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(1620-1860) Précédée d'une préface p. Ed. Laboulaye. 2 vols. Paris 1865. (12 fr.).

920 Back, G., Reise durch Nord-Amerika bis z. Mündung d. grossen Fischflusses u. an den Küsten d. Polarmeeres, 1833-35. Aus d. Engl. v. M. Andrée. M. 1 Frontisp. Leipz. 1836. Hfmor. 392. CLXXVI pp. 921 Bancroft, G., storia degli Stati Uniti d'America. Vers. dall' AngloAmer. di G. de Tivoli, con pref. di G. Rovani. 6 vols. c. 6 ritrat. Milano 1856. (30 Lire).

922 Bancroft, G. and Ch. Botta, history of the United States of America. 2 vols. With many maps and plates. Edinburgh, Fullarton & Co. (ca. 1860). Halbmaroquinbd. (26 sh.)

I. From the discovery of the Continent to the peace of Aix la Chapelle. II. War of independence. 923 Barber, Edwin Atlee. Catalogue of American Potteries and Porcelains. With 16 woodcuts. Philadelphia 1893. 43 pp.

Die Barber-Collection bildet den Kern der Keramischen Sammlung des Pennsylvania Museums. Besonders interessant sind die von den ersten deutschen Ansiedlern gefertigten Gefässe mit drastischen Sprüchen.

924 Bartram, W., voyage dans les parties sud de l'Amérique septentr.; savoir: les Carolines sept. et mérid, la Georgie, les Florides orient. et occid., les pays des Cherokées, des Muscogulges ou Creeks, et des Chactaws. Trad. de l'angl. p. P. V. Benoist. 2 vols. av. des planches et 1 grande carte. Paris an IX. (1800). Hfz.

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925 Reisen durch Nord- u. Süd- Karolina, Georgien, Ost- u. WestFlorida, das Gebiet der Tscherok esen, Krihks u. Tschaktahs. A. d. Engl. v. E. A. W. Zimmermann. M. Kpfn. (Magazin von merkwürdigen neuen Reisebeschreibungen.) Berlin 1793.


926 Barthelmess, R., Bibliographie der Freimaurerei in Amerika. New York 1856.

927 Becker, G. F., geology of the Comstock Lode a. the Washoe district. 4. With 7 plates and Atlas of 21 sheets in gr. fol. Washington 1882. Cloth.

Monogr. of the U. St. Geolog. Survey III.

928 Bendire, Ch., Life histories of North American Birds from the Parrots to the Grackles, with special reference to their Breeding Habits and Eggs. With 7 fine chromo-plates. Sm.-folio. Wash. 1895. 508 pp.

M. P







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32 929 Bergey, D. H., methods for the determination of organic matter in the air. With figures. Washington 1896. 28 pp. 930 Bernhard, Herzog zu Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Reise durch NordAmerika 1825 u. 26. Hrsg. v. H. Luden. 2 Thle. m. 25 Vignetten, 4 Taf., 4 Plänen u. 4 Karten. Weimar 1828. Cloth. (18 M.) 931 Reize naar en door Noord Amerika 1825-26. Uit het hoogduitsch. 2 Bde. M. 4 Karten u. 3 Taf. Dordrecht 1829. Hlwd. 933 Besuch, Mein, Amerika's im Sommer 1824, durch Maryland, Pensylv., N. York z. Niagara Fall und durch Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky u. Virginien zurück. v. S. v. N. Aarau 1827.

934 Billings, J. S., Weir Mitchell and D. H. Bergey, the composition of expired air and its effect upon animal life. With woodcuts. 4. Washington 1895.

935 Blakie, W. B., how maps are made. With 2 plates. Washington 1894. (Repr.).

936 The Bookbuyer.

A summary of American and foreign literature.

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Netto 4

vol. XII. New York 1895. 937 Borsenko, A., Elisée Reclus über die socialen Verhältnissse in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Vorlesung. Moskau 1892. In russischer Sprache.


9 Briefe in die Heimath, geschrieben zwischen October 1829 u. Mai
1830 während einer Reise über Frankreich, England u. d. Vereinigten
Staaten von Nordamerica nach Mexico. Stuttg. 1835. Ppbd.
Brissot, J. P. (Warwille), nouveau voyage dans les États-Unis de
l'Amérique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. 3 vols. Paris 1791. Hfz.

1 Brissot de Warwille, J. P., Reise durch die vereinigten Staaten von
Nordamerika im Jahre 1788. A. d. Franz. v. Th. F. Ehrmann. Dürk-
heim 1792. Pp. LXVIII, 625 pp. u. Tabelle.


(Magazin merkwürdiger neuer Reisebeschreibungen) Berlin 1792. 3 Bromme, Fr., Reisen durch die Ver. Staaten u. Ober-Canada. 3 Bde. m. 1 Karte. Baltimore 1834-35. Pbd.

