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things are passing now. Christchurch in the distance; Worcester, St. John's, and Trinity near; and nearer than all, Baliol, in front of which the flames were kindled to receive them, and their ashes and blood fell mingled to the ground,—a libation to Popish fury, and a testimony to Protestant truth, so long as the streets of Oxford and its magnificent erections shall remain. Awful will be the responsibility of that man, be he mitred prelate, or professional teacher, or officiating priest, who, within that city, or connected with it, shall frustrate the design, or corrupt the doctrine, or damage the cause, for which their precious blood was shed! The "Martyrs' Memorial" will be a witness against him. "The stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it."

First and foremost of the three we must notice that keen, sagacious, and venerable form, which reminds us of Him that "preached in the wilderness of Judea," and seems framed for the purpose of endurance, "reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness." It is that of the aged Latimer. When young he was full of zeal and fury in the cause of the Papacy, and against the Reform; so much so, that he had dared to publish an oration in opposition to Philip Melancthon, and was honoured with the office of crossbearer, whose duty it was to carry the cross in the Popish processions of Cambridge University. But God had mercy upon him, and called him out of darkness into "his marvellous light." He then became an earnest preacher of the faith which once he sought to destroy. When King Henry began to throw off the visible shackles of the Pope's dominion, Latimer, who was zealously waging war with error, was, with other favourers of the Reformation, called into notice, and appointed a preacher in London. Soon after, he was raised to the See of Worcester. In both places, and in m ny others, he ex

ercised his ministry with much fidelity and power; and the sermons preached by him at "Paul's Shrouds," which yet remain, are specimens of the faithful and fearless manner in which he taught the people "the faith of Christ." The enemies of truth, however, were soon awake. They influenced the king's mind. The "Act of the Six Articles" was passed. And at the instigation of Gardner, the infamous Bishop of Winchester, this faithful man was committed to the Tower, where he was detained a prisoner during the remaining six years of the sovereign's reign. When Edward the Sixth succeeded to the throne he was set at liberty, and urged to resume his bishopric; but this he declined, and preferred to "do the work of an evangelist," by preaching the gospel in all places to which he could gain access. This he did principally in London and its vicinity, but with frequent visits, also, to various parts of the country. But this continued only during the mournfully brief period of Edward's reign. On the accession of Mary, the dark cloud soon overspread the land. The faithful witnesses for Christ were everywhere imprisoned and persecuted; and a citation was sent from the Council immediately to Latimer to appear before them. It found him at Coventry. He arrived in London, and was again committed to the Tower. Cranmer and Ridley were soon his fellow-prisoners. There they continued for some time. In April, 1554, the three bishops were conveyed to Oxford, where they were appointed publicly to dispute with the Romanists on the sacrament. But it was absolute mockery; and after the discussion, in which they were allowed to say but ittle, they were condemned to die. A few months of imprisonment intervened. Latimer and Ridley were to suffer first. On the morning of the 16th of October, 1555, they were brought to the spot on which the stake was driven, and the flames were to be

enkindled upon them. It was directly in front of Baliol College. All being prepared, a lighted faggot was brought and laid at Ridley's feet. Latimer then turned, and addressed his fellow-sufferer in these memorable words: "Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out." After a few minutes of unutterable agony, spent by him in | prayer, the venerable martyr expired, and his happy spirit took its departure to the realms of rest, to be "present with the Lord."

attracted crowds of willing hearers around him wherever he went. His domestic establishment at Fulham was a pattern of Christian order, and of what a Bishop's" should be. His public spirit was not less remarkable. By his zealous and active benevolence, and the influence he had with the king, the noble foundations of Christ's Hospital, St. Bartholomew, Bridewell, and Bethlehem were laid in the chief city of our land. All this was too much to be endured when the bigoted Mary came to the throne. As soon as her authority was established, Ridley was committed to the Tower; Cranmer and Latimer were his associates in sorrow there; and in April, 1554, as intimated above, they were all sent to Oxford. In the disputation with the Papists which ensued, it is observed that, "from his knowledge of the Greek language, and his being versed in the writings of the fathers, he was enabled to correct many attempts of the Romanists to pervert the meaning of the ancient writers." At the close of the discussion, the three Bishops were condemned as heretics; and as he heard the conclusion, Ridley replied to his accusers, "Although I be not of your company, yet I doubt not but my name is written in another place, whither this sentence will send us sooner than we should have come by the course of nature." They were not put to death at that time, but were closely confined, and cruelly entreated, at Oxford, till the autumn of 1555. When the awful morning arrived, Ridley, just in the maturity of his manhood and vigour, was led forth to suffer with his aged friend and companion, to whom he said, as they approached the ap

