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the vessel-length over all, 785 feet; length between perpendiculars, 760 feet; beam, extreme, 88 feet; depth, moulded, 60 feet 6 inches; gross tonnage, 33,200 tons; net tonnage, 11,900 tons; maximum draught, 37 feet; displacement at this draught, 43,000 tons. The Mauretania is 160 feet longer than the Campania, of 1893, 78 feet 6 inches longer than the fastest of existing ships-the Kaiser Wilhelm II-and So feet longer than the Great Eastern, the greatest of preceding vessels.

THE liverworts of Japan have attracted the attention of bryologists on account of the special peculiarities of certain species referable to well-known genera. Mr. A. W. Evans describes and figures a few new or interesting species, mostly collected in the province of Tosa, in vol. viii. of the Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. A species of Harpalejeunia is interesting as forming a link between that genus and Drepanolejeunia.

TRACING the development of the State Forest Department in West Prussia, Dr. Koenig attributes the foundation of the present system to the personal interest and direction of Frederick the Great. With regard to the extent of forest, the writer is disposed to believe that more land might with advantage be afforested, notably the sandy and other unAt the Tywarn-profitable areas, provided the land were acquired by the State. The article appears in Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig, vol. ii., part iv.

Is Cornwall at the present time, owing to the high price of metals, there is great activity in copper and tin mining, and it is interesting to note, in an important article in the Times of September 17, the extent to which scientific methods and the latest improvements in appliances are being adopted at the newly started mines. haile mine, for example, with the aid of a gas-power plant and electric pumps, the workings have been drained at the rate of 1400 gallons a minute. This speed has never been approached in the past history of Cornish mines. At the Great Dowgas tin mines, pneumatic stamps will for the first time be driven direct by gas power, and winding and pumping will be electrical. At the Alfred mines a central gas-power plant has also been installed. When work was resumed at the Clitters mine some five years ago, those responsible formed the opinion that the costs of working mines in Cornwall were far too high; that values existed in mixed ores far beyond the knowledge of those then concerned in mining and dressing such ores; and that great improvements in mining and dressing methods were possible. It has been proved that these impressions were true, and future developments in the application of modern scientific methods to the ancient Cornish mines cannot fail to be watched with interest.

THE seventeenth annual general meeting of the Institution of Mining Engineers, held at Hanley on September 12-14 under the presidency of Sir Lees Knowles, was very largely attended, and an interesting programme of visits and excursions was arranged. The report of the council showed that the membership of the institution now amounts to 3034. Mr. Maurice Deacon (Chesterfield) was elected president for the ensuing year. Three papers were read. Mr. W. D. Verschoyle described a new pocket transit, which was really a combined prismatic compass and clinometer, ingeniously arranged for observing very steep angles. Mr. T. Trafford Wynne gave a detailed description of the gypsum deposits of the Dove Valley. The discussion on this paper was well sustained. Mr. Bennett H. Brough pointed out that the author in his introductory sketch of the occurrence of gypsum had omitted to refer to the Paris deposits, which produced two-thirds of the world's supply. The speaker suggested that there was considerable room for improvement in the manufacture of plaster of Paris. Scientific progress had hardly touched the technology of this material, and the temperature of burning and the degree of fineness received no attention. The methods of testing gypsum were now to be investigated by a committee of the International Testing Congress. The charge of want of progress was warmly combated by other speakers, who adduced evidence to show the high degree of scientific method followed in several plaster works in this country. In conclusion, a paper was read by Mr. E. B. Wain and Mr. J. T. Stobbs on the Cauldon Low and Manifold Valley, North Staffordshire, a district of considerable geological interest, in which a large quarry of Carboniferous limestone of very pure quality is worked, and where at one time the famous Ecton copper mine was of great importance.

IN the Indian Forester (July) the editorial article bears testimony to the foresight of the present Commander-inChief in India in demanding the preparation of working plans for cantonment forests in India, and summarises a similar scheme drafted by the United States Forest Service for the Military Department for a forest reservation at the military academy army post at West Point, New York. Following on previous references to types of forest resthouses in India, Mr. E. P. Stebbing deals with those met with in Assam, that from descriptions and illustrations are no more satisfactory than those provided in Burma.

