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THE death of MR. MACDOUGALL, the Translator of the following pages, who was unfortunately drowned at Largs, in Scotland, in October, 1835, having unavoidably delayed the publication of this work, advantage has been taken of the delay, to profit by the kind offer of CAPTAIN JAMES CLARKE ROSS, Royal Navy, to add a few notes to the work; which, from his experience on the Coast of Greenland, and in the Arctic Seas, cannot fail to enhance its value.

It has been considered better to allow the homely style in these pages, probably attendant upon an almost literal translation of the Danish, to remain unchanged, rather than risk the chance of error, by substituting the more usual forms of expression.




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annual fair held there-Detention at Nenneetsuk; notions of a future
state-Optical delusion-Tents of the natives-Manners and appear-
ance of the East Greenlanders-Magnetic influence of the rocks at Ser-
ketnoua-A bear killed by one of the kajakkers-Taterat; the inhabitants
little resembling the Esquimaux-A ship's cannon discovered at
Koremiut-Angekkoks, or sorcerers-Curiosity respecting the compass
-Want of provisions-The author proceeds alone-Dangerous passage
-Signs of mourning-Singular effects of refraction-Snow-blindness-
A Greenland entertainment- Cascades near Asioukasik-Fondness for
snuff-Account of the Erkilliks; Mr. Wormskiold's conjectures con-
cerning them-Great thickness of the ice off Cape Mösting-Icebergs
-Curiosity of the natives of Aluik-Mode of preparing coffee-Refusal
to taste brandy-Have no knowledge of any Icelandic ruins-Effects
of the fog, near Skram's Islands-Hvid Sadlen, and Cape King Fre-
derick III.-Gunbiörn's Skerries-Distance between Iceland and the
Bygd-Variation of the compass at Sneedorff's Island-Dannebrog's
Island, northern limit of the expedition- Dangerous passage to Aluik
Sound of Ekallumiut — Luxuriant vegetation-The tambourine-

dance-Preparations for winter quarters


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