest family of boys and girls, with all their friends and acquaintances, may find amusement in the 'Popular Recreator.' The almost endless variety of games for in and out doors, the sciences made palatable, and arts easy, combine to make this volume a multum in parvo of enjoyment, and a most acceptable gift to all ages in society, from three to thirty years old.”—Graphic. Now publishing, in Monthly Parts, price 18. "We have no hesitation in stating that 'The Book of the Horse' gives promise of being a cleverly-compiled and very useful work, and one that ought to be in the hands of every novice desirous of keeping a horse or carriage, either in town or country."-Sportsman. With about FOUR HUNDRED High-class ENGRAVINGS. PART I. ready April 27. To be completed in Twenty-four Monthly Parts. Full Prospectuses at all Booksellers', or post free from the Publishers on application. CASSELL, PETTER & GALPIN, Ludgate-hill, London; Paris, and New York. Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher "-at the Office, 20, Wellington-street, Strand, London, W.O. 18 Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Brama. No. 2423. ARTISTS' GENERAL BENEVOLENT INSTI TUTION, for the Relief of Distressed Artists, their Widows and Orphans. President-Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A. SIR HENRY JAMES will preside at a Dinner, to be held at Willis's Rooms, St. James's, on SATURDAY, the 9th of May, in aid of the Funds of this Institution. The cost of the Dinner, including Wines, 17. 18.Tickets can be obtained from the Stewards or Officers of the Society. who also will receive notice of Donations, to be announced at the Dinner. JOHN EVERETT MILLAIS, R.A., Hon. Secretary. ROYAL LITERARY FUND.-The EIGHTYFIFTH ANNIVERSARY DINNER of the Corporation will take place, at Willis's Rooms, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th of May. The Right Hon. LORD COLERIDGE, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, in the Chair. The Stewards will be announced in future advertisements. OCTAVIAN BLEWITT, Secretary. No. 10, John-street, Adelphi, W.C. ROYAL INSTITUTION of GREAT BRITAIN, ALBEMARLE-STREET, PICCADILLY, W. Professor W. RUTHERFORD, M.D. F.R.S.-Six Lectures On the WALTER NOEL HARTLEY, Esq. F.C.S.-Four Lectures On the Atmosphere and its Relations to Life,' on THURSDAYS, April 16th to May 7th. NEVIL STORY MASKELYNE, Esq. M.A. F.R.S., Keeper of the Mineral Department, British Museum.-Four Lectures On Physical Symmetry in Crystals,' on THURSDAYS, May 14th to June 4th. Professor J. R. SEELEY, M.A.-Three Lectures, on SATURDAYS, Subscription to each of these Courses, Half-a-Guinea; The FRIDAY EVENING MEETINGS will be resumed on April 17th, at 8 o'clock. The Discourse will be given by Mr. W. SPOTTIS WOODE, the Secretary, On the Composition of Colours by Polarized Light,' at 9 P.M. The succeeding Discourses will probably be given by Mr. C. W. Merrifield, Professor Rolleston, Mr. Sedley Taylor, Mr. C. William Siemens, Professor Clifford, the Dean of Westminster, and Professor Burdon Sanderson. To the Friday Evening Meetings Members and their Friends only are admitted. Gentlemen desirous of becoming Members are requested to apply to he Secretary. Candidates when proposed are immediately admitted to all the Lectures, to the Friday Evening Meetings, and to the Library and the Reading Rooms; and their Families are admitted to the Lectures at a reduced charge. Payment:-First year, Ten Guineas; afterwards, Five Guineas a year;-or a composition of Sixty Guineas. THE LONDON ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY (President, Dr. CHARNOCK, F.S.A.) meets at 37. ARUNDEL-STREET, Strand, on the First and Third TUESDAYS of each Month, at 8 P.M. Papers for APRIL 7:-1. Prehistoric Antiquities of the Caucasus,' by Dr. KOPERNICKI, Translated by Dr. BARNARD DAVIS, F.R.S. F.S.A.; 2. Roumanian Gypsies'; The Gypsy Dialect called Sam,' by the President. CREMATION SOCIETY.-Cremation having now been performed with perfect success, a Society has been constituted on the basis of the following Declaration, which has been influentially signed : "We disapprove the present custom of Burying the Dead, and desire to substitute some mode which shall rapidly resolve the body into its component elements by a process which cannot offend the living, and shall render the remains absolutely innocuous. Until some better method is devised, we desire to adopt that usually known as Cremation." All persons desirous of joining the Society or of promoting its objects, are requested to send their Names to the Secretary, WM. EASSIE, Esq., C.E., 1, Great Winchester-street-buildings, E.C. AUTOTYPE FINE-ART GALLERY ON VIEW, PERMANENT FAC-SIMILES, Prints from the Works of the Great Masters in the Continental and Home Galleries.-36, Rathboneplace (next to Winsor & Newton's). MDLLE. ROSA BONHEUR'S important DRAW INGS, A Stampede' and 'The Straits of Ballachulish,' are now ON EXHIBITION at Pilgeram & Lefèvre's Gallery, 1A, Kingstreet, St. James's, from Ten to Five.