Appendix of Ancient Names of Places in England and Ireland, and Ancient Surnames, 4to. cf. 88.1776 WRIGHT, History of IRELAND from Earliest Period, 33 first Parts, imp. 8vo. new, 30 fine plates, portraits, 12s. pub. 11. 138. Tallis. WYATT (DIGBY) Industrial Arts of 19th Cent. Illustrations of Choicest Works in Great Exhibition, folio, 32 magnificent plates, printed in gold colours, ll. cost 3 gs. 1851 WYATT (Benj.) Observations on Design for Drury Lane Theatre, Plans, Elevations, Sections, 4to. hf. russia, fine plates, 4s. pub. 21. 12s. 6d. 1813 XENOPHON, Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. Indice et Notis, Porti, &c. Leunclavii, "very popular edit." 2 vols. in 1 thick folio, hf. cf. nt. 5s. Paris, 1625 YOUNG (Dr.) Lectures on Natural Philosophy and Mechanical Art, thick vols. 4to. hf. cf. nt. many plates (formerly priced 5 gs.) 11. pub. 5 gs. 1807 YOUNG, Travels through FRANCE (1787-89) to ascertain Wealth, Resources, National Prosperity, "most valuable and useful, particularly for Agriculture, Manners, National Character," 4to. hf. cf. nt. maps, 58. 1792 ZANCHIUS, De Operibus Del," Solid and pious, divine, most scholastic among Protestants, mosl learned of the Reformers," thick folio, cf. 48. Neost, 1591 2567 Setter, a Portrait of a Favourite DOG, after A. Cooper, R.A., by DUNCAN; also, surrounding SCENERY, &c. (20 by 15), Is. Sevigne (Madame). 2568 Lettres, a sa Fille, et Amis, avec Notes, Historiques, Fragmens, Eloges, &c. par GROUVELLE, "most accomplished, most truly beautiful painting, her applications happiest possible," 8 vols. cf. 48. 6d. 2569 Letters to her Daughter and Friends, "ad 21. 14s.. mirable models of style, exhibiting a picture of an age and court that have greatly influenced all Europe," TRANSLATED, 9 vols. half cf. 9s. pub. 1811 2570 Lettres Choisies, avec Eloges, par Tastu et Rapport de Villemain, "every paragraph has novelty"-Walpole. Sm. 8vo. (564 pages), 38. Paris, 1841 2571 Lettres Choisies, par Abbe Allemand, 2 vols. in 1, pocket edit., cf. very nt. 2s. 6d. Bruxelles, 1844 2572 Lettres Nouvelles de la Marquise de Sevigne et Marquise de Simiane, pour suite des editions, 1774 cf. nt. ls. 6d. 2573 Sevilana, or Spanish Lady, a fine print, after J. F. Lewis, by J. C. Lewis, beautiful halflength figure, (15 by 11) 28. . 1834 Sewell. 2574 Christian Politics, cloth, 3s. 6d. pub. 6s. 1844 2575 Evidences of Christianity, Popular, cloth, 38. pub. 68. 6d. Murray, 1843 2576 Journal of Residence at College of St. Columba, Ireland, with Preface, cloth, 28. 6d. 1847 2577 Oxford University Sermons, The Native Church and University, 1849; ditto, Duty of Young Men, | Seymour, Etchings (the Modern Hogarth, well known by his happy Illustrations to Pickwick). 2585 EVENINGS AMUSEMENT, very clever Engravings, by SEYMOUR, HEATH, CRUIKSHANK, LANE, &c., now first collected, small folio, neatly done up, india rubber back, 81 plates, multitude of subjects, 11s. pub. 4gs. Receipt for Corns, Book of Etiquette, Heiress, Finishing School, Quite Accomplished, March of Intellect, Turnip Field, Gaming Table, Eating the Church, Trip to Margate, Novels, Cabriolets, Hints to Ladies, Seymour's Omnibus, Heath's ditto, Search after Comfortable, Confidential Domestics, Irish M.P., Parish Characters, Household ervants, &c. &c. Also, DETACHED PLATES (large 4to.) 2586 HEIRESS (Dependence, Apprentice, Case Altered, London, Lady Dashfort, Professors, Finishing School, Assembly, Exclusives, Sprigs of Nobility, Drive, Opera, Fancy Dress Ball, Play, Card Party, Promenade, Flying Catchpoles, Gretna Green) 32 subjects, 6 large plates, 28. 2587 MARCH of INTELLECT, Humorous Illustrat. Mechanical, Philanthrop. Political, Philosoph. Professional, Fashionable; Fashionable Feelings, Tradesmen's Follies, War by Steam, Advice Gratis, Beauty Makers from Paris, Irish Philanthropy, W. India ditto, Stoics, Lucretians, Pythagoreans, Platonists, &c. (36 subjects) 6 large plates, 28. 2388 OMNIBUS (Fete Champetre, Tender Husband, Sailing, Family Group, What's in a Name? Bar Practice, Ramsgate Sands, Hastings, Custom House Stairs, Turnip Field, Too Civil by Half, &c.) 28 sub1830 jects, very humorous, on 6 large plates, 28. 2589 SEYTOUN, History of the House of, (to 1559, by Sir R. Maitland, with contin. by Viscount Kingston to 1687,) sm. 4to. hf. cloth, plates, 12s. Glasyow, 1829 2590 Shadows from the Lights of the Modern Pulpit, or Lamps of the Temple, by L'Agneau Noir, (Binney, Melville, Cumming, Parsons, E. Andrews, etc.), cloth, 38. 1852 2591 SHAFTESBURY (Lord) Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, "this celebrated man, fit to teach the bishops divinity, the judges law, a minister, a patriot, a demagogue"-Smyth, 3 vols. 8vo., cf. nt., portraits, etc. 88. 2592 Shaftesbury (Earl of) Life and Death, by Philanax Misopappas, 8vo. cf. nt. 28. 2593 Shakespeare, Hindustani Grammar, 4to. cf. 4s. pub. 11. 2594 Ditto, Selections, 2 vols. 4to. 68. pub. 2gs. Shakspeare, Select Plays. 2595 Most carefully edited for the Young, with Notes, Introduction to each Play, Life of Shakspeare, also Glossary, beautifully printed on fine paper, cloth, handsomely gilt, frontispiece, by Cope, 38. 6d. pub. 58. A desideratum long felt by Parents, Teachers, &c. Infinite variety and richness of mind, inexhaustible mine of instruction and delight; high sentiments, elevated tone of thought and feeling, who can educate the minds of young, without putting before them the choicest models and works of best masters, most distinguished thinkers and writers? Such is Shakspeare. "Beloved, idolized, immortalized as he is, the object of our enthu siastic attachment in youth, and of unabated respect in age, his works are not to be unguardedly read in a family." lettered, good library copy, Fuseli's plates, 17. 118. pub. 31. 128. 1805 2600 Chalmers' Edition, 9 vols. 8vo. russia extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered on backs, little discoloured, 21. 58. cost 81. 1811 2601 Capell, faithful reprint of quartos and folios, with Introduction, 10 vols. sm. 8vo. cf. nt. “ one of purest texts extant ”—Drake, (worth from 21. 68. to 5gs. Lowndes), 148. Tonson 1767 2602 Halliwell, from Original Editions, with Histor. Introd. Notes, Explan. and Crit. and Life, 3 vols. complete in 40 Nos. many plates, 18s. cost 40s. Tallis, 1854 2603 Dr. Johnson's, with Notes, etc. of Various Commentators, 8 vols. 8vo. cf. ll. 4s. A most desirable copy with numerous Notes, reference Marks, etc., by Dr. Parr. 2604 Johnson and Steevens' Notes, 10 vols. 8vo. cf. nt. (21. 148. to 51. Lowndes) 11. 