A CATALOGUE OF THE GENERAL, GRAVES, AND MORRIS LIBRARIES, IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. G. after the date indicates GRAVES Library, including the pamphlets. D***, M. Lettre de M. D***, Licencié en Droit, à M. Freron, Directeur de l'Année Littéraire, & du Journal Étranger. 12°. 1756. G. D***, M. See DALENCE. D******, M. Manuel du naturaliste. 4 tom. 8°. Par., 1797. D. (C.). From matter to spirit; ten years' experience in spirit manifestations. [With preface by A. DE MORGAN.] 8°. Lond., 1863. M. D. (G.). See DANIEL (G.). G. (G.). Pictorial history of Russian war, 1854-6. History of the Indian revolt, 1856-8. D. (H.). See WARD (S.). 8°. Lond. [Chambers], 1856. M. 8°. Lond. [Chambers], 1859. M. 4o. Ebor., 1714. M. D. (H.), Ripensis. Reliquiæ Eboracenses. 8o. Edin. M. 8°. Lond., 1835. 4o. Lond., 1674. W. 12°. Lond. M. 12o. Lond., 1788. M. D. (J.). Homœopathy [repr. from Journ. of Health]. D. (T.). See DELONEY (T.). D. (T.). See DURFEY (T.). D. (T.). Metropolitan charities. 8°. Lond., 1844. W. D. (W. A.). Lawfulness of breaking faith with heretics. 8°. Edin., 1778. D-rs (J. T.). Design for bringing water from Cowley Stream (to Marybone Fields). VOL. II. 4°. [1721?] W. B Dabistan, or school of manners; tr. from Persian. 3 vol. 8°. Par., 1843. Dacier (André). Bibliothèque des anciens philosophes. 5 tom. 12o. Par., 1771. M. 4o. 1810. G. 12o. Amst., 1715. Rapport sur la littérature ancienne. See Méms. de l'Institut. Dacier (Anne). La corruption du goût. Dacier (Bon. Jos.). See ACADEMIES-Paris-Institut de France. Rapport sur le progrès de l'histoire et de la littérature ancienne. Dagley (R.). Death's doings. Dagoreau (F.). Lignes du troisième ordre. 4o. 1810. G. 8°. Lond., 1826. 4o. Brux., 1857. G. Dahlbom (A. G.). Conspectus Tenthredinidum, etc. Scandinaviæ. Dahler (J. G.). Dahlmann (F. C.). In 4o. Havniæ, 1835. versionem Græcam Proverbiorum Salomonis. 8°. Argent., 1786. M. Afhandling om series convergens. Lund, 1847. G. Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. 8°. Göttingen, 1830. M. History of the English Revolution . . . transl. by H. Evans Lloyd. 8°. Lond., 1844. M. Daillé (Jean). Sermons de la Naissance, etc. de nôtre Seigneur. Epitre de S. Paul aux Filippiens. Edit. 2o. Sermons Colossiens. 2e ptie 16o. Charenton, 1651. 2 vol. 16o. Genève, 1659-60. 16o. Genève, 1661. 16o. Genève, 1666. De scriptis quæ sub Dionysii Areopag. et Ignatii Antioch. nominibus circum feruntur. Another copy. Right use of the Fathers, transl. by T. Smith. Dalberg (Carl von). Sur l'irreductibilité. 4o. Genevæ, 1666. M. 12o. Lond., 1841. M. 2 cop. 4o. 1808. G. Dalby (Isaac), Gen. Roy's account of trigonometrical measurements. 4o. Lond., [1790]. G. Burrow's Measurements of longitude and latitude in Bengal, 1790, 1791. Another copy. De origine, etc, idolatriæ. 2 cop. 4o. Lond., 1796. 2 vol. 8°. Lond., 1807. G. Dissertationes antiquitatibus illustrandis inservientes. Dale (J.). City garden. Dale, Rev. T. Irad and Adah, poems. Widow of Nain. Outlaw of Taurus. Introductory lecture del. at opening of a Theological Institution, Nov. 21st, 1829. 8°. Lond., 1729. See ACADEMIES London-University College. Ten introductory lectures. Dale (W.). On Annuities. 8o. 1829, 8°. Lond., 1772. G. [Anon.] Supplement to calculations of the value of annuities. Dalencé. Traités des baromètres, thermomètres, etc. Traité de l'aimant. [Par M. D***.] Dallæus (Joannes). See DAILLÉ (J.). 8°. Lond., 1777. Dallaway (James). Architecture, sculpture, and painting in England. English architecture. Architecture in England. 8°. Lond., 1800. 8°. Lond., 1806. 8°. Lond., 1833. Dalrymple (Alexander). Loss of Grosvenor Indiaman. 8°. Lond., 1783. On the history of Scotland. Annals of Scotland, from Malcolm III. to Robert I. Dalrymple (Sir James). Law of Scotland. Decision of the Lords & Council and Session. 12o. Edin., 1773. 4o. Edin., 1776. 12o. Edin., 1808. 8°. Edin., 1853. fol. Edin., 1718. fol. Edin., 1693. 2 vols. fol. Edin., 1683. Dalrymple (John). Feudal property in Great Britain. Government's interference with affairs of East India Company, &c. Conduct of England as to foreign politics in Oct. 1788. 8°. Lond., 1784. 12o. 1789. Saxon Bookland and Folkland. [Sir John Dalrymple's views examined.] 8o. Camb., 1775. Dalrymple (Major William). Travels through Spain and Portugal. Dalton (John). Poem addressed to two ladies. 4o. Lond., 1777. 4o. Lond., 1755. 8°. Lond., 1757. Dalton (John). Meteorological observations. 2 cop. Lond., 1793. G. Dalton (John). Ditto. Manchester, 1834. G. D'Alton (John). Ireland, from the birth of Christ to the English in Dalyell (John Graham). Scottish poems of the 16th century. Excerpta e lyricis aliisque poetis. 8°. Edin., 1801. 8°. Edin., 1814. 4o. Edin., 1796. 2 vol. 8o. Edin., 1796 and 1807. 2 vol. Edin., 1805. Dam (Jan A. van). Reekening in hemelklootse voorstellen, 8°. Edin., 1832. 4o. Amst., 1716. |