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225. The adjectival form cech, cach is often associated with oen: cech oen every one. When followed by a numeral cech, cach is distributive: cach dá bini (§ 236).

226. Nechtar one of two, cechtar either of two.

227. The adjectival pronouns nach and cech, cach are often followed by ái, ae in the sense of the Latin eorum (§ 206): cach ái, cacha; besides cechtar ái uterque in the same sense also cechtar de.

228. Aile and alaile, araile alius, ule, uile whole, all, are declined like noun-stems in ia (§ 115) with the exception of the Neut. Nom. Acc. Sg. aill, alaill, araill aliud: uile signifies whole, when placed after the substantive; all, when it precedes the substantive. Distinct from aile is ala (indecl.) ind ala (indara) alteruter: ind ala n-ái (§ 206); ind ala...alaile unus (alter)...alter.



229. Cardinal numbers. The dots accompanying óen...deac 11 and so on notify the position of the substantive.

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230. The inflexion of dá two will be found in the Declension paradigmata. Besides dá there is a form dáu, dó for use without any substantive. Three is thus declined:

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In the same way cethir, Fem. cetheoir, cetheora, Neuter cethir (aspirating) besides a form cethri, cethre for all genders and


231. The tens are masculine and are declined like cara § 134: fiche 20, Gen. fichet, Dat. fichit; tricha 30, Gen. trichat, Dat. trichit or trichait and in the same way the succeeding decimals.

232. cét is a neuter stem in a (§ 110), míle a feminine stem in ia (§ 115).

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The adverbial dative singular is particularly often used with the possessive pronoun: meisse móinur I alone; a triur they... by threes, three of them and so on.

235. Multiplicative expressions are formed by the preposition fo, fa (under) with the cardinal numbers: fo dí, fa dí twice, fo thrí, fo ocht, fo deich, fo ocht fichet (genitive of the Cardinal number) vicies octies, fo choic sechtmogat septuagies quinquies, óinfecht, oenecht once (fecht time).

236. Distributives are expressed by prefixing the pronoun cach each, cach óen singuli, cach dá bini, cach trí terni, and so on.




Prepositions governing the dative are:

do, du (asp.) to M
di (asp.) of, Latin de
ó, úa (asp.) from, Latin a
a ass out of, Latin ex


co to, Latin ad

co n- with

re n- ria n- before
iar n- after

fiad Latin coram

oc near, Latin apud ís under

ós over.

Prepositions governing the accusative are;

tar, dar over, Latin trans

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eter Latin inter echtar Latin extra

tri through

cen (asp.) without

imb, imm (asp.) around, Latin circa

ol on account of amal as.

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