2605 Works, TEXT from Pope, Johnson, Theobald, and other editions, NOTES from Pope, Warburton, Johnson, Hanmer, Theobald, Edwards, &c. 10 2606 Isaac Reed, correct edition, 12 vols. small 8vo. vols. 12mo. cf. very nt. 12s. Edinburgh, 1767 1809 cf. nt. 158. pub. 21. 88. 2607 Theobald," of considerable merit," 8 vols. cf. very nt. Gravelot's plates, valuable for costume, 158. 1762 2608 VALPY, Plays, Poems, Notes, and Life, 15 vols. small 8vo. cloth, 170 plates; 1l. 48. pub. 31. 15s. 1832 2610 Pickering's beautiful and most correct One Shakespare (One Volume editions). Volume Edition of the Plays, COMEDIES, HIS. TORIES, and TRAGEDIES, beautifully printed by Corrall, from diamond type, small 8vo, cloth, 1831 2611 Daly's edition, Steevens and Malone's Text, portrait, 4s. 6d. pub. 11. Life, Histor. Crit. and Explan. Notes by A. Cunningham, Glossary, &c. thick vol. cloth, elegant, 1854 many plates, 58. 6d. 2612 Harness, thick large vol. green morocco, 40 2613 Routledge, Rowe's, Johnson and Steevens, and fine plates and 2 ports. 15s. pub. 11. 118. 6d. 1838 Reed's Text, Notes, and Index, very thick 8vo. (971 pages) cloth, 6s. 6d. 1849 2614 Trade Edition, Steevens and Malone's Text, Life, Glossary, 8vo. half cf. nt. portrait, 6s. pub. 16s. in bds. 1826 2615 Whittingham's small 8vo. half cf.nt. 48.6d. 1823 2616 Poems, with Illust. Remarks, Original and Se Times of Controversy, 1843; Plea of Conscience 2596 SHAKESPEARE, Fine Portrait, from 2619 Capell's Shakesperiana, Catalogue of, reprinted 2578 Sewell (Miss) Laneton Parsonage, Tale for Children, cloth, 38. pub. 58. 1847 2579 Margaret Percival, 2 vols. cloth, 68. pub. 12s. 1847 2580 Sewers, Statutes relating to, within Jurisdiction of Commissioners for Westminster and Middlesex, 18. 1839 2581 Sexagenarian, or Recollections of a Literary Life (by Beloe, full of amusing literary history, anecdote) 2 vols. 8vo. half cf. nt. 4s. pub. 11. 1818 2582 Seyer (S.) on Syntax of Latin Verbs, 8vo. cf. nt. scarce, 18. 6d. 1798 2583 Seyffert Palestra Ciceroniana Materialien zu lateinischen Stilubungen, 8vo. (346 pages) 28. Brandenb. 1841 2584 Seymour, Compleat Gamester, Games played at Court, Ombre, Quadrille, Laws, &c. for young Princesses, 1734; also, The Compleat Fisherman (no title) 2 old books, 2s. Shakespeare (Works). 2597 A New Copy of PICKERING'S beautiful diamond type edition, "matchless specimen of typographic art," 9 very small pocket vols. cloth, new, 7s. 6d. pub. 2gs. 1825 2598 Works, excellent large type edition, Life, Notes by Johnson, Steevens, Malone, &c. Edited by Har8 vols. 8vo. 40 fine plates by Smirke, Westall, &c. 11. 68. pub. 31. 128. 1833 2599 Chalmers' Notes, 9 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. nt. contents ness, 1829 in HARTSHORNE'S Book Rarities of Cambridge (the original edition priced in Thorpe's Catalogue, 2620 Griffith 17. 11s. 6d.) 8vo. cloth, 6s. pub. 318. (Mrs.) Morality of Shakespeare Dramas Illustrated, assisted, and with Preface, by Dr. Johnson, 8vo. portrait, 38. 1778 2621 HEBER'S Early English Poetry, Drama, Ancient Ballads, Broadsides, Rare English, Scottish, Irish History, French Romances, Catalogue of, with Notices, by Payne Collier, 8vo. prices and pur2622 HOWARD, Illustrations to Shakespeare, a chaser's names, 4s. pub. 12s. Series of nearly 500 OUTLINE PLATES, in style of Retsch, very clever, with Descriptions, complete, 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, 268. pub. 142. 1827-33 2623 Knight (Charles) Biography of Shakspeare, cloth, numerous cuts, presentation copy, 48. pub. 78. 6d. 1850 272 Madden (Sir F.) on an Autograph of Shakspeare, and Orthography of Name, 4to. facsimile, 28. 1837 2625 NARES, GLOSSARY, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, Customs, Proverbs, in English Authors, especially Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, requiring Illustration, thick 8vo. (912 pages) uncut, 98. Stralsund, 1825 2626 Shakespeare, Illustrated, Portraits and Views, with Biographical Anecdotes, of Different Persons, and Descriptions of Places in the whole of his Dramas; also PORTRAITS of Actors, Editors, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. half cf. 158 plates, 18s. pub. 6gs. 1790 2627 Shakespeare's Library, a Collection of Romances, Novels, Histories, used by Shakespeare as Foundations of his Dramas, collected, accurately reprinted from Originals, with Introduc. Notices by Payne Collier, complete, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 98. pub. 1843 2628 Shaksperian Anthology, comprising Choicest Passages and Entire Scenes, selected, with Biography, 28, pub. 78. 1830 2629 ULRICI (Dr.) SHAKSPEARE, Dramatic Art, and his Relation to Calderon and Goethe, translated from German, "valuable, ingenious, tracing and bringing to light fundamental and vivifying idea of each play, breathing a pure and exalted morality, from a mind truly religious," 8vo. cloth, 38. pub. 128. 1846 2630 WHATELEY, Remarks on Shakspeare's Characters, very clever, anatomy it may be called, of the human mind," 12mo. 1s. pub. 3s. 6d. Oxf. 1808 2631 Whiter, Commentary on Shakspeare, Specimen of Notes on As you Like It, an Attempt to explain passages on new Principle of Criticism, derived from Locke's Association of Ideas, 8vo. cf. nt. 38. 1794 2632 Shakspeare, Works, translated into GERMAN, by Schlegel and Tieck, 5 odd vols. (1, 2, 4, 5, 8), 48. Berlin, 1850 2633 Sharp (Archdn.) "admirable," Visit. Charges, RUBRIC in COMMON PRAYER and Canons of the Ch. so far as relate to Parochial Clergy, considered; also Discourses on PREACHING, 8vo. scarce, 3s. 2634 Sharpe (Dr. G.) Defence of Christianity, from Concessions of most antient Adversaries, Jews, Pagans, Philosophers, Historians, Apology for First Christ. Fathers, Genuineness of IV. Gospels, " considerable ability," 8vo. cf. nt. 2s. 1755 1820 2635 Sharpe (Granville) "philanthropist, Christian Scholar," Memoirs, by PRINCE HOARE, with Obs. on his Biblical Criticisms, by Bp. of St. David's, port. 58. pub. 17. 11s. 6d. 2636- Inquiry whether Babylon, 18th of Revel. agrees with Rome as a City, &c. 12mo. 18. 6d. 1805 2637 Sharpe, Genealogical Peerage, Present State, Existing Descents from Ancient Nobility of England, Scotland, Ireland, 2 thick vols. cloth, numerous coats of arms, 88. pub. ll. 168. 1833 2638 Sharpe, Geology of Neighbourhood of LISBON, (27 pages) 4to. map and large plate of sections, coloured, 28. 6d. 2639 SHARPE, History of EGYPT under the Ptolemies, sm. 4to. 3s. pub. 128. 1838 2640 Sharpe, London Magazine, New Series, Vols. 10 to 15 in Nos. very clean, numerous plates, cuts, &c. 148. cost 17. 168. 1844-52 2641 Sharpe, beautiful Editions of SPECTATOR, IDLER, ADVENTURER, 14 vols. sm. 8vo. cloth, new, fine plates, 11. 