WITH reference to the maintenance of the Imperial Department of Agriculture in the West Indies, an editorial notice appears in Tropical Life on the work of botanical and experimental stations. It is appropriate to find in the same number a biography of Dr. J. C. Willis, who has done so much towards bringing the agricultural community in Ceylon into its present prosperous condition. A note on the camphor industry contains a description of the Formosan method of distillation, and the opinion is expressed that the present price of camphor could be reduced to one-third or less before the Formosan monopoly would be endangered.

THE Museums Journal for August is entirely occupied with the report of the recent conference at Bristol and an illustrated account and history of the museum buildings of that city. In the latter, the development of the museum and art-gallery is carefully recorded by Mr. W. R. Bacher during a period approaching a century and a half—17721906. It is well known that the Bristol Museum possesses a number of natural history treasures, among them an example of the typical southern race of the bonte-quagga, or Burchell's zebra, now apparently extinct, and unrepresented in the national collection.

IN the twenty-first Educational Leaflet, dealing with the scarlet tanager, the U.S. National Association of Audubon Societies (as represented by its president, Mr. W. Dutcher) strikes an important note in asserting that its objects are not limited to the protection of birds, but embrace the awakening of an interest on the part of the agriculturist (as well as the student) in bird-life generally. Undoubtedly this is the right way of looking at the subject, and if it were inculcated and adopted in this country (together with some relaxation of the law in regard to species held to be harmful by practical people), we should probably hear fewer objections to bird protection. The coloured plate shows the male and female tanagers in their respective

liveries of black and scarlet and greenish-yellow, and also the cock bird in process of reverting for the winter to the comparatively dull plumage of his mate.

the university and the observatory may be somewhat
crippled by the huge losses incurred in property, &e
is evident from the report that the neighbourhood suffered
severely. The motion was chiefly of the horizontal shear-
ing type, and we read of a public road which crossed the
fault-line at right angles having its contiguous ends per-

In an article entitled "The Negro Brain," published in the September issue of the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Dr. R. B. Bean rejects the doctrine that the negro is the brother of the white man. After demon-manently displaced some 17 feet. A large tree standing strating that the male Caucasian brain is not only larger than that of the negro, but also differs in shape and by the smaller proportionate amount of grey matter and of connecting fibres, the author sums up as follows:-"The white and the black races are antipodal in cardinal points. The one has a large frontal region of the brain, the other a larger region behind; the one is a great reasoner, the other preeminently emotional; the one domineering, but having great self-control, the other meek and submissive, but violent and lacking self-control when the passions are aroused; the one a very advanced race, the other a very backward one. The Caucasian and the negro are fundamentally opposite extremes in evolution." These premises being admitted, it is clear (despite the fact that a negro may occasionally display exceptional mental powers) that to attempt to educate the two races on the same lines is neither more nor less than folly. Incidentally, the author shows that the American negro, in place of being entirely of the Guinea type, includes representatives of the Bushman and of the Bantu (Kafir) types.

IN Canary and Cage-bird Life for August 31 Dr. A. R. Galloway records a case of cross-breeding in poultry which well exemplifies the Mendelian law. The two breeds crossed were the silkie bantam and the Pekin bantam, the former characterised by the pure white hair-like plumage, bluishblack skin, and small rose comb and crest, while the latter has the plumage cinnamon-buff, the skin pinkish, and the comb simple. Four years ago, when a silkie cock was mated with a Pekin hen, the hybrid chicks-between twenty and thirty in number-were all buff, although with a tendency to small dark markings. Nevertheless, the buff may be regarded as the dominant colour in the cross, but in the hens, at any rate, the black skin and small rose comb and crest of the silkie were apparent. During the present summer a first-cross buff cock paired with a buff hen of the same cross, and, of the eight chicks thus produced, one was a pure white silkie, two were pure buff Pekins, and five showed intermediate characters with regard to type, colour of skin, and colour and character of feather. This is a close approximation, considering the limited nature of the trial, to Mendel's law, which should give two pure silkies, four intermediates, and two buff Pekins. The five intermediates were as follows:-one a buff Pekin with blackish face and silkie-type of feather; one buff Pekin with blackish face and two or three quills white in each wing; one variegated buff Pekin showing about one-third of plumage white, with Pekin-type of face and silkie-feathers; two dark speckled grey, with blackish faces and a good deal of black markings on the feathers.

