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JUL 12 1960


THE text here printed, from p. I to p. 91, is from the folio edition of Sir Thomas More's Works, London, 1557. The continuation is from the edition of Hardyng's Chronicle, printed by Richard Grafton, 1543, while the additions given in the notes, from Halle's Chronicle, are taken from The Unyon of the twoo noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre and Yorke,' printed also by Grafton in 1550. Thus the language of the volume is all of one period.

Sir Thomas More's work was evidently left incomplete. This is shewn by its abrupt termination (see p. 91), and by the many omissions of names and dates which occur in the text, and which in the notes have been supplied from Halle. To this unfinished character of the work we owe many roughnesses of language which on revision and preparation by the author would have disappeared. But this cannot be

counted a disadvantage. For we have here many colloquial expressions and some probably provincial usages, of which we should not have had any illustration in the more completed work. The notes it is hoped will be found sufficient for the explanation of all that is peculiar in the language. The narrative is plain enough in itself, though Bacon's History of Henry VII. (Pitt Press Series), especially the early portion, may be read with profit in conjunction with the history and notes of the present volume.

Feb. 1883.

The history of King Richard the thirde (unfinished) writen by Master Thomas More than one of the undersheriffis of London: about the yeare of our Lorde. 1513. VVhich worke hath bene before this tyme printed, in hardynges Cronicle, and in Hallys Cronicle: but very muche corrupte in many places, sometyme hauyng lesse, and sometime hauing more, and altered in wordes and whole sentences: muche varying fro the co

pie of his own hand, by which
thys is printed.

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