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2,294,560% for maintaining an Army of 69,636 Men, which Sums they railed by divers Duties upon imported Goods, and by doubling the Excife; together with the Land Tax and Loans upon the Excife. But inflead of that Loan, it was propofed to give the forfeited Eftates in Ireland, which fome were of Opinion might raife a Million of Money. But this Propofal was rejected, and even the Bill, which afterwards pafs'd the House of Commons, for attainting the Perfons in Rebellion, confifcating their Eftates, and applying them to the Service of the War, was dropt in the House of Lords. The Commons had, in their Eftimate for the Sea Service, made a Provifion for building fome Ships of War to reinforce the Navy. But taking that Matter into further Confideration, they voted on the 24th of December a Supply of 570,000 l. for building 17 Third Rate Ships of War of 60 Guns a-piece, additional to what they had already provided for, and made Provifion accordingly. They alfo pafs'd a Bill for appointing Commiffioners to take and tiate the publick Accompts. All which Bills, together with fome others that were neceffary, being pafs'd both Houses, his Majefty gave his Royal Affent to them on the 5th of January, and then made a Speech to both Houses: Wherein he thanked them for the Dispatch they had made, which gave him Liberty to 30 into Holland (where his Preence was wanted at the great Conrefs appointed at the Hague) and declared he would make no Grant of the forfeited Lands in England and Ireland, till that Matter fhould be fettled in Parliament. And then, by his Majefty's Direction, both Houfes adjourned to the 31ft of March next.

Nov. the 15th, the King was leas'd to appoint the Lord Godolphin

firft Commiffioner of the Treafury; A. D. and accordingly a new Commiffion 1690. pafs'd, wherein that Lord, with then four old Commiflioners, Sir John Lowther, Sir Step Fox, Mr. Hambden, and Mr. Pelham, were conftituted Commiffioners of the Treafury. And foon after Sir Charles Porter was made Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and one of the Lords Juftices, and the Lord Sidney, who poffeffed that Polt, was recalled.

On the 9th of January his Majefty embark'd for Holland, and on the 18th arrived on that Coaft; but adventuring to go off in the Shallops, when the Yatches were a League and a half from Shoar, he was fo furrounded by Ice, that he lay all Night in the Boat, accompanied by the Duke of Ormond, the Earls of Devonshire, Dorfet, Portland, and Monmouth, Monfieur Overkirk, and Monfieur Zuyleftein, who attended him. At length they got fafe on Shoar, and arrived at the Hague the 19th in the Evening. And this being the first time his Majefty had been there fince his Acceffion to the Throne, he was prevailed upon to make a publick Entry, which was accordingly perform'd the 26th with very great Solemnity and Pomp, feveral Triumphal Arches and divers Decorations being erected for that purpose.

To meet his Majefty here, and concert the Methods of defending Europe from the Invafions of France, the Electors of Brandenburgh and Bavaria, the Dukes of Lunenburgh, Zell, and Wolfenbuttel, the Landgrave of Heffe, with feveral other Princes of Germany, and the Plenipotentiary Ambaffadors of all the reft of the Princes engaged in the Confederacy, arrived daily, and made the moft illuftrious Affembly that has any where been feen; who for the space of two Months held Conferences and Entertain


A. D. ments, wherein Refolutions were 1690. taken for carrying on the War, which if they had been as regularly perform'd by the reft, as they were by England and Holland, the French Monarch's Pride had been effectually pull'd down. For it was refolved that 222,000 Men fhould be the Complement of the Army to act a gainst France, whereof the Emperor's 20, the King of England's 20, the States General 35,000, and perhaps the Duke of Savoy's Quota, were always compleat; but how fhort the other Princes were in theirs may be judg'd by the faint Efforts, which were made before England and Holland much enlarged the Number

of their Forces.

The Entertainment, and the Conferences at the Hague were but just over, and the King retired to Loo, when he was alarmed with News that the French had befieged Mons. On the 15th of March N. S. a Detachment of French invefted that frong Fortress, and a few Days after the King himself with the Dauphin and Duke of Orleans came to command in the Siege. King Wil liam hafted to its Relief, and drew an Army together for that purpose, which he brought as far as Hull by the 6th of April, but thro' the Neglect of the Spaniards in providing Carriage his Artillery came not up in time; for the French advanced their Trenches with all poffible Expedition and fired upon the Town from 60 pieces of Cannon, and 25 Mortars, with fuch inceffant Fury, that the Burghers would not bear it, and as they were ftronger than the Garrison, they beat the Chamade, and forced the Governor (who was refolveft to hold out till the Succours came up) to fign the Capitulation, whereby this important Place was taken by the French King, April 10th, almost in fight of King William. The Town being ta

ken, the French withdrew and p their Troops into Quarters, and the King beftowed his in the fame Manner, and then came over to England, and arrived at Whitehall, April 13th.