-Admission on presentation of address card. MUSICAL UNION. - THIRTIETH SEASON. TUESDAYS, at Half-past Three, April 21, May 5, 19, June 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. Subscription, including Programmes, Two Guineas. Papini and Sarasate, Violinists, first time in England, with Wiener, Wafaelghem, and Laserre. Pianists, Duvernoy and Alfred Jaell, &c., are engaged. Hon. Tickets issued next week-Nominations of Members to be sent to J. ELLA, Director, 9, Victoria-square. LONDON INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, KENSINGTON, 1874, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1874. JUNIOR OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE CLUB, Grafton-street, Piccadilly. Established for Members of the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Trinity College, Dublin, exclusively. Full particulars upon application to the SECRETARY. EOLOGY.-SIX LECTURES, adapted to a Juvenile Audience, will be given by Prof. TENNANT, at his Residence, 149, Strand, W.C., in the Easter Holidays, April 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, at 11 AM. and 3 P.M. Terms-Half-a-Guinea for the Course; Five Shillings for Children of Fellows of the following Societies: Geological, Zoological, Chemical, Royal Microscopical, Royal Geographical, Royal Horticultural, Geologists' Association, and Society of Arts. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION in GEOLOGY and MINERALOGY can be had at 149, Strand, by those unable to attend Public Lectures. READING ALOUD. Miss EMILY FAITHFULL continues her PRIVATE LESSONS and CLASSES for Home Reading, Public Speaking, Pronunciation, English Composition, &c. RESIDENT PUPILS received for a term of six or eight weeks. LECTURES ON ELOCUTION, English Literature, Poetry, and Art, given by arrangement at Literary Institutes. Apply to SECRETARY, 50, Norfolk-square, Hyde Park, London. THE MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE.-Summer Session, 1874.-LECTURES will COMMENCE on FRIDAY, May 1.-For Prospectus, containing information as to Fees, Entrance, and other Scholarships, Clinical Appointments, &c., apply to ROBERT KING, B.A. M.B., Dean. ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL.-The SUMMER SESSION commences on MONDAY, May 4.-Prospectuses and full particulars may be obtained on application, personally or by letter, to the TREASURER OF DEAN of the SCHOOL, at the Hospital. LADIES' ASSOCIATION for the EDUCATION of WOMEN for the MEDICAL PROFESSION. A SCHOLARSHIP of 301., tenable for Three Years, is offered by this Association to a Lady preparing to enter the Medical Profession.--For conditions, &c., apply to the Hon. Sec., Miss BAILEY, 34, Monumentlane, Birmingham. MASTER is REQUIRED for this School at the end of the current Session.-Applications and Testimonials must be sent to Mr. ALEXANDER BROWN, Clerk to the Directors, 4, North-street, Dand-street, Edinburgh, on or before 20th April next. THE WARDENSHIP of the Church of England Hall of Residence for Students attending the OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER, will be VACANT at Midsummer next. Candidates for the Office are requested to address the SECRETARIES, W. H. Houldsworth, Esq., Oak Hill, Cheetham. Manchester, or Rev. E. J. Hone, Warden, 174, Plymouth-grove, Manchester. of PRINCIPAL will become VACANT on the 1st of April next. Candidates, who must be Clergymen in full Orders of the Church of England and Graduates of Oxford or Cambridge, are requested to send in to the SECRETARY, at the College, Cheltenham, not later than April 14th, Twenty-five copies of Testimonials. The fixed Salary is 800l. per annum, which is augmented by a Capitation fee of 21 per Boy on every Boy above 200. The present numbers are 663. The Council are endeavouring to procure a Residence for the Principal, and until one be found, an equivalent in house-rent will be given. Further particulars on application to the SECRETARY, at the College, Cheltenham. E. H. PLUMPTRE, M.A., Dean. COLLEGE, DUBLIN. The PROVOST and SENIOR FELLOWS of TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, will proceed, on SATURDAY, 18th April next, to elect a PROFESSOR of ASTRONOMY, in place of Dr. Brunnow, who is about to resign the office. The Salary is 700l. a year, subject to a charge of 901. a year for an Assistant. The Professor has also the use of a House and Fifteen Irish Acres of Land, free of Rent and Taxes. -Application to be made to the REGISTRAR before the 11th of April. March 11, 1874. ANDREW S. HART, Registrar. LEAMINGTON COLLEGE.The next Term commences on MAY 8th. There are Scholarships at the College and to the Universities. The Terms of the Boarding-House are 70 and 80 Guineas; for Sons of Professional men, 10 Guineas less. These charges include the College Fees-For Prospectus, &c., apply to the Rev. JOSEPH WOOD, the Head Master; or to the Rev. J. S. RUDDACH, Chaplain and House Master. THE WESTERN COLLEGE, BRIGHTON. Principal-Dr. W. PORTER KNIGHTLEY, F.C.P. The Pupils of this long-established School enjoy the highest Educational advantages in preparing for Mercantile life, as well as for the various Competitive Examinations, whether of the Oxford and Cambridge Local, the University Matriculation, the Civil Service, the PRICE REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER HYDE PARK COLLEGE for LADIES, 115, GLOUCESTER-TERRACE, Hyde Park. The JUNIOR TERM begins April 13th. The SENIOR TERM, April 29th. Prospectuses, containing terms, &c., may be had on application to the LADY PRESIDENT. LA