1 Brooks, W. K., the genus Salpa; a monograph w. 57 plates in chrom. With a supplementary paper by Maynard M. Metcalf. 2 vols. 4. Baltimore 1893.

5 Bryant, W. C., and S. H. Gay, history of the United States from the first discovery of the western hemisphere by the Northmen, to the end of the first century of the Union of the States; prec. by a sketch of the prehistoric period and the age of the mound-huilders. 4 vols., profusely illustr. with plates and woodcuts. Imp.-8. London



3 Buel, J. W., The Magic City. A portfolio of original photographic views of the great World's Fair and its treasures of art. 16 numbers. containing 300 excellent half-tone illustrations and explanatory text. Obl. 4. Philadelphia 1894.

7 Glimpses of America. a pictorial and descriptive history of our country's scenic marvels delineated by pen and camera. Numbers 1-3. Oblong-4. Philadelphia.

The Series will be complete in 32 numbers and consist of 550 views.

3 Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Vol. 1-5. With
maps and plates. Rochester 1890-94.

9 Bulletin of the United States geological survey. J. W. Powell director.
No. 1-86, 90-117 (die fehlenden Nummern sind noch nicht erschie-
nen.) With plates and maps. Washington 1883-94.
Auch einzelne Theile werden abgegeben.

0 Busch, M., Wanderungen zwischen Hudson u. Mississippi 1851-52.
2 Bde. Stuttg. 1854. (9 M.)

1 Bustamente y Campuzano, J., del Atlantico al Pacifico, apuntes e impres. de un viaje a traves de los Est. Un. Madrid 1836. D.-maroq. 2 Carver, John., Voyage dans les parties intérieures de l'Amérique septentrionale, pend. les années 1766, 67 et 68. Trad. sur la 3 me. édit. angloise par M. de C. avec des remarques et quelque addit. av. carte. Paris, Tissot, 1784. 451 pp. Veau.

Le chapitre XVII (pp. 315-334) traite des langues des Indiens et des signes hiérogl. qui leur tiennent lieu d'écriture. avec un petit Dictionnaire françois-chippeway et françois-nadoessis.,,Dans cette relation, (publ. pour la 1 e. fois à Londres, en 1778), le voyageur a donné des détails fort curieux sur plusieurs nations américaines que les Européens ne connaissoient que de nom". Bibl. des voyages. Le traducteur est nommé M. de Montucla, dans Fauribault, ainsi que dans Barbier. 3 Catalogue of the American Philosophical Society Library. Part III (class VI): Sociology manufactures, commerce, finance, war, law. Lex.-8. Philadelphia 1878. 306 pp.

4 Chabert, M. de, voyage fait par ordre du roi en 1750 et 1751 dans l'Amérique septentrionale pour rectifier les cartes des côtes de l'Acadie, de l'Isle Royale et de l'Isle de Terre-Neuve. Avec planches. 4. Paris 1753. Veau.

Wegen der genauen astronom. Beobachtgn. sehr geschätztes Werk.

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955 Chastellux, de, voyage dans l'Amérique septentrionale 1780–82. 2 vols. Avec 2 cartes et 3 planches. Paris 1786. Ldr. £56 Chateaubriand, mémoires d'outre- tombe.


1848-50. Cart. (24 M.)

Avec description de son voyage en Amérique.

12 vols. en 6. Berlin

Os Natchez Hist. Americana Trad. p. C. Lopes de Moura. Paris 1887. 4 ptics. 2 vols. Av. pl.

958 Chevalier, M., lettres sur l'Amérique du Nord. 3e éd. 3 vols. Av. 1 carte et 1 table génér. pet.-in-80. Bruxelles 1838.


4e éd. 2 tomes en 1 vol. Av. 1 carte des États-Unis. Gr.-in-8. Bruxelles 1844. D.-veau.

960 Clarke, J. E., education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States. Part I. Drawing in public schools. Washington 1885. Cloth. CCLVIII, 842 pp.

961 American Congress-Papers.


21st. Congress, 2d. Session: Commerce and navigation of the U. St. (Doc. No. 140). 302 pp. 224. Congr. 1st. sess.: Comm. and navig. of the U. St. (Doc. No. 230), 301 pp. Report on gold and silver coins by a select committee of the House of representatives, March 17, 1832. Wash. 1832. 224. Congress, 1st. session: Gold and silver coins (Rep. No. 496), 41 p. 22d. Congr. 1st. Sess.: Summary statem, of the Commerce of the U. St. (Doc. No. 238), 21 pp. 22a. Congr. 1. Sess.: Comparison of weights and measures rep. to the senate of the U. St. by F. R. Hassler (Doc. No. 299), 122 pp. a. 4 pl. 224. Congr. 24. sess. Finances (Doc. No. 3), 56 pp. 25st. Congr. 1st. sess.: Message from the President of the U. St. to the two houses of Congress Sept. 5. 1837. Washington. Zus. geb. in 2 Hldrbde.