Ridley, the honoured companion in tribulation with Latimer, was much his junior, and a man of somewhat different natural qualities, but equally and eminently qualified for the great part he was to sustain in the struggles and work of the Reformation. His education and early discipline were somewhat dissimilar also; and, on account of his superior native powers and eminent attainments, he sooner rose to influence and celebrity. Having travelled on the Continent, and studied at the Universities of Paris and Louvain, he had acquired more largely the various branches of learning, and took particular delight in the original New Testament Scriptures, a great portion of which he committed to memory. By this means his mind became enlightened, and, by the grace of the Spirit, renewed. This ill qualified him to minister, or to continue in the Papal hierarchy. He therefore gradually, but firmly, renounced it; and adopting the principles of Protestant truth, he rose to different offices under Cranmer on the side of the Reformation. On the accession of Ed-pointed spot, and within sight of the ward, he was appointed one of the preachers at court; made Bishop of Rochester; and soon after raised to the See of London. His delight was to preach the glorious gospel of the blessed God;" and by his eloquent, affecting, and instructive discourses, he

pile, "Be of good heart, brother, for God will either assuage the fury of the flame, or else strengthen us to abide it." It was so. As he was fastened to the stake, and the fuel placed around him, he lifted up his hands towards heaven, and prayed, "O Heavenly Father, I

give thee most hearty thanks that thou | he would endure no greater than hast called me to be a professor of thee, himself in his kingdom, there were emieven to death. I beseech thee, Lord nent men of God at the same time scatGod, have mercy upon the realm of tering the seeds of Protestant truth England, and deliver her from all her throughout the land, and labouring to enemies." After a few minutes, as the instruct the people in the things which fire encircled him, and caused him ex- belonged to their eternal welfare. This cruciating agonies, he exclaimed, "O it was that laid the foundation, and Lord, receive my spirit!" and then, in secured the ultimate success, of the Rethe midst of bodily torments, perhaps formation; and to their evangelistic never surpassed, fell asleep, to receive efforts are we indebted for the light the martyr's crown in the courts above. which now shines on the British Isles. Cranmer, the third and last of the Of these Cranmer was one. His labours illustrious "three," and so placed simply were prodigious, and principally directed because he survived the other two, and to the circulation of the Divine Word. did not suffer martyrdom till the follow- His self-denial and Christian spirit were ing year, was a man of noble character, eminent. His zeal unwearied, and his and of noble exploits in the cause of plans most numerous, applied with all God his Saviour. Raised to the highest the influence which his commanding elevation of the Church and of the land situation gave him, for the promotion in the most eventful times, he had the of the cause which he loved, and to most difficult duties to perform, and which he wished all his honours to be the most formidable opposition to en- devoted. For above twenty years they counter, of any individual who was ever were; and, from the time of his exaltaraised to so responsible a station. The tion to the day of his imprisonment in cause of Reform, in early life, had taken the Tower, few men have accomplished deep hold both of his judgment and his more for the cause of God and truth heart, and this was confirmed by inter- than did he. His enemies were numecourse with the Continent, and the rous. They multiplied in proportion to study of continental divines. When his fidelity, and the unswerving confiappointed by King Henry the Eighth dence reposed in him by the king. to fill the See of Canterbury, though Many times was he exposed to their contrary to his own desires and wishes, machinations and their power, and had his great learning and abilities, and his well nigh become the victim of them; known attachment to Protestant truth, but an invisible Hand preserved him distinguished him as eminently qualified through all the changes of his eventful for that situation, and made all the career. At length Henry dies. Edlovers of the pure doctrine and worship ward reigns. Protestant truth and worof God rejoice that the archiepiscopal ship, promoted and rejoiced over by dignity had fallen into such hands. To Cranmer, are established in the land, that elevation he brought with him a and the nation walked in the "light of large knowledge and ardent love of the the Lord." But ere long our British Holy Scriptures, and an earnest deter- Josiah expires. The dark cloud gathers. mination to give them the pre-eminence The bloodthirsty Mary ascends the above all the writings and authority of throne; and the shafts of her malice, Pope, or fathers, in ecclesiastical affairs. and that of her Popish instigators, are Honourably and faithfully did he carry soon directed against this conspicuous out that determination; and whilst man. His troubles now begin. One Henry was contending with the Pontiff, stroke after another speedily arrests him. perhaps principally for the accomplish- Long had he been the object of Papal ment of his own purposes, and because intrigue and hatred; and these now,

with accumulated force, find vent against him. "The archers sorely grieve him, and shoot at him." Mary encourages all; nay, is determined he shall not live. He is imprisoned-examined-condemned - degraded: the common jail of Oxford receives him; and, in solemn mockery of earth and of heaven, he is handed over to the secular power. Whilst in that condition, awed by his superior sanctity, learning, and talents, the emissaries of Rome wish, if possible, to have to say that so great a man was secretly on their side. For this purpose they prepare an equivocal document, which they style a recantation, and, either by threats or allurements, constrain the venerable sufferer to affix to it his signature. It was an unhappy hour. The terrors of death were before him. The love of life, and probably the hope of longer usefulness, was in him; and nature failed;-to teach us that the greatest and best of men, when left to themselves, are weak and frail, and, as much as the humblest, dependent upon Him who hath said, "Without me ye can do nothing." Cranmer fell; but he rose again. Like Peter, he dishonoured his Lord; but like that Apostle, too, it cost him many tears, and "he went out and wept bitterly." In private, they extorted from him an equivocal recantation; in public he soon renounced it, and testified his faith in those great truths and doctrines he had professed so long, and for attachment to which he was doomed to die. St. Mary's Church at Oxford witnessed his penitential sorrows, his fervent prayers, and the noble confession which he made in the presence of many witnesses. And as he was led to the spot on which he was to suffer, and chained to the awful stake," This hand," said he, "that hath offended, this unworthy right hand, shall suffer first." So say. ing, he thrust it first into the flames, exclaiming, as they kindled around him, and consumed his emaciated frame, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" The