48. pub. 6l. 128. 1815 2642 Sharwood, Specimen of 1500 Metal Ornaments, for Printers, 4to. cloth, 48. pub. 11. 2643 Shaw, Specimens of ANCIENT FURNITURE, from existing Authorities, with Descriptions, by Sir Sam. Meyrick, 4to. half morocco, magnificent plates, some beautifully coloured, 11.88. pub. 4gs. Pickering, 1836 2644 Shaw, Gaelic and English, and EnglishGaelic Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. (wants 1 title page) 58. 6d. 1780 2645 Shaw, STAFFORDSHIRE, View of ARMITAGE PARK, and Subterranean Canal, 1795; ditto, of ARMITAGE CHURCH from N. E. 6d. (or 6 for 18. 6d.) 2646.- LISWIS HALL, N. W. View, 6d. (or 6 for 18. 6d.) 2647 Shawl Manufacturer's Guide, Tables of Weft required, and Cloth produced, from any Num ber of Shots, to extent of one million, with other Tables, by Macfarfane, 8vo. 1s. pub. 5s. Glasg. 1821 2648 Shee (Martin Archer) Elements of Art, with Notes, Strictures on Art, Criticism, Patronage, Public Taste, thick 8vo. half cf. 3s. pub. 13s. 1809 2649 Sheffield (Lord) Memoirs of Life and Writings of GIBBON, including his Autobiography, 2 vols. large paper, cloth, portrait, 3s. 6d. pub. 9s. 1827 2650 Shelford, Mortmain, CHARITABLE USES and TRUSTS, Practical Treatise on Law of, with Statutes and Forms, thick 8vo. hf. cf. scarce, 10s. pub. 11. 11s. 6d. 1836 2651 Shelley, Poems, vol. 4 only, cloth, 28. 1839 2652 Mask of Anarchy, now first pub. with Prefaces by Leigh Hunt, 1s. 6d. . 1832 2653 Revolt of Islam, 1st edition, with preface, 8vo. 28, pub, 10s. 2654 Shells and their Inmates, cloth, fine engravings, 28. 1841 2655 Macgillivray, History of Molluscous Animals, of Aberdeen, Kincardine, Banff, and account of Cirripedal Animals, cloth, 38. pub. 6s. 1843 2656 Sheltering Vine, Selections by the Countess of Northesk, complete, 5 parts, with Supplement, 3 vols. cloth, 3rd thousand, 6s. pub. 11s. 1853 2657 Shepherd (Rev. J.) on Common Prayer, Crit. and Pract. Elucid. vol. 2, 28.. 1817 1818 2658 Shepherd (The), a London Weekly Periodical, Critico, Theol. Social, illustrating Principles of Universal Faith or Universalism, a Socialist Publication, very scarce, edited by Rev. J. E. Smith, 3 vols. in 1 sm. 4to. hf. cf. scarce, 38. 1834-38 2659 Shepherd (of Darling Nursery) Lectures on Landscape Gardening of Australia, 1836; ditto, on Horticulture of ditto; Bp. of Australia, Speech on Irish School System; ditto, by Protestant, 1836; Ceremony of Blessing and Laying Foundation of New Church, translated from Pontificale, with Instruct. by Ullathorne, R. Cath. Bishop, 183-; Rules of N. S. Wales Savings Bank, 1834, 8vo. hf. cf. 28. 2660 Shepherd (Rev. E. J.) History of the CHURCH of ROME, to end of Episcopate of Damasus, A.D. 384,"no common work," 8vo. cloth, 2661 Sheppard (J.) Essays to afford Christian Encouragement and Consolation, hf. cf. nt. 38. pub. 68. 1833 2663 Various Towns, Villages, &c. described, with interesting incidents, by TURMINE, Historical Introduction, by Bennett, 12mo. cloth, 1s. pub. 38. 6d. (6 for 3s.). Sherbro' Language. 1843 2664 Church Catechism, in Short Questions for Children; also, Prayers in SHERBRO' and ENGLISH LANGUAGES (on opposite pages) hf. bnd. (87 pages) 6d. (or 4 for 1s.) Church Miss. Society, 1824 2665 SHERIDAN (Rich. Brinsley) SPEECHES, best edit."created throughout the country extraordinary sensation, listened to, by the House with profound admiration, maynificent displays of human intellect," 5 vols. 8vo, bds. 15s. pub. 31. 1816 2666 Ditto, Dramatic Works, with Life, cloth, portrait, 2s. 6d. Bohn, 1848 2667 Sheridan, complete ENGLISH DICTIONARY, both Sound and Meaning to establish Standard of Pronunciation, also Prosodial Grammar, "valuable for its Orthoepy," 2 thk. vols. 8vo. bd. 48. 6d. 1797 Course of Lectures on Elocution, Dissertations on Language, other Tracts on those subjects, 8vo. cf. 28. 2669 Sheridan (Mrs.) Nourjahad, and Dr. Hawkesworth, Almoran and Hamet, "highly praised for moral tendency and elegant style"Davis, neat edit. with cover, new, 6d. pub. 3s. 1824 Sherlock (Dean W.). 2670 Divine Providence, 8vo. cf. port, 28. 2671 Future Judgment (its Proof, Time, who our Judge, &c.) Evo. cf. 28. 2672 FUTURE STATE, Happiness of Good, Pu 2674 Socinian Controversy, Present State of, and Doctrine of Catholick Fathers on Trinity in Unity, sm. 4to. cf. 28. 1698 2675 Ditto, another copy, 1698, Exam. of Oxford Decree on Heresy on Holy Trinity, 1696; Ans. to ditto, 1696; Distinction between Real and Nominal Trinitarians Exam. 1696; Defence of Dean Sherlock's Notion of Trinity, 1694, sm. 4to. from Atterbury's Library, 48. 2676 Sermons, (on Church Unity, Providence towards Church, Corruption, Faith, and Philosophy, Interpret. of Judgments, &c.) cf. portrait, 28. 1700 2677 Sherlock, Discourses at Temple Church, and on Prophecy," in first place of pulpit eloquence, oratory aiding argument, his propositions particular, determinate, consequently influencing, many passages truly sublime,"-Blair, 4 vols. 8vo. cf. (wants v. 3,) 5s. 2678 Sherwin, Mathematical Tables; also, Dr. Wallis, Account of Logarithms with Tables of Logarithms, from 1, to 101,000, improved by Clark, 8vo. cf. 273 Shields, Ancient British, in Armoury, Goodrich Court, Describ. by Meyrick, fine plate, 1829,18. 2679 Ship Canal for Junction of English and Bristol Channels, Reports and plans of, Telford and Capt. Nicholls, folio, plans on canvas, 28. 2680 Shipman, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, CONVEYANCER'S POCKET BOOK, Precedents for Deeds, WILLS, ABSTRACTS of TITLE, COUNTY COURTS, Real Property and other Statutes, by Shipman, much enlarged by CAMERON, last edition with vast Alterations, by ALLNUTT, Barrister, very thick vol. cloth, 12s. 2681 SHIP BUILDERS, Remarks on Calumnies in Quarterly Review, upon, 8vo. 6d. 1814 2682 Shirrefs' (Dr.) on Life, Writings, &c. of Dr. Guild, Chaplain to Charles I. Founder of Trin. Hospital, Aberdeen, 8vo. 2s. Aberdeen, 1799 2683 Shooting, or Day's Sport of three real Good Ones, A SET OF HUMOUROUS PLATES, (no Luck, Something like Sport, Numbers will beat Science); Field Sports and Pastimes (Going Out, Charging, The Start, Returning Home), 12 large plates, 28. pub. ll. 11s. 2685 SHOOTING, with Humours or Caricatures of COCKNEY SPORTING, by ALKEN, 4to. neatly done up, 12 clever plates, 2s. pub. 128.1826 2686 Shop Fronts of London, Representa tions of, Modern Varied Styles, Construction, Decorations for Builders, Carpenters, Shopkeepers, &c. by Whittock, 4to. 18 fine large coloured plates, 1840 38. puh. 168. 2687 Shop Fronts, or Door Cases, Designs for, 4to. 27 fine plates, 28. pub. 158. Short Hand. 2689 Gurney, Methodized by Green, 8vo. 28. 