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the immediate occasions of his conversion we cannot say; but we find that, when only 19 years of age, in October, 1792, he was received into the fellow- | ship of the church meeting in the Old Postern Chapel, Newcastle, and then under the care of the Rev, Mr. Curston. He seems to have commenced his Christian course with all the ardour of youth, sanctified and ennobled by zeal for the glory of the Saviour, and love to the souls of men. In those days, opportunities for active personal exertion were not so abundant as they are now; but the subject of this brief sketch took a prominent part in conducting meetings for prayer and exhortation, in the villages around Newcastle, and in many ways showed a lively interest in all that concerned the kingdom of the Redeemer. By such labours, he was preparing for a higher and wider sphere, and proving to others his fitness for it.

that eminent and devoted saint, especially in her patronage of the college and the connection, Mr. Mather met a very kind reception. After completing the regular term of study, he was ordained in Spa Fields Chapel, May 17, 1803, the Rev. T. Young, of Margate, giving the charge. For several years, as was the general custom in the connection of Lady Huntingdon, he undertook no settled charge; but supplied, for short periods, at Hull, Sleaford, Canterbury, Gloucester, Ebley, Bristol, Folkestone, and Feversham. From this latter place he removed to Beverley in the beginning of the year 1807, and there he laboured for the long period of thirty-six years.

His life, though filled up by those various engagements which occupy every faithful minister in any sphere, was, as might be expected, unmarked by any peculiar and stirring events. No work can be so exalted and re- But though peaceful and comparatively sponsible as that of the minister of retired, his life was not inactive. For Christ; and never should it be entered more than thirty years did he preach on but with the deepest seriousness, three times every Lord's Day, as well as and with an honest conviction that God at the usual weekly services. During his himself has called to it. Profoundly pastorate, and chiefly by his exertions, interesting is the moment, when he, a Sabbath-school was opened, and a who has first given himself to Christ, school-room built. In the Bible and seeks to serve Him in the gospel. The Tract Societies he took a very lively incircumstance of his oldest brother be- terest. For many years the depôt was ing already at college, might awaken kept at his house; the office of Secreand strengthen, in Mr. Mather's mind, tary being filled by his amiable and a desire for the ministry, while every esteemed wife. But it was in the Lonopportunity of speaking, though un- don Missionary Society that he most pretendingly, to his fellow men, would delighted, and very zealously did he lead him to regard the realization of exert himself in its behalf. The annihis desire as far from impossible. Ac- versaries were seasons of peculiar gladcordingly, in the month of August, ness and benefit; for many years, when 1798, while his brother was yet a stu- Missionary Meetings were seldom, if dent, he entered Cheshunt College, an ever, held in villages, numbers from the institution from which have proceeded neighbourhood crowded to the Beverley many faithful and successful ministers services. With that generous hospiof the gospel. At that time there were tality which so much distinguished him, still living some of those who had taken Mr. Mather threw his house open to part in that revival of religion which numerous visitors; while the sums that distinguished the eighteenth century; were raised, considering the circumand from Lady Ann Erskine, who suc- stances of the people, were unusually ceeded the Countess of Huntingdon, large.

It may in the year 1808, Mr. Mather had been united in marriage to the widow of Thomas Richardson, Esq., of Little Humber. This union was productive of much mutual happiness. Mrs. Mather was a lady of quiet manners, sincerely but unostentatiously pious, and distinguished by Christian prudence. To her Mr. Mather was devotedly attached; and often, amidst the growing infirmities of years, have we heard him say, how much happiness he owed to her, and how irreparable the loss he sustained at her death. This event took place rather unexpectedly, in the month of December, 1836.

be proper here to state, that, | tified by long-continued and severe affliction, was of great service to him. Her gentleness, and her happy art of diverting his mind, greatly enfeebled by disease, to heavenly subjects, gave her great influence, and her society added much to the peace and happiness of his last days. She, however, was called home, some months before her brother-in-law, exemplifying very strikingly the sustaining and elevating power of the gospel.

For many years, Mr. Mather enjoyed unusually vigorous and uninterrupted good health. His constitution, however, was seriously, though imperceptibly, affected by the death of his wife. For several years he still continued his usual labours. In the month of October, 1842, after a meeting in the school-room, he was suddenly seized with paralysis, and, for many weeks, his recovery appeared exceedingly doubtful. After an interval of some months, he resumed his former labours, receiving occasional help. But it was soon evident to all and to himself, that his strength was unequal to his duties; and, about nine years before his death, he retired from the stated ministry, resigning that charge which he had faithfully held for the long period of thirty-six years.

