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35. The proceeding to the church of the funeral of Sir William Cicill lord Burghley his mother, lord Treasurer of England.'-fol. 85.

36. The coronation of King James and Queene Anne his wife 25 July 1603.'-fol. 86.


The proceading to the parliament at Westminster the 5th of April anno 1614'-fol. 106 b.


The proceeding to the parliament at Westminster the 30th day of January, anno 1620.'—fol. 107 b.

This is a much more particular account than that in Nichols, iv. 650.
'A catalogue of the Nobilitie made anno 1624 accordinge

to their creations.'-fol. 110.

40. Knights of the bath made at Whithall at the coronation of Kinge Charles, the 1. February, anno 1625.-fol. 115.


41. The proceadinge to the funerall of a knight in London.' -fol. 118.

Dd. XII. 66.

A paper book, in octavo, on 149 pages, besides 5 pages of table of contents, in a neat hand, of the xvi1th century. A Treatise on the PARLIAMENT OF ENGLAND.

It begins (p. 1):

Parliament. Of what Persons this Court consisteth. Of the King in his Royall politique capacity, and of the 3 Estates of the Realm, (vizt.) The Lords spiritual....

Dd. XII. 67.

An octavo, on parchment, containing ff. 172, with 21 lines in each page. There are illuminated initials, occasional vignettes and borders, and musical notes to each Psalm. Date, early in the xvth century.


The first 6 leaves contain the Kalendar, several additional saints being inserted in a later hand, and also the obits of various private individuals, Katerine Sted, Cicilie Fildray (1401), Katerine Paston, William Sutton, William Fildray: f. 10 is missing, and f. 59 is replaced by a later hand, which has paged the volume throughout.

The Psalter begins f. 7, and ends f. 151, when the Canticles follow, and f. 164, the Litany, ending with the prayer, Pietate tua quesumus domine; an index of first lines of the psalms and hymns in the later hand concludes the MS.


The Psalms have their numbers, and the Canticles, the places of Scripture whence they come, written in the margin by a modern hand.

Pasted on the cover at the end is a fragment of some Canon Law treatise, one section being headed, 'Idem eboracensi episcopo.'

Dd. XII. 68.

A duodecimo, on paper, of 124 leaves, with a title-page, and written as if for the press.

1. Three Bookes translated out of their Originall: First the Letter and the Life, or the Flesh and the Spirit: Secondly Germane Divinitie: Thirdly the Vision of God. Written 1638.'

The title-page of the second treatise gives the date 1628, and the name of the translator, John Everard S.T.D.'


a. ff. 2-49. The Letter and the Life, &c.' in XIV chapters. Begins:

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

.. in a perfect Trinity for ever.
er. Amen.

The translation is from the Latin Version of J. Theophilus, published by Chr. Plantine. Antw. 1558. The original is attributed to Tauler. Appended are 'certaine grave and notable sayings' in Latin and English, with explanations by Dr. Everard: then (f. 93) two extracts from 'the workes of John Taulerus, printed at Colen, in folio, 1588, pp. 106, 107:' and, finally (f. 95), 'A short Dialogue between a great learned Divine and a Beggar.'

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In $50 is, The summe of the royall priviledge' to Christopher Plantine, that no other printer bookseller may set forth certain books, the original being given at Bruxell, Oct. 6, 1557.

c. ff. 99-122.

with Introduction.

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The Vision of God.' In xxv chapters,

I will now lay open.

[blocks in formation]

2 ff. 123, 124. The 4th, 5th, and part of the 3rd chapter

of St Denis the Areopagite his misticall Divinity.'

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Dd. XII. 69.

A 12mo, on parchment, of 92 leaves, in 2 different handwritings, apparently of the xivth century. The first 31 leaves contain 34 lines in a page: the second hand commences f. 33, and here the page contains 30 lines. Two leaves have been torn out after f. 31.

[blocks in formation]

Opp. Mogunt. 1609. Vol. vi. pp. 272–282.

2. ff. 24-31. Short EXPLANATIONS of the LORD'S PRAYER, CREED, &c. Imperfect.

The following Rubric is prefixed:

'Sacerdos parochialis tenetur per canones docere et predicare in lingua materna quater in anno vii peticiones in oratione dominica. Salutacionem beate Marie XIV articulos fidei contentos in cymbolo. x precepta veteris Testamenti. vII peccata mortalia. vi virtutes principales. п precepta Evangelii. vII sacramenta ecclesie: excommunicationes a canone latas sub forma que sequitur addendo vel minuendo in singulis prout Deus inspiraverit. Sequuntur eciam preces dominicales.'


In pe pater noster bep vi byddyngs...

Ends: syknesse and in helpe.....

3. ff. 33-92. Stimulus Conscientie,' by Richard of Hampole. Imperfect.

Begins :

De myth of pe fader Almyghty....



Pat of no3th hap made alle þynge.