SOME curious results of the Californian earthquake are recorded by Prof. Campbell, director of the Lick Observatory, in No. 108 of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Fortunately, as recorded in these columns on May 10, the observatory itself was not injured. Subsequent work has shown that the meridian circle and the polar axis of the 36-inch refractor show no sign of having shifted. The period of the earth vibrations was so long that the buildings and the instrument foundations had time to follow the movement without undue strain. There is some fear, however, that the financial affairs of

on the edge of the fissure is 24 feet from the small rots it left behind it. A barn which stood exactly over the fissure, with some four-fifths of the structure on the west side, was badly wrecked, but the part of the foundations and superstructure situated on the west side remain, whilst the foundation lying east of the fissure has moved southward, under the barn, through 18 feet. Many similar instances of movement are recorded. About twenty miles westward of Mount Hamilton, on the fault-line, the maximum shift is about 8 feet. As all the displacements referred to are in thick, loamy soil, which would tend to lag, it is probable that the shear in the underlying rock stratum is still greater. Some interesting questions as to farm boundaries, latitudes, and azimuths may be expected to arise. A commission, including Profs. Campbell and Leuschner, has been appointed by the Governor to study the scientific aspects of the phenomenon.

In a letter from Glasgow, Mr. A. Mclance suggests that lead should be found in radio-active minerals containing radium. In a paper by Mr. Boltwood in the Philo sophical Magazine for April, 1905 (p. 613), evidence is given of the existence of lead in all radio-active minerals Mr. Mclance points out that if the atomic weight of radium is taken as 258, as found from spectroscopic observations by Runge and Precht, and the combined atomic weights of the five helium atoms into which the radium atom believed to dissociate are subtracted from it, the atomic weight of uranium is obtained.

A SUMPTUOUS catalogue of telescopes and accessories has been published by the firm of Carl Zeiss, of Jena, under the specific designation "Astro: 8." Especially compiled for scientific amateur astronomers, the catalogue only dealwith telescopes of less aperture than 8 inches. Several new constructions are now catalogued and illustrated for the first time. In addition to the numerous azimuthal and equatorial telescopes, the catalogue contains illustra tions and prices of a large variety of eye-pieces, sun oculars, prominence and other spectroscopes, position micrometers, the stereo-comparator, &c., and should be consulted by all astronomers in need of telescopes or


IN No. 72 of the Chemiker Zeitung Dr. P. N. Raikow of the University of Sophia, describes a simple method of boring any number of small holes through glass tubing. both thin and thick, watch glasses, flasks, &c. The part which it is desired to pierce is carefully warmed up in a Bunsen flame, and then a red-hot needle worked bradawlwise against the particular spot, which naturally must not be so hot that any slight pressure causes the walls of the vessel or tube to be forced out of shape. The broken stum of a thermometer is said to provide an especially good handle for the eye end of the needle to be inserted into.

OUR ASTRONOMICAL COLUMN. JUPITER'S SIXTH SATELLITE.-A telegram from Pro Campbell, published in No. 4119 of the Astronomisch Nachrichten, states that Jupiter's sixth satellite was r observed by its discoverer, Prof. Perrine, on August 26-065) (G.M.T.). Its position angle at that time was 2090-92, and its distance from Jupiter 1734".

HOLMES'S COMET (1906).-In No. 4121 of the Astronomische Nachrichten Prof. Max Wolf states that he has measured the position of Holmes's comet on the plate secured on August 28. He gives the exact position, for 1906-0, at the time of discovery, and this shows that corrections of +6-79s. and +28"-2 are necessary to Dr. Zwiers's ephemeris. As the comet is extremely faint, mag. = 15.5, a continuation of the ephemeris is not given here, but will be found in No. 4085 of the Astronomische Nachrichten.