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962 Constitucion Federal de los Estados Unidos de América, con dos discursos del General Washington. 12. Mexico. 1823. 66 pp. 963 Cooper, J. F., hist. of the navy of the United States of America. 2 vols. w. 2 maps and 3 portr. Lond. 1839. Hf. calf. 964 Cranz, D., the ancient and modern history of the Brethren: or, a succinct narrative of the Protestant church of the United Brethren, or, Unitas Fratrum. Transl. by B. La Trobe. London 1780. Calf. 965 Cushing, C., the treaty of Washington, its negotiation execution and the discussions relat. thereto. New York 1873. Cloth. (9 sh.) 966 Daa, L. Kr., om forholdet mellem det gamle og ny fastlands urbeboere. Christiania 1857. S.A. 83 pag.

967 Dall, W. H., report on mollusca and brachiopoda dredged in deep water, chiefly near the Hawaiian Islands, with illustr. of hitherto unfig. species from Northwest America. W. 10 pl. Wash. 1895. Scient. results of explor. by the U. St. Fish Comm. steamer Albatross, No. XXIV. 968 D'Eon de Beaumont, Cher., les loisirs sur divers sujets importants d'administration etc. pendant son sejour en Angleterre. 13 vols. Amsterdam 1774. Demi-veau. Vol. VIII. Tableau d. possessions de l'Angleterre dans l'Amérique. 110 pp. Actes du Parlement de la Grande Bretagne pour régler le Gouvern. de ses plantations et leur commerce. 125 pp.














969 Delacroix, J. V., constitutions des princip. états de l'Europe et des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique. 4 vols. Paris 1791-92. Half bound. 4 970 Doehn, R., d. Administration der Präsidenten U. S. Grant u. R. B. Hayes. Leipzig 1881. (6 M.)

Beitr. zur Gesch. der N.-A. Union. Bd. I.

971 Duthon, Cl., tertiary history of the Grand Cañon district. 4. With 42 plates and an Atlas in gr.-fol. of 23 sheets. Washington 1882. Cloth. 45 Monographs of the U. St. Geolog. Survey. vol. II.

2 Dwingelo, O. v., Reise-Berichte über die Vereinigten Staaten NordAmerika's 1843 u. 1844. Borken o. J. 108 pp. (Ca. 1845.)

3 Ebeling, Chr. D., Erdbeschreibung u. Geschichte von Amerika: Die vereinten Staaten von Nordamerika. 3 Bde. Hamburg 1793-96. Hldrbde.

M. Pf.

4 50


4 Emory, W. H., notes of a military reconnoissance from Fort Leaven-
worth, in Missouri to San Diego in California includ. parts of the
Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Rivers, (with copious botanical, mineral.,
ethnolog, antiquarian and other details). With 5 maps and 64 plates
(scenery, vegetations, costumes). Washington 1848. Cloth. Very rare. 30
5 Miscellaneous Epitome of entertainment, selected from the magazines,
reviews etc. and new publications in prose and verse. With 9 plates.
12. Edinb., 1796. Pp.

Cont. for instance: Extract from Hearne's journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in
Hudsons Bay. On the western territory of North America.

6 Autograph etchings by American artists, produced by a new application of photographic art, under the supervision of John W. Ehninger. 12 photogr. plates illustr. by selections from American poets. Gr.-4. New York 1859. Marocco.

7 Etrennes mignonnes utiles et agréables pour l'année 1810. Av. 4
belles planches conten. 12 modes de dames, 4 vues (Niagara-Fall,
Rio Janeiro, Calcutta, Schloss Dürnstein a. d. Donau), 3 planches
d'après Hogarth, 2 planches à 16 facsim. d'autographes, et frontis-
pice. Goettingen 1810. Cart. m. G.

8 Exposé des États-Unis présenté au tribunal d'arbitrage réuni á Genève,
conformément aux stipulations du traité conclu le 8 Mai 1871 entre
les États-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne. Washington 1871.
VIII, 406 pp.

9 Fearon, H. Br., sketches of America; narrat. of a journey through the
Eastern and Western States of America; w. remarks on Birkbeck's
notes. London 1818. Fine copy in calf.

30 The Federalist on the new constitution written 1788. By Hamilton, Madison and Jay. W. an appendix cont. the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the proclamations of the neutrality of 1793; also the original articles of confederation and the constitution of the United States. New ed. Washington 1818. Calf. Scarce.


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31 Fleischmann, C. L., der nordamerikan. Landwirth. E. Handbuch f. Ansiedler in d. Verein. Staaten. M. 246 Holzschn. Frankf. 1848. Hlwd. 4 82 Fletcher, W. J., public libraries in America. With illustr. Boston 1894. Cloth.

