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οἵαν τιν' ἔγραψε δραμεῖν ποτὶ στάθμαν.

Αντ. α'.

τεκμαίρει | καὶ νῦν ̓Αλκιμίδα τὸ συγγενές ἰδεῖν ἄγχι καρποφόροις ἀρούραισιν, αἵτ ̓ ἀμειβόμεναι


1ο τόκα μὲν ὦν βίον ἀνδράσιν ἐπηετανὸν ἐκ πεδίων ἔδοσαν,

τόκα δ ̓ αὖτ ̓ ἀναπαυσάμεναι σθένος ἔμαρψαν. [ ἦλθέ


Νεμέας ἐξ ἐρατῶν ἀέθλων

Tiv' paye (Rauchenstein); but μεθ' ἡμέραν gives enough support. 7. οἵαν τιν.] So Böckh for Mss. ἄν τιν' and ἅντιν'.


ἔγραψε.] Cookesley 'marks out,' the orálμa being the γραμμή, the line marking the end of the course. Cf. Pyth. Ix. 118. Dissen translates jussit proprie, legem scripsit. For στάθμαν cf. Eur. Ion, 1514, παρ' οἵαν ἤλθομεν στάθμην βίου. Both these constructions, in my opinion, need ἄμμι and also δραμεῖν πότι, for which, however, see Pyth. Ix. 123, dikov | púλ' πi. Mezger quotes Pyth. vi. 45; wrongly, I think, both there and here, explaining σrá0μav as 'die Messschnur, die Schmitze, welche durch den Röthel mit dem sie gefärbt ist die Linie bezeichnet, nach welcher man sich zu richten hat.' But it is precisely the lack of guiding lines which the poet asserts.

Adhering to the MSS. we may render to run to what goal Destiny (as άywvoléтns) enters our names.' Note that ἔγραψεν is a gnomic aorist (so too έδοσαν, ν. 10, ἔμαρψαν, v. 11) and should not be translated has marked out, has prescribed, vorgezeichnet hat.' For the inf. Spaμeiv cf. Goodwin, § 97; Madv. § 148.

8. Kal vûv.] So best мss., but so too Pyth. Ix. 71. So in the case before


us Alkimidas gives proof to be seen that the genius of his race is like that of corn-bearing tilth.'

TÒ σvyyevés.] Dissen's interpretation must be right, as the alternation in successive generations extends over the victor's family and is peculiar to it. For the phrase cf. Pyth. x. 12, where the sense is limited to the manifestation in one individual of hereditary qualities. In fact τὸ συγγενές in its widest sense is whatever is derived from TÓTμOS σVYYEVŃs, Isth. 1. 39; Nem. v. 40. The Schol. interprets T πρὸς τὸ θεῖον ἡμῶν συγγένειαν; Hermann, Tous σvyyeveîs, which is included in my interpretation. I think the word genius' may include the idea of πότμος.


9. For general sentiment cf. Nem. XI. 40.

10. ἐκ πεδίων.] The Triclinian мss. omit ék, but πneтavov is supported by Hes. W. and D. 607 (605).

11. ἀναπαυσάμεναι.] ‘After lying fallow again (are) attain strength.' This use of μάρπτω comes nearest to the Skt. V mriç, touch, with which, pace Ascoli, I connect it (so also Curtius in his 2nd ed.).

12. parv.] Delightful,' because he had been victorious. Cf. Ol. vi, 12 (Dissen).

παῖς ἐναγώνιος, ὃς ταύταν μεθέπων Διόθεν αἶσαν | νῦν


οὐκ ἄμμορος ἀμφὶ πάλᾳ κυναγέτας

15 ἴχνεσιν ἐν Πραξιδάμαντος ἑὸν πόδα νέμων πατροπάτορος ὁμαιμίου.

κεῖνος γὰρ Ολυμπιόνικος ἐν Αἰακίδαις

ἔρνεα πρῶτος [ἐπάρκεσ ̓ ] ἀπ ̓ ̓Αλφεοῦ, καὶ πεντάκις Ἰσθμοῖ στεφανωσάμενος, 20 Νεμέᾳ δὲ τρίς,

ἔπαυσε λάθαν

Σωκλείδα, ὃς ὑπέρτατος

̓Αγησιμάχῳ υἱέων γένετο.