OBSERVATIONS OF SOLAR PHENOMENA, 1906.-The results of the observations of sun-spots, faculæ, and prominences made during the first semester of the present year at the Catania Observatory are published by Prof. Mascari in No. 8, vol. xxxv., of the Memorie della Società degli Spettroscopisti Italiani.

The mean daily frequency of spots was higher during the second than during the first quarter, the respective numbers being 5-68 and 4-50; the faculæ behaved similarly. For prominences the reverse was the case, there being a mean daily frequency of 4-38 prominences during the first quarter and 3.47 during the second. Discussing the results in relation to the time of the solar maximum, Prof. Mascari places the epoch of maximum spots at 1905-2, and that of faculæ and prominences in the last quarter of 1905 or the first quarter of 1906.

OBSERVATIONS OF JUPITER.-The observations of Jupiter made by Mr. Denning during the last opposition showed that the rotation period of the Great Red Spot and its Hollow, in the south equatorial belt, between March 24 and May 4. was 9h. 55m. 40-6s., a period practically conformable with that of system ii. of the ephemerides. On observing the phenomena on August 9, however, he found that they were far in advance of their predicted places, an observation confirmed by the Rev. T. E. R. Phillips. From this it appears that the rotation period between May 4 and August 8 was only oh. 55m. 33-8s. Mr. Denning supposes that the conjunction of the dark material, forming the south tropical disturbance, with the Red Spot, in June last, may have caused the marked acceleration of the latter, as it has done on several former occasions. The present increase of velocity is, however, much greater than any previously observed, and these features appear to have been observable for seventy-five years (the Observatory, No. 374).

In the September number of the Bulletin de la Société astronomique de France M. Flammarion directs attention to a remarkably sudden change in the visibility of the north equatorial band on Jupiter. This band has been diminishing since the end of 1903, and an observation made by M. Benoit, at Juvisy, on April 10, 1906, showed that it was almost completely invisible. After its conjunction with the sun, Jupiter was observed again on July 17 by M. Quenisset, who was astonished to find that the north equatorial band was completely reformed, being even broader, and at some points darker, than the south equatorial band. A drawing, made by M. Quenisset on July 23, is reproduced with the article.

THE KODAIKANAL OBSERVATORY.-An interesting popular account of India's solar physics observatory, situated at Kodaikanal, on the Palani Hills, appears in the July number of the Madras Christian College Magazine. Mr. Monteith Macphail, the writer of the account, lately visited the observatory, and was evidently impressed with its situation and its work. The altitude of the observatory is about 7700 feet, in an atmosphere of exceptional transparency, and amid beautiful surroundings.

Although located in Madras, the institution was founded, and is supported, by the Government of India, thus having a national and not merely a provincial status. Its chief raison d'être is the continuous study of the sun, with the ultimate idea of elucidating still further the indicated relationships between solar and terrestrial atmospheric phenomena. To a country like India, the value of possessing the fullest possible knowledge of these relationships cannot be overestimated, and that is the reason why the Government of India has seen fit to found and to support this observatory and its equipment in the most favourable situation at its command. Sun-spots, their spectra, and prominences on the solar limb, are observed visually,

and spectroheliograms of the solar disc and limb are taken on every day on which the atmospheric conditions are suitable. Magnetical and seismological records are also



IT was somewhat noticeable that the trend of the proceedings in Section B this year was in the direction of applied chemistry; general problems on the theoretical side of the science came under discussion in Section A; if this indicate either that this section is becoming alive to the importance of chemistry to physics or a rapprochement of the two sections, it is a good sign, but it is not satisfactory if it mean the neglect of broad considerations by the chemist.

Reports were presented by Mr. S. S. Pickles, on the chemistry of rubber; on that of gums, by Mr. H. H. Robinson; and on the hydrolysis of sugars, by Mr. R. J. Caldwell. These gave rise to more or less interesting discussions and were a valuable feature of the meeting. Discussion also centred round a paper by Dr. T. A. Henry, on the production of hydrogen cyanide in plants. The was of joint discussion with the physiologists on diet great interest, although it was mainly developed in physiological and sociological directions.

