6304 Sporting Magazine, from May, 1825 (vol. xvi., N.S.) to December, 1863 (wanted November to April, 1827-8; November to April, 1830-1; November to April, 1841-2; January to June, 1845), plates, all the titles excepting three, 73 vol., half calf, in two different bindings, 1825-63, 8vo. (205) Quaritch, £20 6305 Sporting Review. July, 1847 to December, 1862, plates, 30 vol., half calf, 1847-62, 8vo. (205A) Quaritch, £10 6306 Studio (The), vol. i. to xxxiii. (duplicate vol. xxiii.) and vol. xxxv., with Index vol. and 7 extra volumes, together 41 vol., publisher's cloth, 1893-1905, 8vo. (204) Edwards, £4 IOS. Hornstein, £ 11S. "Phiz" 6307 Surtees (R. S.) Ask Mamma, parts i.-ix. (should be i-xiii.), with the wrappers, 1857, 8vo. (114) 6308 Surtees (R. S.) Hawbuck Grange, 8 etchings by (Library copy), original red cloth, uncut, 1847, 8vo. (115) Sotheran, £145. 6309 Symonds (J. A.) Sketches in Italy and Greece, cloth, 1874, 8vo. (413) Edwards, £1 6310 [Tennyson (A. Lord).] Helen's Tower, Clandeboye, limp morocco, Privately printed (1861), 4to. (229) Johnston, £4 5s. [Large 4to., issued in glazed pink wrapper. A copy of this work realised £56 in November, 1899; £22 in March, 1903; £14 15s. in July, 1903; and £5 in March, 1904. -ED.] 6311 Terrific Register (The), 2 vol., boards, uncut, Sherwood, 1825, 8vo. (484) Spencer, £1 9s. 6312 Tymms and Wyatt. Art of Illuminating, 100 plates in gold, silver and colours, cloth, 1860, 4to. (269) Hornstein, Li 6313 Villon (F.) Poems, by John Payne, vellum gilt, 1892, 8vo. (152) Forrester, 1 25. 6314 Vyner (R. T.) Notitia Venatica, first edition, plates by H. Alken, cloth, uncut, 1841, 8vo. (489) Pickering, £2 8s. 6315 Walton (Isaac). The Life of Mr. Rich. Hooker, first edition, MS. marginal notes, original sheep, 1665, 8vo. (130) Dobell, £1 18s. 6316 Wedmore (F.) Turner and Ruskin, LARGE PAPER, India proofs, 2 vol., 1900, 4to. (527) Bull, I IS. XXII. 29 [MAY 11TH, 12TH AND 13TH, 1908.] SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. A MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION. (No. of Lots, 848; amount realised, £2,169 4s. 6d.) (a) A Portion of the Library of a Gentleman (most of the volumes bound in morocco, calf or russia, g.e., were from the Beckford Library). 6317 Acosta (Joseph). Historie of the East and West Indies, translated by E. G. (Edward Grimstone), half calf gilt, y.e., 1604, 4to. (102) H. Stevens, £5 5s. 6318 Actis (The) and Constitutiounis of the Realme of Scotland, maid in Parliamentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie and mychtie Princeis Kingis James I., II., III., IV., V., and in tyme of Marie, now Quene of Scottis . . . Anno Do. 1566, black letter, large woodcut of the arms of Queen Mary on title (cut into), (margins of 2 leaves mended and some stained), Edinburgh, Robert Lekpreuik, 1566, folio (173) Barnard, £5 [Autograph of "Alexr. Boswel, Edr. 1730," on fly-leaf, and MS. note "The Black Acts of Parliament, to which is subjoin'd, in manuscript, Excerpts from the Records of Parliament [1467-1579]."-Catalogue.] 6319 Alberti (L.) Description des Cafres, sur la Côte Méridionale de l'Afrique, fine paper, coloured plates, morocco extra, g. e., by C. Lewis, Amst., 1811, 8vo. (1) Essex, 11s. 6320 Allison (T.) Voyage from Archangel, with 2 charts, calf gilt, g. e., by Kalthoeber, 1699, 8vo. (2) Pickering, 175. 6321 America. Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes, by John Woolman, part i., uncut, t. e. g., Philadelphia, James Chattin, 1754-Part ii., g. e., Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall, Philadelphia, 1762, the earliest protest against the keeping of negroes, in 1 vol., calf extra by W. Pratt, 8vo. (3) H. Stevens, £3 3s. 6322 Andrews (H. C.) Geraniums, vol. i., 1805-Monograph of the Genus Rosa, vol. i., 1805, coloured plates, half russia, uncut, 4to. (104) Wesley, £2 145. 