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youth still to call him "husband." Her decease occurred in the year 1835; but God very graciously, after a season, provided him with another help-meet, by whom his remaining years were greatly soothed and comforted, and who still survives to mourn his loss.

sketch, we pause for an instant to notice the Christian disciple and the officer of the church.

The great feature in Mr. Gannell's character as a disciple of the Son of God, was his simple and exclusive dependence upon "the precious blood of Christ." I believe that his creed was literally "Christ is all." Here we discover the source of all his diligence and usefulness, in the gospel of the Redeemer. Here too we learn the cause of all his personal comfort and joy. Here was the red of his strength in the service of Christ. Here was his hope of the glory of Christ; and here too, his unfailing stay and consolation, in all the sorrows of the way. It is known to the writer, that in " the valley of the shadow of death he feared no evil," and precisely on this very ground-that "he knew in whom he had believed, and was persuaded that He was able to keep that which he had committed to Him until that day." It was the expressive and truthful testimony of the Rev. Henry Blunt, delivered in the weariness and oppres

The circumstances of his own death were affecting, and yet most mercifully ordered of God. He had been latterly suffering from a complication of disorders, the two chief seats of which appear to have been the heart and chest. When medical remedies failed to relieve his distressing symptoms, he was in duced to try change of air, and with this end resorted to Brighton, for a season. He returned home, however, very much worse, with the seal of death now evidently and manifestly imprinted on his sinking and wasted frame. Thus he continued, growing gradually weaker day by day, until the evening of Wednesday, the 9th of July last, when he retired to rest, seemingly in circumstances of more than ordinary composure and comfort. Once, some time after midnight, his anxious wife and ❘sion of his last illness-" Seeking all in Christ,

nurse roused herself, as was her habit, to see how her husband was, and whether he wanted anything. Finding him quietly asleep, she again returned to rest. Again, about three o'clock, her affectionate solicitude is found once more prompting her, after the same silent method, to put the inquiry, "What of the night?" Again she is seen bending over that wearied forın, still buried, apparently, in profound and peaceful slumber. One of his arms, or some other portion of his person, having escaped the covering of the bedclothes, she proceeded to attempt, gently, without disturbing him, to replace it-when, lo! the affecting reality stood revealed that she was ministering to the dead! In the brief interval which had elapsed, with no opportunity for kindly leave-taking or final adieus, and evidently without an audible struggle or groan, the broken slumbers of the sick-bed had been exchanged for that unbroken and mysterious sleep, which it is in the power of the trump of the archangel alone either to interrupt, or terminate. Still it was only sleep"Our friend Lazarus sleepeth." If ever there were a case in which this idea of a Christian's death appeared necessarily the true one, of a certainty this was that case; as thus silently and peacefully, like the long restless and wearied babe, overtaken, so to speak, at length, with slumber in the sweet and soft caresses of the mother's arms, he "fell asleep in Jesus."

I had intended dwelling, for a moment, upon some of the more prominent excellences which appeared to mark the character of our deceased friend. But my space is now too nearly exhausted to allow of my doing more than pointing attention to two of these characteristics; as, before closing this hurried

I am sure that I shall find all, both for time
and for eternity." Thus emphatically the
deceased found it. It was my happiness, two
or three evenings before his death, to be en-
gaging with him in devotion. I was reading
the 23rd Psalm. At the close of the first
verse he interrupted me, speaking as well as
his parched tongue and great weakness would
allow him, "Excuse me, sir; but I have often
thought that we do not give the full meaning
to this expression, 'I shall not want! It is
not merely, as I conceive-I shall not want
counsel, guidance, forgiveness, mercy, and all
else that I count as blessings; but I shall not
want correction; no!" repeating with an em-
phasis, " I shall not want correction: God,
when needed, will not withbold that." And
with this his weary head fell back upon his
pillow, and his voice again sank into silence.
Here the dying boast of Addison is realized
-"See how a Christian can die!" "Behold
the perfect man, and mark the upright, for
the end of that man is peace."
who anticipate death with terror, retire still
further beneath the shelter of the sacrifice
of Christ, make Christ your all, and rest se-
curely that there will be no fear then!


