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Improvements are continually being made in the instruments used in every branch of science, and seismology is no exception. Prof. Omori publishes (Publications of the Earthquake Investigation Committee, No. 18) an account of a combination of light, inverted, vertical, with a heavy horizontal pendulum, with which it is claimed that a period of sixty seconds can easily be got from an instrument which does not exceed 1 metre in height and length of boom. Prof. Alippi, in the Boll. Soc. Sismol. Ital., vol. x., No. 3, describes a simple device for overcoming the tendency to adherence in the electric contacts of delicate seismoscopes; it consists in placing an ordinary electric bell, without the gong, in the circuit, and fixing it so that the clapper beats against the stone slab on which the seismoscope rests. He finds that the vibration set up by this is sufficient to cause the two parts of the contact to separate, without in any way affecting the instrument, and suggests that it would be better to incorporate a small electric vibrator in the base of the seismoscope to act like the decoherer in wireless telegraphy.

The mysterious sounds known locally as mist-poeffers, barisal guns, &c., and now generally looked upon as seismic, are the subject of a short note by Prof. Alippi, who records two new localities and names. In the neighbourhood of " and in Arezzo they are known as " baturlio della marina, the country between Bologna and Modena as romba di Sassuolo. The multiplication of localities where these sounds are familiar, and of local names for them, is thought by Prof. Alippi to render a generic name desirable, and he suggests brontid, which has certainly the advantages of being descriptive and of implying no theory of origin (Bol. Soc. Sismol. Ital., x., part iii.).

The relation between the variations in latitude at Tokio

and the occurrence of earthquakes in Japan is the subject of a paper by Prof. Omori in No. 18 of the Publications of the Earthquake Investigation Committee; he finds that the destructive earthquakes of the last eight years all occurred during periods of high or low value of the latitude, and none at times when this was changing from one to the other. This result is said to be in harmony with the results obtained by Prof. Milne, but we may point out that this is not so; what Prof. Milne found was that the greatest frequency of world-shaking earthquakes coincided with the most rapid variation in the position of the pole, while Prof. Omori finds that the destructive earthquakes of Japan occurred at times when the latitude was stationary or only changing very slowly. What his investigation seems to show is that any connection which there may be between the occurrence of really great earthquakes and changes in the position of the axis of revolution, does not extend to local earthquakes.



In accordance with the will of the late Mr. George Smith, of St. Louis, the treasurer of Harvard University has received, it is stated by Science, a payment of 51,500l. When this fund reaches 90,000l. by accumulation, three new dormitories are to be erected.

AT the institute of archæology of the University of Liverpool, a course of lectures dealing with recent researches on the ancient sites of Greece and with the historical geography of western Asia, particularly Palestine, has been arranged, and will be delivered on successive Wednesdays of this spring term. The lecturers are Dr. Caton and the Rev. M. Linton Smith.

THE President of the Board of Education has appointed Mr. T. S. Dymond, of the Essex County Technical Laboratories, Chelmsford, to an inspectorship under the Board, and to act as special adviser in matters of rural education, of nature-study in public elementary schools, of agricultural instruction in evening (including afternoon and Saturday) schools, and of the advancement of various forms of technical education in rural districts.

THE Bucks Education Committee, under the presidency of the chairman, Lord Buckinghamshire, has decided that a communication should be issued to all school corre

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THE Conference on school hygiene, which will be held at the University of London on February 7-10, will be opened with an address by Sir Arthur W. Rucker, F.R.S., on The Coordination of the Teaching of Hygiene." The subjects of papers for discussion include the following" Physical and Mental Development during School Life, Miss A. J. Cooper; "Physical Inspection," Dr. A. K. Chalmers; Building and Equipment,' Sir Aston Webb, R.A.; Sanitary Inspection,' Dr. J. F. J. Sykes; 'Training of Teachers," Prof. C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S.; and Training of Scholars,' Prof. Findlay.