ADIES' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION, in connexion with University College, London -SUBJECTS for SUMMER SESSION, beginning MONDAY, April 13:ENGLISH LITERATURE (Prof. Morley)- Morning Class: Ten Lectures on Milton's Poems. Evening Class: Eight Lectures on the Study of English. FRENCH LITERATURE (Prof. Cassal)-Eight Lectures on the Literature and History of France during the Revolution. ITALIAN (Prof. Volpe)-Eight Lectures on Dante, and on the Lan guage and Literature. LOGIC (Prof. Robertson)-Eight Lessons on Inductive Logic. FRENCH HISTORY (Prof. Beesly)-Five Lectures on the Reign of Louis Philippe. ENGLISH HISTORY (Prof. Bund)-Eight Lectures: 1. General Course, from the Accession of Henry VII.; 2. Special Course, On the Reigns of William III. and Anne. Prospectuses to be had in the Office at the College; or of J. E. MYLNE, Esq., 27, Oxford-square, Hyde Park, W. DEVON and CORNWALL GIRLS' SCHOOL (Limited), PLYMOUTH. The Council of this School are prepared to receive Applications for the Appointment of HEAD MISTRESS. It is requested that Applications may be sent in before the 15th of April next. Further information may be obtained of the Hon. Secretaries, Rev. J. METCALFE, M.A., Christ Church Vicarage, Plymouth. Rev. F. E. ANTHONY, M.A., 13, Woodland-terrace, Plymouth. WELLINGTON ELLINGTON HOUSE, GREAT MALVERN. OPEN for the Summer Term on the 17th APRIL.-For particulars apply to Mrs. JAY, Wellington House. DUFFIELD HOUSE, Lower Norwood, Surrey. -The ensuing TERM will commence (D.V.) the 2nd of MAT. Fees inclusive. Masters attend for Literature. Music, Singing, Drawing, Dancing, Calisthenics, and the German and Italian Languages. English and Parisienne Resident-Governesses. Prospectuses on application. ADIES' SCHOOL.-First-class BOARD and number of Pupils, Daughters of Clergymen and Professional Men taken at greatly reduced terms. Highest references. Address X. Y. V., Messrs. Deacon's, Leadenhall-street, London. HOUSE, WESTON-SUPER-MARE.-Principals: Mr. and Mrs. H. B. SMITH and Miss FERRIS.-The Course of Study is adapted to the Standard of the Cambridge Local Examinations, and is under the personal supervision of Mr. H. B. Smith and Miss Ferris, who have had considerable experience in Teaching, and have successfully passed Pupils at the Cambridge and Oxford Local Examinations. EDUCATION. SEA-SIDE (WORTHING).-Prepara tion for Public Schools and Universities, Military and Civil Ser. vice Examinations, by the late Principal of a Public School, in connexion with the London University, assisted by a Cambridge Wrangler; Modern Languages taught and spoken.-Letters may be addressed to C. R., care of Messrs. Rivington, Waterloo-place, London. EDUCATION (superior). BLACKHEATH. Mrs. CATTERUS, of Gatefield House, College Park, Lee, RECEIVES a FEW YOUNG LADIES only for Board and Education. Terms moderate. Professors in daily attendance. Lofty Rooms, large Recreation Grounds, Hot and Cold Baths, Diet unlimited.-For Prospectuses, address LADY PRINCIPAL. H [OME CARE and EDUCATION for a Young LADY, under a superior Foreign Governess, in a Beneficed Clergyman's Family, in Hampshire.-Address Rev. H. C. HAWTREY, Rectory, Nursling, Southampton. LADY, who Paints in Oil, desires Daily Situation, in London or Neighbourhood, as ASSISTANT to ARTIST, or Copyist of the Old Masters. Work shown. Terms moderate.-Address X., Post-office, Hornsey, N. MORNING CLASSES for the SONS of GENTLE MEN only, conducted by Miss M. J. SPRATT (Associate of Queen's College, Harley-street), at 10A, Mount-street, Berkeley-square, W.-EASTER TERM commences on THURSDAY, April 16th. A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE, Wrangler and Classical Scholar, experienced in Tuition, PREPARES CANDIDATES for the Public Service and the Universities.-Address E. R., 11, Norfolk-road, St. John's Wood, N.W. TUTOR TO TRAVEL.-WANTED, a Gentleman, of not more than 35 years of age, as TRAVELLING COM PANION and TUTOR, to go Abroad with a Young Gentleman, about 19, for an extended Tour. He must be a well-educated and practical man, with a good knowledge of Travel and Languages, and a member of the Church of England -Address, with references, &c., to Messrs. PARRY & SON, Solicitors, 23A, King-street, Manchester. FRENCH and GERMAN LANGUAGES. A Gentleman is desirous of sending abroad a Public School Boy, 15 to 16 years of age, to acquire the above languages, He would be extremely obliged to any parent writing to him who had been successful in placing his own son in a good Lycée, Pension, or College, where his moral and religious training (Protestant) had been conscientiously cared for.-A. B., 139, King Henry's-road, London, N. W. Military Colleges, or Direct Commissions, in all of which Dr. Knight A GENTLEMAN, of ten years' experience in Teach have taken high places in the Honour List. In addition to the intellectual and moral training, superior health conditions are secured by all the appliances of a well-arranged resi dence in this favourite Watering-place. Prospectuses of terms and class-lists may be obtained by application to the PRINCIPAL, personally or by letter. ing, desires to receive SIX BOARDERS, to prepare for Public Schools, London University, Military and Civil Service Examinations, or Mercantile Life. Particular attention paid to English, Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing, and Natural Science. Situation healthy and agreeable. Terms, &c. on application.