One word only respecting the deceased in his official capacity of deacon. I need do little more than express my conviction that he "used the office of a deacon well." Hе розsessed an intelligence and breadth of view which, coupled with a deep and genuine piety, such as I have attempted to describe, ren. dered him peculiarly qualified to fill this post, alike creditably to himself and satisfactorily to the church. One part of his duty, which it is feared deacons are apt, at times, to overlook, as the great scriptural object of the institution of this office, he most faithfully discharged. I allude to his care of the poor. ❘ the ordinary level of Christian disciples: he

In this work he was most active-not merely in connexion with the distribution of the sacramental fund, but with every case of real distress, which he could procure means to relieve. In this, his benevolent sympathies were much helped by the means placed at his disposal, arising from a fund raised in the chapel, for cases of this class. I believe that in his removal the poor of the neighbourhood have lost a sincere and valuable friend.

And now, in conclusion, the writer would affectionately urge it upon deacons and members of our churches, to be followers of our deceased brother, as he was of Christ. The closing voice of this paper is an earnest invitation to this! Our churches want such men; the times in which we live call for them;men of devout energy; men of Divine earnestness: men who shall be so many Barnabases in our churches-" good men, and full || of the Holy Ghost." And why not? The deceased had no privileges to raise him above

was neither indebted to wealth, position in society, nor educational advantages, for any good we may conceive him to have achieved. Never, perhaps, man less so. He was one of the million. What he was in Christian attainments, the grace of God made him; what he was in other attainments, that same grace still helping him, he was what he made himself. Thus God-made and self-made, he is the best of all examples we can invite others to follow. His God is also your God: you are not straitened in Him; and for the rest, consecration, energy, and prayer, alone are needed to bring you, not merely up to the standard of the deceased, but to carry you very far beyond it.



Formerly minister of the Congregational Church at Frome, Somersetshire, died in faith, on the 31st of August, in the sixty-second year of his age, at Llanymynech, Salop.

Home Chronicle.


A MOST scandalous trick has been perpetrated by a person bearing the name of W. R. Francis Gawthorn, upon his Grace of Canterbury. He wrote to the archbishop, under a feigned name, professing to be converted from the ranks of Dissent to the Church of England; but intimating his strong disapprobation of the exclusiveness of Episcopal orders, by which all Foreign Pastors, and all the clergy of the Church of Scotland, are regarded as Laymen. In the simplicity of his heart, the archbishop wrote to his correspondent in the following terms:-" I hardly imagine that there are two bishops on the bench, or one clergyman in fifty throughout our church, who would deny the validity of the orders of those clergy solely on account of their wanting the imposition of episcopal hands." The man to whom the archbishop thus wrote turns out to be a Roman Catholic; and with a violation of honour never surpassed, has made a use of a letter, surreptitiously obtained, greatly to the disadvantage of the good Prelate. The Puseyites are all up in arms at the admissions of their Archbishop; and though they disavow the motives and conduct of Mr. Gawthorn, they avail themselves of Dr. Sum ner's letter as a peg on which to hang a virulent controversy on the subject of their great idol,-Apostolical Succession, the most absurd and baseless of all ecclesiastical assumptions. We are grieved that Archbishop Sumner has been dragged before the public through so dirty a medium; but we are heartily glad that he has committed himself on the right

side. Were he to stand alone in the opinion he has indicated, he might glory in his singularity. If he has attributed a greater illumination to his brethren on the bench than has yet fallen to their lot, they ought to forgive him; for he intended to do them honour. Alas! for them, if they are not prepared to accept it.

But is not Gawthorn a paid agent of the Jesuits? And ought not he, and all such men, to be narrowly watched?


THE half-yearly Meeting of the Hampshire Association will be held at Christchurch, on Wednesday, October 8th, 1851, when the Rev. F. W. Meadows, of Gosport, will preach

on "The Practical Uses of the Doctrine of

Election." On the preceding evening, the Rev. J. G. Hughes, of Odiham, will preach; and on the evening of the Association, the Rev. Robert Ferguson, LL.D., of Ryde.


