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cated in a manner fuitable to her mother's rank, and attended by Lidy, who had been Lady Sarah's Confidante. While fhe was at a Boardingfchool at Oxford, Lord Revell died, and fearing left his will might be contested by his relations, if he left Mifs Jenny too large a legacy, he chofe the expedient of depofiting a letter-cafe with one Sir Humphrey, who had been Lord Edward's friend and companion, containing fifteen thousand pounds in Bank-bills, of which he made Mifs Jenny a prefent, together with more than four thousand pounds, which was the produce of what her mother left behind her, befides her jewels.

Soon after Lord Revell's death, accident made Mifs Jenny, who was then turned of fifteen, acquainted with a young Baronet, Sir James Huntley, who warmly paid his addreffes to her. She, however, difcountenanced his pretenfions; and a fatal event fucceeded, which put her out of the reach of his folicitations.

Sir Humphrey, who undertook to fulfil Lord Revell's generous intentions, had contracted an intimacy with a loose woman, with whom he cohabited. Sir Humphrey being attacked with a violent fit of illnefs, imprudently trufted this woman with the keys of his fcrutore; and fhe, difcovering the hidden treasure which was the property of Mifs Jenny, took an opportunity one night of feizing those precious effects, with which he made her escape. This circumftance, together with his fickness, fo oppreffed Sir Humphrey, that he shortly died, and left Miss Jenny quite deftitute.

In this diftrefs, Mifs Jenny and her faithful Lidy, were obliged to take up their lodging in town, with Lidy's fifter; and it was determined, as their last resource, to make Mifs Jenny known to Lord Alderfon. Chance threw a fervant of Lord Alderson's in their way, who had attended Lady Sarah in her infancy; and by her means they were introduced into Lord Alderfon's family, as her vifitants. At the firft fight of Mifs Jenny, which was accidental, Lord Alderson felt a prepoffeffion in her favour, and grew exceedingly fond of her: but the no fooner made herself known to him, than he withdrew his kindness, and, after treating her and Lidy with the utmost cruelty and rigour, he turned them out of doors.

They returned to London in the utmost despair, and Miss, after many fruitless endeavours to be received as a companion to fome wealthy lady, found herself obliged to work for her fubfiftence. Thefe diftreffes and mortifications brought her into a decline, which seemed to forerun a confumption. As he was taking an airing, for the recovery of her health, in the Park, with a lady, fhe was met by Sir James Huntley, who affiduously renewed his addreffes, and offered, with unbounded generofity, to repair her fhattered fortune. She nevertheless declined being under any obligations to Sir James, and continued to folicit admiffion into fome reputable family. When Sir James understood this, he reproached her with unkindness, offered to make her his wife, and excufed himself for not making the propofal fooner, by alledging, that, if he had required her to make a facrifice of her liberty, before he conferred any obligations upon her, and made her condition independent, i would have appeared like taking advantage of her distress.

The delicacy of this fentiment moved Mifs Jenny, and, in the end, the yielded to his folicitations: And, upon his reprefenting that he was dependent

dependent on a relation, who preffed him to an interefted union, the confented to marry him privately. After their marriage they retired, for the fake of privacy, to a house near Islington, where they lived with eafe and elegance. At the end of ten months, the Court going to Tunbridge, Sir James, who had an office about the King's perfon, was obliged to attend: And, during his abfence, Mifs Jenny was furprized by a vifit from the Duchefs of Rutland, whofe curiofity led her to fee Mifs Jenny, whom the confidered in the light of a favourite wanton. This wrong impreffion occafioned her to treat Mifs Jenny with a familiarity which the refented, and after a good deal of mifunderftanding, the refult of this interview difclofed a fecret fatal to the young lady's peace. She learned that Sir James had impofed upon her under a feigned title; that he had been previously married to the Duchefs, who had taken a liking to him when he was young, and, upon his being ill-treated by his mother, had made him her husband, folely with a view to fecure him a large portion of her fortune, which she could not other. wise have made him mafter of; and that they nevertheless continued to live feparately: Laftly, That through the intereft of the Duchefs, he had, upon his marriage with her, been created Earl of Danby. These melancholy tidings threw Mifs Jenny into agonies of defpair; but the Duchefs, convinced of her innocence, comforted her, affured her of her protection, and fent her in her own coach, attended by her faithful Lidy, to one of her friends in town, whither she promised to follow, after paying a vifit of charity. In the way they met Lord Danby, on his return in a post-chaife, who, feeing the Duchess's coach and livery, flopped to pay his refpects; but, to his great furprize, found Mifs Jenny within instead of her Grace. Sufpecting that a difcovery had been made, he became defperate; and, taking her by force out of the coach, he carried her into his own poft-chaife, and drove to the house of one Peters, the perfon who had affumed the habit and function of a clergyman, and married him to Mifs Jenny.