6323 Andrews (H. C.) Roses, 129 coloured plates, with descriptive text, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilt, g. e., 1805-28, 4to. (103) Quaritch, £13 5s. 6324 Anson (George Lord). Voyage round the World, LARGE PAPER, 42 plates, presentation copy from Lord Anson, contemporary morocco, g. e., 1748, 4to. (105) Black, £4 10s. 6325 Aranda (E. d'.) History of Algiers and its Slavery, English'd by John Davies, frontispiece, russia, g. e., 1666, 8vo. (5) Pickering, 1 6s. 6326 Aranda (E. d'.) Relation de la Captivité du Sieur Emanuel d'Aranda, morocco, g.e., Paris, 1657, 8vo. (4) Black, £1 2s. 6327 Baltimore (F. Lord). Tour to the East, coloured folding plan of Constantinople and plates, contemporary morocco, g. e., with inscription "From the Author," from the Beckford library, 1767, 8vo. (7) Black, LI 15s. 6328 Barnes (J.) Gerania, a new Discovery of a little sort of People, called Pygmies, frontispiece, tree-calf gilt, g.e., by Kalthoeber, 1675, 8vo. (8) Sotheran, 16s. 6329 Barnes (Juliana). The Gentlemans Academie, or The Booke of S. Albans, by G[ervase] M[arkham], woodcuts, morocco extra, g.e., by Rivière and Son, 1595, 4to. (107) Quaritch, £19 6330 Beaumont and Fletcher. Dramatick Works, 2 portraits and 54 engravings, 10 vol., original calf, 1778, 8vo. (10) Essex, £275. 6331 Bedford. Pinetum Woburnense [by J. Forbes], frontispiece, coloured plates (100 copies only printed), morocco extra, g. e., by J. Clarke, 1839, super imperial 8vo. (13) Quaritch, £7 5s. 6332 Beckford (William). An Arabian Tale [Vathek], first edition, original boards, uncut (back defective), 1786, 8vo. (12) Tregaskis, L2 4s. Doyle, 18s. 6333 Behn (Mrs. Aphra). Plays, portrait by Cole, 4 vol., original calf, 1724, 8vo. (14) Bain, £3 12s. 6d. 6334 Beloe (William). Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vol., calf gilt, 1807-12, 8vo. (15) 6335 Belon du Mans (Pierre). L'Histoire de la Nature des Oyseaux, first edition, woodcuts of birds (last leaf mended), old calf, Paris (date tampered with), 1555, folio (175) Wesley, £2 6336 Belon (Pierre). Observations de plusieurs Singularitez et Choses memorables, woodcuts (a portion of two cut off), stamped russia, Paris, 1588, 4to. (109) Bloomfield, £3 6337 Booth (E. T.) Rough Notes, coloured plates, 3 vol., half morocco gilt, R. H. Porter, 1881-87, folio (177) W. Brown, £15 10s. 6338 Borri (C.) Cochin-China, by Robert Ashley (headlines shaved), russia, g. e., 1633, 4to. (110) Ellis, £2 6339 Borrow (George). Wild Wales, first edition, 3 vol., original cloth, uncut, 1862, 8vo. (16) Bain, £4 2s. 6d. 6340 Boswell (John). Workes of Armorie, first edition, black letter, woodcuts (several leaves soiled, and 2 supplied from a smaller copy), calf, 1572, 4to. (111) Walford, 18s. 6341 Brown (Edward). Travels in Hungaria, Styria, etc., plates, 1673-Travels in Germany, plates, 1677, in 1 vol., original morocco gilt, 4to. (113) Tregaskis, £1 105. Voyage to BuenosPotosi, folding map, 6342 Buenos Ayres. A Relation of R. M.'s Ayres, and from thence by Land to morocco, g. e., 1716, 8vo. (18) 6343 Burney (Miss). Camilla, first edition, wrappers, uncut, 1796, 8vo. (19) 5 Ellis, 2 14s. vol., original paper Tregaskis, 45s. 6344 Burton (William). Description of Leicestershire, LARGE PAPER, portrait by Delaram, and engraved title, map and coats-of-arms, russia, g. e., from the library of Sir M. M. Sykes, with his arms stamped on the sides (1622), folio (179) Bain, £5 155. 6345 Chappell (William). Old English Popular Music, handmade paper (one of 100 copies), 2 vol., half parchment, uncut, 1893, 8vo. (115) Edwards, £1 125. 6346 Cieza de Leon (Peter de). Travels through Peru, map and cuts, russia, g. e., 1709, 8vo. (116) Ellis, £1 135. 6347 Clusius (Car.) Rariorum Plantarum Historia, Antverpiae, ex officina Plantiniana, apud J. Moretum, 1601-Exoticorum, libri decem item Petri Bellonii Observationes (Lugd. Bat.), 1605, engraved titles and woodcuts, uniformly bound in morocco extra, g. e., folio (182) Leighton, £2 16s. 6348 Columna (F.) Purpura, plates, Roma, 1616 Minus cognitarum rariorumque Stirpium Ecphrasis. Aquatilibus aliisque Animalibus, portrait and plates (a leaf in vol. i. damaged), 2 vol., ib., 1616, together 3 vol. in I, morocco, g. e., by Roger Payne, 4to. (117) Item de Wesley, £2 16s. 6349 Cook (Captain James). First Voyage round the World, by John Hawkesworth, 3 vol., 1773-Third Voyage, by Cook and King, 3 vol., 1784, cuts, charts and maps, together 6 vol., russia gilt, g. e., 4to. (118) Edwards, £3 5s. 6350 Cowley (Abraham). Works, portrait by Faithorne, con temporary morocco, g. e., 1688, folio (184) Bain, £3 18s. 6351 Curtis (William). Botanical Magazine, coloured plates, vol. i. to lxxiv., in 53 vol. (vol. xvii. wanted title, vol. lxxiv. wanted title and dedication), half morocco, y. e., 1793-1848 -General Indexes to the first 53 vol., portrait, uncut, 1828-General Index to the Latin names and Synonyms in the first 107 vol., 1883, together 55 vol., 8vo. (25) Wesley, £23 10S. 6352 Curtis (William). Flora Londinensis, coloured plates, descriptions by Sir W. J. Hooker, 5 vol., russia gilt, g.e., 1817-28, folio (185) Quaritch, £22 6353 Darwin (Charles). Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, map, 1842 Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands, plan, stamp on title, 1844-Geological Observations on South America, plates, stamp on title, 1846Origin of Species, 1860-Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, 1860 -How British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects, illustrations, 1862 Variation of Animals and Plants, illustrations, 2 vol., 1868 Descent of Man, illustrated, 2 vol., 1871 - Expression of the Emotions, illustrations, 1872 Climbing Plants, illustrated, 1875Insectivorous Plants, illustrations, 1875-Cross and Self Fertilisation, 1876-Different Forms of Flowers, illustrated, 1877-Power of Movement in Plants, illustrations, 1880Vegetable Mould, illustrated, 1881, together 17 vol., half morocco, t. e. g. (uniform), 8vo. (26) Sotheran, £8 15s. 6354 Davy (Henry). A Series of (70) Etchings, illustrative of the Architectural Antiquities of Suffolk, with an Historical Index, original morocco, Southwold, published by the author, 1827 (186) W. Daniell, £1 8s. 6355 [Defoe (D.)] An Essay upon Projects, first edition, morocco super extra, g. e., by Rivière, 1697, 8vo. (27) Dobell, £2 12s. 6356 Defoe (D.) The Great Law of Subordination, first edition, russia, y. e., by Bedford, 1724, 8vo. (28) Black, £3 8s. 6357 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 4 vol. — Aedes Althorpianae Cassano Catalogue Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, portraits and views, and woodcut facsimiles, complete set, 7 vol., morocco extra, g. e., by J. Clarke, 1814-23, imperial 8vo. (29) Essex, £8 6358 Dilettanti Society. Ionian Antiquities, by R. Chandler, N. Revett and W. Pars, plates, 2 vol., russia super extra, g.e., by Kalthoeber, 1769-97, folio (187) Edwards, £1 11s. 6359 Duret (Claude). Histoire admirable des Plantes et Herbes, woodcuts, morocco gilt, g. e., Paris, 1605, 8vo. (32) Shepherd, £3 75. 6360 Edwards (John). Select Collection of One Hundred Plates, consisting of the most beautiful Exotic and British Flowers, original green morocco, g. e., 1775, folio (188) Wesley, £4 10s. 6361 Evelyn (John). Sylva, fifth edition, portrait by Bartolozzi and plates, 2 vol., russia gilt, 1825, 4to. (122) Young, LI 125. 6362 Falconbridge (Anna M.) Two Voyages to Sierra Leone, fine paper, morocco, g. e., by Kalthoeber, 1794, 8vo. (35) Edwards, 19s. 6363 Fielding (Henry). Amelia, first edition, 4 vol., original calf, A. Millar, 1752, 8vo. (36) Bain, £55s. 6364 Finlayson (George). Mission to Siam and Hué, with Memoir of the Author, by Raffles, frontispiece, from the Beckford library, with 4 pages of MS. notes by Beckford, half morocco, g. e., 1825, 8vo. (37) Shepherd, 16s. 6365 Fox (George), John Stubs, and Benjamin Furley. A BattleDoor for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural. You to Many, and Thou to One. Singular One, Thou; Plural Many, You. On the verso of the last leaf is pasted a very rare slip, signed G. F., relating to the Pope's pride in using "You to One," evidently the original impression, and inserted is a MS. copy of a letter from John Stubs to George Fox, relating to the publication of the book, morocco extra, g.e., by Rivière and Son, 1660, folio (189) Quaritch, £5 6366 Franchiere (J. de). La Fauconnerie, woodcuts of falcons, initial letters, morocco super extra, g. e., by Rivière and Son, Paris, 1585, 4to. (124) Tregaskis, £12 10s. 6367 Frere (John Hookham). Fables for Children Five Years Old, morocco super extra, t. e. g., by F. Bedford, Malta, 1830, Quaritch, LI IIS. 8vo. (39) |