AMIDST the growing prosperity of new interests, it is refreshing to witness indications of life and vigour in the sanctuaries of our fathers. The members of the above church and congregation, associated with the memories of Bradbury and Burgess, of Thorp and Winter, have recently (aided by a collection after a sermon by the Rev. J. A. James) freed themselves from debt, and have adopted measures which they hope will prevent its recurrence. With the Divine blessing on

the faithful labours of their pastor, the Rev. James Smith, and on their own exertions in the Sabbath-schools, in the systematic distribution and loan of tracts, and in the visitation of the sick, they trust that this densely populated neighbourhood will yet, for some years longer, have the benefit of the gospel fully and freely preached in its midst, and brought home to the hearts of many now living without God and without hope.

The prayers and sympathies of those who anxiously care for the souls of the perishing, are earnestly solicited, and their occasional attendance on the public services would encourage.


1. To Education. Compare countries with, and without the Sabbath. Its ministrations powerfully quicken and invigorate the human intellect, while a vast amount of knowledge is communicated.

2. To Government. Where are the honoured Sabbath and despotism co-existent? It shows the nature of human rights-adapts laws to actual wants and circumstances of mancreates a conscience that sustains laws, and qualifies men to make, as well as obey, laws.

3. To Health. By promoting cleanlinessby furnishing needful rest for body and mind - by promoting cheerfulness and elasticity of spirits, through its power to produce a peaceful conscience-by its subduing influence over the hateful passions of men.

4. To Good Morals. By keeping in sight the character of God-by unfolding the claims of His holy law-by creating a distaste for unlawful pleasures-by creating a public sentiment that frowns upon immorality-and, through that sentiment, causing wise and effectual laws for the suppression of vice and crime.

5. To Piety. By causing a right view of God to prevail-by constantly pouring on men's minds those great elements of piety, the divine truths of revelation-by thus generating all right affections toward God and man-by shadowing forth and pointing men to the Sabbath of heaven, the rest that remaineth for the people of God.

Therefore the Sabbath is the friend of the nation-the family-every man's friend, and never fails to repay true and devoted friendship for it with the most precious blessings for time and eternity. - The Christian Treasury.


THE Thirteenth Autumnal Meeting of the Union will be held in Northampton, on Monday, the 13th of October next, and three following days.

On Monday evening, the Preparatory Meeting for Prayer will be held.

In the forenoons of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Meetings for Conference will be held. The Chair to be taken by the Rev. John Kelly, of Liverpool, at half-past nine o'clock, precisely. The Conference on Wednesday morning will be devoted to a consideration of the subject of the Congregational Board of Education on Voluntary Principles, and its claims on the support of our churches.

On Tuesday evening, a Public Meeting in favour of British Missions will be held.

On Wednesday evening, a Public Meeting will be held for the Illustration and Enforcement of Congregational Principles, in connection with the Union.

On Thursday evening, the Annual Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Raffles, of Liverpool.

All brethren intending to be present on this occasion, and desiring hospitable reception, are requested to inform the Rev. Edmund т. Prust, Northampton, of their intention.





ON Wednesday, the 23rd ult., Mr. J. T. Bartram, late of the City Mission, was pub

licly set apart to the work of the ministry, at the Independent Chapel, Wendover, Bucks, the church assembling at that place having given him a cordial and unanimous invitation to become its pastor. Several ministers and friends dined together at the residence of the late pastor, Rev. H. T. Holmes; and a tea

meeting was held in the school-room, at

which about 130 friends attended. In the afternoon the service was opened by Rev. Robert Ann, of Marsh Gibbon; Rev. W. Gates, of Aylesbury, then delivered a very able discourse on "The Nature and Design of a Gospel Church;" the usual questions were asked by Rev. R. Ann, and the ordination prayer offered by Rev. Thomas Aston, of Wingrave; the charge was delivered by Rev. R. S. Short, of Retford, Notts; and the concluding prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Avery, of Aston Clinton. In the evening the service was opened by Rev. R. S. Short, and the Rev. H. F. Holmes (who had been for eleven years the pastor of the church), delivered an excellent discourse to the people. The attendance was good, and a very solemn and devotional feeling seemed to pervade the auditory.