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THE British Medical Journal announces that the French Congress of School Hygiene will hold its second meeting in Paris this year at Whitsuntide. The following is the programme of discussions :-(1) the medical inspection of primary schools; (2) the education of families in school hygiene; (3) vacations and holidays; (4) tuberculosis and teachers; (5) the overloading of school courses and competitions for admission to large schools. Profs. Debove, Grancher, Landouzy, and Pinard are honorary presidents of the congress. All communications should be addressed

to Dr. I. Ch. Roux, 46 rue de Grenelle, Paris.

THE annual general meeting of the Association of Technical Institutions is to be held at the Manchester School of Technology on January 27. The business will include the address of the president, Sir Philip Magnus, consideration of the council's report, the election of officers, and the reading of papers. The subjects to be dealt with are:-" The Coordination of the Work of Evening Continuation Schools and Municipal Technical Institutions," "The Cooperation of Employers in the Technical Training of their Apprentices,' and "The Registration of Teachers in Technical Institutions."

THE annual general meeting of the members of the Association of Directors and Secretaries for Education was held in London on January 19 and 20. Mr. F. Wilkinson, the chairman for the year, presided, and in the course of his remarks dealt with the new regulations The for secondary schools of the Board of Education. following resolution was adopted by the association :"That the policy at present pursued at South Kensington with reference to the erection, financing, and control of secondary day schools is calculated to cast a heavy burden upon the ratepayers, while at the same time depriving them of adequate control."

MR. A. J. GIMSON described before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on January 20 his impressions of sixteen engineering workshops visited by him in America. In the course of his remarks, he said that a feature of 'the the engineering industry that impressed him was close intercommunication of technical institutes and manufacturing workshops, of professors and manufacturers, and the presence, in minor positions of authority, of young who had passed through a complete course of technical instruction." In this country, manufacturers as a rule have yet to learn the value of scientific investigation and scientific education as factors of industrial progress.


SIR WILLIAM WHITE delivered an address at the Battersea Polytechnic on January 21 on the systematic study of

engineering. He expressed the opinion that in the teaching of those who have to work during the day and have only the evening in which to study, Great Britain is making progress. In many departments of technical education there is still much to learn, but in classes such The as those in polytechnics England has led the way. full value of such studies is often not attained, said Sir William White, because of the absence of a scientific method of teaching. Some teachers are uninformed themselves, and the consequences are serious to their students. The want of a good English elementary education has been recognised, but in secondary education there is much which still remains undone. He advised every student of engineering to apply himself to the study of mathematics and applied mechanics, without which an engineer must be at a disadvantage and have to work in the dark.

REFERENCE was made last week (p. 286) to the grant of 400l. a year, for the next five years, voted by the Drapers' Company for work in the department of applied mathematics at University College, London. The company has long taken an active part in the development of higher education, and the enlightened policy which has prompted it to make grants in aid of university work and scientific research in London will, we trust, be adopted by other city companies. No better testimony to the value of such grants could be obtained than is afforded by the memoirs which have been published containing the results of work carried on in Prof. Karl Pearson's laboratory (see, for instance, a note in NATURE of November 3, 1904, p. 15); In acknowledgment of the assistance given by the Drapers' Company to work of this kind, the council of University College passed the following resolution at its last meeting "That the council desire to convey to the Court of the Worshipful Company of Drapers their best thanks for the vote of 2000l. towards further assisting the statistical work and higher teaching of the department of applied mathematics at University College. By their original grant of 1000l. for this purpose the court has enabled the council to appoint an adequate staff and to purchase valuable apparatus for the work of the department. By generously continuing their aid the court will enable the work thus begun to be placed upon a more permanent footing, and will prepare the way for the establishment of a permanent statistical institute." A RETURN showing the technical amount spent on education by local authorities in England and Waleswith the exception of four which have made no returnduring the year 1902-3, has been prepared by the Board of Education and issued as a Blue-book. The return shows that the total amount of the residue received under the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act, by the councils of counties and county boroughs in England (excepting the county of Monmouth), in 1902-3 was 879,4051., of which 840,2531. was appropriated to educational purposes, and 39,1521. to relief of rates, the latter sum including 22,3661. devoted by the London County Council to relief of rates. Of the 49 county councils, 45 were applying the whole of the residue to technical education, and 3 a part of it to the same purpose. Of the councils of the 64 county boroughs, 61 were devoting the whole, and 3 a part of the residue to technical education. Further, 4 county councils and the councils of 31 county boroughs, 101 boroughs, and 211 urban districts, in England, were making grants out of the rates under the Technical Instruction Acts; and 31 local authorities were devoting funds to technical education out of the rate levied under the Public Libraries and Museums Acts. Thirty-three local authorities raised sums by loan on the security of the local rate under the Technical Instruction Acts. The total amount expended on technical education during the year was 1,149,2161. The total amount of the residue paid to the 13 county councils and the councils of the 3 county boroughs in Wales and Monmouth was 42,2017. These local authorities devoted the whole of it to intermediate and technical education, chiefly under the Welsh Intermediate Education Act, 1889. The total amount expended on technical education in Wales and Monmouth under the Technical Instruction Acts during the year was 42,781l.