Here the remained for fome time in a dangerous ftate of health, and in deep affliction of mind. At length, however, by the help of Peters's wife, he made her efcape, and took a lodging which Mrs. Peters had provided for her. From hence the in vain made enquiries after the Duchefs of Rutland; and, her little ftore of money and valuable effects being exhaufted, fhe was once more reduced to the loweft diftrefs, which was aggravated by the lofs of her faithful Lidy, who died of vexation. In this extreme calamity, accident raised her a friend in Lady Anglesey, who invited her to be her companion, and treated her in every refpect as her friend and equal. This affords room for an epifode, in which Lady Anglefey's hiftory is briefly related, and which we must pass over.

Lady Anglefey lived with her brother-in-law, Lord Arundel, whofe lady was incurably lunatic. Lord Arundel had other motives befides those of humanity, for recommending Mifs Jenny to Lady Anglefey's favour, as he had been the innocent inftrument of her fatal connection with Lord Danby: For, being with him on the day of his pretended marriage, and being a ftranger to his prior engagements, and to the impofition he meditated, he gave Mifs Jenny away to that bale betrayer.

After her efcape from Mr. Peters, Lord Danby, being dangerously

ill, confeffed the fraud to Lord Arundel, begged of him to ufe his ene deavours to discover her retreat, and to take her under his protection, promising never to moleft her: and, when he understood that chance had thrown her under Lord Arundel's roof, he religioufly kept his promise.

By degrees, Lord Arundel entertained a violent paffion for Mifs Jenny, which he carefully concealed; but an accident happened which occafioned him uncommon agitation. Lady Rutland dying, Lord Dan by offered to repair the wrong he had done Mifs Jenny, by making her his lawful wife, and preffed Lord Arundel to intercede for him, which he did from a principle of honour: but Mifs Jenny refufed the offer with the utmoft difdain and indignation. Soon after Lady Anglefey made her acquainted with Lord Arundel's fondnefs for her; and, his Lady being dangerously ill, Lady Anglefey preffed her not to reject his addreffes, in cafe he thould be free to make them; to which Mifs Jenny, with reluctance, and from mere principles of efteem and gratis tude, confeated. Lord Arundel foon after fet out to vifit his fick lady, after having obtaining a conditional promise of Miss Jenny's hand, whenever he fhould be free.

During his abfence, Mifs Jenny became acquainted with Lord Clare, who, to oblige à relation on whom he was dependent, paid forced ad dreffes to Lady Anglefey. Mifs Jenny now, for the first time, felt the power of love. In short, Lord Clare and the conceived a violent pafhon for each other: but Mifs Jenny, though with pain, ftifled her af feclions from principles of honour and gratitude. And Lord Arofe del returning, after having buried his lady, the voluntarily renewed her engagements with him, and a day was at length fixed for their marriage. But, on the eve of that day, Lord Arundel received a chal lenge from Lord Danby, which he accepted, and fell by the fword of his antagonist; having first made his will, by which he bequeathed Mifs Jenny a very ample fortune.

She remained for a long time inconfolable: and was fearce retovered, when the received a letter from the Viscounters Belmont, ac quainting her with Lord Clare's paffion for her, and foliciting her in his behalf. This for a while revived her former fentiments in his favour but the prefently recollected herself, and facrificed them to honour and friendthip. She gave him a pofitive and determined denial: in confequence of which he married Lady Anglefey; and Mifs Jenny, to avoid the ill confequentes which might chance to arife from a fmothered flame, retired to France, after having generously given up to Lady Anglesey, a great part of the eftate which the derived from Lord Aruna del's bounty.

Such are the general outlines of this Hiftory; in which the fentiments are, for the most part, highly affecting; the incidents are many of them uncommon, and the moral is laudable and inftructive.

R-a. Art. 18. The Tales of the Genii; or, the delightful Leffons of Horam, the Son of Almar. Faithfully tranflated from the Persian Manufcript; and compared with the French and Spanish Editions, published at Paris and Madrid. By Sir Charles, Morell, formerly Ambassader from the British Settlements in


India to the Great Mogal. 8vo. Published in Numbers at I s. each. Wilkie.