See Dd. XI. 89. § 3.

At the end is a note relating to the accession of Edward IV., dated 1460, and afterwards the sequence 'Salus eterna indeficiens mundi vita'....

Dd. XI. 70.

A paper book, in quarto, consisting of 116 pages, neatly written, in double columns, besides blank leaves at the beginning and the end.




'INDEX LIBRORUM GRÆCORUM, qui servantur calamo ex-
arati in Bibliotheca Palatina Electorali.'

At the end is ' Davide Hamaxurgo Vindelico librario.'

Dd. XII. 71.

See Catalogue of Oriental MSS.

Dd. XIII. 1.

See Catalogue of Oriental MSS.

Dd. XIII. 2.

A large folio, on vellum, beautifully and distinctly written
before the middle of the fifteenth century, in a large bold hand,
mostly in good preservation, except where the illuminations, and
even whole leaves (as fols. 208, 209), have been cut out. It con-
tains (besides two blank leaves at the beginning) 309 leaves,
paged, but the pagination is incorrect, fol. 45 being followed by
fol. 50, where however nothing has been cut out: each page is
in double column, each column containing 47 lines. The larger
initial letters are variously coloured and flourished but the illu-
minations prefixed to each treatise are cut out, with few excep-
tions. A leaf or more at the beginning is wanting the words on
the first page are partly obliterated: but it opens with several short
epitaphs on Cicero, consisting of 68 lines, beginning with a pen-


Nil agis, Antoni: scripta diserta manent.
Vulnere nempe uno Ciceronem conficis: at te
Tullius æternis vulneribus lacerat.

The last two lines are

Qui sexaginta completis et tribus annis

Servitio oppressam destituit patriam.

These lines on Cicero's tomb are by the Duodecim Poeta Scholastici of
Paris (circa A.D. 1200): they are published by Meyer, Anthol. Lat. Tom. 1.
pp. 164-166.

The MS. supplies the titles of the works of Cicero which it contains.

1. M. T. Ciceronis de Senectute ad Atticum, fol. 1.

It is here divided into two books.

2. Ejusdem de Natura Deorum, libb. iii. fol. 9 b.
3. Ejusdem de Divinatione, libb. ii. fol. 52.

4. Ejusdem de Fato, fol. 81 b.

The commencement of the treatise is contained in this MS., which is wanting in Orelli's edition, Vol. 4, pars 2, p. 219.

The work, however, ends abruptly with the word naturaliter, as in Orelli's edition: and the scribe adds in the margin, Deest usque ad finem libri fol. 86 b. At fol. 87 occurs the remark, 'Ut autem intentio auctoris Tulli in libris de Deorum natura, de Divinatione, et fato melius intelligatur liber B. Augustini de Civ. Dei quintus diligenter respiciatur.' Then follows a long citation from lib. v. c. 9, of the abovenamed work (t. 7, p. 122, ed. Benedict), comprising most of the chapter: also another from lib. vi. c. 2 (p. 147). See Cambridge Journal of Class and Sacr. Phil. Vol. 2, pp. 97, 98.

5. Lucullus (i. e. Academ. Prior. lib. ii. Vol. 4, pt. 1, p. 6— 60, ed. Orell.) fol. 88.

6. Ex libris ejusdem de republica aliisque fragmenta quædam ex Augustino, 106b.

The title in the MS. runs thus: 'Verba Willelmi de Malmesbury collecta ex libris Augustini, et Tullii Ciceronis in istis dicta etiam exprimuntur.'

Neither Cave nor Wright notices William of Malmesbury's labours on Cicero. The remarks begin thus: Cicero in initio secundi libri de Divinatione dicit se fecisse quatuor libros Academicos.

William proceeds to say that the first two books, and also his Hortensius and Republic, are not found in England: accordingly he gives whatever he can discover 'de materia et intentione' of the latter out of Augustine.

7. Ejusdem Timeus, fol. 108 b.

Contains the mutilated treatise, ending with the word dabitur, as in Orelli's edition.

8. Ejusdem de Paradoxis liber, fol. 114.

Contains some prefatory observations taken from the Saturnalia of Macrobius.

9. Ejusdem Oratio pro Milone, fol. 118.

10. Ejusdem Oratio pro Cneo Plancio, fol. 128 b.

11. Ejusdem Oratio pro Marco Coelio, fol. 139 b.

12. Ejusdem Oratio pro P. Sylla, fol. 147 b.

13. Ejusdem Oratio pro Cneo Pompeio [i. e. pro lege Manilia], fol. 156.

Proceeds regularly up to fol. 161, to the end of § 51, p. 454, Orelli: after which follows the latter part of the oration pro Cacinâ, beginning by $ 65, and proceeding to near the end, where the leaf is mutilated.

14. Ejusdem Oratio pro Marco Marcello, fol. 164.

The first leaf much mutilated.

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