ἐπεί οἱ [ τρεῖς ἀεθλοφόροι πρὸς ἄκρον ἀρετᾶς


Επ. α'.



Στρ. β'.

25 ἦλθον, οἵτε πόνων ἐγεύσαντο. σὺν θεοῦ δὲ τύχα 40

13. Διόθεν αΐσαν.] Cf. Οl. ix. 42, Διὸς αἶσα ; Pyth. xi. 50, θεόθεν καλῶν, and for the exact sense of aloa, Nem. III. 15, infra, v. 49.

14. ἄμμορος.] Not altered from ἄμορος οι άμοιρος, but from ἀνα- or ἀν-μορος, the original sense of μόρος being preserved in the compound.

ἀμφί.] Cf. Pyth. v. 111; Nem. I. 29; Isth. IV. 55.

15. πόδα νέμων.] Cf. Soph. Αίατ, 369, οὐκ ἄψορρον ἐκνεμεῖ πόδα, which I explain, lit. 'Will you not move off this pasturage as to your (with) returning foot?' The πόδα would not be added to the middle but for the ἄψορρον, which however Prof. Jebb takes as an adverb. Rather compare Aesch. Ag. 666 (Ρ.), προνοίαισι τοῦ πεπρωμένου | γλῶσσαν ἐν τύχᾳ νέμων, guiding his tongue-:

16. ὁμαιμίου.] Hermann, ὁμαιχ μίου, 'of like mettle.'

[blocks in formation]

For the fact cf. Praxidamas won, It seems to me

ἐνεγκών, Hermann εϋρρόου, Mommsen ἐπεὶ δράπεν. Pausan. vi. 18. 5. πυγμῇ, ΟΙ. 59. evident that a verb is missing. 21.

'He put an end to the oblivion of Sokleidas,' by causing him to be proclaimed as a victor's father. Or was he grandfather, ὑπέρτ. being best?

24. ἐπεί.] Refers back to λάθαν. Most editors except Bergk and Mommsen read ἐπεὶ οἱ. But one Schol. makes oi the pronoun, referring it to Agêsimachos, three of whose younger sons were victors. Cf. Nem. 1. 58. Another Schol. refers it to Sôkleidas, with less probability.

ἄκρον ἀρετᾶς.] Cf. Pyth. xi. 55, Theokr. I. 20, Isth. III. 50, τέλος ἄκρον, Simonides, ἐς ἄκρον ἀνδρείας.

25. ἐγεύσαντο.] Cf. Pyth. x. 7, γεύεται γὰρ ἀέθλων, Isth. iv. 20.

τύχα.] Cf. Nem. iv. 7, v. 48, Pyth. II. 56, τὸ πλουτεῖν σὺν τύχα

ἕτερον οὔ τινα οἶκον ἀπεφάνατο πυγμαχία πλεόνων ταμίαν στεφάνων μυχῷ Ελλάδος ἁπάσας. ἔλπομαι 45 μέγα εἰπὼν σκοποῦ ἄντα τυχεῖν

ὦτ ̓ ἀπὸ τόξου ἱείς· εὔθυν ̓ ἐπὶ τοῦτον ἐπέων, ὦ | Μοῖσ ̓, ἄγ ̓, οὖρον

30 εὐκλεῖα· οἰχομένων γὰρ ἀνέρων


'Αντ. β'.

ἀοιδαὶ | καὶ λόγιοι τὰ καλά σφιν ἔργ ̓ ἐκόμισαν, Βασσίδαισιν ἅτ ̓ οὐ σπανίζει παλαίφατος γενεά, ἴδια ναυστολέοντες ἐπικώμια, Πιερίδων ἀρόταις δυνατοὶ παρέχειν πολὺν ὕμνον αγερώχων | εργμάτων 35 ἕνεκεν. καὶ γὰρ ἐν ἀγαθέα


χεῖρας ἱμάντι δεθεὶς Πυθῶνι κράτησεν ἀπὸ ταύτας | αἷμα πάτρας

χρυσαλακάτου ποτὲ Καλλίας ἀδων

πότμου σοφίας ἄριστον, which should perhaps be rendered, 'to be wealthy with the kindly aid of fate is far better than cleverness;' in my first volume I followed Dissen. For σοφίας ἄριστον, cf. Theognis, 173, ἄνδρ' ἀγαθὸν πενίη πάντων δάμνησι μάλιστα | καὶ γήρως πολιοῦ, Κύρνε, καὶ ἠπιάλου, also Ol. VIII. 67, Pyth. VIII. 53. In Pindar τύχα means (1) whatever man encounters or attains by the overruling guidance and influence of higher powers, (2) such guidance and influence, when the power is mentioned. The only point of contact between this τύχα and our chance is its ἀφάνεια το mortals.