1824 2690 Harding's, 2s. 2691 Leonard, for People, New Principle, ample instructions; also, Arithmetic, 28. Cheltenham, 1852 2692 Mitchell, Elements, founded on Nature, Grammer, True Philosophy, with Striking Examples, large 8vo, 18. 6d. 2693 Nicholson, New System, 11 plates, 18. 6d. 1806 i 2694 Tiffin (Rev. W.) Art of Swift Writing, New Help and Improvement, 28. pub. 78. 2695 Weston (J.) Short-Hand brought to Perfection, most Easy, Speedy, Legible Method, 8vo. 18.6d. 1727 Short Stories and Poems, 2696 Excellent Collection, both Original and Select. (Contents.-The Merchant and Robbers, Coal Merchant and Washer-woman, Roasted Goose, Squirrel and Wind, Little Fish Stealer, German Watchman's Song, Wonderful Casket, Bag of Fier, Seed, and 89 others). Beautifully printed, with BORDERS and ILLUSTRATIONS, in Modern Style, very fine paper, cloth, elegant, gilt leaves, 40 woodcuts, by first artists, 3s. "Most interesting Reading-book or Holiday-book for Young, and one of the cheapest ever published." 2697 Shrewsbury (Duke of) Correspondence, Private and Original, with King William, Leaders of Whig Party, &c.; also, Narratives, Historical, Biographical, by Archdn. Coxe, 4to. 14s. pub. 3 gs. 1821 2698 Shrewsbury (Earl of) Reasons for not taking Test; not conforming to Established Church; not deserting Ancient Faith; preliminary and concluding Observations; and Remarks on Bp. of Peterborough's late Charge, 8vo. 28. pub. 98. 1828 2699 Ditto, Description of Estatica of Caldaro and Addolatro of Capriana, with Relation of Visits to Estatica of Monte Sansavino, 8vo. 18. 6d. 1842 2700 Shrewsbury School, Sabrinae Corolla, Classical Translations and Original Compositions, elegantly printed work, 8vo. cloth, illustrations, 88. pub. 158. 1850 274 Shrines, Obs. on, by Loveday, of Caversham, 1754; Lethieullier, on ditto of St. Hugh, the CHILD, Crucified at LINCOLN, by the Jews, 40 of Hen. III. 1736; Vertue, on Monument of Edw. Confessor, in Westmin. Abbey, 1736, 4to. 28. 2702 Shrubsole, Christian Memoirs in form of New Pilgrimage to Heavenly Jerusalem, by way of Allegory, piety, humility, candour, evangelical truth," last edit. with Life, 8vo. cf. nt. 28. 6d. pub. 88. 1807 2703 Shuckard, Manual of Entomology, from the German of Burmeister, with Additions, Notes, &c. thick 8vo. 33 engravings, 11s. pub. ll. 1836 2704 Shuckford, Sacred, Profane History, connected, from Creation (vols. 1, 3), also Creation and fall of Man, 3 vols. 8vo. cf. nt. maps, 48. 2705 Shuttleworth, Consistency of Scheme of Revelation with itself and Human Reason, cloth, 1832; ditto, not Tradition, but Scripture, 1838, 2 works, 38. pub. 98. 6d. 66 2706 Sibbes, Bruised Reed, Smoking Flax, in Sermons (caused Baxter's conversion) and Life, 12mo. hf. cf. nt. 28. 1818 2707 Siborne (Lieut.) Pract. Treatise on Topographical Surveying and Drawing, easy mode Topographical Modelling, 8vo. plates, 2s. 6d. pub. 9s. 1827 2708 Sickness, its Trials and Blessings, with Preface, by Massinberd, cloth, 38. 6d. cost 6s. 1850 2709 Siddons' (MRS.) Life, by Campbell, " critical disquisitions, pleasing illustration, deep, heart-searching knowledge," 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, new, fine portrait after Lawrence, 5s. pub. 268. 1834 an 2710 Sidney (Algernon) Discourses on Government ("the favourite Code of Republican Faction in all ages,") folio, cf. nt. portrait, 4s. 1704 2711 Sidney (Rev. E.) Life of Lord Hill, Commander of the Forces, new, 8vo. hf. cf. nt. portrait, 58. cost 8s. 6d. Murray, 1845 2712 Sidney (Walker) Poetical Remains, edited, with Memoir, by Rev. J. Moultrie, cloth, 3s. pub. 68. 1852 275 "SIEGE of Rouen," Poem of Reign of Henry V. from Oxford Bodley MS. by Conybeare, 1823; Continuation, from Harleian MS., most valuable notes, by Sir F. Madden, 1829, 4to. 48. 6d. 2714 Siegfried the DRAGON SLAYER, an Old GERMAN STORY, in glowing language, elegantly translated, includes the 14 Adventures of King Siegmund (of Heroes, Dwarfs, Giants, Dragons, of ancient Times) how Siegfried asked permission to go out into the world, how he went through Wilderness, learnt to be a Smith, Fights with Dragons, Meets King of Dwarfs, wanders in Dragon's Rock, sees King's Daughter, SPLENDIDLY PRINTED, by WHITTINGHAM, in small 4to. cloth, elegant, with device on side; also, SPLENDID ILLUSTRATIONS by KAULBACH, the German Maclise, 38. 6d. pub. 78. 6d. Cundall, 1848 2715 Sierra Leone (White Man's Grave) fine large View of Free Town, the Capital, with Scenery, Figures, Costume, &c. by Duncan after Strachan, (23 by 134) 28. 6d. 2716 Another copy, highly coloured, 58. 2717 Ditto, MARINE VIEW, Scenery, Church, Governor's House, Buildings, Ships, Boats, &c. after M'Arthur, by Duncan (224 by 134) 2s. 6d. | 2718 Ditto, elegantly, correctly coloured, 58. 2719 Sieyes (Abbe) a singular and rare Collection of his various works, Droits d'Homme, Education Nationale, Justice, Tiers Etat, Police en France, Vues sur les Moyens d'Exécution, &c. 88. Paris, Dijon, Versailles, Suisse, 1789-1800 2720 Signals, Night, System of, for Ships and Squadrons, adapted to Merchant Ships, Yachts, &c. sm. 4to. plates, 28. 1854 2721 Signo Ven. CRUCIS, Schediasma Juridicum Wildvogelii, 4to. cuts of Crosses, 18. Ienæ, 1697 2722 SIGONIUS, Historia de Occidentali Imperio, 1593; de Regno Italia, 1591 (his treatises are still the best that can be read on Roman History, see his praise by Hallam) folio, russia, extra, 8s. 2723 SILK, Manufacture, Origin, Progress. Improv. Present State, cloth, 39 engravings, 28. pub. 68.1831 2724 Silk Trade, Compend. Tables to assist Manufacturer, by Guillotte and Penny, with Obs. on Lyons Silk Weaving, bnd. 1s. 6d. 1833 2725 Vers-a-Soie, et Muriers, Histoire de, et Moyens de faire chaque annee, pleusieurs recoltes, par Deslongchamps, 8vo. 18. 6d. Paris, 1824 2726 SILIUS ITALICUS, Dausqueii, praised by Barthius, 4to. vellum, P. Burmann's Autograph, 38. Paris, 1618 2727 Notis, Modii, Berthii, Heinsii, curante, Drakenborch, "celebrated and elaborate edition, most sumptuous, valuable," 4to. fine copy, vellum, plates, 88. Traject. 1717 2728 Silver (Dr.) Pathology and Treatment of Diseases, particularly Urethra and cure without cutting or caustic, numerous cases, 8vo. cloth, plates, Is. 1844 2729 Silver Coins of England, by FOLKES a set of the 42 Plates to, with HUNDREDS of COINS, elegantly and most correctly drawn, 4to. 48. 2730 SILVER COINS of England, Described and Arranged, by Hawkins (Principal of Coins and Antiquities in Brit. Museum) 8vo. hf. morocco, 47 plates, with 533 coins, 11. 