In purfuit of the Thread of the Discourse, we omitted an Event at home this Winter, which is too confiderable to be pafs'd over. The Friends of King James were not totally difcouraged by their Difappointment laft Year, and by the Defeat at the Boyne, but fill purfued their Defigns; and to the purpofe of carrying them on with Seccefs, enlarged their Party by taking in Whigs as well as Tories, who had any remains of Affection to the late King. These held Confults, and refolv'd to apply themselves to the French King for Affiftance; and accordingly the Lord Preston with two Gentlemen, Mr. Ahton and Mr. Elliot, were deputed (and actualy took fhipping in the most private Manner) to go to France, but the Government having notice watched them, and a little below Gravejni their Ship was boarded, and the Perfons feiz'd; in Mr. Afton's Bo fom was found a Packet of Papers, which thro' the Suddennefs of taking him he had not time to throw over board, as was apparently intended by the Lead aflix'd. By this Packet it was plain that they were going to France to invite the French King invade England; Letters and A dreffes from feveral Perfons (partcularly Dr. Turner, late Bishop Ely) to King James, Minutes of Instructions for the French Fleet, and other Papers of like import, berg found in it.

The Lord Prefton was brought to Trial at the Old Bailey on the 10th of January 1690-1, and Mr. Am on the 19th; both of them wet found guilty, and the latter execuled, but the Lord obtained Pardon.

During the King's Abfence, an unhappy Fire broke out at Whiteball, which burnt the Lodgings over the Stone Gallery, but was extinguifhed before it reached the King's Lodgings.

Sir Edward Villers was on the 25th of March, 1691, created a Baron and Viscount of England, by the Title of Baron Villers of Hoo, and Viscount Villers of Hartford in he County of Kent.

His Majefty made but a fhort Stay in England, for purpofing to Command the Army in Flanders n Perfon he made as much Difatch thither as poffible. And herefore having given the neceffaOrders for the total Reduction f Ireland; and for the fitting out numerous Fleet, whereof Mr. uffel (fince Earl of Orford) was pointed Admiral; and filled up e vacant Sees, he departed for Jalland, where he arrived May the


The Ecclefiaftical Promotions ere, Dr. Tillotson to the Archfhoprick of Canterbury, Dr. atrick Bishop of Chichester to the Thoprick of Ely, Dr. Grove to bicbefter, Dr. Fowler to Glouter, Dr. Cumberland to Peterbogb, Dr. Moor to Norwich. Dr. veridge to Bath and Wells; but he clining it because Dr. Kenn was ring, Dr. Kidder was afterwards omoted to that See. And in the onth of May this Year Dr. Sharp ceeded Dr. Lamplugh in the Archhoprick of York, and Dr. Irone e, Dr. Crofts in Hereford, and · Hall fucceeded Dr. Ironfide in iftol.

And now we must look over inIreland, where Lieutenant GeneGinkle commanded in chief his ajefty's Army.

In the beginning of June the my took the Field, and on the


7th of that Month fat down before Ballymore, a Town feated on the edge of a Bogg in Weft-Meath County, 12 Miles North Eaft from Athlone, which furrendred next Day. On the 19th they invested Athlone, and took the English Town Sword in Hand the zoth; the Irish Town being to be attacked cross the River, and the Befiegers having broke the Bridge, made thé taking it exceeding difficult. However after many Repulfes the Englifh got over the River by a Ford, and by unparallelled Bravery gained the Bridge, which alfo gained the Town, for the Enemy deferted it and fled to their Army, which lay all the while behind the Town; a Circumftance, that as it encouraged the Enemy, increased the Merit of the Generals and Soldiery, who in their Sight took a well fortified Town over a River in ten Days time. On the 10th of July the Army marched after the Enemy, who were retired into a ftrong Situation near the Caftle of Agbrim. A Morafs lay on their Right, and a Rivulet with steep Hills and little Boggs on their Left, and the Caftle in their Front. The French General St. Ruth commanded in chief, affifted by Sarsfeild. On the other fide General Ginkle was affifted by the Duke of Wirtembergh, Generals Mackay, Talmafh, Tetteau, la Mellioniere, &c. St. Ruth perceiving our Army intended to attack him, made a blastering Speech to his Soldiers, and prepared to receive us. On Sunday, July 12. the Battle was fought, wherein the Irish fought fo bravely, that altho' the Engli performed Wonders, the Victory was doubtful for fome Hours, nay, St. Ruth thought he had us in his Power; but a Cannon-bullet fcon after put an End to his Life, which alfo put their Army into Confufion,



A. D.


A. D. for Sarsfild was not acquainted 1691. with the Order of Battle. The English, perceiving their Disorder, pufhed fo feasonably, that they put the Enemy to the rout, and purfued them three Miles, till Night com. ing on they were obliged to let the reft efcape. The Irish loft above 4,000 Men in the Battle, and the English had 700 killed, and as many wounded.

The General refolving to purfue his Blow, in a few Days marched the Army towards Gallaway, which was now befides Limerick, the only confiderable Place the Irish poffeffed. The Governor pretended at first to hold out, but after a few Days Experience of the English Bravery he came to a Treaty, and on the 20th of July the Town was furrendered.