26. ἀπεφάνατο.] Gnomic aorist and causal middle (see on Nem. Ix. 43); 'is wont to cause to give account as steward of more crowns in its penetralia than all Hellas (besides can number in one family).' The voice and tense of ἀπεφάνατο are generally ignored, and uvx taken with "Ελλ. απ. after Il. νι. 152, ἔστι πόλις Εφύρη μυχῷ "Αργεος


ἱπποβότοιο; but the phrase is unsatisfactory. The use of olкov for 'family' is like our use of 'house.' 27. For metaphor cf. Ol. 1. 112, II. 89, Nem. I. 18, ΙΧ. 55.

29. τ.] Cf. Pyth. x. 54. ἱείς.] Cf. Soph. Αiax, 154, τῶν γὰρ μεγάλων ψυχῶν ἰεὶς | οὐκ ἂν ἁμάρτοι.

τοῦτον.] Sc. οἶκον.

οὗρον.] Cf. Οl. Ιx. 47, Pyth. iv. 3. 30. εὐκλεῖα.] For acc. sing. εὐκλεέα, regularly contracted into εὐκλεᾶ or shortened into εὐκλέα.

31. λόγιοι.] So MSS. Böckh λόγοι. Cf. Pyth. Ι. 93, 94, infra, v.47. 33. ἀρόταις.] Cf. Pyth. vi. 1-3, Nem. x. 26.

35. ἀγαθέᾳ.] From ἄγα(ν) and θεό-s. Its meaning as shown by its usage should prevent connection with ἀγαθός.

36. αἷμα.] In apposition with Καλλίας. So Hor. Od. II. 26.6, non ego pauperum sanguis parentum.

37. ἀδών.] Having found favour with.' Artemis and Apollo were with Lêtô patrons of the

ἔρνεσι Λατοῦς, παρὰ Κασταλίᾳ τε Χαρίτων

ἑσπέριος ὁμάδῳ φλέγεν

40 πόντου τε γέφυρ ̓ ἀκάμαντος ἐν ἀμφικτιόνων

ταυροφόνῳ τριετηρίδι Κρεοντίδαν

τίμασε Ποσειδάνιον ἂν τέμενος

βοτάνα τέ νίν

ποθ ̓ ἁ λέοντος

45 νικάσαντ ̓ ἔρεφ ̓ ἀσκίοις

Φλιοῦντος ὑπ ̓ ὠγυγίοις ὄρεσιν.

Ἐπ. β'.



Στρ. γ'.

πλατείαι | πάντοθεν λογίοισιν ἐντὶ πρόσοδοι 75 νᾶσον εὐκλέα τάνδε κοσμεῖν· ἐπεί σφιν Αἰακίδαι ἔπορον ἔξοχον αἶσαν ἀρετὰς ἀποδεικνύμενοι μεγά



50 πέταται δ ̓ ἐπί τε χθόνα καὶ διὰ θαλάσσας | τηλόθεν ὄνυμ ̓ αὐτῶν· καὶ ἐς Αἰθίοπας Μέμνονος οὐκ ἀπονοστάσαντος ἐπᾶλτο· βαρὺ δέ σφι | φράσσε νεῖκος

Pythian games. For ἔρνεσι Cookesley compares Soph. Oed. Col. 1108, ὦ φίλτατ' ἔρνη, and the use of θάλος, ὄξος.

39. "Was lauded with loud chorus of songs, i.e. in the κώμος. In Pyth. v. 42 φλέγω is used thus, but transitively; intransitively but literally, Ol. 11. 72.

40. The 'impregnable causeway through the sea is the Isthmos of Korinth.

43, 44. The lion's herb' is the parsley of Nemea.

45, 46. For the two adjectives ἀσκ., ὠγ. cf. Ο. and P. p. xxxvi.

ἔρ. ἀσκ.] mss. ἔρεψε δασκ., corr. Schmid.