2731 Silver English Penny, and Roman Denarius, Essay on List of English and Scotch Pennies from the Conquest, their Rarity; Farthings of Queen Anne, List of Books necessary to collection of medals, &c., by Till, cloth, plate, 3s. 6d. pub. 7s. 6d. 1837 For many others (with very fine plates) see Lumley's Advertiser, under COINS, &c. 2734 Simpson, Pract. View of HOMEOPATHY, Address to British Practitioners in general, Applicability and superior Efficacy of this Treatment, with Cases, 3s. pub. 10s. 1836 2735 Silvio Pellico, Prigioni, con Addizioni di Maroncelli et Notizia, cf. portrait, 28. 2736 Simeon, Works, vol. 11 (St. Matthew), cl. 48. 2737 Helps to Composition, or Substance of Sermons, vol. 1, pt. 2 (Parables, Miracles, Thanksgiving) 1801; ditto, Churchman's Confess. or Appeal to Liturgy, 1805, 2s. 6d. 1838 Simla, by Capt. Thomas, 2738 A Series of most BEAUTIFUL VIEWS of this exquisite scenery, and MAP, with ACCOUNT of INHABITANTS, CUSTOMS, PRODUCTIONS of HIMALAYAS, large folio, hf. morocco, 25 plates, 11. pub. 4gs. 1846 2739 Simon, Father, NEW TEST, according to Ancient Latin edition, with Critical Remarks on Literal meaning of Difficult Places, "a man of extensive, profound, erudition, acute critic, but fond of singularity and caustic severity, Dr. Aikin, Translated from French, by Webster, 2 vols. 4to. cf. nt. 8s. 1730 2740 Simon, Physiological Essay on the THYMUS GLAND, 4to. cloth, fine cuts, 58. pub. 21s. 1845 2741 Simony, Essay agt. to shew Impiety, deserved Punishment, of making House of God, House of Merchandise, 1694; Dis. of Pluralities, with Appendant Non Residence, great evil in Taking, and necessary Duty, of forsaking them, 1680; Burton, Censure of important Case of Simonie, 1624, 28. Simple Tales 2742 For the YOUNG (159 pages) neat frontispiece 6d. 1847 2743 Simpson, Plea for Religion and Sacred Writings, addressed to Disciples of Thomas Paine, Wavering Christians of every Persuasion, 8vo. 2s. pub. 10s. 2744 Simson, Euclid, 8vo., 2s. 6d. pub. 98. 2745 Blakelock, Symbolical, 38. pub. 68. 2746 Sincere Christian, Instructed in Faith of Christ, from the Written Word, by Dr. G. Hay, revised by Catholic Priest, bound, 2s. 6d. Dublin, 1839 2747 Sinclair (Archdeacon) Dissertations vindicating Church of England, with regard to Essentials in Policy and Doctrine, 8vo. 38. pub. 108. 1833 2748 Sinclair (Cath.) Hill and Valley, or Hours in England and Wales, 8vo. hf. green morocco, 48. pub. 78. 1838 Sinclair (Sir John). 2749 Code, or Digest of AGRICULTURE, Result of this great man's long experience, Discussions, Surveys, Operations, Exam. with Practical Farmers, Practices of other Countries, French German, Danish, on Gardens, Orchards, Woods, Plantations, all recent Improvements, Climate, Soil, Subsoil, Elevation, Aspect, Situation, Tenure, Lease, Rent, Assessments, Size, MEANS, Capital, Regular Accounts, Arrangements of Labour, Farm Servants, Husbandry Labourers, Live Stock, Implements, Agricult. Buildings, Command of Water, Division of Fields, Farm Roads, MODES of Improvement, Wastes, Inclosures, Draining, Manuring, Burning, Fallowing, Weeding, Flooding, Warping, Embanking, OCCUPATION, Arable, Culture, Grass, Dairy Husband, Gardens, Orchards, Woods, Plantations, 5th and last edition, very thick 8vo. (600 pages) cloth, plates, 5s. pub. 11. (or 5 for 11.) 1832 Miscellaneous Thoughts on Popery, Prelacy and Presbyterianism addressed to Protestants of Scotland, cloth, 1s. 6d. 1853 2751 Ditto, Memoirs of Life and Works of, (Education for Scotch Bar, Scottish Dialect, Agricultural Improvements, Code of Health, Bullion, Free Trade, &c.,) by Rev. J. Sinclair, 2 vols. 8vo. 48. pub. 11. 2750 1837 2752 Sinenses, Rites, Polit. Dissert. Apologet. Sabiani, e Soc. Jesu, Leod. 1700; Ceremonies de Chine, par Longobardi, and others, very curious, on China, 1701, Cologne, Liege, Paris, &c. very thick vol. cf. 28. 2753 Singer, Elements of ELECTRICITY, and Electro Chemistry, 8vo. plates, scarce, 5s. pub. 169. 1814 2754 Singer, Account of Book printed at OXFORD in 1468, under Title of Exposició by Jeronimi in Simbolo Apost. examining its claim to be the FIRST BOOK PRINTED in ENGLAND, 8vo. 1812 only 50 copies privately printed, 8s. sintram and his Companions, 2755 By FOUQUE," Delightful Romance, Universal Favourite," Best TRANSLATION, 10 engravings, ls. Ditto, choice ILLUSTRATED EDITION, 2756 ARISTOCRATIC BOOK, elegantly Printed, ORNAMENTED with Selous' “ exquisite PLATES, cloth elegant, gilt leaves, 58. 2757 Sirr, CHINA and the Chinese, Religion, Character, Customs, Manufactures, Evils from Opium Trade, Religious, Moral, Polit. and Com. mercial Intercourse, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 5s, pub. 258. 1849 Sismondi. 2758 History of LITERATURE of SOUTH of EUROPE, including Provençal Poetry, Romance of Troubadours and Trouveres, Literature of Italy, Spain, Portugal, &c. translated with Notes by Roscoe, equal elegance and learning, delightful to poet, interesting to philosopher, (reprint of former edition, published at 21. 168.) complete in 2 vols. cloth, 48. 6d. 1846 2759 France under Feudal System, Hugh Capet to Louis IV. rise and progress of Feudal System, National Manners, Conquest of England, Troubadors, First Crusade, &c. 8vo. 28. pub. 58. 1851 2760 Repub. Ital. Bruxelles edition, last vol. (8) 1839 roy. 8vo. 5s. 2761 Political Economy, Philosophy of Government, History of Life and Writings, by Mignet, translated; also, Essay, unpublished Memoir and Letters, “masterly discussions, admirably produced, replete with enlightened ideas, sound thoughtful expounder of social sciences," 38. pub. 128. 1847 2762 Crusades against Albigenses in 13th Century, History of, Translated, with Essay, by Taylor, 8vo. cloth, 3s. pub. 88. 1826 2763 Italie, Renaissance de, Liberte en, Progres, Decadence, Chute, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. nt. 4s. Paris, 1832 2764 Battle of Cressy and Poictiers, French and English, Interlinear Translation, on Locke's plan, cloth, 1s. 6d. 1819 2765 Sisson, Elements of Anglo Saxon Grammar, Praxis, and Vocabulary, 28. pub. 58. 2766 Skelton (Rev.P.) 20 Controversial and Pract.Sermons and Tracts, "reasoning clear as Sherlock's, warnings, solemn as Secker's, Piety, engaging as Porteus', Exhortation, vehement as Demosthenes," -edited by Clapham, 8vo. 38. 1808 2767 Skene, Day's History of Little Jack, German and English, 1s. 6d. 1834 2768 Sketcher's Manual or Whole Art of Picture Making on Simplest Principles by which Amateurs may be instructed without a Master, by Frank Howard, cloth, 28 plates, 4s. 6d. pub. 7s. 6d.1837 2769 Ditto, Imitative Art, or Means of representing Pictorial Appearances of Objects, as governed by Aerial and Linear Perspective, Details for Amateur Sketches &c. with Chapter on Finish hf. cf. 12 plates and many cuts, 4s. pub. 78. 