He continued to preach occasionally, but eventually that became impossible; and, for several years, there was a gradual yet evident impairing of mental and bodily strength. About eighteen months before his death, he removed to Newcastle, where he could more easily receive that kind and constant attention which his helpless state required, and which his relatives, in that town, were so willing to bestow. His sisterin-law, a Christian of matured experience, and of spirit subdued and sanc

After her decease, it became apparent, that the day could not be far distant when he would follow. Still, at times, "the spirit of the old man came again," and his mind gave forth signs of its former vigour. This was particularly the case during the week immediately preceding his death. On the day on which he died, he read with evident interest the tract entitled "The Resurrection of Sailors," and expressed to his niece, who was with him, his great delight at several passages contained in it. He sat up as late as usual, not retiring to rest till half-past ten o'clock. About an hour afterwards, his niece heard him call out, as if in pain: she was at once by his side, with her brother and sister; but, after some deepdrawn sighs, he peacefully "fell on sleep."

He died on Lord's Day, the 21st March; and, on the Thursday following, his remains were conveyed to Beverley; and in the presence of a numerous and deeply -affected assembly, were buried in the chapel in which he had so long preached. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. E. Morley, of Hull, and the present minister, the Rev. W. Young, B.A. And on the Sunday following, some improvement of the solemn event was made in the same place of worship, by the Rev. T. Morley, whose friendship with the deceased was of fifty years' standing. The congregation was large, and seemed much impressed by the discourse. The words chosen for the occasion were,

" Where I am, there shall also my servant be."

It may truly be said of the departed, that he was an upright man, a respected neighbour, a faithful friend, a tender

and devoted husband, an affectionate relative, and a lively and zealous preacher of the gospel of the grace of God. "He rests from his labours, and his works do follow him.”


-"Another year has run its round:
Swiftly the months have flown: what mes-

Of monitory wisdom have they brought?
Let us look and see."

The Flight of Time. By the kindness of Divine Providence, we are permitted to arrive at the termination of another year-a solemn and eventful period, which has been pregnant with indescribable solicitude and sorrow to multitudes-and indescribably rich in mercy to all; during which, moreover, immense numbers have been committed to the grave, and their spirits introduced into that changeless world, where their destinies are irreversibly sealed. It behoves us, then, in our several characters and relations, to express sincere and unmingled gratitude to the God of unbounded love, for all the goodness with which he has "crowned the year,"—for all the guidance, all the support, all the consolation, he has afforded throughout the year; for all the deliverances he has vouchsafed, as the year has been passing away; and, above all, for the rich, the numerous, the varied, spiritual blessings which he has been communicating to us, from its commencement until its close.

And how important is it, at the termination of every year, that we should make a solemn pause; that we should look back, that we should carefully survey our past history, and mark, in the most attentive and enlightened manner, and for great practical and Christian purposes, the various and, especially, the most prominent occurrences which have taken place!


At the close of the year 1852, we have, then, peculiar reason to bless God, that our churches, and more especially our Congregational churches, have been preserved sound in the faith, and firm in their adherence to Christ Jesus their Divine Head. We want, unquestionably, more life-more spiritualitygreater closeness of union- more decided progress-more energetic and combined efforts for the glory of our common Lord; we want to perceive that the work of conversion is going more rapidly forward, and that our churches are being largely augmented by holy and devout members; still, we have occasion for unmingled thankfulness, as the year 1852 is expiring, that the churches among us, generally speaking, are sound and incorrupt in doctrine, and that the ministers of our churches are contending vigorously and earnestly for "the faith once delivered to the saints." Whatever may be the defections of ministers and members, in some other quarters-however the adherents of Romanism have been gladdened by the apostasy from Protestantism of not a few, who ought to have felt and acted very differently, we cannot too much rejoice that we have had no defections. Our ministers have kept their groundhave nobly fought the battle of sound and enlightened Protestantism — and the members of our churches are more firmly convinced than ever of the errors, the pernicious doctrines, the absurd superstitions, and perilous idolatries the Roman Catholic Church.

We have, also, occasion to thank God, that, during the year of grace 1852,

that, as the principles of Protestantism and Christianity are more extensively diffused among the French people, the warmer will be the desire, and the stronger will be the determination manifested not only to maintain peace with us, but to esteem and value us, and to co-operate with us in every important work. We cannot recur to this subject without longing for the Kaffir war to terminate-one so fatal to our missions, so long-continued, so destructive of commerce and progress where it rages, and so murderous and awful in its results.

we have not had another Papal Aggres- | to do each other good; and, we believe, sion, and, though the efforts of Romanism are more numerous, more insidious, more combined, than ever, and we cannot, as Protestants, be too active, too wary, too much on the alert-yet, we have not had a repetition of that bold and daring audacity, with which the empire was startled, and, in consequence of which, it was rendered so indignant, at a very recent period. And, indeed, we think, that the Romanist leaders in this country have, during the last two years particularly, acquired lessons which they will never forget. They have seen that British Protestants in the second half of the nineteenth century, are not to be bearded as they would have bearded them-are not to have sentiments forced upon them, which are directly antagonistic to their dearest principles, and to every thing which they have been accustomed to value, to love, and to revere.