The proceedings opened on the Thursday, August 2, with an important paper by Messrs. S. Leetham and Wm. Cramp, who have been engaged in perfecting an apparatus for the production of an active mixture of gases which may be used for bleaching and sterilising purposes, particularly in bleaching flour. The apparatus consists of an alternator, transformer, ozoniser and spark box, the two latter being in series on the high-tension side of the transformer; on passing a current of air through the ozoniser and then through the spark box a gaseous mixture is produced, containing minute amounts of ozone and oxides of nitrogen, which has a very remarkable bleaching and sterilising action on flour; the process is already one of considerable commercial value. The bleaching action

appears to be an oxidation effect.

The authors have studied in great detail the behaviour of the different types of electric discharge and the influence of such factors as the number and distance apart of the discharge points, shape of the points, the air velocity and the frequency. The conclusion arrived at is that ozonisation is not a mere induction effect. In commenting on the paper, Prof. Armstrong dwelt on the importance of manufacturers taking interest in science, and referred to the work as an illustration of the advantages of such co


Following a short paper by Prof. van Romburgh, of Utrecht, on the 1:3: 5-hexatrien, reports were read of the committees on dynamic isomerism, on hydro-aromatic substances and on aromatic nitro-amines. The rest of the morning was devoted to inorganic chemistry, papers being contributed by Mr. A. Vernon Harcourt, on the effect upon the concentration of a solution of the presence of an excess of undissolved salt; by Mr. G. Beilby, on the crystallisation of gold in the solid state; and by Prof. H. A. Miers and Miss F. Isaac, on the temperature at which water freezes in sealed tubes; this is found to be very considerably below that at which solidification takes place in open vessels.

The greater part of Friday, August 3, was devoted to a discussion on the production of hydrogen cyanide in plants, introduced by Prof. Dunstan, who pointed out that in the case of both Lotus arabicus and Sorghum vulgare the cyanide was formed only during the early stages of growth, and that it was missing in the mature plant. The fullygrown Lotus vetch is much used as a fodder plant in the Nile valley, but many fatal cases of poisoning have been caused through its use in the immature state. Hydrogen cyanide has also been detected in Java beans, of which there are several varieties; the maximum amount is found in the dark beans, and it is only safe to use the light bean. In the flax plant, which also affords hydrogen cyanide, the maximum amount is produced at an inter


mediate stage when the plant is from high.

inches to 5 inches

Dr. Henry followed with an account of the glucosides containing the hydrogen cyanide, which have been grouped together as cyanogenetic glucosides. They are allied to amygdalin, the active principle in bitter almonds, which is therefore the oldest known representative of the group. The list at present comprises, besides amygdalin, sambunigrin, prulaurasin and a glucoside, prepared artificially from amygdalin by Fischer, known as mandelnitrileglucoside, all of which are resolved by acids into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide; further, dhurrin, phaseolunatin, lotusin and gynocardin.

The plants containing these glucosides also contain enzymes, which resolve them-when the plant is macerated with water-into hydrogen cyanide, glucose and a third constituent. The question was raised as to the role of the hydrogen cyanide, whether it acted protectively or whether it played a part in the production of proteid from nitrates. Dr. Greshoff, of Harlem, dealt with the question from the botanical side, and put forward a list of all the species of plants known to yield hydrogen cyanide, which will be of great value to future workers.

A paper on the utilisation of atmospheric nitrogen by plants, read by Mr. Thomas Jamieson, described what the author regarded as special organs in plants adapted for the direct absorption and assimilation of nitrogen from the air. His conclusions were most severely criticised by Prof. Potter from the botanical side, and by Mr. A. D. Hall and others.

The report on caoutchouc, presented by Mr. S. S. Pickles, contained a general survey of the chemistry of this remarkable product.