6d. 2770 Sketching Book, Solid Block, for Detaching Drawings, 38. 2771 Dickinson's Drawing Folios (16 by 12) with POCKET and SUPPORT for SKETCHING, 38. 6d. 2772 Sketches in Bedlam, Characteristic Traits of Insanity displayed in cases of 140 Patients of both Sexes, Rules, &c. of Establishment, 8vo. hf. cf. 38. pub. 10s. 6d. 1823 2773 Sketches of Persia, from Journals of Traveller in the East, by Malcolm, “lively and interesting, amusement, information," 2 vols. cr. 8vo. hf. cf. nt. 4s. pub. 18s. 1827 2774 Sketches and Tales of Christian Life, in different Lands and Ages, cloth, 2s. 6d. Nisbet, 1850 2775 SKINNER, Etymologicon Lingus Anglicanæ, ex proprius Fontibus, Anglo-Sax. Runica, Hispan. Lat. Gr. "Essentially necessary and invaluable for radical knowledge of English Language," Dr. A. Clarke. "Excellent for English Tongue," Locke, thick folio, hf. vellum, 18s. 1671 2776 Skinner (Rev. J.) Theological Works, with Life and Letters, 2 vols. in 1 thick vol. hf. cf. nt. scarce, 88. Aberdeen, 1809 2777 Skinner (Rev. J. of St. Barnabas) Guide for Advent, with Reflections and Prayers, ditto, for Lent, with Devotions, and Scripture Lectures for every Day, 1852, 2 vols. cloth, 48. 6d. pub. 68. 2778 Skinner (Rev. Dr. T.) Aids to Preaching and Hearing, cloth, 28. 1839 2779 Skrimshire (Dr.) Series of Essays introductory to Study of Natural History, intended as course of Lectures, 2 vols. interleaved and bound russia, 38. 1805 pub. 7s.. 1840 2780 Skyrack, a Fairy Tale, cloth, plates, 2s. 1849 2781 Slade (of Bolton Le Moors) Explan. of the Psalms, cloth, 28. 2782 Slater (Pigot) Maps of Cheshire, Cumberland, Durham, Lancash. Northumb. Westm. York. Eng. land, Wales, oblong 4to. 28. 2783 Slater (Mrs.) Sententiæ Chronologice, complete Ancient and Modern Chronology, hf. bound, 18. pub. 3s. 6d. 1832 2784 Sleeman, Practical Treatise on Use of Portable, Mathematical Instruments; also, Complete System of Land Surveying, 8vo. plates, 2s. pub. 78. 1805 2785 SLEIDAN, History of REFORMATION, its Progress in all parts of Christendom, translated, with Continuation, by Bohun, "best book on Lutheran Doctrine and Practice, a work of great authority, Chalmers; Swift took large extracts from it," folio, cf. fine old port. 108. 1689 2786 Sleight, Voice from the Dumb, Memoir of Lashford, Pupil in Brighton Instit. cloth, plates of Manual Alphabet, 18. 1849 Smart, Horace, 2787 (Latin Text) Translation, Literal English (on opposite pages) from Gesner's text; also, Notes, from best Commentators, and Essay on Versification, “the Prince of lyrical Roman poets. Delightful Horace, how shall I describe thy varied beauties, thy universal popularity,”Dibdin, cloth, 2s. 6d. pub. 68. 1830 2788 Smeaton, Builder's Pocket Manual, Elements of Building, Surveying, Architecture, with Practical Rules and Instructions, plts. 3s. pub. 5s. 1840 2789 Smectymnus, Redivivus, an Answer to Humble Remonstrance, Discussing Originall of Liturgy and Episcopacy, Parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture, Imparity in Antiquity, Disparity of Ancient and our Modern Bishops, Antiquity of Ruling Elders, Prelaticall Church Bounded, T. Manton, (1st edit. of Milton's prose) sm. 4to. hf. cf. 4s. 1654 Smee. 2790 Electro-Metallurgy, 8vo. cloth, scarce, 5s. pub. 10s. 6d. . 1841 2791 Physical Science, Sources of, Introd. to Study of Physiology, through Physics, cloth, 5s. 6d. puh. 10s. 6d. 1843 2792 Potatoe Plant, Uses, Properties, Causes of Disease, means of averting Famine, &c. 8vo. cloth, 10 plates, 48. pub. 10s. 6d. 1846 2793 Thought, Process of, adapted to Words and Language, with Description of Relational and Differential Machines, 8vo. cloth, 4s. pub. 78. 1851 2794 Smirke (Mr.) or Divine in Mode (Turner Bp. of Ely) being Annot. on Animad. of Naked Truth (by Bp. Herbert Croft) also, Histor. Essay on Gen. Councils, Creeds, Impos. in Matters of Religion (by Marvell) 4to. 18. Priv. Print. 1676 Smirke (the celebrated Architect). 2795 Ancient Architecture, Rudiments of, History of 5 ORDERS, their Proportions and Examples from each, Extracts from Vitruvius, Pliny, &c. on Buildings of Ancients; also, DICTIONARY of Terms, large 8vo. 11 plates, 2s. 6d. pub. 8s. 1810 2796 Another copy, 1810; also, Works on GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, by Warton, Bentham, Grose, and Milner, republished, 12 plates, illust. of ornaments, &c. from Ancient Buildings; also, List and Dimensions of Cathedrals of England, 1808, large 8vo. cf. nt. 5s. 6d. cost 11. 270 Campo Santo, Acct. of Sepulchral Monument in, with Obs. on Disputed Date of its Building, 4to. fine view of this beautiful building, 1s. 1829 23 POINTED ARCH, Obs. on Origin of, 4to. beautiful plates, Building at Koobo, Palermo, 1s. 6d. 1826 1833 237 RAVENNA, Remains of Palace at, reputed of Gothic King Theodoric, 4to. fine plate, 18. 206 Acct. of MAUSOLEUM of ditto, fine views of present, Details of External Masonry, 1s. 6d. 1830 31 STRAIT HEAD, over Aperture, on Formation, by Masons at various distinct Periods, fine examples, Temple of Concord, Agrigentum, Emissario, Tomb of Theod. Ravenna, W. Front of Rochester 1838 Cathed. Chimney at Edgcot, Northam. 28. 306 WESTMINSTER HALL, Architectural History of (all 3 papers), 4to. fine plates. Norman Remains, elevation, plan, section of Bases of Columns, Norman Capitals, large folding view of Longitudinal Section of the Hall; also, vignettes, 38. 309 WHITEHALL, Ancient Palace, Residence of English Court for 150 Years, Notices of, 4to. fine plts. Stone Groined Cellars, Capital, Octagon Piers, 1832 Profile of Corbels, Gateway Elev. 2s. Smith (Dr. ADAM). 2797 WEALTH of NATIONS "includes greater number of useful truths than any other writer," M'Culloch, see" Chapters on Progress of Society in Middle Ages," -Smyth," depth, solidity, acuteness, and so much illustrated by curious facts,"Hume, 3 vols. genuine author's edition, 6s. 2798 Another edition, "still remains very best work on subject, and highest authority," complete in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 28. 6d. 2799 Another edition, Notes and additional vol. by BUCHANAN, 4 vols. pub. 21.88.1814 2800 Wealth of Nations, Life, Notes, Dissertation by M'Culloch, thk. 8vo. cloth, port. 12s. pub. 168. 1850 2801 MORAL SENTIMENTS, Theory of, "extremely interesting, decorated with all the riches of a highly embellished mind," genuine library edition, large type, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. nt. 48. 2802 Ditto, in 1 vol. 8vo. cf. nt. 3s. 1809 MESSIAH, inquiry into Doctrine of Scripture on Person of Christ, "unquestionably ablest in language, most elaborate,” 3 vols. 8vo. 98. pub. 17. 