On Wednesday, July 2nd, Mr. Daniel Smith, LL.B., was ordained to the pastoral office in connexion with the Independent Church, Whitehaven.

The Rev. Francis Watts, Theological Professor, Spring Hill College, delivered the in

troductory discourse; the usual questions | Building statement when it came out, but had were asked, and the ordination prayer offered by the Rev. Robert Aspinal, Colne.

The Rev. Watson Smith, Wolverhampton, delivered an eloquent and impressive charge to the newly ordained minister, and in the evening the Rev. Archibald Jack, North Shields, preached an eminently practical and powerful discourse to the church. The ministers of the town, of all denominations of Dissenters, were present, and most of the ministers of the county. The Rev. P. H. Davison, Cockermouth; Barker, Maryport; Perfect, Aspatria; Evans, Ulverston; took part in the ordination services.


Chester, 4th August, 1851. DEAR MR. EDITOR,- The man who makes a mistake as to the number of chapels built by our body in one year, when he has "The Congregational Year Book" in his possession, can plead no excuse.

I have that book, and read the Chapel


forgotten it; yet I have no excuse to plead In this case I am glad I was mistaken, and I hope "Middlesex" will forgive me.

My friend C. F. V., who wrote the gentle reproof in the August Magazine, will please to accept my love and thanks.

I can only hope that this blunder will give greater publicity to the noble fact that, "the entire number of chapels in London, built, building, or projected, during the last three years, amounts to at least twenty; the united cost of which cannot be estimated at a much smaller amount than a hundred thousand pounds.


THE REV. JAMES READ, Late of the Western College, Plymouth, entered on his duties as the pastor of the Independent Church in Chard-street, Axminster, on the 10th of this month, August, with promising prospects of success, the successor of the Rev. Richard Penman.

General Chronicle.


EXTRACT of a Letter to the Editor, from the Rev. P. E. Gottheil, a Missionary of the above Society:

"The object of my writing these lines, is to draw the attention of the readers of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE to a certainly not uninteresting field of labour, and, if possible, to enlist their sympathies and prayerful exertions on behalf of that field-I mean the Jews residing in the south of Germanyespecially in the kingdoms of Bavaria and Wurtemberg. They amount, in the first kingdom, to sixty thousand, and in the second about ten thousand. The British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews, has had the privilege of opening the Missionary field in the kingdom of Bavaria, and has intrusted me with the charge over the many thousands of my kinsmen according to the flesh residing in that kingdom, that, by my humble labours, and the blessing of God resting on them, some of them, at least, might be brought to the knowledge of the truth, and thus become also my brethren in the gospel.

"The state of the Jews in those parts is of the utmost interest;-I should say that it is in a state of transition, of ferment: old notions, old prejudices, which have been handed down from generations past, are losing their hold on the mind, and giving way; time

honoured institutions, customs, and habits, are tottering in the presence of a new and unwonted light, which is bursting upon them from quarters which have hitherto had no access to them; all this, and more, must needs exert a great influence on the Jewish mind. As an instance of the change which that mind is undergoing, I can here only mention one or two facts. Perhaps few of the Christian friends are aware of the great abhorrence in which, for centuries past, the very name of Christ was held amongst the Jews. It is not more than half a century ago, that no Jews dared so much as to take the name of Jesus into their mouths; they were even prohibited from ever allowing it to cross their minds. On passing a church, they dared not look at it, not enter it, not cast an eye on the cross at the top of a steeple; to touch or look at a New Testament, study the language of the Gentiles, or imitate their manners and habits. Such and similar things were the views of the Jew then. What are they now? Not only is the name of Jesus getting daily more familiarized to their minds: they do not object to read the New Testament, were it only to find in it some discrepancies, either in history or doctrine, wherewith to combat against the preaching of the gospel; and along with this, there is no more an objection amongst them to go into a Christian church, nor to converse with a Christian. A thousand different circumstances, now-a-days, tend to bring Jew and Gentile closer to each other; and in proportion as predilections wear away, and false im

