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the some of xxti mks and shall make such sufficient bonde or instrument for the yerly payment of the said some as shall be devised by the learned counsayle of thuniversitie.

10. For the which some of money yeerly to be payed the Vicechancellor and the Mrs. and Schollers of Cambridge shall constitute and make to the Mayor Bayliefs Burgesses and their successours for ever their attourneys and deputies a lawful and sure estate and give and grawnt so miche as lieth in them to the said Mayor and Bayliefs and Burgesses to use have and enjoy all such liberties authorities and preeminences in the said Fayres as [in] the university doth at this tyme or heretofore hathe donne without any let disturbance or impechement of the said Chancellor Mrs. or Schollers or their successours.

11. Provided that in the town of Cambridge the Vicechauncellor Proctors taxors and other officers of the university may use and enjoy stil all the preeminences authoritie and jurisdiction in as large and ample manner as though this graunte had never been made both concerning any victuayle spent within the same towne or other thynges or transgressions commytted within the town in the tyme of the said fayres, and out and for frayes and personal actions whereas a scholler is thone parte yf he require to have it harde at home the Vicechauncellor to be judge accordynge to the composition

12. Provided always that they do not take excessively custom or toll especially in such things as heretofore thuniversity hath had but after sorte and ordre as shall be comprised in the said writing and not above

13. Item that yf the Bayliefes or ministers of the towne do take excessively and more first it shalbe compleyned of to the Mayor and yf no redresse be had at his hande then upon complainte made to the vicechaunceller and Proctors it shall be lawful for the vicechaunceller to cause the said excessive taker to paye double dammage besides the coste and uppon cause to appoint such punyshment according to his discretion.

14. And that all schollers and scholler's servants and priveleged persons by of thuniversety be excepted and free from demand of toll or custome to be paid for any thing there bought or solde

and that they enjoye all manner of liberties and freedomes in the said Fayres the jurisdiction vieu and serche and other suche thinges now graunted to the town by the university only excepted in as large and ample manner as they now do or at any tyme heretofore they have done.

15. And that for default of payment of the said monney at the tymes lymited by the spaces of one whole yeare or for notorious abuse and excessive taking of custome or toll of such thynges as be heretofore geven to the university concerning the said Fayre and now by dede geven of thuniversity to the towne and for exacting of tolls of Schollers and preveleged persons contrary to the said covenaunt and not reformed upon complaint the said Mayor and commonaltie shall forfaicte this graunt and that the said chancellor and his successours shall be demed in the Lawe to be in possession of all suche liberties and priveleges as they have graunted to the Mayor and town of Cambridge in as ample and large a manner as though this graunt had never been made.

16. Item yf the townsmen shall sue for some honeste and good priveleges for them which shall not be prejudicial to the university the university shall wryte to their freends to ayde them in their reasonable sute.

17. Item it is agreed betwixt the towne and thuniversity that the visitours at their commyng thither shall set a convenient ordre for the black assembly by composition betwyxte the said universitie and town to the which both the university and towne shall sette their seales



1. THAT no common Pulter nor taker take up or grosse any victualls in Cambridge market or within v myles of the towne by the vertue of any commission, except it be fisshe for the Kinges household or others, or other suche victualls sold as merchandise in Sturbridge or Mydsomer Fayres.

2. That no Mr. of College nor student or schollers Phisitons Surgions bedells graduates praysers nor other priveleged by the composition hors or horses be take post or for any other county carriage except such horses as be used commonly to be lett.

3. That no muster be taken of Schollers or others named and comprised in the 2a article before be mustered before any commissionaries of the muster for the shyre or towne of Cambridge but only by letters or other commission directed to the Vicechancellor or some of thuniversitie.

4. Stet in case and forme as it is axed to be graunted in our boke.

5. That the Vicechanceller may command the Proctors or other officers of thuniversity to serche for hores bawds and others suspecte of Incontinency and suche lyke evyll rule and lyving both by day and nyght as in time past they were wont, And all that be so taken to be punished at the discretion of the Vicechancellor etc.

6. That the veeu sight and punishment for forfetts of all sylk clothes pewter vessells and other merchandise shall apperteyne to the university as it ded before at any tyme.

7. Item that in the Chancellors the Vicechancellors or Commissaries courte they may use such processe in judgement in cases according as heretofore they have been accustomed and according to their charters and composition. And that these courtes from henceforthe be courtes of record and that the parties

* D. Harvy's hande.

requiryng they may make their petitions and answers in writyng saving to the judge aforesayed aucthoritie and libertie to procede summarie et de plano, And to ende the sute within the court days if it may be accordyng to the statutes and liberties of thuniversitie.

8. Stet.

9. Stet so that they pay xxtili. yerly etc.

10. For the which sum of money yerly to be paid the Vicechanceller etc. shall make to the Mayor etc. and their successours a lawfull and suer estate and gyve and graunt so muche as lieth in them to the said mayor etc. to use have and enjoy all suche liberties aucthorities and preeminence in the fayre of Sturbridge aforesayd as thuniversity doth at this tyme without lett disturbance etc. of the said chancellor etc. or their successours etc.

11. Provided that in the towne of Cambridge and the suburbs adjoyning the Vicechancellor Proctors Taxers and other officers may use and enjoye styll all the preeminence aucthoritie and jurisdiction in as large and ample a manner as thoughe this graunt had never been made in the tyme of the said fayre and withoute that tyme according to the priveleges and customs heretofore used, And for frays committed and done. And all manner of articles terminable in the tyme of the said Fayre as well within as without the fayre where as a scholer or priveleged as before is the oon party if he require to have it hard at home the Vicechancellor to be judge according to the composition and as it is accustomed at other tymes in the yere out of the fayre tyme.

12. Stet.

13. Stet.

14. And that all scholer and scholer's servantes and other persons as in the forenamed articles be except and free from all manner of toll custome to be payd for any thyng ther bought or sold discharged or grownded And that they have all manner of liberties and freedoms in the sayd fayre (the inspection veeu and serche and other such thyngs to be graunted to the towne by thuniversity only except) in as large and ample manner as they nowe doe or at any tyme heretofore they have done.

Provided also that no officer of the towne in the tyme of the said fayre or owte shall take any toll or other custome of any carte or carriage by land or water which shall come and be browght to any college scholer or other priveleged person before mencioned or any ther howses or mancyon places in the fayre tyme or owt or browght within the fayre or towne by the sayd scholers as before nor shall they trouble or strayne any such carriage under pretence of toll or other custome except 14. commonly called the stall penny ones in the yeare And that every scholer or priveleged persones as before and every suche carriar alledgyng and sayying to the toller or other officer of the towne for that purpose the sayd carriage to be to his behalf to be in no wyse hyndered by the sayd officer upon payn etc. except the said officer can trie the sayd cariage to be made otherwise than aforesayd in which case every suche scholer to forfett etc.

15. Stet.

16. Stet.

17. Stet.

MEM. that the Vicechancellor with certen hedes of the universitie had convocation with the Mayor and certen Aldermen to fele their myndes in the sayd articles and thereupon to have them propownded after that to the universitie to be appended, to the which articles and specially to the ix article bicause the said mayor and aldermen wold not agre thereupon a stey was made and nothing ended.*

These articles are the groundwork of the Charter of Queen Elizabeth granted to the University in the third year of her Majesty's reign.-Ed.

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