-Address RD. P. WARD, Bilton, Harrogate AN OPPORTUNITY is now offered to a YOUNG GENTLEMAN, of good education, to obtain a thorough Commercial and Scientific knowledge of the CHEMICAL and DRUG TRADE-Address W. A. B., care of Housekeeper, 150, Leadenhalltreet, City. A GENTLEMAN, taking his Boarders into the Country, wishes TO DISPOSE OF the GOODWILL of a small SELECT DAY-SCHOOL.-A. B., 1, Cathcart-road, S. W. PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACTS.-WANTED, by a LIBRARIAN, who has had fourteen years' experience, and has been engaged in the formation of one of the most successful Libraries in the Provinces, a similar Engagement for one or two years, or a subordinate Appointment in Town -For high-class testimonials, apply to X. Y. Z, the Circle Office, 107, Fleet-street, E.C. ITERARY.-An English Lady, who can Translate is anxious to obtain Employment as TRANSLATOR. Address, for particulars, to M. C., Mr. Jakeman's, High Town, Hereford. LITERARY-A Gentleman, recently con nected with the Press, is desirous of the EDITORSHIP of a MAGAZINE.-Address J. R. D., Arundel Club, Salisbury-street, Strand. LITERARY JOURNAL for DISPOSAL.-An Established High-class MONTHLY JOURNAL of Literature and the Drama to be DISPOSED OF on very easy terms. Whole or half share by arrangement; well worthy the attention of independent Gentlemen of Literary taste.-Further particulars on application to W. H., 48, Sydney-street, Brompton, S.W. WANTED, a Situation in a NEWSPAPER OFFICE, as CLERK or JUNIOR REPORTER, by a Young Man, aged 25, Shorthand Writer. Unexceptional references. C. D., 51, Arthurroad, Hornsey-road, N. WANTED, immediately, for a new Weekly High class Journal, of Conservative Politics, a SUB-EDITOR and CHIEF REPORTER, who knows something of the Management of a Paper, and would give assistance in the Advertising Department. To a young man of sobriety and energy, the Situation might offer superior ultimate advantages. Salary, 150l. per annum.-Address W., Gazette Office, Birmingham. An TO JOURNALISd on the An experienced and able known books, desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT as SUB-EDITOR, Leader Writer, or in other literary capacity. Perfect knowledge of French. Highest references. - Address AUTHOR, care of Mr. Matthews, 6, Mulgrave-street, Plymouth. AN EXPERIENCED VERBATIM REPORTER, Descriptive and Original Writer, and good Paragraphist, now The engaged on a London Daily, desires another Appointment. Editorship of a Country Weekly preferred Highest testimonials and references.-0. D., 4, Brunswick-street, Barnsbury-road, N. COMMISSION PUBLISHERS. - Messrs. PRO VOST & CO., having had many years' experience as above, are prepared to undertake the Publication of Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, Periodicals. &c., on the most liberal terms. Estimates forwarded on application.-The Search for a Publisher,' 7th Edition, sent post free for twelve stamps.-36, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, W.C. PUBLICATION of EDUCATIONAL WORKS. -All AUTHORS desirous of bringing their WORKS under the direct notice of the SCHOLASTIC PROFESSION, are informed that RELFE BROTHERS have unusual opportunities of assisting them in this respect, as their Travellers, who visit the greater part of England twice a year, call on all the principal Educational Establishments in the Kingdom, and by this means introduce, in the most efficient way, all Books committed to their care. 6, Charterhousebuildings, Aldersgate, E.C. NOTICE.-BIBLICAL LITERATURE. MESSES. BAGSTER'S CATALOGUE. WA. HAMILTON'S CATALOGUE of Curious and Scarce BOOKS, including the remaining Portion of the late JOHN REID, Esq., many relating to America, East and West Indies, Quakerism, &c, may be had on receipt of one stamp.-Address 25, Norfolk-terrace, Westbourne-grove, London, W. LD BOOKS.-NATTALI & BOND'S NEW CATAevery Class of Literature, is now ready, post-free, for one stamp.Libraries purchased. 23, Bedford-street, Covent-garden, W.C. WALTON & COTTON'S ANGLER, Pickering's Miniature Edition of 1825, with Woodcuts, 48mo. cloth, new, 28 6d; Stothard's Life, 4to. 88. 6d.; and 4,000 other Books, on Sale by HENRY SUGG, 32, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden. SIR WORKS.-A good Copy of this Collection of Historical Prints (dedicated to the King), engraved from Pictures by the most celebrated Painters of the Roman, Florentine, Lombard, Venetian, and other Schools, with Descriptive Remarks on the same, by Sir ROBERT STRANGE, atlas folio, 50 beautiful Engravings after the Old Masters, fine and brilliant impressions (pub. at 731 108.), half morocco, gilt edges, to be sold for 361. cash.-Apply at once to BERNARD QUARITCH, 15, Piccadilly, London. ARTIFICIAL TEETH.-Persons having the above to SELL can apply with them, or if forwarded by post. their value will be sent per return. Messrs. BROWNING, 11, Booth-street, Piccadilly, Manchester; and 5, Chilworth-street, London, W. SEE MUDIE'S, CLEARANCE CATALOGUE FOR APRIL, Enlarged to 32 pages. New Edition now ready. Postage-free on application. The CLEARANCE CATALOGUE for APRIL contains Forster's Life of Dickens, 3 vols. half calf extra, 328.