148. 1841 2804 Smith (Rev. Dr. J.) on the Prophets, ParticularAccount of each Book and Chapter, as they lie in Order, to make these DIVINE COMPOSITIONS Intelligible and Useful; also, Preliminary Obs. on General Rules for understanding Prophetic Style, very neat reprint, good type and paper (218 pages,) 18. pub. 2s. 6d. (or 6 for 28.) "A judicious abstract, with great care and industry, of Calmet, Lowth, Bp. Newton, Archbp. Newcome, Kennicott, Blayney, Vitringa, Michalis, Houbigant,"Hartwell Horne; also Dr. Adam Clarke. The Archbishop of Canterbury held this work in such estimation that he distributed it to Students and others, too poor to purchase books. 2805 SMITH (Rev. C. J. Examining Chaplain to Bp. of Jamaica) English Grammar, compiled from the" admirable" work of Dr. Crombie," the first of its kind," adapted to Schools,6d.(or 12 for 3s.)1846 2806 Smith (P.) Greek Poetry for Schools (3 books of Homer's Odyssey, Selections from Greek Anthology) Materials for Hexameters, & Elegiacs, chiefly from German, 1s. pub. 48. (or 6 for 3s.)1842 2807 Smith (Dr. J. Gordon) FORENSIC MEDICINE, Principles, Systematically arranged and Applied to British Practice, thick 8vo. 3s. pub. 14s. 1821 2808 Smith, ANDRE Major, Authentic Narrative of Death of; also Miss Seward's Monody, 8vo. cf. ut. 1803 fine portrait, 3s. pub. 10s. 2810 2809 Smith, Antiquities of WESTMINSTER, the Old Palace, St. Stephen's Chapel, &c. &c. containing 246 Engravings of Topographical objects, of which 122 no longer remain, royal 4to. 1. pub. 6gs. 1807 CRIES of LONDON, exhibiting the Itinerant Traders of Antient and Modern Times, from Rare Engravings, or from Life, 4to. port. and 1839 plates, 8s. pub. ll. 4s. 2811 Smith, ATLAS, BRITISH, a Series of his large maps (Bedford to York, also Table of Rivers of the World,) mounted on canvas, in 6 cases, 12s. 1804 2812 Smith, BOTANY, Grammar of, Illustration of Artificial as well as Natural Classification, with Explan. of Jusɛieu's System, 8vo. plates, with 277 objects, 3s. pub. 12s. 2816 Smith, Catalogue Raisone of Works of PAINTERS, vol. 1. (G. Dow, Slingelandt, Mieris, Ostade, Wouwermans,) roy. 8vo. 13s. pub. 21s. 1829 2817 Smith (J. T.) COMMISSIONS, Government by, Illegal and Pernicious, Nature and Effects of all Commissions of Inquiry and other Crown sp pointed Commissions, Constitutional Principles of Taxation, Rights, Duties, Importance of Local Self 1849 Government, 8vo. cloth, 38. pub. 10s. 2818 Smith (Sir Thos.) Commonwealth of England, and Manner and Government thereof, with Additions of Chief Courts in England, and Offices thereof, "precious for its early production and intrinsic merit"-Eunomous. 18mo. cf. nt. fine frontispiece by Marshall, 3s. 1635 2819 Smith, CORK, County and City, Antient and Present State of, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. map and plates, 78. Dublin, 1750 2820 Ditto, reprint, 2 vols. 8vo. brds. plates, 41. 6d. pub. 11. 88. Cork, 1815 2821 Smith (Rev. J.) GALIC ANTIQUITIES, History of the DRUIDS, particulary of Caledonia, Dissert. on Authenticity of Ossian, also Collection of Ancient Poems, translated from Gaelic of Ullin, Ossian, Oran, &c. 4to. hf. cf. 48. 6d. Edinb. 1780 2822 Smith (Dr. R.) HARMONICS, or Philosophy of Musical Sounds, "best treatise on subject."Gibbon, thick 8vo. cf. plates, 3s. 1759 2803 Smith (Dr. Pye) Scripture Testimony to the 2823 Smith (J.) INTEREST TABLES, at 5 per 1810 Cent. 1 to £20,000, 1 Day to 365, and 1 Year to 10 Years, also Simple Rules for 3 and 4 per Cent. Tables for Exchange and Commission, thick 8vo. new, ls. pub. 10s. 2824 Smith (Capt. Baird) ITALIAN IRRIGATION, a Report on Agricultural Canal of Piedmont and Lombardy, for East India Company, 2 vols. 8vc. cloth, 128. pub. 248. Edinb. 1852 2825 Smith, Key to Walkingame's Tutor's Assistant, Solution of Questions, cloth, 18. 6d. 1846 2826 Smith, MARYLEBONE Parish, Topogr. Histor. Account of, Copious Descriptions, Public Buildings, Antiquities, Schools, Biographical Notices, &c. cr. 8vo. hf. cf. nt. map, plates, 3s. pub. 98. 1833 2827 Smith (Admiral Sir Sidney) MEMOIRS of, by Howard, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, port. 4s. pub. 11. 8s. 1839 2828 Smith (Rev. T.) NATŪRALIST'S CABINET, Interesting Sketches of Animal Kingdom, Natures, Dispositions, Manners, Habits, of Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Amphibia, Reptiles, &c. in known world, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, 12s. pub. 33s. 1806 2829 Smith (Dr. J.) OLD AGE, Portrait of, wherein is contained a Sacred Anatomy of Soul and Body and Infirmities incident to Both, " very curious critico-anatomical work," cr. 8vo. calf, 28. 1676 2830 Smith, PANORAMA of Science and Art, Aerostation, Agriculture, Architecture, Astronomy, Chemistry, Electricity, Mechanics, Pneumatics, Arts of Building, Clockwork, Working in Wood, Metal, with Interesting Experiments, 2 thick vols. 8vo. cf. nt. 49 plates, 88. pub. ll. 15s. 1823 Laboratory, or School of Arts, curious and valuable Experiments in Refining, Calcining, Casting, Alloying, Secrets for Jewellers in Management of Gold, Enamelling, Copying Stones, Experiments in Casting, Art of Glass, Cutlers, Fire Works, Dying Silks, &c. from German and others, 8vo. calf, plates, 3s. 2831 88. 1730 1852 1809 1850 2832 Smith (H. E.) ROMAN ISURIUM, Remains of, (now Aldborough, nr. Boroughbridge, Yorkshire) Illustrated, with Descriptions, large 4to, cloth, 35 fine plates, 12s. pub. 25s. 2834 Smith (W. Tyler) SCROFULA, Nature, Causes, Treatment, Prevention and Eradication of Strumous Diathesis, 8vo. cloth, 3s. pub. 78. 1844 2835 Smith (Sydney) Sermons, vol. 1 only (25 Sermons) 28. 2836 Smith (Rev. J. M.) THEOLOGY, Manual of Rudiments of, (Abridgment of Tomline's Elements, Analysis of Paley's Evidences, Summary of Pearson on the Creed, Exposition of Articles, from Burnet, with other matters on Rites and Ceremonies), thick 12mo. 38. 6d. può. 98. 1837 2837 Smith (Dr. T.) Terebinthine Medicines, Therapeutic Uses, of with Observations on Tubercular Consumption, Gout, Mineral Waters, &c. 8vo. cloth, 3s. pub. 58. 2838 Smith, on WATER MEADOWS, Utility, Form, Management, and Draining and Irrigating Peat Bogs, with account of Duke of Bedford's extraordinary Improvements, 8vo. plates, 2s. pub. 1806 2839 Smith and Dwight, "American Missionary," Researches in AMERICA and through ASIA MINOR, into Georgia and Persia, Visit to Nestorian and Chaldean Christians, also Memoir of Geography and Ancient History of Armenia, by Conder, 1814 8vo. cloth, map, 3s. pub. 10s. 2840 Smithers, Classical Student's Manuel, Index to every page, section, note, in Matthiæ's Greek Grammar, illust. and explan. Thucydides, Herodotus, Pindar, Eschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, 38. 