Prof. Karl Harries, of Kiel, in a communication read by Dr. Crossley, dealt with the products obtained by submitting caoutchouc to the action of ozone, and then distilling the ozonide with steam, viz. lævulinic aldehyde, lævulinic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Harries I: 5-dimethylcludes that caoutchouc is a polymer of a cyclo-octadien. Prof. W. A. Tilden described his observations on the behaviour of isoprene, prepared from oil of turpentine; when kept it gradually polymerises, being converted into a substance having many of the properties of a paper on caoutchouc. He also contributed

stituents of Dyera Costulata.

the con

Mr. H. H. Robinson followed with a brief account of the chemistry of gums, dwelling especially on gums from India and the colonies which afford acetic acid when ex

posed to the action of moist air. He suggested that by partially hydrolysing the inferior Indian gums they might be made of greater industrial value.

In the subsequent

discussion, Mr. S. H. Davies stated that constitution had so far been found to have little bearing on the technical value of gums, viscosity being the quality chiefly required.

In his report, Mr. R. J. Caldwell collected and critically discussed the literature bearing on the hydrolysis of sugars, a subject of considerable interest at the present moment on account of its bearing on the theory of ionic dissociation and the nature of solution. Nearly 150 papers have been published on the subject, so that it is very difficult for a new worker in the field to acquaint himself with the literature. Mr. Caldwell has made a brief abstract of the essential points in each paper, and classified them in historical order under a number of appropriate subheadings. He sums up the evidence as to the nature of the change, and points out the unsatisfactory character of the arguthat it is ment based on the dissociation hypothesis He is brought about by the hydrogen ions of the acid. inclined to believe that the facts are to be explained by an association hypothesis.

A large part of the morning of Tuesday, August 7, was devoted to a joint discussion with Section I (physiology) This on the factors which determine minimal diet values. was opened by Dr. F. G. Hopkins, F.R.S.; Prof. Dunstan and Prof. Armstrong spoke on the chemical side. It was generally agreed that the subject was of supreme importance, and one that should be attacked conjointly by chemists and physiologists. Dr. Hopkins dealt chiefly with the standards of minimal diets put forward by Atwater, Voit and Chittenden respectively. These are incorporated in the following table :

[blocks in formation]

were C02

The methods and results of these workers While Atwater's standard sidered and criticised in detail. was thought to be too high, it was generally agreed that too low. Voit's standard was Chittenden's values were Mr. Seebohm Rowntree's well-known experiments carried accepted as the most probable. out in York were referred to, and it was pointed out that in studying actual dietaries of poor families averages were used in compiling statistics, a method which is open to criticism, as the bread-winner-owing to the self-denial of the woman-as a rule, gets far more than his share, so that the diet of the average working man is actually in most cases far richer in protein and has a greater energy value than is imagined.


Attention was directed by Dr. Hopkins--and this point was particularly emphasised by Prof. Armstrong-that it was not justifiable to consider merely the gross amount of taken into account. Thus, for example, wheat is probably protein, but that the nature of the protein had also to he the best form of protein, its main constituent, glutaminic acid, being, so far as our present knowledge goes, of relatively little value as a tissue former compar with other amino-acids. Maize protein is perhaps of even lower value, whereas rice and oats, among the cereals, appear to be the especially valuable sources of protein. Prof. Armstrong particularly referred to the need of making detailed study of foodstuffs, our present method of referring to the nitrogen content generally multiplied by a factor as protein giving no true guide as to the relative value of foods, inasmuch as protein is a highly complex material, made of ever-varying units, the nutritive value of which taken singly varies within wide limits.

The rest of the morning was devoted to agricultural chemistry, Messrs. A. D. Hall and C. T. Gimingham contributing a paper on the action of ammonium salts upon clay and kindred substances, following which Dr. E J. Russell read a communication by Dr. F. V. Darbishire and himself on oxidation in soils and its relation to proan apparatus ductiveness. These authors have devised

for measuring the rate of absorption of oxygen; the power of absorbing this gas possessed by all soils appears to be due mainly, though not entirely, to the activity of microorganisms. The rate of oxidation does not entirely depend on the amount of organic matter present in the soil: moisture is essential, and as it increases so also does the rate of oxidation. The rate is also increased by the addiFor a series of tion of calcium carbonate or of sugar. similar soils, of which the cropping power is known, it s found that the most productive has the highest rate of oxidation, and that the others follow in the same order for both properties. The parallelism holds also for soils which have been artificially treated; it is essential however, that the soil conditions should be aerobic. the rate of oxidation affords a authors suggest that measure of the bacterial activity, which is closely connected with productiveness.