-Dixon's Two Queens, 4 vols. half calf extra, 458.-Atkinson's Art Tour in Northern Capitals -Bruhn's Life of Humboldt-Baker's French Society-French Home Life-Boyle's Camp Notes-Castelar's Old Rome Dyer's Ancient Athens-Life of Professor Forbes-Whitehurst's Court Life under Napoleon III-Stauley's Travels in Search of Livingstone-Life of Dean Alford-Chesney's Essays in Military Biography-Dr. Dasent's Essays Miss Edwards's Rambles among the Dolomites - Personal Life of George Grote-Alcestis-The Parisians - Lady Hester Against the Stream-The Prescotts of Pampillon-Kenelm Chillingly-Old Kensington - The Pillars of the House Nancy and nearly Two Thousand other Popular Books at the lowest current prices. THE Prospectus post free. Catalogue, 3d., post free. UNITED LIBRARIES, 307, Regent street, W.-Subscriptions from One Guinea to any amount, according to the supply required. All the best New Books, English, French, and German, immediately on publication. Prospectuses, with Lists of New Publications, gratis and post free.-** A Clearance Catalogue of Surplus Books offered for Sale at greatly reduced prices, may also be had, free, on application.-BoorH'S, CHURTON'S, HODG SON'S, and SAUNDERS & OTLEY'S United Libraries, 307, Regent-street, near the Polytechnic. BOOKS BOUGHT, however many or few, and their utmost value given in CASH, thus avoiding all delay and expense in realization. Libraries arranged, Catalogued, and valued.Apply to W. SKEFFINGTON, 163, Piccadilly, W. Established over 30 years. BOOKS BOUGHT to any amount, and the utmost price given for them in cash, saving the delay, uncertainty, and expense of auction, by a Second-hand Bookseller. Thirty years of Newgate-street. 20,000 Volumes of Books. Catalogues for one stamp. Manuscript Sermons bought or sold.-THOMAS MILLARD, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, near Ludgate-hill. THE RESTORATION of PAINTINGS, or any WORK necessary to their PRESERVATION, effected with every regard to the safest and most cautious treatment, by MATTHEW THOMPSON, Studio, 25, Wigmore-street, Cavendish-square, W. WOOD ENGRAVING TAUGHT by an able PROFESSOR, the Author of two Handbooks on the Art.For terms apply to Mr. GILKS, 11, King's-road, Bedford-row, London. WOOD ENGRAVING.-Mr. GILKS, Author of two Handbooks on the Art, gives PRIVATE LESSONS, at his Studio, 11, King's-road, Bedford-row, London, W.C. TO COLLECTORS of OLD ENGRAVINGS, DRAWINGS, &c. ALFRED TARRANT. Drawing Mounter, from many years of practical experience, can confidently undertake the MOUNTING and RESTORING of OLD ENGRAVINGS and DRAWINGS, the arrangement into Books of Newspaper Cuttings, Photographs, &c., and any work connected with Fine-Art Publications. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Gentlemen waited upon in Town or Country, and reference to Collectors if required. 11, SERLE-STREET, LINCOLN'S INN, W.C. Sales by Auction Scientific and Miscellaneous Property. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on FRIDAY, April 10, at Half-past 12 o'clock precisely, SCIENTIFIC PROPERTY, consisting of Microscopes and objects for same, Telescopes, Opera and Race Glasses, Barometers, Cameras and Lenses, and other Photographic Apparatus, and the usual Miscellaneous Assortment. On view the morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. Shells, Fossils, Minerals, Books, Cabinets, &c. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on SATURDAY and MONDAY, April 18 and 20, at Half-past 12 precisely each day, the Collection of SHELLS, FOSSILS, MINERALS, &c., formed by J. PICKERING, Esq.; together with the Cabinets and Books, which will be sold without reserve. Also the BOTANICAL LIBRARY of the late WILLIAM WILSON, Esq., F.R.S., &c. On view the morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. 123, Pall Mall.-The Lease of the Shop, with Gallery and Small House, 9, Little Warwick-street. ME [ESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURS DAY, April 9, at 12 for 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors of the late Mr. E. W. Radclyffel, the LEASE of the Valuable SHOP and GALLERY at 123, Pall Mall. and a small, convenient DWELLINGHOUSE, No. 9, Little Warwick-street. Particulars may be had of John Taylor, Esq., 7, Gray's Inn-square; and of Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, Ring-street, St. James'ssquare, with cards to view. The Valuable Stock of Ancient and Modern Pictures of the late Mr. E. W. RADCLYFFE, of Pall Mall. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, April 9, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), the whole of the Valuable Stock of ANCIENT and MODERN PICTURES of Mr. E. W. RADCLIFFE, deceased, late of Pall Mall, comprising upwards of Two Hundred and Forty Works of the Ancient and Modern Schools; including specimens of G. Armfield H. J. Bodding. ton J. B. Crome A. Corbould T. Gronland Also Works of Canaletti, Greuze, Horremans, Hondikoeter, Jansens, Mieris, Vandevelde, Vernet, and Wouvermans. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. Important Sale of Modern Books and Remainders, including the entire Stock of Mr. JOHN HODGES, Publisher, of Bedfordstreet and Frome, by Order of the Trustee. MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 115, Chancery-lane, W.C. (Fleet-street end), on MONDAY, April 13, and Following Days, at 1 o'clock, Valuable MODERN BOOKS and REMAINDERS, including 3,000 vols. of Baring Gould's Lives of the Saints sells 78. each)-500 The Golden Gate (sells 38. 