Geological Society, January 4.-Dr. J. E. Marr. F.R.S., president, in the chair.-The marine beds in the Coal-measures of North Staffordshire: J. T. Stobbs, with notes on their paleontology by Dr. Wheelton Hind. The stratigraphical position of the marine beds can be located with exactness in situ. The horizons can be utilised for the subdivision of the Coal-measures. The known horizons at which marine fossils have been obtained were enumerated, and a map of the distribution of these beds was given. The Speedwell and Nettlebank bed appears to be the most important marine bed in the coalfield. A detailed table of the beds in North Staffordshire was given to show the exact position of the marine beds. Dr. Hind, in his notes on the paleontology, remarked that from the base of the Pendleside series to the top of the Coalmeasures there is an unbroken succession of beds-at one time marine, at another estuarine, without unconformity. -The geology of Cyprus: C. V. Bellamy, with contributions by A. J. Jukes-Browne. The Kyrenia Mountains rise to heights of more than 3000 feet. They are composed of rocks tilted into a vertical position, altered by compression and intrusion, and are devoid of fossils. They are referred by Prof. Gaudry to the Cretaceous period, and are compared by him with the hippuritelimestones of Attica. The Kythræan rocks (Upper Eocene) are based on breccias and conglomerates made up of fragments of the Trypanian limestones. No fossils, except a few small tests of Globigerina, have been found in this series, which consists entirely of volcanic débris. The Idalian (Oligocene) series appears to rest conformably on the last. The gypsum-beds are largely developed in the south; the white chalky marls and limestones extend over nearly one-half of the island, and are always conspicuous from their intense whiteness. Foraminifera are abundant, and other fossils have been found which indicate that the beds are mainly of Oligocene age. Igneous rocks are most conspicuous in the centre of the island. They are intrusive into the formations already mentioned. The rocks include augite-syenite, rhyolite, liparite, olivinedolerite, basalt, augite, and several varieties of serpentine. Miocene rocks have only been recognised in the south-east of the island. The Pliocene strata lie in horzontal or slightly inclined beds, resting unconformably upon all older rocks. The Pleistocene rocks sometimes attain a thickness of 50 feet. The cave-earths have yielded Hippopotamus minutus and Elephas Cypriotes to Miss D. M. Bate. An account of the chief economic mineral products of the island is given. Descriptions of some of the rocks, a note on the Miocene rocks, and a sketch of the physical history of the island are contributed by Mr. Jukes-Browne.