Limerick now was the next Undertaking. Tyrconnel dyed there the 14th of Auguft, fo the chief Command devolved upon Sarsfeild, who made a very obftinate Defence. On the 25th of Auguft, the Englife Army fat down before the Town, and foon_took the Out Forts. But the Town was impregnable, till the General found Means to pafs Part of the Forces over the River, and attack it on that fide alfo. Where, by a remarkable Bravery of the English Gre. nadiers, who were employed to attack two Forts at Thomond Gate, 600 of the Enemy were cut to pieces, when retiring from thofe Forts to the Town, the Gate was fhut upon them to prevent the English entring with them, fo clofely did they purfue: The English being hereby lodged at the foot of the Bridge, which cut off from the Enemy all Communication with their Horfe without, who were all this while fcouring the Country. They foon after demanded a Ceffation of

Arms for three Days, till they might fend to Lieutenant General Sheldon, who lay with 1,500 Horie not far off, in order to include him in the Capitulation, which they were disposed to enter into. Which being granted, and Haftages exchanged, on the 26th of Septem ber the Treaty commenced, where in the Irish asked fuch high Terms, that a new Battery was ordered to be erected; but at the Request of the Befieged the Treaty being re newed, it was finally concluded on the 3d of October. The Lords Ja ftices having to that purpose made a Journey to the Camp, and fubfcribed that part of the Aruces that related to Civil Rights. By this Treaty all that the Irbeid for King James was to be farrendered, and all the Irib that were defirous to go to France were per mitted to depart. Thus was reland intirely reduced to the Obedience of King William.

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In England all was quiet thi Summer, and nothing difturbed i Majefty's Adminiftration, neitha did any Event happen that may de ferve publick Notice. The Fleet Sea defended our Coaft, and tected the Turkey Fleet, which t French way-laid, but no Acti happened. In Flanders the t Armies equally frong lay at Br all the Summer, but at breaking up the French falling on the Ra of the Confederates, killed the 1,000 Men, with half that Les 3 themselves. In Savoy the Frent had great Succefs; and in Spain the took a fmall Town and bombarde Barcelona.

The King returned to Eg October the 19th. And on 23d of the fame Month the P liament affembled; to whom Majefty made a Speech, intimat the Reduction of Ireland, the Mis

rit of that Army, and Reasonable nefs of paying the Arrears, the Neceffity of a good Fleet at Sea, and an Army of 65,000 Men at Land. And advised them to Unanimity ind Dispatch.

The ufual Addreffes being over, the Houfes, proceeded, and on the 5th of November the Commons foted, that a Supply be granted o their Majesties for carrying on he War against France. And on he 18th they voted that the Sum or the Sea Service of the Year 1692, e 1,575,890 l. including the Ordance and the Building of Docks. And on the 14th of January, they oted 1,935,787 1. for the Army. Which they railed by a Land Tax, Double Excife, and Quarterly Poll. at these raised not what they were ven for, by 230,000

At the beginning of this Seffion etitions were prefented to the Coufe of Commons against the aft India Company, praying that at Trade might be laid open. he Matters of Complaint being mmunicated to the Company, ey prefented their Defence. Both hich being duly confidered, the oufe voted on the 17th of Dember, feveral Articles of Regution for the Eaft India Trade, hich are too numerous to be inrted here; the Principal were, hat the Company fhould annually port Goods of the Product and anufacture of England, to the alue of 200,000/. That no one rfon fhould have a Stock of ave 5,000 . That no private Sales uld be made. That no Divinds fhould be made without ving a fufficient Fund to pay all bts, and carry on the Trade. nd that Security fhould be given at the Stock was then worth, all ebts being paid, 749,000l. All

ich Articles being agreed on, they

addreffed his Majefly to incorpo- A. D. rate the East India Company by 1691. Charter, that the fame might af terwards pafs into an Act. And a Bill was ordered accordingly, but when that Bill was brought in in February following, to many Petitions appeared against it, that the Houfe thought fit to addrefs the King to diffolve the Eaft India Company, and conftitute a new One, for the better preferving that Trade to the Kingdom. A Bill paffed the Houfe of Commons for regulating Trials in Cafes of Treafon, to which the Lords added a Claufe in their own behalf, that in cafe of the Trial of a Peer, all the Peers fhould be fummoned and fit to judge the Caufe. To which the Commons difagreeing, occafioned many Conferences, and both Houfes adhering to their Opinions, the Bill was loft.

One Fuller, an abfcure Fellow, who pretended to have been a Page in the Family of the late Queen at the Time of the Birth of the Prince of Wales, and to be employed in the Service of their Caufe in England, appeared before the House of Commons, declaring himself capable of making great Discoveries, and promifed to produce Vouchers, if he might have a Pafs for two Perfons to come from beyond Sea, which was accordingly granted him, but to no Purpose, for fuch Perfons never appear'd, nor could be heard of, and therefore the Houfe voted him an Impoftor. And in Confequence of their Addrefs to the King to profecute him at Law, he afterwards ftood in the Pillory.

On the 24th of February, his Majefty came to the Houfe, paffed feveral Bills, and made a Gracious Speech, and then the Parliament adjourned to the 12th of April.

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