33 Forman, Ch., a second letter to Robert Walpole in which 1) Notice is taken of 2 passages in Mr. Janicon's present state of the United Provinces etc. Lond. 1733.

34 Franklin, B., works in philos., politics, and morals: cont. his diplom. correspond. and epistol. corresp. with memoirs and anecd. of his life. Publ. by W. Temple Franklin. 6 vols. with portr. and plates. Philad. 1809-18. Boards, uncut.




85 Gannett, H., lists of elevations principally in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi river. 3. ed. Wash. 1875. 2 86 Goode, G. Brown and T. H. Bean, Oceanic Ichthyology, a treatise on the Deep-Sea and Pelagic Fishes of the World, based chiefly upon the collections made by the steamers Blake, Albatross, and Fish Hawk in the Northwestern Atlantic. One vol. of text of over 600 pages and atlas containing 417 figures on 123 lithogr. plates. Sm.-folio. Wash, 1896.

37 Gosselmann, C. A., Resa i Norra America. 2 Delen. M. 2 Kärtchen. Nyköping 1835.



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988 Grisson, W., Beiträge zur Charakteristik der Verein. Staaten v. NordAm. Hamb. 1844. Hfz. (6 M.)

989 Griswold, R. W., the Republican Court or American Society in the days of Washington. W. 21 portr. of women, engraved (on steel) from pictures by Woolastan, Copley, Gainsborough, Stuart, Trumbull etc. New York 1855. 4. Pracht-Ex. in blauem Maroquin mit Wappen auf den Seiten.

990 Gurowski, A. G. de, America and Europe. New York 1857. Cloth. (7 sh.)

991 Hartshorn, commercial tables. 2. ed. Oblong fol. Boston 1855. Hf. bound.

W. a portr. of Abbott Lawrence and a few views of Boston, New York etc.

992 Hjelm-Hansen, om Nordamerika. Kristiania 1874. 84 pp. 993 Histoire géographique de la nouvelle Écosse (trad. de l'Anglais par Et. de Lafargue). Londres 1755. Br., n. r.

994 Högström, E. Ó. E., S. Barthelemy (under svenkt välde. Upsala 1888. 102 pp.

995 Certain Inducements to well minded people, who are here strained in their estates or otherwise: or, such as are willing, out of noble and public principles, to transport themselves or some servants, or agents for them into tho West Indies, for the propagating of the gospel and increase of trade. New York 1865. 996 Holst, H. v., the constitutional and polit. hist. of the Unit. States. From the Germ. by J. J. Lalor and A. B. Mason. 1750-1833: State Sovereignty and Slavery. Chicago 1877. Cloth. (221/2 sh.) 997 Irving, R. D., the copper-bearing rocks of Lake superior. W. 29 plates. 4. Washington 1883. Cloth. Monagraphs of the U. St. Geolog. Survey. vol. V.

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998 Jaffé, Frz., die Architektur der Columbischen Welt-Ausstellung zu Chicago 1893. Mit 28 Tfin. u. 30 Abbildgn. Berlin 1895. 999 Johnston, J. F. W., notes on North America, agricultural, economical and social. 2 vols. w. 1 map. Edinburgh 1851. Cloth. (21 M.) 121000 Journal, American, of archaeology and of the history of the fine arts. Vol. I to XI. With many plates and illustr. in the text. timore and Princeton 1885-96.

1001 Journal, American, of Psychology. Ed. by G. Stanley Hall. I-III. Worcester 1887-91. (63 sh.)


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Die zugehörige Karte u. Taf. fehlen.

1004 Kellogg, V. L, New Mallophaga I. With 14 plates. Palo Alto 1896. 168 pp.

1002 Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol. I (4 nos.) Haven 1843-49. Sehr selten u. an vielen Ex. fehlend. 1003 Kalm, P., reis door Noord Amerika. 2 deelen met 2 statt 4 koperen platen. 4. Utrecht 1772. Hldr.




Contributions to Biology from the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory IV.

1005 Kirby, H. P., architectural compositions. A series of 50 sketches. Fol. Boston 1892. In portfolio.

501006 Klinckowström, A., bref om de forenta staterna författade under en resa till' Amerika, åren 1818-1820. 2 delen (in 1 Bde.) och atlas m. 16 planscher. Text in-8, Atlas in qu.-fol. Stockholm 1824. Hldrbde. Sehr selten.

Die Tafeln stellen grösstentheils Ansichten von Philadelphia und New York dar.


1007 Lafayette, voyage aux États-Unis d'Amérique, en 1824. 4 vols. Av. portr. de Lafayette lith. p. Burggraaff. 12. Bruxelles 1825. D.-veau. 121008 resa uti Amerikas Förenta Stater, år 1824. 3 delen m. Portr. Stockholm 1827. Hfmor.


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