Mathematical Society, January 12.-Prof. A. R. Forsyth. president, in the chair.-Basic generalisations of well known analytic functions: Rev. F. H. Jackson. Recent investigations have led to generalised forms of the serial expressions of certain functions. The functional characters of the new series, the domains of convergence, and the possibility of finding linear differential equations satisfied by the generalised functions are the matters that next claim attention. The author explained the degree of success which he had attained in these lines of investigation. Current flow in rectangular conductors: H. Fletcher Moulton. The paper deals with the resistance of a rectangular lamina between electrodes which occupy portions of opposite sides, and the distribution of currents which flow in a conducting lamina bounded internally and externally by squares.--On the kinematics and dynamics of a granular medium in normal piling: J. H. Jeans. The paper is occupied with problems suggested by Prof. O. Reynolds's Sub-mechanics of the Universe." An attempt is made to examine the question of the permanence or non-permanence of peculiarities of piling such as Prof. Reynolds interpreted as matter, electricity, magnetism, &c. The results go to show that such peculiarities would be transient, and that a universe constructed as imagined by Prof. Reynolds would suffer instant dissolution, after which particles of matter, charges of electricity, &c., would

appear fortuitously at rare intervals, and have no continuous existence either in time or space. If the æther were a granular medium in normal piling, it would be æolotropic with eighteen elastic constants, and the velocity of propagation of waves of high frequency would be much greater than that of waves of low frequency. Light transmitted from distant stars would consist largely of mirages and coloured spectra.-On a class of expansions in oscillating functions: Prof. A. C. Dixon. The paper deals with expansions of the kind discussed by Liouville and Sturm in which arbitrary functions are expanded in series of special functions which satisfy differential equations of a certain type. These expansions are used frequently in applications of mathematics to physics. The object of the paper is to give a rigorous proof of the possibility of such expansions in the case of functions which are analytic throughout the proposed range of validity of the expansions.-Generational relations for the abstract group simply isomorphic with the group LF[2,pn]: Dr. W. H. Bussey.-On alternants and continuous groups: Dr. H. F. Baker. The paper is occupied with the proof of that fundamental theorem of non-commutative algebra which is usually written in the form eBec, where A and B are non-commutative quantities, and C is a series of alternants of A and B. The proof is derived from a property of a matrix called the E-matrix, which involves the structure constants, and one set of the canonical variables, of the parameter group. This property is established independently of the theory of continuous groups. It is proved, further, that every alternant of E-matrices is an E-matrix, and thence is obtained a general expression for the equations of the first parameter group. -A generalisation of the Legendre polynomial: H. Bateman. Isogonal transformation and the diameter transformation: H. L. Trachtenberg.

Royal Astronomical Society, January 13.-Prof. H H. Turner, president, in the chair.-The eclipse of Agathocles in the year 309: Prof. Newcomb. The author considered that this eclipse had been identified by Celoria with an eclipse said by Cleomedes to have been total in the Hellespont. Assuming this to be the case, it would be necessary to make a diminution of 1".5 in the secular acceleration.The longitude of the moon's perigee Mr. Cowell.Magnetic storms and associated sun-spots: Rev. A. L. Cortie. Discussing Mr. Maunder's paper (read at the November, 1904, meeting), Father Cortie considered it was still possible to consider sun-spot phenomena and magnetic storms as produced by some common cause, and brought forward evidence from the Stonyhurst observations which he thought conflicted with some of Mr. Maunder's conclusions.-A paper on the same subject: Prof. Schuster. From Mr. Maunder's statistics, which Prof. Schuster discussed, it appeared that in some form or other magnetic storms recur at intervals apparently identical with that of the revolution of sun-spot zones. The author was unable, however, to accept Mr. Maunder's explanation of the cause of the storms, which he considered as of terrestrial origin, the earth's diurnal rotation being the real source of the energy. The energy thus drawn away from the earth would tend to diminish its velocity of rotation, but in a million years this diminution would not amount to more than a second a year. Without forming a definite theory on the subject, Prof. Schuster suggested that there is some solar effect, propagated in straight lines, which may increase the electric conductivity of the earth's atmosphere, and thus set a magnetic storm going without supplying its energy. The author concluded that Mr. Maunder had shown the urgent importance of further investigation, but that the facts have become more difficult to understand and explain. After a discussion, followed by a reply from Mr. Maunder, the meeting adjourned, many other papers being taken as read.