The last paper read was by Mr. W. Popplewell Bloxam, on a new method of determining indigotin. After pointing out the need of a method of controlling the still ver crude processes in vogue for extracting indigo, and the importance of determining the daily yield of indigotin obtained in an ordinary factory from known weights of green plant, the existing methods of analysis were discussed and the uncertainty of the results they afford alluded to. In the author's method, the indigotin is with fuming sulphuric aud sulphonated by treatment (containing 20 per cent. sulphur trioxide); the solution is then diluted, and the potassium salt of indigotin tetrasulphonate precipitated by means of potassium acetate Finally, the amount of indigotin in the salt is estimated by titration with potassium permanganate or titanium chloride. The author concludes that the present process of manufacture is wasteful one, the highest efficiency attained not reaching 50 per cent., whilst on the average only 25 per cent. of the indigotin in the leaves is extracted.




IN my discourse this evening I shall confine myself to that branch of vulcanology to which I have paid particular attention, viz. the naked-eye study of volcanoes

portions Atrio del Cavallo and Valle d'Inferno, while Vesuvius, the present active cone, occupies the southern part of the great crater which was formed by the destruction of that side of the Somma crater ring, probably in the Plinian eruption which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum in A.D. 79, or possibly in some earlier unrecorded

eruption. The observatory is situated on a projecting spur forming part of the old Somma ring, but separated from that mountain by a deep valley, the Fossa Vetrana, at the upper part of which took place the prolonged eruption which lasted from 1895 to 1898, and which built up a considerable hill, the Colle Umberto 1o. Photographs of this place, taken in 1888, showed the scoriaceous or cindery lava of 1872, coulées of slaggy or ropy lava in 1898, a moving mass of scoriaceous lava and the growing cone in the same year, while a photograph of the latter, taken at night by the light of the incandescent lava streams themselves, excited much interest, and it was followed by another showing the same cone in 1906 covered, and its surface obscured, by a thick coating of ash from the last eruption.

In the Strombolian type of eruption the explosion takes place from more or less liquid lava, of which portions are hurled into the air, and by their rotation often assume pointed or even globular forms, which are permanently preserved by the solidification of the mass while in the air. In the Vulcanian type, the materials, which are affected by the explosion, being already solidified, the ejecta are chiefly fragmentary, varying from dust of microscopic fineness to "bread crust bombs" weighing several tons. The latter owe their name


FIG. 1.-Vesuvius from Cook's Eremo Hotel near the Observatory, April 26, 1906. Shows the
rounded top of the cone and the ash slides on it. Colle Umberto 1 in the foreground.

and their various constituent parts, their relations to one
another and to adjacent rocks and to other objects; how
they got to their present position and what effects they
produce; in other words, the physio-
graphy or physical geography of vol-
canoes. As this subject is itself too
large, I propose to take up the late
eruption of Vesuvius, alluding to other
volcanoes and their eruptions only by
way of illustration, comparison, cr



The south-east side of the Bay of Naples, which consists of the Sorrento Peninsula and the island of Capri, is a branch of the Apennine Chain; it consists largely of Apennine limestone of Cretaceous age, and is not volcanic. The north-west side of the Bay, on the contrary, is almost entirely volcanic. Thus the island of Ischia is subject to severe earthquakes, and contains Monte Epomeo, which has been twice in active eruption in historic times; the islands of Procida and Nisida contain craters; the Phlegræan Fields consist of numerous cones and craters, one of which, Monte Nuovo, was formed as recently as the sixteenth century. Moreover, Naples itself is built on volcanic strata. The whole district is subject to changes of level.

Coming now to Vesuvius, it is a matter of common knowledge that it consists of twin mountains, of which one, Somma, is part of an


FIG. 2.-Vesuvius. Ash slide carrying away Cook's Railway. April, 1906.

crater ring of gigantic size which no longer forms part of the working cone, which it partly surrounds, and from which it is separated by a great valley, called in different

1 Substance of a discourse delivered before the British Association at York on Friday evening, August 3, by Dr. Tempest Anderson.

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