1826 pub. 10s. 2841 Smithers' Residence in BRUSSELS, and Tour in Netherlands, Ostend, Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp, Malines, Brussels, Works of Nature, Art, Original Anecdotes of Waterloo, 8vo. plates and plan of Battle, 2s. Brussels, 1816 Smollett. 2842 HISTORY of ENGLAND, in Continuation of Hume, 5 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, portrait, bds. 13s. pub. 31. 10s. Cadell, 1804 2843 Humphry Clinker, cf. nt. 28. 1823 2844 Roderick Random, "richness and brilliancy of colours, profusion of imagination, life, bustle, and action far above other Novelists;" "strong sense of ridicule, original humour, and happy versatility of talent,"-Tyller, 2 vols. 18mo. cf. nt. plates, 2s. 6d. 1793 2845 Perigrine Pickle; FIELDING, Amelia, Tom Jones, Joseph Andrews; STERNE, Tristram Shandy, edited by Roscoe, 9 vols. cloth, Cruickshank's plates, 18s. pub. 21. 58. 1832 2846 Smuggling, Communication to Board of Customs on, by N. Jickling, MS. beautifully written on 80 pages, sm. 4to. 28. 2847 Smyth (Rev. E. of Trin. Coll. Dublin) Confutation of Calvinism, a reply to Roby, (391 pages) hf. cf. nt. 28. 1810 2848 SMYTH, Lectures on Modern History, from Irruption of Northerns to close of American War, 2 vols. 8vo. cf. very nt. 12s. pub. 11. 1s. 1840 2849 Sommavica, Classic. Rom.; SALLUSTII, Opera, cum Fragmentis Novis, laboribus A. Mai, recens Nardini, 4to. hf. vellum, 2s. 6d. Brixiæ, 1819 2850 English Lyrics, cf. ext. 2s. pub. 6s. 1815 2851 SOMNER, Treatise on Roman Forts and Ports in KENT, edited, with Life, by Brome, 12mo. cf. 28. 1693 2852 Smythe, Volcanic Island, off Coast of Sicily, Views and Descriptions, 4to. cloth, 5 plates, 3s. 2853 Smyth, Translation of Aldrich's Elements of CIVIL ARCHITECTURE, according to Vitruvius and others, and most approved Moderns, especially Vitruvius (Latin and English Descriptions) large 8vo. hf. cf. fine plates, 58. Oxon, 1789 2854 Smyth (Sir J. Carmichael) Memoir upon Topographical System of Colonel van Gorkum, and remarks on other Systems, 8vo. new, 1s. pub.6s. 1829 2855 Snell, Art of WRITING, Theory and Practice, exemplifying all the different styles, oblong 4to. cf. nt. 29 plates, 58. 1712 2856 Snelling, SILVER COIN and COINAGE of England, View of, from Norman Conquest to Present Time, Type, Legend, Rarity, &c. 4to, plates, rare, 10s. 1762 1848 2860 Soane, Minstrel Love, translated from German of Fouque, one of choicest of German Tales, singular, exquisite purity, high sentiment, glowing descriptions," 2 vols. in 1, cr. 8vo. cloth, 3s. pub. 128. 1821 2861 Soave Novelle Morali, bnd. 18. 2862 Socialistes, Etudes sur les (dans le Passe, Present, et a l'Avenir) par F. Lacomte, 1s. 6d. Paris, 1850 2863 Soho Steamer, on Voyage to Antwerp, with North Foreland in distance, also the ATWOOD Steamer, arriving from Newcastle, the WILLIAM JOLIFF from Calais, fine large View (23 by 14) 2s. or highly coloured, 4s. 2864 Soils, Nature, Property, Connection with Geological Formation, on which they rest, best Means of permanently increasing Productiveness, Rents, 1840 Profits of Agriculture, 2s. 6d. pub. 68. 6d. 2865 Solar System, both parts in 1, half calf, numerous cuts, 28. Relig. Tract. 2866 Solicitude d'une Mere pour les plus precieux Interets de sa Fille, traduit, 1s. 1818 2867 Soily (Professor) Syllabus of Complete Course of Lectures on CHEMISTRY, its Application to Arts, Agriculture, and Mining, 8vo. 28. 1849 Rural Chemistry, or Elementary Introduation to Study of Science, in its relation to Agriculture and Arts of Life, cloth, 3s. pub. 88. 6d. 1850 2869 Solomon, Song of Songs, translated by Mason Good, with Crit. and Explan. Notes, "full of learning," 8vo. calf, 2s. 6d. pub. 7s. 6d. 1803 Somersetshire. 2868 276 BRISTOL, Military History of, with Sketch of Outworks, by Turnor, plan of Outworks in 1644, 1801; Croly Hill, Dissert. on Roman Antiq. in. Line of Antonine's Vallum, by Rev. Skinner, 2 plts. 1826; Milner, on Ancient Cup, formerly belonging to Glastonbury Abbey, plt. of this very curious cup and its carvings, 1794; Stoney Littleton, Acct. of Stone Barrow in Parish of Wellow, opened 1816, described by Colt Hoare, 3 fine plts. 1817; HAMDEN HILL, Acct. of antiquities, with fragments of British Chariots, by ditto, 3 fine plates, plan of camp and articles, 1823; POLDEN HILL, Acct. of Antiquities found at, by Harford, 5 fine plates, most valuable specimens, Fibula, Bracelet, Torques, &c. 1801; Antiquities of Quantoch Hills, fine plates, Torques, Celt, 1801, 5s. 2870 Somerset, Smith's Map of, divided into Hundreds, cold. on canvas in case, 1s. 1818 2871 Somerville (Mrs.) on Connection of the Physical Sciences, cloth, 3s. può. 10s. 1835 2872 Ditto, 4th edit. cloth, 58. pub. 10s. 6d. 1837 2873 Physical Geography, 2 vols, cloth, port, 5s. 6d. pub. 12s. 1848 2874 Ditto, 2 vols. cloth, port. 7s. 6d. pub. 128. 1851 2875 Songs of Paradise, Subjects from Milton, Music by P. R. Nicholls, folio, very handsome illuminated frontispiece and cover, 3s. pub. 11. Songs, Ballads, &c. 2876 A Little Book of Songs and Ballads, gathered from Ancient Musick Books, M.S. and Printed, by Dr. Rimbault, hf. morocco, gilt top, 48. 1851 2877 Apollo, or Harmonist in Miniature, a Selection of Ancient and Modern Catches, Glees, Canons, Epigrams, &c. 8 vols. in 3, fine copy, hf.mor.128.6d. 2878 East (Rev. J.) Songs of my Pilgrimage, cloth, 18. pub. 2s. 6d. 2886 Songs, Male's Fancy Medley, or Olympic Song Book of Comic and other Songs, never before in Print, 1811; ditto, Fancy Medley, or Odd Fellows Song Book, 1810; ditto, Britain's Jubilee ditto, 1810; ditto, Whim of the Day, 1810; ditto Merry Song Book, 1812; ditto, Laughable ditto, 1811; Fairburn, Eccentric Songster, 1817; London Drolleries, or Comedian's Pocket Book, 4 series; Beuler, Songs, Humorous, &c. 1822; ditto, English and Irish Comic Songs, 1823; T. Hudson, Comic Songs, 1826, hf. cf. 58. 2887 Suffolk Songster, or Ipswich Vocal Companion, a choice collection, several entirely original, cf.2s. 1800 2888 Syren, an elegant Collection of Newest Songs, sung at all Places of Public Entertainment, with Toasts and Sentiments, cf. nt. 28. Ipswich, 1806 Sophoclis. 2889 Trag. Gr. Notis, ERFURDT, et HERMANN, 6 vols. sm. 8vo. fine paper, cf. elegant, by Mackenzie, 11s. Lips. 1830 2890 Trag. et Fragm. Brunck, Schaefer, Burney Aliorumque, 2 vols. 68. pub. 11. 83. Oxon. 1826 2891 Trag. et Fragm. Dindorfii, 8vo. 3s. pub. 5s. 6d. Clarend. Press, 1832 (To be continued.) |