Academy of Sciences, January 16.-M. Troost in the chair. On the generalisation of an elementary theorem of geometry: H. Poincaré. The theorem that the sum of the angles of a plane triangle is equal to two right angles is extended to the case of the tetrahedron.-On some theorems relating to algebraic surfaces of linear

connection greater than unity: Émile Picard.-On some physical constants of calcium and on calcium amalgam H. Moissan and M. Chavanne.-On the B-methyl-e-alkylcyclohexanones and the corresponding alcohols, homologues of menthone and menthol: A. Haller. B-Methylcyclohexanone, which can be prepared either by the decomposition of pulegone or from metacresol by Sabatier and Senderens's method, is treated with sodium amide and the alkyl iodide. A mixture of various alkyl derivatives is obtained which up to the present has not been completely separated into its constituents.-On a synthesis of menthone and menthol: A. Haller and C. Martine. Methylcyclohexanone is treated successively with sodium amide and isopropyl iodide, the mass treated with water, extracted with ether, and the latter solution fractionated in a vacuum. The physical properties of the menthone obtained, as well as those of its oxime, semicarbazone, and other derivatives show that the synthetical is identical with the natural product.-Observations of the Borrelly comet (1904 e) made at the Observatory of Paris with the 30.5 cm. equatorial: G. Bigourdan.-On irregular algebraic surfaces: Federigo Enriques.-On some points in the theory of numbers: Georges Rémoundos.-On equations of the parabolic type: S. Bernstein.-On fluorescence: C. Camichel. The author has repeated some experiments of J. Burke on fluorescence with some additional precautions. His conclusion, which is opposed to that of Burke, is that the coefficient of absorption of uranium glass for the radiations which it emits during fluorescence is the same whether the fluorescence be excited or not.Some combinations of samarium chloride with ammonia : C. Matignon and R. Trannoy. Samarium chloride forms eight different compounds with gaseous ammonia. The range of temperatures between which each of these compounds can exist, together with the heats of dissociation, were determined.-On a colloidal hydrate of iron obtained by electrodialysis and on some of its properties : J. Tribot and H. Chrétien. A solution of ferric hydrate in ferric chloride was placed in an ordinary Graham dialyser, and the amount of chlorine remaining in the solution determined at different intervals of time, in the first place on simple dialysis, and afterwards when a current of 1 ampere was passed through the solution. In the latter case the chlorine was more quickly and more completely removed; the theory of the two cases is given in detail, and the theoretical and actual results compared. -On an isomeride of trichloracetone: G. Perrier and E. Prost. Aluminium chloride is allowed to act upon alcohol in carbon bisulphide solution, and chloral is added. A liquid product possessing the composition and molecular weight of trichloracetone is obtained. The reactions, however, are quite different from this latter substance, and CC13

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tion of the ethylene linkage in unsaturated acyclic acids: E. E. Blaise and A. Luttringer. The migration of the ethylene linkage has been studied in the case of six alkylacrylic acids and normal aß-hexenic acid. It appears to move into the longest chain, giving either an isomeric acid or a y-lactone.-On the combination of natural leucine with carbamic acid: M. Hugounenq and Albert Morel. -On a new method of synthesising saturated ketones by the method of catalytic reduction: M. Darzens. It is shown that in applying the reaction of Sabatier and Senderens the temperature at which the reduced nickel is reduced is of equal importance with the temperature at which the reduction is carried out. If the nickel is prepared at 245° C. to 250° C., and the reduction is carried out at 180° C. to 190° C., unsaturated ketones can be readily reduced to the corresponding saturated compounds without the formation of considerable amounts of secondary alcohols as by-products. The reaction has been applied to mesityl oxide, methylhexanone, and methylheptenone.-Observations on the Borrelly comet (1904 e) made at the Observatory of Besançon : P. Chofardet.Observations of the Borrelly comet (e 1904) made at the Observatory of Algiers with the 31.8 cm. equatorial :