Thefe Tales, it is faid, were tranflated from a Perfian manuscript, and contain, under the most agreeable and pleasant fictions, all the moral duties and doctrines of life; fo that among the Eaftern nations they are efteemed as a fummary of Morality; and their entertaining variety is fo great, that few tribes in India are without the leffons of Horam the fon of Afmar.' The Reader who will take the Editor's word for all this, and pays a deference to the literary talle of the Indian tribes, may poffibly form an high idea of the entertainment to be met with in the Tales. For our own part, however, after reading thofe already published, we are by no means of the opinion of the French Writer, who is faid to bave recommended them as more pleasant than the Arabian Night, er the Perfian Tales. That they are equally wonderful and abfurd, is not to be denied; but we do not think fo highly of the moral application of them as the Editor would intimate. As to the tyle, it is fome of the most inflated, jejune bombast, that we remember ever to have read.


* Eleven Numbers were published when this article was written." Art. 19. A Letter concerning Epic Poems, taken from ScriptureHiftory. 8vo. bd. Waugh.

In our Review of the Meffiah, tranflated from the German, we took occafion to obferve, that the Poets of every nation have been the greateft enemies to the religion of their country, when, with the prevailing fyftem, they have incorporated the fables of their own invention, and resdered that an object of imagination, which fheuld fupport its credibility by reason and philofophy-We have the honour and the pleasure to find this learned and fenfible Writer, whofe Letter turns upon the fante fubject, entirely of our opinion.

• See Review, Vol. XXX. page 70.


Art. 20. The Hiftory of the Fortune Teller in the Old Baily. 8vo. 2s. Griffin.

If there were neither ignorance nor fuperftition in the world, there would be no Conjurors. Accordingly, in proportion as we have grown wifer than our ancestors, hath been the decrease of cunning-men among


Nevertheless, we have yet folly enough to maintain a few Mountebanks and Fortune-tellers; and, among the latter, one of diftinguifhed note hath. it seems, for many years palt, exercifed his aftrological functions, at his apartments near Ludgate-hill. The man, tho' fufficiently mote, is but little known; and therefore might reafonably be deemed an object of fome curiofity to fome people; and curiosity being the leading principle in catch-penny literature, the wonder is, that our catch penny Authors have not long ago feized this Old Baily forbject, and made the moft of him. However, he is here, at length made the mott of; being crammed into a tle page, and prefixed to a dozen of sheets, which, if they contain not a fyllable of the Fortune-teller's real history, may yet

ferve to amufe fuch Readers as are fond of loofe tales, and black-guard amours; the natural offspring of an Old Baily Biographer, or a Newgate Annalift.



Preached at St. Dunstan's, Stepney, October 28, 1764. By James Neale, M. A. of Pembroke-hall, Cambridge, late Head Mafter of the Grammar School of Henley upon Thames, and Curate of Bix, in the county of Oxford. Fuller.

2. The Duty of ferving one another in Love, opened and enforced,-at Little Baddow in Effex, at the Separation of the Rev. Mr. Évan Jones, to the office of a Paftor in that place, Sept. 20, 1764. By Thomas Gibbons, A. M. Buckland, &c.

3. The Chriftian's Concern that he may not be a Caft-away: exemplified in the conduct of the Apostle Paul; being two Difcourfes on 1 Cor. ix. 27. Published with a view to prevent a growing indulgence to the pleafures of fenfe, to the prejudice of vital and practical religion. By Benjamin Wallin. Buckland.


BY a Letter from the Rev. Dr. Edward Watkinfon*, we are informed, that he is the Author of An Admonition to the younger Clergy; which we had the pleasure of recommending to our Readers, in the Review for September laft, page 224.

Author of Effays on Gratitude, Economy, &c.

Crito's mention of fome late material Errors of the Prefs, is very obliging; the apology that he himself fuggests, drawn from the little time afforded by periodical Publications, for a due revifal of the prooffheets, is the real and only excufe we have to plead for fuch inaccuracies: and it is hoped, that all our Readers will make the fame candid allowance for imperfections infeparable from the plan of our work.

11 The Letter from Golden-fquare is received. If the Author of the printed Advertisement which accompanied that Letter, will pleafe to honour the Reviewers with his occafional correfpondence, on that fub-" ject of which he is fo confeffedly a Mafter, it will be highly acceptable. His addrefs is requested.

The APPENDIX to the Monthly Review, Vol. XXXI. (containing FOREIGN LITERATURE) will be published on the First day of February next: and will also contain the GENERAL TITLE, Table of CONTENTS, and INDEX to the faid Volume. At the fame time will be published, The REVIEW for JANUARY, 1765.

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