47. Cf. Isth. II. 33, III. 19. The notion of bringing classifies the inf. κοσμεῖν under Madv. § 148.


48. τάνδε.] For the demonstrative cf. Pyth. ix. 91, πόλιν τάνδε. 49. If αίσαν=‘lot, σφιν = τοῖς νησιώταις. If αΐσαν = 'course, occupation, prescribed path, career,' σφιν=λογίοισιν.

The central idea of atoa seems to be either prescription' or “ will (Fick) or 'selection' (Curtius),

whence the notion of line of life' or line of conduct' is easily derived. This sense suits supra, v. 13, Frag. 108 [96], and also the notion 'right direction' contained in the phrases κατ' αἶσαν, παρ' αἶσαν.

52. For ἐπᾶλτο cf. Curt. Verb (Trans.) p. 26.

MSS. βαρὺ δέ σφι νεῖκος ἔμπεσ ̓ ̓Αχιλ(λ)εὺς χαμαι καββάς (κάμβας) ἀφ' ἑ. Mommsen β. δ. σ. ν. ἔμπας χ. καββὰς ̓Αχιλεὺς ἐπιδειξ ̓ ἀ. &.

χαμαὶ καταβάς, ̓Αχιλεὺς ἀφ ̓ ἁρμάτων

φαεννᾶς | υἱὸν εὖτ ̓ ἐνάριξεν ̓Αόος ἀκμα

̓Αντ. γ'.


55 ἔγχεος ζακότοιο. καὶ ταύταν μὲν παλαιότεροι ὁδὸν ἁμαξιτὸν εὗρον· ἕπομαι δὲ καὶ αὐτὸς ἔχων μελέταν

τὸ δὲ πὰρ ποδὶ ναὸς ἑλισσόμενον αἰεὶ | κυμάτων 95 λέγεται παντὶ μάλιστα δονεῖν

θυμόν. ἑκόντι δ ̓ ἐγὼ νώτῳ μεθέπων δίδυμον ἄχθος |

ἄγγελος βᾶν,

6ο πέμπτον ἐπὶ εἴκοσι τοῦτο γαρύων

εὖχος ἀγώνων ἄπο, τοὺς ἐνέποισιν ἱερούς, ̓Αλκιμίδ ̓, ὅ τοι ἐπάρκεσεν

κλειτᾷ γενεᾷ δύο μὲν Κρονίου πὰρ τεμένει, παῖ, σέ τ ̓ ἐνόσφισε καὶ Πολυτιμίδαν 65 κλᾶρος προπετῆς ἄνθε Ὀλυμπιάδος.

Mezger β. δ' ἔμπεσέ σφι νεῖκος. Ag the Schol. gives ἐπέδειξε, I avoid it and choose φράσσε, which is suffciently near the sense of the Schol. and would be in danger after - φι.

54. For theme cf. Nem. III. 60, Isth. iv. 41, VII. 54.

56. ἁμαξιτόν.] Elsewhere ὁδὸς is not expressed, but the adj. is used as a substantive.

57. πὰρ ποδὶ ναός.] ‘By the sheet of a vessel, i.e. close to the πρωρεύς. Others understand the keel' or 'the steering paddle.'

58. λέγεται.] It is a proverb that. For μάλιστα κυμ. cf. Theogn. 173 quoted supra, v. 25.

59. The double burden' is the praise of the clan and the praise of the victor.

62. Mss. 'Αλκιμίδας τό γ ̓ ἐπάρκεσε | κλειτᾷ γενεᾷ.

That twenty-five victories were counted to the clan, not to Alkimi


Ἐπ. γ'.


das, is proved by the succeeding δύο, of which only one refers to Alkimidas. ἐπάρκ. intrans.

65. ἄνθε'.] Crowns, cf. Ol. II. 50, Ἰσθμοῖ τε κοιναὶ χάριτες ἄνθεα τεθρίππων δυωδεκαδρόμων ἄγαγον. It seems hardly probable that the 'random lot' can refer to the pairing of the competitors; for to be drawn with antagonists who were too strong for them was to be defeated on their merits, and the poet was hardly likely to recall such unpleasant reminiscences. But if one of their antagonists drew one or two byes, they might well be too much exhausted to throw an acknowledged inferior, who was comparatively fresh. It is therefore manifestly quite possible that the honours of the wrestling match, especially of that for boys, did not always rest with the technical victor. Perhaps however the number of

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