earth was strewed with his ashes-the minions of the Pope rejoiced to behold them-but heaven triumphed when he entered there! Who can but exclaim, with the pious Doddridge


"Blest men, who stretch their willing hands Submissive to their Lord's commands, And yield their liberty and breath To Him that loved their souls in death. "Lead me to suffer, and to die,

If thou, my gracious Lord, art nigh: One smile from thee my heart shall fire, And teach me, smiling, to expire. "If nature at the trial shake, And from the cross, or flames, draw back, Grace can its feeble courage raise, And turn its trembling into praise. "While scarce I dare, with Peter, say 'I'll boldly tread the bleeding way;' Yet in thy steps, like John, I'd move With humble hope and silent love."

Unfeigned pleasure would it give us to expatiate among the rest of the great cloud of witnesses" which stood up so nobly for the truth of God in those days, and to ruminate over the remains which have come down to us of their faithfulness and zeal, their labours and sufferings in the cause of righteousness. Who that ever glances at their eventful history, or more patiently investigates their writings and their doings, but must glorify God in them, and be thankful that ever such heroes for the truth were raised up in our native land? "A great fight of afflictions" indeed did they endure; and pitiless was the storm of persecution which burst upon their heads. But in the midst of sufferings, and rebukes, and difficulties unparalleled, they laid the foundation of that superstructure beneath which we now repose with safety and delight. The wonder is, that they accomplished so much, not that they paused in the great work of reformation, and proceeded with it no further, but that, amidst circumstances so unfavourable, in spite of such powerful opposition, and themselves but lately come out of Egypt, they were the instruments of carrying it forward to

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such a degree. But recently they were enveloped in the thick darkness of Popery; trained up in its obscurity; and, with all the prejudices and predilections which association and early education gave, how bright must have been that light which shone upon their minds; bright especially in contrast with the surrounding gloom! How strong must have been the principles which had laid hold of their hearts! Their faith, how mighty! Their zeal, how fervent! Their convictions of the evils of Rome, how great! And their perception of and adherence to the word of God, how clear and firm! Verily, they grasped with a tenacious hand "the sword of the Spirit." They waged unsparing warfare against its enemies. They attacked the strongholds of the Papacy without much trembling, respect, or fear. Theirs was an opposition which no secondary motives could have prompted, which no false enthusiasm could have sustained, and which no mere expediency regulated. "Rase it, rase it to the ground!" was their watchword and their cry; and had their lives been spared, and their labours prolonged, we cannot for a moment doubt that every vestige of "the Man of Sin," and his accursed doings, would have been obliterated before now from our land. O what would they not have given for light, for privileges, for liberty, for facilities like ours! What would the Church of God at large, or the Episcopal Church in England, now have been, had they lived in our days! And shall there be none in these times to emulate their zeal, and carry out

their principles; to further and finish the work which they begun? A voice seems to come out of the stones of Oxford, on which they individually suffered, of some import to those that follow them, and second only in truth and authority to that of the apostle, "I have laid the foundation, but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon." And shall their successors not hear, and heed it? These devoted men, whilst they were the property of the universal Church of Christ, more particularly belonged to that portion of it which prevails at Oxford still. And, within its very borders, are their principles to be forgotten, their sufferings mocked, and their ashes despised? Forbid it, every emotion of gratitude, patriotism, philanthropy, and Christian love! All the recollections of the past, the obligations of the present, and the hopes of the future, unite to condemn it." Arise, O Lord, and plead thine own cause." Let the set time to favour the British Zion, in that part of it where darkness seems longest to linger, speedily come. Pour out thy Spirit afresh, and let there be a second Reform." How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge, and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth!" "Come forth out of thy royal chambers, O Prince of all the kings of the earth. Put on the visible robes of thy imperial majesty; take up that unlimited sceptre which thy almighty Father hath bequeathed thee: for now the voice of thy bride calls thee, and all creatures sigh to be renewed."

M. C.


"FAMILY PRAYER," says Mr. Cecil, | for his character. It proclaims life to "may be made a vast engine of power to the whole domestic circle. It says there is a God, and inspires reverence

come, and points to the spirit-land. It fixes the idea of responsibility in the mind, while it diffuses sympathy through

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