mp 2 While pity prompts the rising sigh, > P mp 3 Let this vain world engage no more; Behold the gaping tomb! P mp It bids us seize the present hour,- mf 4 Oh! let us fly-to Jesus fly, < f mp 651 mp >>>p P > 2 < mf Whose powerful arm can save; 5 Great God! thy sovereign grace impart, HYMN 651, С. М. Death and the Resurrection. 1 THROUGH sorrow's night, and danger's path, Amid the deepening gloom, Are marching to the tomb. 2 There, when the turmoil is no more, 4 Yet not thus lifeless, thus inane, 5 These ashes too, - this little dust,- dol 6 Then love's soft dew, o'er every eye, 652 aff mf 1 And the long-silent dust shall burst, D HYMN 652, С. М. Death dreadful, or delightful. EATII!-'t is a melancholy day, 2 In vain, to heaven she lifts her eyes;- 3 Awake, and mourn, ye heirs of woe! Why will ye sink to flames below, 4 See how the pit gapes wide for you, 653 m 1 > ۱۸ > H HYMN 653, С. М. Death and Judgment appointed to all. EAVEN has confirmed the dread decree, That Adam's race must die; One general ruin sweeps them down, And low in dust they lie. mp 2 Ye living men! the tomb survey, Where you must shortly dwell; < > Hark! how the awful summons sounds, mp 3 Once you must die-and once for all, - > For know, that heaven and hell are hung 4 Those eyes, so long in darkness veiled, < mf 5 Oh! may I, in the Judge, behold 654 f" 1 JUDGMENT. HYMN 654, 7s. HARK-that shout of rapturous Bursting forth from yonder cloud! 2 Hark!-the trumpet's awful voice 3 See! the Lord appears in view; 4 Go and dwell with him above, 655 f" mp f 1 HYMN 655, С. М. SING to the Lord, ye heavenly hosts! And thou, O earth! Let death and hell, through all their coasts, 2 His sounding chariot shakes the sky, mp 4 What shall the wretch, the sinner, do? < mp f 5 Tempests of angry fire shall roll, 656 mf f P < mf mp f 1 HYMN 656, 8s, 7s and 4. Lo in O! he comes, in clouds descending, Thousand thousand saints attending Hallelujah; Jesus shall for ever reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold him, Shall the great Messiah see. 3 Every island, sea, and mountain, Heaven, and earth shall flee away; 4. Now the Saviour, long-expected, 657 f" 1 ff" See the day of God appear. HYMN 657, 83, 7s and 4. IO! he cometh, countless trumpets Wake to life the slumbering dead: Mid ten thousand saints and angels, See their great exalted Head: Hallelujah! Welcome, welcome, Son of God! f fil f 2 Full of joyful expectation, Saints behold the Judge appear: Welcome, welcome, Judge divine! 3 "Come, ye blesséd of my Father! f" Hallelujah! 658 mp mp p> 1 Welcome, welcome to the skies. HYMN 658, С. М. Everlasting Absence of God intolerable. THAT awful day will surely come, Th' appointed hour makes haste, - 2 Thou lovely Chief of all my joys! aff 3 Oh! wretched state of deep despair- 659 mp 4 Jesus! I throw my arms around, 5 Oh! tell me that my worthless name 1 |