We ought, moreover, to offer our tribute of praise to the God of mercy, and, especially, as British Christians, and the friends of civilization, human progress and happiness, in every part of the world, for the peace which has prevailed on the continent of Europe during the year which is now closing; and, should we not give utterance to our most fervent desires, that this tranquillity may long and permanently continue? We want no "wars or rumours of wars." We want the natious of Europe, and of the world, to dwell together as brethren, cultivating the arts of peace, cherishing the spirit of amity and mutual kindness, endeavouring to extend commerce, to diffuse knowledge, to promote improvement, to increase happiness, and to advance truth, in every quarter.

We want, especially, France and England to live in peace;-as immediately neighbouring nations, so intelligent, so large, so important-having such influence, and such resourcesthey must not quarrel with each other; but endeavour to help each other, and

When we recur to the events and mercies of the current year, we cannot be too grateful to Almighty God, that the cholera has not been suffered again to visit our shores. Though its ravages have been fearful during the autumn in Poland, and other parts of Europe, we have yet been mercifully spared a renewal of the visitation, and who can dwell on the awful desolations occasioned by this scourge in the summer of 1849, in nearly all the districts of the empire, without presenting earnest prayer, that Divine Providence may throw the shield of protection over us, and ward off from our land a visitation as awful and desolating as any which we could experience?

We have sustained, as a nation, a loss of a peculiarly important kind, by the decease of the venerable and illustrious Wellington, to whose character and memory men of all ages, and of all parties, have delighted to do honour, and who, for his coolness in the most fearful conflicts-his sageness, firmness, and genius, as one of the greatest of military leaders his Brilliant victories, in connection with his wisdom, acuteness, and practical good sense as a senator, and a most influential peer of the realm, will never be forgotten. His name will be handed down to the remotest posterity, as one of the most renowned heroes who ever existeđ—

ranking with the greatest of any country, or of any epoch. Still, when contemplating his eventful history, it has afforded us the utmost thankfulness, that, during nearly forty years prior to his decease, his sword had been sheathed, and that the councils which he attended during that long period were those of peace, and not of war; and, now that he has entered eternity, and his ashes rest near others of "the mighty dead," | we love to recur to his early walk to the Chapel Royal, and the regularity and apparently deep seriousness with which he observed, for many years, the worship of God, according to the simple and beautiful views of the Protestant faith; and, we trust, that many, very many years, will elapse before another Wellington will be required to summon our armies, or to lead our embattled hosts to the deadly struggle, and, what is termed the glorious victory. We think of the emotions of the great Captain himself, on the morning after the battle of Waterloo, when, as the list of the killed and wounded was read to him, and the appalling loss was unfolded to him, he was compelled to cover his face with his hands, under the influence of the most powerful and intense feelings-feelings which he found it impossible to repress, and which could only be alleviated by tears.

One of the most important and extraordinary events of the year has been the discovery of the numerous “ gold fields" of Australia, and the continuous and amazing supply from them, which is increasing perpetually, and which promises to be surprisingly productive for years still to come. And, in connection with this wondrous discovery, there has been emigration to our Australian colony from every quarter, and, to an unusual extent, from the parent country itself. The tide of emigration to the

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'emigration, but a perfect torrent, proceeding onwards with tremendous impetuosity, and carrying everything before it with resistless fury.

In this country, it has affected the bulk of the people multitudes from" every part of the empire have gone already, and multitudes are preparing to follow; and, we believe, that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of the population, would go over to "the regions of gold," if they only knew how to be conveyed thither without expense. By this universal and extraor dinary movement, not only has every town and city among us been disturbed, but even our little villages, our most sequestered hamlets.

Families, in all directions, have been broken up. Our shops have been deserted; our counting-houses have been abandoned; valuable businesses, in very many quarters, have been given up; houses and lands have been sold, often, at great sacrifice; bankers have lost their clerks; tradesmen their as sistants; manufacturers their operatives; farmers their labourers; masters their servants; parents their children; sisters their brothers; all, all have been off to the "Diggings;" nothing could check them; nothing could keep them back. It has been, and still is, and still will be, for years, a perfect mania; and, in our deliberate judgment, it will prove to be a grievous disappointment a sore calamity, in every respect, physically, socially, mentally, morally, and religiously, to very large numbers. The people, by millions almost, are "hasting to be rich;" and "he that hasteth to be rich shall not be innocent." They are "mad upon their idol,” gold-that is the passion which absorbs and devours them-and they will be punished-indeed, numbers will wofully punish themselves.

And we are extremely sorry to find how this desire after gold has entered the Christian church, and what an effect it is producing in certain quarters.

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