MM. Rambaud and Sy.-Orogenic sketch of the chains of the Atlas mountains to the north-west of Chott el Hodna : M. Savornin.-On the existence and the abnormal tectonic situation of the Eocene deposits in New Caledonia J. Deprat and M. Piroutet.-Geological observations collected by the Chari-Lake Chad expedition H. Courtet.-Contribution to the chemical study of the soil, water, and mineral products of the region of Chari and of Lake Chad: Alex. Hébert. On the spring at Hammam Moussa, near Tor, Sinai: R. Fourtau and N. Georgiadès. The water from this spring approximates to the water at Wiesbaden, containing sodium chloride and the sulphates of lime and magnesia. It has a slightly acid reaction.-Man and the mammoth at the Quaternary period in the soil of the Rue de Rennes, south of Saint-Germain-des-Prés : M. Capitan. Excavations in this district have led to the discovery in the Quaternary strata of several roughly executed flint heads and a well preserved tooth of the mammoth. It follows from this and previous discoveries that man, the elephant and the rhinoceros lived in the Seine valley, on the actual spot where Paris now stands.-Chlorophyll assimilation in the absence of oxygen: Jean Friedel. It is shown that the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere surrounding the leaf is not indispensable for the process of assimilation.-A gum bearing Stereospermum in Madagascar: Henri Jumelle. The physiological effects of ovariotomy in the goat : P. Oceanu and A. Babes. Amongst the advantages of this operation in the goat are the disappearance of the characteristic smell of the milk, an increased secretion of the milk, and prolongation of the lacteal period.


ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.-On the Boring of the Simplon Tunnel, and the Distribution of Temperature that was Encountered: F. Fox.On the Comparison of the Platinum Scale of Temperature with the Normal Scale at Temperatures between 444° and 190° C., with Notes on Constant Temperatures below the Melting Point of Ice: Prof. M. W. Travers, F.R.S., and A. S. C. Gwyer.-On the Modulus of Torsional Rigidity of Quartz Fibres, and its Temperature Coefficient: Dr. F. Hor 1on. On a Method of Finding the Conductivity for Heat: Prof. C. Niven, F.R.S.-On the Drift produced in Ions by Electromagnetic Disturbances, and a Theory of Radio-activity: G. W. Walker -Exterior Ballistics. "Error of the Day" and other Corrections to Naval Range Tables: Prof. G. Forbes, F. R.S.-The Theory of Symmetrical Optical Objectives. Part ii. S. D. Chalmers.-Coloration of Glass by Natural Solar and other Radiations: Sir William Crookes, F.R.S.-Note on the Cause of the Period of Chemical Induction in the Union of Hydrogen and Chlorine: C. H. Burgess and D. L. Chapman. INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Fuel Economy in Steam Power Plants: W. H. Booth and J. B. C. Kershaw. (Conclusion of discussion.)


ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 9.-The Life-History of the Emperor Penguin: Dr. Edward A. Wilson.

PHYSICAL SOCIETY, at 5.-Action of a Magnetic Field on the Discharge through a Gas: Dr. R. S. Willows.-Action of Radium on the Electric Spark: Dr. R. S Willows and J. Peck.-The Slow Stretch in Indiarubber, Glass, and Metal Wires when subjected to a Constant Pull: P. Phillips.-Determination of Young's Modulus for Glass: C. A. Bell. -Some Methods for Studying the Viscosity of Solids: Dr. Boris Weinberg.

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. at 8.-Concrete-Making on the Admiralty Harbour Works, Dover: T. L. Matthews.


MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION, at 3.-Models and their Use: E. M. Lang. ley. The New Geometry: W. H. Wagstaff.-Should Greek be Compulsory for Mathematicians at Cambridge? A. W. Siddons. ESSEX FIELD CLUB (at Essex Museum of Natural History, Stratford), at 6.30. On the Occurrence of Gypsum in Essex Soils: T. S. Dymond. -The Bog-Mosses (Sphagnacea) of Essex, a Contribution to the Flora of the County: F. J. Chittenden.

MONDAY, JANUARY 30. SOCIETY OF ARTS, at 8.-Reservoir, Stylographic and Fountain Pens : J. P. Maginnis.

INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES, at 5.-On Staff Pension Funds: G. King. FARADAY SOCIETY, at 8.-Mass Analyses of Muntz's Metal by Electrolysis, and some Notes on the Electrolytic Properties of this Alloy : J. G. A. Rhodin.-On the Equilibrium between Sodium and Magnesium Sulphates: Dr. R. Beckett Denison. Refractory Materials" E. K. - Scott.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 31. ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 5.-The Structure and Life of Animals: Prof. L. C. Miall, F. R.S. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Floating Docks: L. E. Clark. MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8. (1) On Danalite from Cornwall: (2) Crystallographic Characters of Barium-radium Bromide: Prof. H. A. Miers, F.R.S. - On the Regular Growth of Crystals of one Substance upon Those of Another: T. V. Barker.-Apparatus for Determining the Density of Small Grains: K. A. K. Hallowes.

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ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.-Probable Papers: On the Compressibility of
Gases between One Atmosphere and Half an Atmosphere of Pressure:
Lord Rayleigh, O.M., F.R.S-On the "Blaze Currents" of the Gall
Bladder of the Frog: Mrs. A. M. Waller :-The Theory of Photographic
Processes; on the Chemical Dynamics of Development: S. E. Sheppard
and C. E. K. Mees.-On the Relation between Variation of Atmospheric
Pressure in North-East Africa, and the Nile Flood: Capt H. G. Lyons
-Note on the Determination of the Volume Elasticity of Elastic Solids:
Dr. C. Chree F.R.S.-Theory of the Reflection of Light near the
Polarising Angle: R. C. Maclaurin.

RWAL INSTITUTION, at 5.-Forestry in the British Empire: Prof.
W. Schlich.
CIVIL AND MECHanical Engineers' Society, at 8.-The Mechanics of
Flour Milling: A. R. Tattersall.
LINNEAN SOCIETY, at 8.-New Chinese Plants from the Neighbourhood
of Hong Kong: W. J. Tutcher-European Marine Species of Isopoda:
Dr. H. J. Hansen.
RÖNTGEN SOCIETY, at 8 15.-Some Points in the Construction of a High
Frequency Machine: Dr. Clarence A. Wright.

CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-Studies in the Camphane Series. Fart xvi. Camphorylcarbimide and Isomeric Camphorylcarbamides: M. O. Forster and H. E. Fierz.

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A Simple Model for Illustrating Wave-motion. (Illustrated.)-K. Honda

Recently Observed Satellites.-Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S.

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Compulsory Greek at Cambridge.-Edward T.


Super-cooled Rain Drops.-Edward E. Robinson. 295
Polar Plotting Paper.-(With Diagram.) Dr. C. G.

Lissajous's Figures by Tank Oscillation.-(Illustrated.)
T. Terada

Notes on Stonehenge. I. (Illustrated.) By Sir
Norman Lockyer, K. C.B., F.R.S..
Prof. Ernst Abbe. By R. T. G.
M. Paul Henri. By W. E. P.

Our Astronomical Column:

The Reported Sixth Satellite of Jupiter
Periodical Comets due to Return in 1905.
Changes on the Surface of Jupiter..
Stars having Peculiar Spectra.









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THE SOUTH KENSINGTON COIL, 48 in. spark. Special Coils for
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