6d.)-500 Michell's Gospel Story (sells 38. 6d)-650 Jennings's Live Lights or Dead Lights (sells 98.)-5,5 0 vols. of Our Curate's Budget (sells 28.), and about 60,000 Surplus Numbers-200 vols. of The Sacristy (sells 128. 6d. each)-1,200 vols. of The Banner, and the Surplus Stock-630 What He Did with Her (sells 58.)-550 Corner's Rural Churches (sells 218.)-1,500 The Temple Anecdotes (sells 58.)1,000 Ward's The Telescope (sells 38. 6d.) and 8 0 The Microscope (sells 38. 6d.)-800 Piper's Poultry (sells 38. 6d.)-1,350 Barnum's Life (sells 28. 6d.)-1,500 Renshaw's Musical Gems (sells 48. 6d.)-125 Ballads of Scotland and 100 Songs of Scotland, half bound-220 Don Quixote, in Spanish-250 Issac Taylor's Essays-250 Bacon's Essays, by Kitchin60 Macleod's Economical Philosophy (sells 158.)-the Remainders of numerous interesting Juvenile and Religious Works-a large and varied Assortment of Saleable and Attractive Publications, all of recent date and in excellent condition - Miscellaneous Stationery. Railway Volumes, Church Services, &c. THE Catalogues are preparing. QUARTERLY REVIEW. — ADVERTISEMENTS and BILLS for insertion in the forthcoming Number of the above Periodical must be forwarded to the Publisher by the 8th April. John Murray, Albemarle-street. THE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. CXVIII. for APRIL, is now ready, price 68. Contents. I. AUTHORS and PUBLISHERS. II. The ANTIQUITY of MAN. III. The PROSPECTS of PERSIA. IV. PROVISION for PUBLIC WORSHIP in LARGE TOWNS. V. ASPECTS of the AGRICULTURAL LABOUR QUESTION. VI. The ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. VII. The NEW PARLIAMENT. VIII. DAVID LIVINGSTONE. IX. CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 27 and 31, Paternoster-row. THE THEOLOGICAL REVIEW: a Journal of Religious Thought and Life. Edited by CHARLES BEARD, B.A. Quarterly, 2s. 6d.; or 108. per annum, post free. No. XLV. APRIL, 1874. 1. Sebastian Franck: Heretic, Mystic, and Reformer of the Reformation. By J. Frederick Smith.-2. A Plea for Dualism as a Necessity in Moral Theology By Ernest Myers-3. Conway's Sacred Anthology. By J. Estlin Carpenter, M. A.-4. Report of the Committee of Council on Education for 1872-73. By S. Alfred Steinthal.-5. Materialism: an Unscientific Habit of Thought. By T. Elford Poynting.-6. Miscel lanea.-7. Notices of Books. Williams & Norgate, London and Edinburgh. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE, for 1874. No. DCCII. Price 28. 6d. APRIL, ALICE LORRAINE: a Tale of the South Downs. Part II. ASHANTEE-Extracts from the Journal of a Naval Officer Addressed to his Wife. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. Now ready, price 58. JOURNAL of the STATISTICAL SOCIETY, for MARCH, 1874. Vol. XXXVII. Part I. Contents. 1. Mr. R. Dudley Baxter on the Recent Progress of National Debts. With Discussion. 2. Mr. F. H. Janson on some Statistics of Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure in England. With Discussion. 3. Mr. N. Cork on Statistics of Australasian Banking. 4. Mr. H. Beverley on the Census of Bengal. With Discussion. Miscellanea, Periodical Returns, &c. London: Edward Stanford, 6, Charing Cross, S.W. 1. The Geometrical Theory of Stability for Ships and other Floating Bodies. 2. Admiral Fishbourne on Naval Architecture. 3. On the Building of Iron Merchant Vessels. 4. The Compound Engine in War Ships. 5. Utilization of Ocean Wave-power. 6. Mechanical Forces in Heavy Ordnance. 7. The Deviation of the Compass. 8. On Waves and Rolling. By M. Emile Bertin, of Cherbourg. 9. On the Complete Motion of a Ship Oscillating in Still Water. NAVAL SCIENCE, for 1873. Cloth, price 12s. 6d. London Lockwood & Co. No. LXXXIX., APRIL, 1874, price 38. 6d. THE JOURNAL of MENTAL SCIENCE (pub lished by Authority of the Medico-Psychological Association). Edited by HENRY MAUDSLEY, M.D. and T. S. CLOUSTON, M.D. Contents. The Morrisonian Lectures on Insanity, for 1873. Edited by T. S. The Morbid Psychology of Criminals: the Special Delusions of Pri- Two Cases of Insanity dependent on Syphilis. By Samuel Wilks, M.D. Pathological Appearances observed in the Brains of the Insane. By Jean Jacques Rousseau: a Psychological Study. By J. Hawkes, M.D. Clinical Notes and Cases-Reviews of Recent Books on Mental Science The Voyages of the Zeni. Experimental Military Survey of the Russian Confines in Asia. Bibliography-Cartography. (E. G. Ravenstein, F.R.G.S.) Proceedings of Geographical Societies at Home and Abroad. The Authorized English Translation of this Masterpiece of Is now appearing, Weekly, in the Columns of ILLUSTRATED BY THE MOST EMINENT ARTISTS. Psychological Retrospect-Notes and News-Obituary-Appoint- THE BUILDER, conducted ments, &c. (To be continued Quarterly.) J. & A. Churchill, New Burlington-street. Now ready, No. LIV. New Series, price 48. UARTERLY JOURNAL of MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. QUARTER MEMOIRS. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Sympathetic Ganglia of the A Further Résumé of Recent Observations on the "Gonidia Ques- On Staining Sections with Magenta. By W. Hatchett Jackson, The Gastra Theory, the Phylogenetic Classification of the Animal REVIEW. The Microscope and Microscopical Technology. By Dr. H. Frey. NOTES and MEMORANDA.-A Finder for Hartnack's Microscopes- PROCEEDINGS of SOCIETIES. Royal Microscopical Society - E V ENING A Family Magazine. HOURS: EDITED BY LADY BARKER. Monthly, large 8vo. 64 pages, price 6d. well Illustrated. Contents for APRIL, 1874. My Story. By the Author of 'Patty.' Chapters 10 to 12. With Page by Mr. GEORGE GODWIN, F.R.S., and fully illustrated, includes THIS WEEK 1, York-street, W.U.; and all Newsmen. THE VENICE MAIL: a Weekly Review of Art, Science, Commerce, Politics, and Literature. Published in Venice every Saturday, price ld.; in England, every Monday, price 2d. (postage included).-Annual Subscription (including postage), 98.. payable in English postage-stamps or by International Post-Office Order, addressed to the Director of the Venice Mail, 55, Piazza San Marco, Venice. Now ready, price 28., or post free, 28. 6d. THE NEWSPAPER PRESS DIRECTORY, 1874. Twenty-ninth Annual Issue, containing full particulars of every Newspaper, Magazine, and Periodical in the United Kingdom, with the Newspaper Map. C. Mitchell & Co., Advertising Contractors, 12 and 13, Red Lioncourt, Fleet-street, EC. Now ready, 8vo. 188. THE ANNUAL REGISTER: a Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the Year 1873. New Series. (All the Volumes of the New Series, 1863 to 1872, may be had, price 188. each.) Rivingtons, Waterloo-place, London; and the other Proprietors. Just ready, fcap. cloth, 58. The Resurrection and Thomas's Doubt: a Biblical Story. By the Rev. A STRING of PEARLS. By W. WATKINS OLD, Now ready, beautifully and profusely illustrated, Part I. of the UNIVERSAL REVIEW of MINING, METAL LURGY, PUBLIC WORKS, SCIENCE, and the INDUSTRIAL ARTS; being the ENGLISH EDITION of Revue Universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, des Travaux Publics, des Sciences, et des Arts Appliqués a l'Industrie,' conducted by M. CH. de CUYPER, Professor in Ordinary to the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Liége, Inspector of Studies in the School of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, &c. Contents of Part I. 1. Notes on Coke Ovens, with Two Plates. 2. Steel Rails as used by the Principal Railway Companies in France. 3. Applied Chemistry, as illustrated at the Universal Exhibition of Vienna, in 1873. 4. The International Congress on Patents of Invention. 5. On the Conditions of the Manufacture of Extra-Siliceous Pig Iron in the Blast Furnace. 6. Notes on Work performed by Compressed Air, with a Plate. 7. Boring Machines worked by Compressed Air; applied to Mining Operations on the System of MM. Dubois and François, with five Plates. 8. The Economy of Fuel: Experiments on a Boiler and a SteamEngine of 110 Horse-power, made at Lhoest-Lammens & Co.'s Paper-Mills, Maestricht, with two Plates. 9. Notes on Experiments made by M. Lhoest, at Maestrich. 10. Note on the Manufacture of Caoutchouc, and its Industrial Use, with a Plate. Author of The Passion-Play,' 'New Readings of Homer,' &c. MR. HEATH'S NEW AGRICULTURAL WORK. THE ENGLISH PEASANTRY. BY FRANCIS GEORGE HEATH, Author of The Romance of Peasant Life.' 11. The Manufacture of With a Cast Iron by Charcoal, in TORONTO of OLD: a Series of Collections and Recollections, illustrative of the Early Settlement and Social "It is a microcosm, an epitome of the Great Britain, mother of Toronto: Adam, Stevenson & Co. London: George Routledge & Sons, set at the Matriculation Examination of the Scientific Review. "The author of this book gives us a new Principia. Still, the The oceanic explorations at book is the production of a man present being conducted by the thoroughly well up in his own British Government give this work subject and many others collateral a special interest. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. Paternoster-row. NEW VOLUME OF THE RECORD OFFICE CALENDARS OF STATE PAPERS. In imperial 8vo. pp. 914, price 158. cloth, CALENDAR of STATE PAPERS, relating to Ireland, of the Reign of James I. 1606-1608, preserved in H.M. Public Record Office and elsewhere. Edited by C. W. RUSSELL. D.D., and J. P. PRENDERGAST, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls, and with the sanction of Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department. The Series, of which this is the Second Volume, is in continuation of the Irish State Papers commencing with the Reign of Henry VIII; but, for the reign of James 1. the Papers are not confined to those in the Public Record Office of England. London: Longmans & Co., and Trübner & Co. Oxford: Parker & Co. Cambridge: Macmillan & Co. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black. Dublin: A. Thom. A "A very remarkable book. The verses are singularly vigorous and emphatic. Mr. Wilson is an earnest and fearless thinker, who can give impassioned and powerful utterance to his thoughts." Scotsman. "Gifted both as a poet and philosopher; it is generally easy enough to get at his thinking, which is often subtle and profound." Glasgow Herald. "The most obvious merit of this Creed in rhyme is its holdness. Mr. Wilson is an able and an honest singer. We question whether a bolder book of verse has been published during the last twenty years." London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. NOW READY, 4to. bound in cloth, price 12s. 6d. ; or calf Dedicated to the Corporation of the City of London, CIVITAS LONDINUM, RALPH AGAS. A SURVEY OF THE CITIES OF LONDON ADJACENT. THIS very ancient and rare Map, which is attributed to RALPH AGAS, and of which only two copies are now known to exist, is a survey of London, &c., in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It has, by permission of the Corporation, been reproduced in Facsimile by EDWARD J. FRANCIS, from the Copy preserved in the Library at Guildhall. The size of the Map is 6 feet by 2 feet 4 inches. With it is published, A BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF RALPH AGAS, AND A CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL EXAMINATION And of the several so-called Reproductions of By W. H. OVERALL, F.S.A., Librarian to the Corporation of the City of London. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "OLD LONDON.-Messrs. Adams & Francis, of 59, Fleetstreet, have just published, under the title of Civitas Londinum, Ralph Agas,' a very curious and interesting survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent, which is attributed to Ralph Agas, and of which only two original copies are now known to exist. It is a survey of London, &c., in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and has, by permission of the Corporation, been reproduced in fac-simile, by Edward J. Francis, from the copy preserved in WILL BE READY ON TUESDAY, APRIL 7th, At every Library and Bookseller's, JOHNNY LUDLOW. READY ON TUESDAY, In 3 Volumes, crown 8vo. RICHARD BENTLEY & SON, New Burlington-street. SAMUEL TINSLEY'S ANNALS of the TWENTY-NINTH "From beginning to end the book is one long catalogue of The TICHBORNE and ORTON AUTO GRAPHS; comprising Autograph Letters of Roger Tich- the Library at Guildhall. The size of the map is 6 feet by CHASTE as ICE, PURE as SNOW. 2 ft. 4 in. Mr. Overall, Librarian to the Corporation, has written, to accompany the map, a biographical account of Ralph Agas, and a critical and historical examination of the work, and of the several 'so-called' reproductions of it by Vertue and others." From the Standard, April 1. By Mrs. M. C. DESPARD. 3 vols. 31s. 6d. "Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny."-Hamlet. Dr. MIDDLETON'S DAUGHTER. By the AUTHOR of 'A DESPERATE CHARACTER.' 3 vols. "OLD LONDON.-Messrs. Adams & Francis have pub- "TWIXT CUP and LIP. plan of the city, properly so-called, remains almost the same, xecuted reproduction has more than a mere antiquarian interest. It shows us what was the condition, in many interesting particulars, of the metropolis at one of the most renowned periods of its history, and it affords to all citizens the means of making investigations and researches that will be both profitable and entertaining. We heartily welcome such a useful work." ADAMS & FRANCIS, 59, Fleet-street, E.C. Author of Building upon Sand,' 'Nearer and Dearer,' &c. 3 vols. [Just ready. DISINTERRED. From the Boke of a WEBS of LOVE. SAMUEL TINSLEY, 10, Southampton-street, Strand. L. REEVE & CO.'S ORCHIDS, and HOW to GROW THEM in INDIA and other TROPICAL CLIMATES. By SAMUEL JENNINGS, F.L.S. F.R.H.S., late Vice-President of the AgriHorticultural Society of India. Parts I. and II., each with 4 Coloured Plates, 58. BOTANICAL MAGAZINE: Figures and Descriptions of New and Rare Plants. By Dr. HOOKER, C.B. F.R.S. Monthly, with 6 Coloured Plates, 38. 6d.; Annual Subscription, 428. ** Re-issue, Vols. I. to IV., each 428.; to Subscribers for the entire Series, 368. FLORAL MAGAZINE. New Series, enlarged to royal 4to. Figures and Descriptions of the choicest New Flowers for the Garden, Stove, or Conservatory. Monthly, with 4 Coloured Plates, 38. 6d.; Annual Subscription, 428. CONCHOLOGIA ICONICA: Figures and Descriptions of the Shells of the Mollusca. By LOVELL REEVE, F.L.S., and G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S. Double Part, 312 and 312, with 16 Coloured Plates, 4to. 208. LAHORE to YARKAND: Incidents of the Route and Natural History of the Countries traversed by the Expedition of 1870, under T. D. Forsyth, Esq., C.B. By GEORGE HENDERSON, M.D., F.L.S. F.R.G.S., and ALLAN O. HUME, Esq., C.B. F.ZS. With 32 Coloured Plates of Birds and 6 of Plants, 26 Photographic Views of the Country, and a Map of the Route. 42. YOUNG COLLECTOR'S HANDY. BOOKS. By the Rev. H. P. DUNSTER. Cuts. I. BOTANY. NEW SERIES of NATURAL HISTORY, For BEGINNERS and AMATEURS. BRITISH BEETLES. By E. C. Rye. 16 Coloured Plates. 198. 6d. BRITISH SPIDERS. By E. F. Staveley. 16 Coloured Plates. BRITISH FERNS. By M. Plues. 16 Coloured Plates. 108. 6d. OUTLINES of BOTANY. By G. Bentham. 2s. 6d. Published under Government auspices. BRITISH INDIA. By Dr. Hooker. Parts I. and II. 108. 6d. each. FLORA CAPENSIS. By Dr. Harvey. Vols. I. and II. 128, each TROPICAL AFRICA. By Professor Oliver. Vols. I. and II., 208 NEW ZEALAND. By Dr. Hooker. 308. The TOURIST'S FLORA: a Descriptive Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the British Islands, L. REEVE & Co. 5, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden. |