Was Car then Crashawe; or Was Crashawe Car 187 Welcome my Grief, my Joy; how deare's 82 Well meaning readers! you that come Well Peter dost thou wield thy active What bright soft thing is this 71 What ever storie of their crueltie What heav'n-intreated Heart is This What? Mars his sword? faire What succour can I hope the Muse When you are Mistresse of the song Where art thou Sol, while thus the Why dost thou wound my wounds, ô Would any one the true cause find Unde rubor vestris, & non sua pur- Uno oculo? ah centum potiùs mihi, Usq etiam nostros Te (Christe) tene- Ut cùm delicias leves, loquacem 183 Ut pretium facias dono, donare re- Vadit (Io!) per aperta sui penetralia Vani, quid strepitis? nam, quamvis Vescere pane tuo: sed & (hospes) Vidit? & odit adhuc? Ah, te non Vobis (Judaei) vobis haec volvitur Voce, manuq simul linguae tu, Christe, Vox ego sum, dicis. sancte Joannes 21, 311 tu vox es, Vox jam missa suas potuit jam tan- gere metas 49 Vulnera natorum qui vidit, & ubera CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. |