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it a small thing to hear-as I have heard it-mind is evident. And it is the observation a Jew, distinguished for learning and piety, enlarge on the warmth, the fervour, and the zeal that pervade the words of Paul, and of the affectionate love, and noble, unsurpassed benevolence which mark the character of Christ; to extol the conduct of a consistent Christian, and deplore that so few who bear the name of Christ, do glorify his naine by their lives; to see another diligently perusing the New Testament, not for the purpose of arguing against it, but for the purpose of exposing the fallacies and the unscriptural character of Romanism; and, again, another betraying in his preachings plainly enough that he has our Lord's Sermon on the Mount pretty well by heart-and the great moral lessons set forth there are, indeed, worthy of all acceptance, and deserve to be practised.

"It would be easy for me to multiply these facts, as they come out in different shapes and on different occasions. How much, for instance, is done by the influence of Christian schools and seminaries, which are now attended by many young from among the Jews, a thing also unheard of before. I myself have had the joy of hearing the voices of the dear little ones, mingling in the praises to Jesus sung by their Gentile fellow-pupils, join it with all their hearts, evidently delighted to be permitted to do as their little fellows from the Christians did! And how much can be done, and, I trust, in some cases is done, by Christian teachers on behalf of youths more advanced in years and understanding! The Christian teacher-if he is such in truth-will make every single subject he handles subservient to the furtherance of the gospel, and to the glory of God. He has thus much, very much, given into his hands; and who can tell the result, but God? "I was speaking before of the Jewish mind being familiarized with gospel truths. I might have said more; it is being familiarized with the fact of Christ having, in reality, been in existence; of his having taught and worked miracles, and at last died on the cross. I must again remind the reader, that ever since these events (of Christ's living, &c.) took place, they have been either entirely negatived by the Jews, or distorted in such a manner as almost to make it impossible for them to be recognized. Such was the state of opinion even in my own dear parents' time. How different is it now! There is no doubt now entertained as to the truth of the facts of the gospel record; they are spoken of as facts, and they are felt to be facts,--' stubborn things,'-difficult to be contended against.

of all concerned, that there is a shaking and a wavering in the Jewish mind, that the things of old are losing their hold, and that thereby a vacuum is created, as well as a desire to fill it up. And this, sir, is the point which, at this time, I should like to impress on the readers of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. There is a desire to have that vacuum filled up, to have something new, in place of the old things which are vanishing. And it is with the Christian to see it rightly sup plied, to see the new train of thought directed into the proper channel; and if the Christian should not do it, why, the world is ready to do the work for him, in a way of her own, but not for the good of the wavering and parched soul! This, sir, is no surmise, but a reality and a fact. The world has already taken hold of that mind, and turned it to its purposes, because the church has not been alive to her duty, nor on the look-out for the children which the Lord had prepared unto her. Hitherto, it may be said, the Lord has been working, for he has rolled out here one and there another from among the Jews; and many of those rescued souls have proved a blessing to the church, and an ornament to the cause of Christ.

"But I must not extend this letter to s much greater length. I could have mentioned many other facts, but reserve them for a future letter, in case the readers of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE should take an interest in the cause as a whole, and in the locality in which it has pleased God to place me as an humble labourer in his vineyard.

"Meanwhile, and in conclusion, let me remind evangelical Christians, that all Missionary labour is not as effectual as it might be, if accompanied by the prayers of the people of God. I have often felt this when abroad, and surrounded by difficulties; and I have felt comforted in the idea, that whatever come to pass, prayer and intercession is made for me by the brethren. If the Lord is thus enlisted on my side, who or what can hurt me?

"Oh! that a larger measure of prayer were poured out on behalf of the ancient people of God! It would, I am sure, in return, prove to many Christians, aye, to many churches. as life from the dead! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem-they shall prosper that love thee!

"Believe me, dear sir,

"In the bonds of Christian fellowship, "Truly yours,


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